Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 850

Time flies.

Every martial artist who qualified for the qualifying round in Shiluo County clenched his teeth and buried himself in hard practice.

Even those who are usually lazy in martial arts are now hanging on the beam and trying to be strong. Only Lin Feng fell into the refining room. The door didn\'t go out and the two doors didn\'t step. It was like a refining tool that was possessed by evil, day after day, month after month.

Lin family.

"Unexpectedly, Lin Feng passed the qualification competition." Lin Zhen smiled.

"No. 333000, the last number, really didn\'t care." Lin Yan stroked his long beard and nodded.

In recent months, the family has been busy planning and analyzing opponents for several people with potential to qualify.

For each of the ten mission sites, investigate the data and analyze the advantages and disadvantages of the powerful opponents who have "threats" in each mission site. In fact, the vast majority of forces in shiroe county are doing so. After all, there is no difference between failure in the qualifying round and failure in the qualifying round.

It is also a failure that falls short of success and gets nothing.

But once you get through the qualifying, it\'s a real chance to enter the "main race" of the rosefinch challenge.

Fame and rewards are complete, which is of great help to major forces.

"Lin Feng\'s strength is average, but his pocket is very plump." Lin Zhen drank tea and said casually.

"I heard from ah Zhong that in the past two months, the \'heart of glass\' has been continuous, and Lin Feng\'s net profit is about 80 star crystals every day." Lin Yan said with a smile, "in terms of his ability to make money, the little guy can make those star domain level Warriors ashamed. He has earned more than 2000 star crystals in just two months."

Lin Zhen nodded, "but the peripheral games have to rely on real materials. It won\'t work with money."

Lin Yan smiled happily. "You can rest assured that this family grows up. Lin Feng doesn\'t seem to want to pass."

Lin Zhen lost his smile and agreed.

Those who are really prepared for the qualifying match, now which is not to do their best, can increase their strength by one point.

"Let him alone. Anyway, he is not a real member of the Lin family." Lin Zhen\'s position of Lin Feng is that he is a "tool refiner" of the family. He has a contract for thousands of years, but he does not interfere with each other\'s freedom. Now Lin Feng\'s crazy tool refining is just what he wants.

"And it\'s still the most competitive \'wizard of Oz\'." Lin Yan shook her head and sighed, "there are quite a lot of seed fighters entering the \'wizard of Oz\' this time. If you don\'t have enough luck, I\'m afraid there\'s little hope for our family to draw 12 people from the wizard of Oz."

"Yes." Lin Zhen affirmed, "we should focus on the other nine tasks, especially Lin Yumo\'s" Wanjin world ", Lin Nian\'s" smoke island "and Lin Ruxin\'s" qiluo country ". If the three can pass through safely, they can even take other martial artists of the family."

Lin Yan nodded and said with a smile, "the patriarch has forgotten someone."

"I know." Lin Zhen\'s eyes were sharp and said faintly, "son of split earth, Lin fan."

"This son\'s qualification is really excellent. His family blood is very strong. This time, he can directly break through the bottleneck in the place of blood inheritance and step into the star domain level." Lin Zhen sighed lightly, "unfortunately, this son is narrow-minded and a person from the elder. He has too strong personal consciousness. He won\'t take other martial arts with him, and..."

"His qualifying may not be good for us."

Lin Dadi mansion.

"Damn it!" Lin Fan\'s face was ferocious, with a faint "Scar" around his eyes.

He didn\'t play well in the qualifying competition. He fell behind a thousand places in the theater and was not qualified to choose a "mission place".

One in ten chance, naturally you can\'t get the wizard of oz.

"Don\'t cling to the hatred in front of you. As a man, look far away." Lin Zhen frowned. "Hatred can be the source of struggle and the pressure of strength; but if you are obsessed with hatred, people are easy to get lost."

"Dad!" Lin Fan clenched his teeth, but it was hard to dispel his anger.

He hates Lin Feng very much!

More hate Lin Yumo, that is because love becomes hate!

"How many warriors died of hatred and were destroyed by love." Lin Zhen\'s eyes were cold and ran ran said, "don\'t think you can survive if you are a star level strong man now. I tell you, even a saint level strong man is no exception."

"But Dad, I, I can\'t help..." Lin Fan clenched his right fist and felt colic in his heart.

"Learn to control yourself." Lin zhe said solemnly, "this is the only way for the strong." looking at Lin Fan\'s trembling body, Lin zhe said in a deep voice, "if you want to see blood vent, I\'ll prepare thousands of slaves for you; if you want women, I\'ll prepare a hundred virgins and Maggie for you."

"But now, don\'t make trouble for me!" Lin\'s voice was a little higher, and his breath was fluffy.

Even though Lin Fan was unwilling to do anything, he was unwilling to disobey his father. "Yes, Dad."

Lin Feng, shut up for two months.

It\'s not cultivation, but a crazy refining tool. What\'s refined is an ordinary nine star treasure.

The heart of glass.

Standing quietly, Lin Feng\'s eyes closed slightly.

The body has a faint soft feeling, as if it is integrated with the surrounding environment.


"Pa!" his eyes flashed.

The star sky pupil and the star dome pupil shine in an instant.

