Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 851

half a month!

Shiluo county has entered the final stage of "war preparedness".

333000 contestants, carrying out the final special training sprint, clenched their teeth and fought for the Centennial rosefinch challenge.

It\'s a dragon or a snake, just this time!

The Lin family is also a hot and hot family.

The whole family mobilization is only for the 125 elites who enter the qualifier.

Almost everyone is equipped with family equipment, and improves their strength to varying degrees according to their ranking, strength and performance. The most important thing for the Lin family is money. All kinds of star treasures and star armor are taken out, especially for the four "seed" warriors.

Lin Yumo, Lin Nian, Lin Ruxin, and Lin fan.

All kinds of simulated warfare and accompanying training, including the information of the warrior in the mission, are fully prepared.

Meet the qualifier at your best!

Only the 125th person, Lin Feng is ignorant.

No. 333000, the last place in the qualification competition, Lin Feng is completely "abandoned" by the family.

In fact, many people think that he just hangs a name to beat soy sauce. In a qualifying competition, who will give him hope if he buys promotion places with "money"? Moreover, Lin Feng himself still does not belong to the "Lin family.".

Three hundred times the time to carve the pattern array.

Lin Feng, is making the final sprint.

Compared with other martial artists, Lin Feng\'s efficiency in this half month is amazing.

A heavy medium-level attack system star skill, ten beacon balls, star power value of 3.2 points; A heavy high-order attack system star technology, 100 series of beacon bombs, star power value of 5.0 points. In addition to the "galo fireball" previously understood, Lin Feng\'s attack on the Xingxiu of the system also reached the fourth weight.

Now, we are going to the fifth sprint!

Enrich combat means.

Group attack is one of the strongest stunts of the fire of rebirth. How can we not make good use of it?

Ten fireballs and a hundred firebombs have undoubtedly greatly enhanced the "rebirth fire"\'s enrichment of its own combat effectiveness and provided more choices and responses. At this time, Lin Feng is understanding the first binary star in the attack system——

Fire shot!

And! And! Fire is as bright as light.

Lin Feng\'s eyes are bright, crazy drill, and the perfect combination of fire and gun moves.

Flame firing is divided into three major moves, which need the first level support of entering the gun territory, the second level support of entering the gun territory and the second level support of entering the gun territory.

Very demanding!

Star power value, up to 50 points!

"Boom!!" I vomited wildly.

The gun idea is manifestly combined with the fire of rebirth.

It seems to pierce the space, and the air flow seems to be burned into ashes.

Lin Feng stood burning with an amethyst gun in his hand. His eyes met with strong bright light in his pupils, which made him feel mysterious. The whole person seems to be independent of space. His eyes are mixed with a hazy feeling. Lin Feng himself doesn\'t know that the "power" of the star sky pupil and the star dome pupil will be released inadvertently.

First move, success!

"The power is better than that of green smoke and slightly worse than that of wild goose feather." Lin Feng said softly and held the Amethyst gun.

"But the focus is on the release of the flame. If there is enough time to prepare, the reborn fire will converge greatly, and the power is also good."

Lin Feng smiled.

I am very satisfied with myself.

Because this is only the first move of "firing with fire".

There are also the second and third moves. I\'m afraid they will be more powerful than the first move. As long as you understand them, they will surpass the Yanling shooting——

It\'s just a matter of time.

"Sure enough, just as ah Zhong said, the same level star technology has no layers, multiple numbers, etc., and its power is much better!" Lin Feng made an indifferent stroke at the corner of his mouth.

There are no layers and multiple numbers, which means that the star technology is independent and there is no \'follow-up\' understanding.

For example, ten fireballs and a hundred firebombs are all like this!

"However, each has its own advantages and disadvantages."

"With the Star Technology of layers and multiplicity, it will be easier to understand in the next stage. After all, there is a foundation there."

One is powerful, the other is quick to understand.

It depends on one\'s choice.

"There\'s still time, continue to practice the second move." Lin Feng held the Amethyst gun again and looked calm.

The bright eyes transmit the sparkling light, and the understanding in the self state is full of all kinds of mysteries, giving full play to the realm and power of the \'gun\'.

Half a month, I want the most perfect use!

Understand, soon.

Because of the \'self\' state.

It can be used not only in refining weapons, but also in combat, but also in understanding.

Excellent effect!

This was gradually discovered by Lin Feng.

The ego state is the \'preliminary\' fusion of the star sky pupil and the star dome pupil.

Although it is not the star pupil of the sky, it can improve the ability of both in a short time. Both the star pupil and the star pupil can play their strength beyond the "first gear" in a short time, making the double pupil, which is good at simulation and learning, even more powerful!

If not, how can you understand so many star skills in only half a month?

I\'m afraid it\'s not enough time for the double star\'s first move of "firing with fire". Not long ago, it took Lin Feng 40 days to understand the second level of the "Phoenix gathering technique", the double medium-level star technique, with a star power value of 30 points, and the foundation of the first level.

Now, the flame moves to shoot, that is a double high-order star technology.

The understanding of the first move is only three days!

Half a month passed in the blink of an eye.

