Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 856

Your Amethyst is impenetrable?

It\'s easy to cut iron like mud and split awn ore with Amethyst gun.

But right now

The eyes are bright and bright, and the corners of Lin Feng\'s mouth are light.

"Jinmang stone is a first-class inferior ore. if it is in a large jinmang ore vein, it often breeds jinmang stone crystals, which is a second-class inferior ore." in his mind, Yu Mo said in the apprenticeship workshop that day, and Lin Feng couldn\'t help laughing.

The purple crystal gun flashed a fierce light.

Shua! Shua! Shua~

Like a strong wind, the purple awn shines.

A piece of mud and stone flew sideways and was instantly stirred into nothingness by the power of Amethyst gun.

"This......" Lin Feng\'s heart shook abnormally.

What you see in front of you is really a golden awn crystal. That\'s right.

However, crystal area of the this awnite is quite large, which is 1% larger than that of the awnite vein just now!

One percent is already a great proportion. Five hundred pieces of awn stone are worth 25 star crystals, but fifty pieces of awn stone are worth more than 300 star crystals! The gap is even more than ten times larger.

But Lin Feng\'s eyes did not look at the golden awn crystal.

Although crystals are valuable, the "veins" they see are even more shocking.

There are four ore veins, forming a fan shape, which is combined with the original \'golden awn\' ore vein to form a large round ore!

One red, one green, one white and one gray, the four veins are like a snake. Although only its head can be seen, the amount of these four veins can be seen from the "towering" exposed!

"It\'s better than the golden awn vein."

"The red is\' round fire silver stone \', the green is\' Dianmu essence\', the white is\' jellyfish mine \', and the gray is\' rare earth crystal\'."

His eyes were burning, and Lin Feng recognized them one by one.

Among them, \'round fire Silverstone\' and \'dianmujing\' are more common refinery ores.

However, jellyfish and rare earth crystals are rare.

"A round fire silver stone, 450000 fighting spirit coins."

"A share of Dianmu Jing, 550000 fighting spirit coins."

"A jellyfish mine, 900000 fighting coins."

"A rare earth crystal, 1 million fighting spirit coins."

Lin Feng\'s eyes flickered and nodded calmly.

With hundreds of billions of star crystals, this ore vein is nothing to me.

But these are "mission" items.

"Even if there is no gold awn crystal, these five ore veins alone are probably worth nearly 200 star crystals." Lin Feng is very satisfied.

Although their ability to find minerals is half a bucket of water, they are quite lucky.

It was not long before Wu Jiawu was hit hard, just an hour——

Oneself is to complete the task.

"Maybe not the first."

"But three days later, it should be smooth to enter the top 100."

Lin Feng smiled calmly and was in a good mood.

The qualifying match was bumpy, but his qualifying match was surprisingly smooth.

It\'s much easier than expected.

Luck, really good.

Other warriors are still accumulating Xingjing piecemeal, but Lin Feng has overfulfilled the task.

This is that each has its own destiny.

If there is no conflict with Wu\'s martial arts, you may not be able to find this legendary "five element ore vein" by wandering around the forest.

The existence of the five elements has profound mystery.

"Boom!" "boom! ~" the earth shook.

The whole Wizard of Oz is like an earthquake, with extremely violent fluctuations.

Birds and animals flapped their wings and flew. There was a noisy scream. Many Warcraft and exotic animals also roared.

But the most shocking is undoubtedly the warriors of the wizard of oz.

"What\'s going on?"

"What happened!"

"Hey, mom, the sky has changed color."


There are panic, curiosity and excitement.

The expressions on each face are different. After all, only a few are afraid.

After all, it is by no means a mediocre person who can wander in the peripheral games.

"Heaven came down and a congenital treasure was unearthed." Zeng Ren\'s eyes were like a wolf, full of strong desire.

His face was constantly changing. He closed his eyes. Suddenly, a bright light shone in front of Zeng Ren\'s chest, bringing up a burst of sound, as if he were guiding people in the dark. For a moment, Zeng Ren\'s eyes were bright and bright.

"Boom!" he stepped on the ground with a complete burst of speed.

It\'s like a whirlwind. Zeng Ren\'s strength is terrible.

Master level peak!

One man, one knife, Huawei stands tall.

Gazing at the sky, her bright eyes are full of wisdom.

"Keng!" the war Sabre clanged, just like spiritual interaction.

"Do you feel your kind, Shura Tu?" Hua Wei looked at the war knife in his hand. The bland blade contained a touch of invisible green light. With both hands\' Peng \'clenched, a thick golden star bloomed.

Wanggang, Huawei!

Ho! The power of the sabre and the constellation.

He galloped away as if he had vitality.

Hua Wei\'s eyes were shining. He immediately followed the sabre "Shura Tu" and disappeared instantly.


"The sky is full of light and colorful auspicious omens."

"The wizard of Oz is indeed a place of treasure."

"Good, really good."

A young man in Chinese clothes murmured and moved his hands.

