Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 853

Lin Feng himself was a little stunned.

Looking at the eyes of the people, with shock and shock, I realized something in my heart.

You seem... Famous?

Lin Feng couldn\'t help laughing.

I don\'t know what happened, but it doesn\'t matter.

After this uproar, the atmosphere in the lobby was different.

From time to time, there are eyes glancing at Lin Feng, quite curious and afraid.

The name of one star general is very loud!

However, Lin Feng still looked indifferent.

Close your eyes, keep your energy, and there is no change in your expression.

Time passes slowly.

The number of people in the lobby is also getting smaller and smaller.

As FIBA and others entered the wizard of Oz, soon there were only the last eight fighters left in the lobby.

Lin Feng is one of them.

"Pa!" the pure light was shining, and Lin Feng got up slowly.

Finally, it\'s your turn.

Pass through a red light channel and push open the refined copper gate.

Lin Feng enters the transmission room, and ten transmission arrays are printed into his eyes, which is very familiar.

"What a powerful feeling of energy."

"The drawing of the transmission array is the existence of the \'earth level\'."

The eyes are light and the heart of Lin Feng is light. I have also touched on the carved array. The transmission array also belongs to the category of "carved array". It is much more difficult to draw a transmission array far away than those ordinary transmission arrays in shiroe county.

His eyes fell on the "celestial chart" on his left hand, and the number of 333000 shone faintly.

The light curtain above the eighth transmission array in front also flashes the number \'333000\'.

As FIBA said, he used the No. 8 transmission array.

"Wow ~!" the white light of the transmission array is gradually fading, which means that the transmission of the last warrior has reached the "Wizard of Oz", and the cooling off period is also over. The interval of 30 seconds is very short, but it takes quite a long time to accumulate one warrior after another.

"Almost a day and a half gap." Lin Feng also felt helpless.

Compared with the first batch of martial artists, he was completely at a disadvantage.

"Fortunately, the transmission array will not be opened within three days of the start of the qualifier, even if those who arrive first complete the task..."

"You have to wait for me for a day and a half."

Lin Feng smiled indifferently, and his eyes twinkled with a bright light.

Slowly set foot on the transmission array, compared with the other seven martial arts, Lin Feng\'s eyes——

Shining with a touch of confidence.

"Pa!" Linfeng start button.

In an instant, the fierce white light shines, and the figure of Lin Feng disappears.


The fighting spirit world has a vast sea area.

More than 90% of the field is the boundless sea.

In this sea, there are countless islands, which are called "extraterritorial islands" by mankind. The big ones are even better than the nine continents, and the small ones are as big as tianwu. In fact, tianwu belongs to one of the "extraterritorial islands".

This is the territory of the demon clan.

People in groups, Warcraft, the same.

There are too many demon families, and the number is difficult to calculate. The demon family actually knows that small humans enter foreign islands.

But what if you know?

Can the demon clan control it today and tomorrow?

In fact, like the lich, the Lich only controls part of the \'core\' area.

What\'s more, the demon family never cares about small humans. As long as there are no overly powerful humans, the demon clan usually turns a blind eye. For them, the law of the jungle is an instinct. Appropriate pressure and competition are more in line with the principle of "natural selection".

Fight! Keep fighting.

The demon clan advocates power most.

The strong is the king.

The land of wild geese.

This is a huge extraterritorial Island, with an area one million times larger than tianwu mainland.

However, it is only a \'private territory\'.

Because its owner is famous, he is the saint of the heavenly dog family——


Around the Mongolian wild goose territory, there are countless submarine volcanoes that erupt from time to time, making the fire elements here extremely strong and violent. For other demon families, the environment here is extremely poor, but for fire demon families, this is an excellent place for cultivation.

The sky dog family, gifted with the \'way of fire\', has a top-level pedigree!

In the demon clan, it has a high status.

In the middle of the Mongolian wild goose territory, there is a magnificent and magnificent palace. With a height of 100000 meters and a diameter of millions of meters, such a luxurious place to live can never be seen in the land of Jiuzhou, which cherishes earth like gold.

"And..." a woman in red was half lying on the bed, still charming.

With a light frown, the woman in red rubbed her forehead and her head. She didn\'t look very comfortable.

"Madam, do you have a headache again?" a petite cat girl was beating her feet for the woman in red and said with concern.

"Yes." the woman in red didn\'t open her eyes, as light as a silent response.

"Madam, do you need a maid to press it for you?" asked the cat girl.

"No, it\'s an old problem." the woman in red said lazily.

Around, rows of handmaids stood respectfully aside, with thousands of people.

In the whole palace, hundreds of thousands of demon families are waiting here, which shows how high the status of women in red is.

