Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 852

Ten mission sites have been opened all over Shiluo county.

In each mission area, there are ten transmission arrays to transmit the contestants one by one.

An average of 30 seconds, one transmission.

The order of transmission depends on the number.

The higher the number, the earlier the transmission, and occupy the time advantage.

The wizard of Oz transfer point.

"Pa!" his eyes looked at each other, sparks splashing everywhere.

Hua Wei and Zeng Ren, two equal opponents since childhood, have a strong sense of competition and equal strength.

"Good luck." Hua Wei stretched out his right fist and said calmly.

"So are you." Zeng Ren made a cold stroke at the corner of his mouth and touched his fists.

Peng! With two points of strength, they don\'t give in to each other.

No. 1 and No. 2, two people, are the top two in the qualification competition.

"Wow! ~" with the opening of the transmission gate, Hua Wei, Zeng Ren, and the other eight top numbered warriors immediately stepped into their respective transmission array and pressed the "start" button. With the white light shining, ten people disappeared almost at the same time.

No one will fall one point behind.

As the ten people disappeared, the ten gates opened slowly.

Another ten martial artists entered, ranking behind the number