The rest period, which lasted for half a year, finally came to an end.

Qualifying, about to open!

Attention has been paid to the whole Shiluo county. Because of the publication of the list, every martial artist has a little understanding of the peripheral games. Every restaurant and teahouse discusses this topic. At this moment, nothing is more attractive than this.

Xiaoxiang building.

This is the first restaurant Lin Feng stepped into after entering Jiuzhou.

In that familiar place, a familiar person is\' alone \'drinking wine, looking outside, sighing and smiling bitterly.

"It\'s not easy to be free one day, but there\'s no one to accompany. Poor! ~"

"Lin Feng is still practicing hard and working hard."

"I don\'t know his strength now."


A wisp of black windbreaker, messy hair, quite sloppy.

With a little beard residue on his face, his resolute face gives people a feeling of maturity, which is nothing to worry about.

Sitting casually seems to be no surprise, but it gives people a touch of pressure.

Lin Feng is not the only one who has made rapid progress in Jiuzhou.

Xibei district.

"Don\'t care about the result, do your best." Hua Yidao looked calm.

"Yes, Dad." Hua Wei said with a knife.

In the body shape, there is a strong sense of knife.

Dragon begets dragon, Phoenix begets Phoenix. Huawei has the style of being the father regardless of qualification or personality.

No.: 1

Ruyi district.

"Don\'t lose my face." Zeng Pan\'s eyes were cold.

"Don\'t worry, Dad." Zeng Ren smiled coldly, with a fierce light in his eyes. "I will kill Hua Wei and remove the obstacles in the future!" the blade in his hand was cold and cold, and Zeng Ren\'s smile was like a ghost, just like his character.

A top assassin!

"Wait for good news." Zeng pan nodded.

Zeng renran smiled, brushed his sword and left.

No.: 2

Sakyamuni district.

This is the largest of the nine districts in Shiro county.

There are many ancient forces hidden, with a long history and a long history. Generally, forces that can survive for a long time must have their big secret.

Baiyun tower, a very "ordinary" tower located on the mountain.

However, few people in the whole Sakya District know how many years it has existed.

It has survived much longer than most forces.

"Zhi Xin is gone, Dad! ~" with a childish voice.

A girl like an elf galloped out of the tower. Her face carved with powder and jade was like the most perfect work of art. Liu Haiying, who was eyebrow high, thought about the face like a porcelain doll, which was very young. She is the youngest martial artist in the rosefinch challenge.

He was only fourteen when he participated in the qualification competition.

Now, just fifteen.

No. 1 seed of the competition: release Zhixin.

"Go, have fun." on the white cloud filled tower, a middle-aged man with a kind smile waved his hand, his face full of love. Looking carefully, there was a faint golden mark on his forehead, just like an Aries, with a strong breath.

"OK ~ ~" Shi Zhi\'s heart spits out her tongue playfully, and she leaves quickly.

The breeze brushed the forehead of Shi Zhi\'s heart, and Qi bangs floated slowly, flashing a small mark

Wu family.

"Go!" Wu Bufan led the crowd with great momentum.

"This time, I want everyone to know the name of my \'Wu family\' in qianluo district!"

"I want to make the name Wu Bufan known as Shiluo County!"

Wu Bufan\'s eyes were bright and his voice was loud.

The feather crown on his head symbolizes his status similar to that of a royal family.

"Wu Bufan!" "Wu Bufan!" "Wu Bufan!" "Wu Bufan!" the voice of the chorus was loud and loud, shaking all directions.

Dark skin, like a cheetah, every Wu family child is full of explosive power. With Aztec blood, Wu family is the most powerful family in qianluo district. The number of martial artists entering the qualifier accounts for as much as half of the whole qianluo district!

They are born gods of war.

Lin family.

"Are you ready, Yumo?" Lin Yan smiled.

"Yes, master." he pursed his lips, and Lin Yumo\'s eyes twinkled with light. It seemed that there was something he couldn\'t put down.

The beautiful eyes crossed the 124 elite concentration areas of the Lin family, but they couldn\'t see the familiar figure. Their hearts were inexplicably up and down, and there was an unspeakable feeling.

"What\'s up?" Lin Yanci laughed.

The faint voice called back Lin Yumo\'s heart.

Beautiful eyes flickered, and Lin Yumo said, "no, it\'s okay. Let\'s go, master."

Lin Yan nodded. He had a bit of wisdom in his eyes, but he didn\'t break it. He slowly turned around and went away.

Lin Yumo looked back and still couldn\'t see the haunted figure. He bit his lips, moved his lotus steps slightly, and then followed Lin Yan.

Not long after the Lin family left.

Lin Feng finished his cultivation and came out of the cultivation room with a faint smile on his face.

I\'m used to being alone and don\'t want to act with the family.

"Finally, it\'s the qualifying match." Lin Feng\'s eyes are slightly bright.

"What will the wizard of Oz look like?"

"I wonder if I can meet him again this time."

The corners of his mouth were indifferent and drawn, and Lin Feng smiled.

Smile with confidence.

(the third shift ~ ~ there\'s another shift)