She is the hostess of the Mongolian wild goose territory.

The wife of the saint level strongman Chi Meng, Chi Yan!


"Thump! Thump! Thump!" the heartbeat was extremely violent.

The red goose opened his eyes fiercely, and his lazy face disappeared in an instant. His pale face flashed an incredible divine light. After staying for a few seconds, the red goose looked surprised and murmured, "impossible, how possible, qionger..."

Peng! Suddenly he stood up and the red goose shook slightly, top heavy and light.

Originally, she was in poor health. It has been even worse since she lost her only son a few years ago.

Therefore, she did not follow her husband chimeng\'s return to the dog sanctuary this time, but practiced self-cultivation and recuperation in the "land of mengyan".

But she never thought that she would feel the smell of "dome".

Although extremely weak, it does exist!

"Madam, madam, what\'s the matter with you?" the cat girl was very white and very frightened.

"Madam, but I think of the young master again?" the polite voice was a handsome man with extraordinary temperament, and the housekeeper "Chiyou".

The red goose was slightly stunned, but his face changed, and his eyes burst out suddenly.

"No!" he hissed angrily. The red goose\'s eyes were red. There was a faint light of fire outside his body, as if he was about to lose control.

"It\'s not an illusion, it\'s definitely the smell of \'qiong\'er\', it\'s the residual soul seal planted by me and Meng!" the red goose clenched his teeth and trembled, "it\'s the thing killed that day, the bitch who killed me and even swallowed him, I feel it!!"

"Absolutely not wrong!" the green veins on his forehead were exposed, and the red goose was completely hysterical at this time.

The stronger the blood, the harder it is to reproduce. She and chimeng only have one son, chiqiong, but they were killed!

Chiyou\'s face remained calm: "madam, I\'ll inform the master immediately."

"Good!" the red goose gnashed his teeth, glared angrily and shouted, "where is the red melt!"

烀! 烀 烀!!

Suddenly, a fire rushed in.

The burning flame made the whole hall seem to be burning. It was a huge man with a height of more than two meters, holding a burning fire axe and emitting strong fire light all over, with great momentum. He is the close guard of red geese and a star level ninth level strongman——


"Chirong has seen his wife!" he knelt on one knee, and chirong\'s face clanked.

"Madam, please think twice." Chiyou looked slightly changed and bowed his head.

However, ChiYan ignored Chiyou. His red eyes stared at chirong, clenched his teeth, and fell out sonorous word by word: "chirong, immediately summon all the guards and kill them with me! I want that bitch to survive and die!"

"To sacrifice my son\'s spirit in heaven!!!" the red goose clenched his hands and the fire rose.

She reflected her ferocious face like a hell ghost.

The wizard of oz.

Blue sky and green space, the scenery here is very pleasant.

The fresh air, with a refreshing aura, seems to be integrated with nature.

Indeed, worthy of the name of the wizard of Oz, it is like a paradise on earth and makes people linger and forget to return. Trees and flowers can be seen everywhere. They are full of joy. The surrounding birds and flowers are fragrant. The crisp sound falls to your ears, like bursts of bell ringing, which is very beautiful.

"No sense of urgency."

"This\' peripheral game \'is really special."

Lin Feng smiled calmly, stood in the air and looked around.

Behind him is the transmission array that gradually darkens the white light. After transmitting itself, it is closed.

It is stipulated that the transmission array will not be opened within three days. For those who enter the mission area late, there is at least one more possibility to catch up. However, it is not easy to complete the accumulation of 100 star crystals in this "Wizard of Oz" in three days.

"Star fruit, crystal stone, minerals..." Lin Feng smiled calmly.

The most valuable treasure here should be this kind of treasure.

In any case, it is an unexplored area, quite "primitive".

"Monster crystal, demon crystal and wood spirit yuan species are also expensive things, and according to ah Zhong, this uncultivated land..."

"There may be congenital treasures."

Lin Feng thought in his heart, and his eyes lit up.

"Pa!" close your eyes and concentrate completely on one point.

The sensing ability of star sky pupil and star dome pupil is quite strong. A black area suddenly appears in my mind, just like a starry sky. Anything that is\' life \'must be able to sense that there are three figures in the distance, stationary.

"Oh?" Lin Feng opened his eyes with doubts.

what do you mean?

"What are they waiting for?"

"The star treasure with hidden interest seems to be deliberately."

Lin Feng thought slightly and felt puzzled.

Lin Feng\'s eyebrows were slightly tufted.

"Is it for me?"

"But I\'ve just entered the wizard of Oz and I don\'t have anything of value."

"It\'s strange."

Nodding, Lin Feng\'s eyes flashed.

What do you want to do so much, this situation

Try it!

(first change! ~)