Yu Miao jingled in his left ear, as if he felt something.

Peng! The two lights converged and blended in an instant. Lin Feng clenched his teeth, concentrated his mind and drank fiercely.

At that moment, the star sky pupil and the star dome pupil seemed to be integrated, and both lights had a strange smell. That\'s the "self" state. It\'s the state that Lin Feng has been practicing hard in refining utensils for the past two months.

Now, it\'s finally done!

"I haven\'t wasted these two months of cultivation." Lin Fengxin smiled.

The body has a faint hazy feeling, but it is the drop caused by the bright light of the eyes.

Self, now can independently lead to the state of \'self\'.

"This should be regarded as a \'preliminary\' integration?" Lin Feng shook his fists, and the feeling of his body was very clear. Every inch of skin seems to be under control. He can clearly feel the beating of every cell. Lin Feng has a strong confidence in his eyes.

In this "self" state, refining tools can play an unprecedented delicacy and delicacy.

It\'s like giving full play to the potential of the body.

"Refining can be as good as fighting."

"In particular, the control of \'guns\' is more refined."

Lin Feng smiled calmly, and the Amethyst gun in his hand suddenly flashed and made a sharp sound of vibration.

Who says he\'s wasting his time these two months?

Practice outdoors.

"Congratulations, young master, your strength is higher." Guan Zhong bowed his head gently.

"Hmm?" Lin Feng looked at Guan Zhong curiously and smiled, "ah Zhong, can you see how I can improve?"

Guan Zhong\'s eyes sparkled: "momentum, self-confidence, and..."

"An unspeakable feeling."

Lin Feng knows that Guan Zhong is a very "pragmatic" housekeeper.

There is a saying that things are rigid and rather rigid.

But I need such people.

Lin Feng said with a smile, "I thought you would say that I \'don\'t work hard\' and lazy and don\'t practice."

"It\'s just a fool\'s opinion." Guan Zhong looked calm. "Young master has a firm mind, will and perseverance. He is the top class of martial artists I\'ve met. I believe that no matter what you do, you must have your own purpose and will never do useless Kung Fu."

Under the same eaves, he became a housekeeper.

Every move of Lin Feng is in Guan Zhong\'s eyes. If you know Lin Feng well

Even Yu Mo is far inferior to Guan Zhong.

Lin Feng smiled calmly, "let\'s go. I haven\'t seen Xiaoqing and Xiaoen for two months."

Guan Qing and Guan en are the twin daughters of Guan Zhong, who are now nine months old.

"You\'ll be able to walk as soon as you blink." Lin Feng stood in the courtyard, smiling slightly.

In front of them, two young children, with the help of their maidservants, are learning to walk. From time to time, they make "ah ah" sounds. It\'s very interesting. On his chest, he wore the same "Chunyang jade pendant". The two babies were quite thin, but they were ill for a long time.

Beside him, Guan Zhong stood half a step behind, and the master and servant were different.

"Watching Xiaoqing and Xiaoen grow up healthily is my greatest satisfaction." Guan Zhong looked forward with a touch of deep satisfaction.

Lin Feng glanced at Guan Zhong and really understood.

I feel like my father that day. Although I lost everything, at least my blood still exists.

From the star domain level strongman to the star master level, his strength is half wasted, and his family is broken. Guan Zhong has seen through everything, and he doesn\'t dare to expect revenge. He just hopes to make his two daughters live a stable life. Lin Feng\'s eyes were sparkling and his heart sighed slightly.

The fighting spirit world has abundant aura. Children\'s bones are stronger and stronger than tianwu continent.

Although they are not yet one year old, the two babies can stagger up a few steps from time to time.

Looking at them is like looking at yourself and your brother when they were young.

Father should have looked at it like this in those days?

Lin Feng\'s heart is full of emotion.

When I was a child, I couldn\'t feel fatherly love.

When I grow up, I really understand, but my father has

Eyes, with a slight moisture.

Lin Feng suddenly clenched his right fist, and his mind was very firm.

No matter how much you pay, you must save your father!

"Let\'s go, ah Zhong." Lin Feng said softly.

"Yes, young master."


"Here is 1500 Xingjing, ah Zhong." Lin Feng looked calm.

"It is made in triplicate. One is to buy a star pill for restoring soul power, one is to buy a star pill for restoring star power, and the other is for you to keep in case of need."

"The star pill that restores the star power, give it to Yu Mo for me."

Lin Feng calmly ordered.

A huge sum of money was taken out without blinking.

"Yes, young master." Guan Zhong didn\'t say a second word. For him, he just had to do it.

After taking 1500 Xingjing, which is an amazing amount of money, Guan Zhong withdrew and worked immediately.

Lin Feng\'s eyes are sparkling and shining.

Although the "self" state is strong, it consumes a lot of soul power.

Although their star power is endless, their soul power is not.

In a place where strong forces such as the wizard of Oz gather, we must always ensure sufficient combat power.

If you wait for your pupils to recover slowly, it really takes a little too long.

"Half a month left."

"I\'m really looking forward to the qualifiers."

Lin Feng smiled calmly, with strong confidence in his eyes.

The war is fierce!

(second watch ~ ~ third watch 22:00)