Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 854

For Lin Feng, this experience

Too much, too much!

In tianwu mainland, I grew up in this environment from childhood.

Either you kill me or I kill you. There is no reason in the world of the law of the jungle. Whoever has a big fist is the boss.

"Whoosh!" deliberately reduce the speed, and Lin Feng goes in the opposite direction.

The transmission array is located in the border area of the wizard of Oz. go back——

It\'s the sea!

The three obviously didn\'t expect it at all.

He kept three directions, but Lin Feng didn\'t go in any direction, which was completely unexpected. But soon, the three of them followed up like the Buddha\'s heart and "secretly" and used hidden breath treasures, which are generally not easy to detect as long as they are not too close.

But Lin Feng is an exception.

Soul power, too strong!

It should be said that the word "hidden breath" is a joke for martial artists with "pupil art".

Unless the strength is too high, it is difficult to hide.

In fact, the strength of these three martial arts players is not weak. Level 8 and level 9 of the star master level are by no means ordinary people. They can pass the qualification competition by virtue of their real skills. The qualifying competition is a threshold. All who can cross this threshold are really strong at the star Lord level.

The star master level is level 8, level 9 and peak, accounting for more than 90% of the martial arts.

Generally, there are few fighters who can fight above level 3.

The "star power" alone is already very different.

"Sure enough, I followed." Lin Feng was as light as a swallow, not a little nervous.

I\'ve seen a lot of such scenes.

It\'s not difficult to deal with it.

Either get rid of them or kill them. It\'s actually that simple.

As a "wild warrior", killing is not so strange to me. Not to mention how many warriors died in their own hands in tianwu mainland, only in Yanling mansion?



"Just following me?" Lin Feng\'s eyes flickered and felt curious.

If the three come for treasure, they have just entered the wizard of Oz and are penniless.

If the three people came to kill themselves, now the human trail is extinct, and the cool sea breeze blows near the sea area with a bleak feeling.

Most suitable for killing people and stealing goods!

But the three did nothing.

But it is more like a \'crane tail\' than itself.

"There\'s no need to drag it down."

"Solve it quickly."

Lin Feng\'s eyes flashed, revealing a sense of killing.

If it is broken, it will be broken.

Wu Qi, Wu Zhen, Wu Ji life.

Like three cheetahs, follow Lin Feng carefully.

They all came by using the No. 8 transmission array and received extraordinary orders to monitor and track Lin Feng.

"Did you inform the young master?" Wu Qi gestured to Wu Zhen.

Thumbed up, Wu Zhen nodded, but he had already checked the signal, then stretched out his fingers and made a galloping movement to indicate that Wu Bufan had come.

Wu Qi and Wu Jiming\'s eyes flashed and their hearts became clear.

But suddenly——

"Wow!" the wind hit.

The faces of the three changed suddenly, but the tracking target suddenly ran in the opposite direction and hit them!

"No, I was found!" Wu Qi exclaimed.

At this moment, there is no need to take any hidden measures.

Not far away, the forest wind is like a strong light galloping towards them. The flames of both hands form a huge fireball, condensing a strong star power light. Like a phoenix flying, the loud cry shocked the green grass.


"Gallo fireball!" Lin Feng drank coldly.

Don\'t need too many reasons, let alone excuses.

Since you follow yourself, it must be bad.

In the face of crisis, setting an example is the simplest and most effective way to deal with it.

"Boom!" "boom!" the light is bright.

Lin Feng, like the God of war, shot at the fire and flew straight to the three. With the strength of the seven levels of the star master level, the three enemies are better than themselves. However, Lin Feng is not afraid of the cold. Instead, he goes up against the waves and starts first.

Master level eight?

I\'ve killed a lot in the qualifier!

"Damn it!" Wu Qi\'s face changed.

Two bright fierce fireballs attacked him from left to right.

Lin Feng\'s first goal is obviously him!

"Xingbao, curse armor changes!" Wu Qi\'s hands change rapidly.

Outside the body, that layer of special star armor condenses the star treasure, changes in an instant, floats outside the body and flashes a strong light. Without dodging, it can be seen that Wu Qi has confidence in his own defense. His hands are shining with stars. The defense made of Xingbao and Xingjia is flashing with a strong spell light.


"Whoosh!" "whoosh!" the two fireballs are extremely sensitive and change direction in an instant.

Wu Zhen and Wu Jiming, who fell slightly behind, turned abruptly and burst into flames, making Wu Zhen and Wu Jiming look pale.

Wu Qi was stunned and his eyes were shocked.

Ahead, a more fierce murderous spirit came with a bang!

"Green smoke shot!" Lin Feng shot like a strong wind.

Into the gun realm, third!

Wood carving eight guns, compared with star technology, the best place to use is that there is no need to add the rebirth fire.

It can also exert great power.

The seventh shot "green smoke shot" focuses on speed, and the eighth shot "wild goose feather shot" focuses on power. It can produce different effects in different situations. Moreover, to deal with such small minions, why do you need to attack with the strongest force?

"Peng!" gun meaning Peng ran.

The cohesion of attack power is far from being comparable to that of two galo fireballs.