There is a water curtain around, glittering with various ripples, like a water mirror around. The young man in Chinese clothes was empty in his hands. He saw the brilliance, and the blue ripple seemed to reflect the lines of words, moving up and down.

"The five elements mine moves, and the five elements hall rises."

"Congenital treasures are destined to fall into bags."


The young man in Chinese clothes was stunned. He seemed to have some problems and touched his head.

His eyes suddenly gathered, but his eyebrows frowned.

"According to the book of changes, it should be a sign of good luck."

"But why do misfortunes and blessings depend on each other, but it is difficult to solve?"

"I\'m not good at Taoism. Did I make a mistake?"

The young man in Chinese clothes whispered and scratched his head again.

"Count it again." the young man in Chinese clothes nodded and said to himself.

The rainbow is dazzling.

The sky, waves and clouds change.

Lin Feng looked up at the sky and couldn\'t help sighing gently.

"Can\'t you live with me..." Lin Feng\'s Amethyst gun moved quickly and felt helpless.

The crystal of jellyfish and rare earth quickly fell into the celestial disk, and the speed of Lin Feng accelerated again. But now I can\'t control so much. The Amethyst gun smashes a lot of ore, which seems to the refiner to be quite a "waste", but there\'s no way at the moment.

We must hurry.

The vision of heaven emanates from this huge round ore vein.

It was like a call, a signal.

The earth shook violently.

"What a strange place."

"The world is full of wonders."

Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright and he thought in his heart.

What I just dug was Xingnong. Inexplicably, it was the ore vein earthquake.

It feels like

"It\'s like digging a dragon vein."

"Did you destroy the feng shui of the wizard of Oz?"

Lin Fengxiang, however, smiled bitterly.

Before long, this "vision" will surely attract many martial artists.

I\'m afraid I\'ll be in trouble.

make a pointed comment!

"Sure enough." Lin Feng\'s eyes flashed.

The newcomers are very fast, but they are very "despicable".

Without saying a word, he attacked his back directly. He was really cruel and cruel.

"Want to swallow alone?" Lin Feng\'s right hand holding the Amethyst gun tightened fiercely, his body turned sharply and attacked the rear.

It doesn\'t matter if the other party just comes for mining. For myself, the ore obtained at present has already exceeded 100 star crystals, and whether to dig or not is just a thought. But this man\'s behavior is contemptible!

"Shoot the wild goose feather!" Lin Fengshen drank.

The Amethyst gun is more than enough to deal with ordinary martial arts without pupil technique.

"Hmm?" Lin Feng\'s eyes were slightly cold.

Hiss!! Hiss!! Almost in an instant, his hands were wrapped by manteng, and his feet were wrapped like ghost hands. The comer is a wooden martial god, a man in green robe. His hands are straight cut like sawteeth, but he is a horizontal knife.

Very fast, very fierce, very fierce!

Using control technology to assist attack is also an excellent equipment for the soul power that is not strong.

He looked cold. The man in green robe obviously had enough experience.


This time, he miscalculated.

"Get up!" the moment manteng wrapped up, he was burned to ashes by the fire of rebirth.

Lin Feng, who has the "fire of rebirth", is the bane of almost any touch control technology. Unless you have far more power than the fire of rebirth, the so-called control technology is just a joke. The sharp gun shadow rises straight, and Lin Feng\'s body is like a strong wind, which is not obstructed by manteng at all.

The man in the green robe was finally moved. The horizontal knife in his hand was cut like a saw tooth, but

How can you compare with Lin Feng\'s Amethyst gun?

"Boom!!" Lin Feng vomited wildly, and his eyes were burning.

Without holding his hand, the green robed man\'s face changed greatly, but only when he handed it in did he know how strong the last martial artist with the number of 333000 is!

"No!!" he hissed and roared. The man in green showed his eyes and wanted to die.

However, the star armor and the star treasure of the defense system are useless.

烀!!! The fire of rebirth vomited out.

Lin Feng\'s eyes are cold and his strong killing intention is shown.

The Amethyst gun pierced the green robed man\'s heart and tore him to pieces.

Blood splashed wildly and fell everywhere.

In the air, it was like a mirror of blood fog, reflecting the strong killing intention of Lin Feng.

Holding an amethyst gun is like an immortal murderer.

One foot in, one foot in!

"It seems that it\'s going to cause trouble." Lin Feng\'s eyes changed slightly.

There is the first, and naturally there will be the second and third. The visions in the sky and the vibration of the earth are all like a violent signal to tell everyone to listen. Even if you have great strength, how long can you withstand the fierce warriors who are like wolves and tigers, one wave after another?

"There\'s no need to argue with them." Lin Feng thought in his heart.

By yourself, there are enough starcrystals to complete the task.

If they want to fight, let them fight enough.

Looking back, Lin Feng is preparing to leave.


"Murderer, you want to escape when you do all the bad things?" a voice like innocence came from behind.

It seems innocent, but Lin Feng\'s back sweated and his face changed greatly.

Who\'s here?! I actually

No feeling at all!

(the first watch, today\'s fourth watch, continue to rush!!)