"Chi!!!" the Amethyst gun shines ferociously.

Just like piercing a layer of tofu, Wu Qi\'s defense is a joke in front of the Amethyst gun.

cannot withstand a single blow!

Boom! Boom!

Wu Zhen and Wu Ji life block the galo fireball.

It was only a momentary block, and Wu Qi had fallen into the yellow spring. When they saw the terrible scene in front of them, they were all shocked. But they have no time to be sad, let alone the opportunity to hesitate.

Lin Feng, attack again!

"Gallo fireball!" the firelight of his left hand clanked.

Lin Feng roared straight to Wu Zhen, and his body moved forward quickly with the fire.

It\'s easy to do two things at once.

Facing Wu Jiming\'s help, Lin Feng is not afraid at all.

"Yumiao, magic!" Lin Feng\'s eyes brightened, and the star dome pupil almost burst into power in an instant. Wu Jisheng\'s face changed color. He only paid attention to Lin Feng\'s attack, but he didn\'t pay attention to the display of Lin Feng\'s pupil technique at all. It seemed that there were layers of phantom space in front of him, as if he had entered a huge maze.

Thump! Thump! Thump! The heart beat very fast, as if it was about to jump out of the throat.

Wu Jiming\'s face was pale, and the whole person seemed to fall into ignorance.

The fantastic space locked him firmly.

Desperate to flee, crazy cry, Wu family people, inherit the blood of \'Aztec\', and have the powerful God of war power of Indian, but they reflect their physical strength

It\'s their weaker "soul" than ordinary people.

But Lin Feng is the strongest——

It\'s the soul.

One thing, one thing down.

"Hoo, Hoo ~ ~" panting like a cow.

It seems that he has been running in this dreamland for decades, and he is short of life, body and mind.

Suddenly, a bright door appeared in front of him. Wu Jiming\'s eyes lit up and ran away frantically with the last trace of strength.

"Wow!" the light shines in front of me and returns to reality.

Wu Jiming was stunned, and he immediately felt the cold at his neck.

It was a deep purple light, just like a deadly light. The murderous gas came into his nose with the light bloody smell around him. Wu Jiming was a little confused.

"Hello." Lin Feng smiled calmly.

Holding a gun in one hand, he looked at Wu Jisheng with flashing eyes.

"Who sent you?" Lin Feng opened his mouth slowly and looked flat.

There are two corpses scattered around. First kill Wu Qi, and then kill Wu Zhen. It\'s just a matter in the blink of an eye.

If you want to do it yourself, there is no chance of "awakening" in front of you.

He is the weakest of the three.

"I, I..." Wu Jiming finally found out the situation and was flustered.

Originally, I thought it was just a very easy task. I didn\'t catch a martial artist with the last number. But unexpectedly, he didn\'t even know how the other party attacked. At present, he was controlled by others, and both his companions died.

Blood, body, right in front of you.

So touching!

"Say!" Lin Feng\'s eyes were burning.

The Amethyst gun moves forward a minute, and the power of the constellation is strong.

The light of fire condenses in your hands. As soon as you spit out your strength, you will die immediately.

Clenching his teeth and clucking, Wu Jiming\'s face was very ugly, but his strong body was so small in front of Lin Feng. But Wu Jiming was also a man. He was silent and looked at Lin Feng stubbornly. Even if he dies, he won\'t betray the family!

"It\'s hard." Lin Feng smiled calmly at the corners of his mouth, and the Amethyst gun in his hand retracted slowly.

Wu Jiming couldn\'t help but be stunned. He looked at Lin Feng inexplicably, but he didn\'t know what he meant.

"Just playing with you." Lin Feng\'s eyes twinkled like the pupil of a devil, and smiled, "in fact, you had already explained everything when you were in my \'pupil technique\'. Lin Feng glanced at Wu Jiming\'s forehead and said with a light smile," is it Wu Jiawu extraordinary? "

WOW! His face suddenly changed, Wu Jisheng\'s body trembled, "I, I said?!"

"Yes, you said." Lin Feng\'s eyes were burning and opened his mouth lightly. "Now I say it."

The voice fell, and the flame of the reborn fire was straight through the Amethyst gun, like a flash of lightning, and the purple light was fierce and ferocious.

Wheeze! It pierced Wu Jiming\'s throat and made a strong roar.

"Boom!!" the firelight clanked, reflecting Lin Feng\'s faint killing intention.

"It\'s really him, Wu extraordinary." Lin Feng\'s eyes were burning.

I just tried the Wu family warrior just now.

There are not many who have enemies with themselves.

Most importantly, the dress of Wu family is too easy to identify.

On their heads, they are wearing feather crowns symbolizing their status, as well as their strong physique, dark skin, and the way of fighting completely "Indian"... Except for Wu\'s family in Ganluo District, they can\'t find a second possibility.

The reaction of the Wu family just now is enough to explain everything.

I know whether I lie or not.

"Wu is extraordinary." Lin Feng\'s eyes are like electricity.

"I won\'t annoy you, but you bring it to the door yourself."


His face is cold and murderous.

The forest wind at this time is just like that in Yanling mansion——

Ten thousand men are invincible!

(second change ~ ~)