Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 849

four months?

No, it only took a month and a half.

It\'s 15 days ahead of Lin Feng\'s expected two-month process!

"Wow!" the light was bright, and Lin Feng\'s mouth began to smile.

Star master level 7, breakthrough!

Now I am comparable to the Ninth level warrior of star master level.

In terms of combat strength, it is not inferior to the star master level peak. At this moment, I just felt the real strength, so powerful. Holding his fists, Lin Feng\'s eyes shone with confidence. When he closed his eyes, he could still remember his disastrous defeat in the war with Baiqi that day.

But now

today we are no longer as we have been!

"If I meet him again, I\'m more than 70% sure I can win." Lin Feng\'s fighting spirit is sparkling.

The confidence of martial artists comes from the improvement of strength.

Lin Feng, the same is true.

Practice outdoors.

"Congratulations on your breakthrough," Guan Zhong said.

Lin Feng saw Guan Zhong and smiled when he just got out of the pattern carving array for 300 times.

He is really competent as a housekeeper. Every time he appears, he is always the first to see. Looking at the weather beaten face, Lin Feng sighed slightly in his heart. Just like his father on that day, he wandered in tianwu continent and Longyou in shallow water, but it was difficult for him.

But many things are doomed.

Good fortune lies where evil lies, and evil lies where good fortune depends.

"Ah Zhong, how much money is left in the house?" Lin Feng asked.

"355 Xingjing, young master," Guan Zhong said without hesitation.

"Oh." Lin Feng nodded thoughtfully.

In a word, I really spent a lot on this cultivation.

Xingguo and Xingdan are unusual items. With such a rapid cultivation speed, they can still shorten the time by nearly twice, which shows their efficiency. But what is equal to this efficiency is the consumption of Xingjing. Now, most of the more than 2000 Xingjing he earned in the qualification competition are consumed, leaving only 455 Xingjing.

In the pocket, there are 100 star crystals.

That\'s the petty cash.

"Sure enough, the key to martial arts lies in the promotion of \'Xingxiu\'." Lin Feng\'s eyes are slightly bright.

"Even if a martial artist with mediocre qualifications can cultivate him into a star master by simply adding natural materials and earth treasures."

"There are indeed many shortcuts to the path of human warrior."

As long as you have enough money, your cultivation will be smooth.

However, whether this kind of "plain sailing" and duck filling practice is suitable for everyone is not certain.

Lin family.

The land of blood inheritance.

The existence of a family must depend on it and have its\' secret \'.

The secret of the Lin family lies in the "pupil technique." the pupil of the first, second and third gears is a unique advantage. The land of blood inheritance is a place left by the ancestors of the family after endless years, which has great mystery.

Here, only those who have the \'pupil technique\' can enter.

Here, only the most qualified people can enjoy it!

After entering the land of blood inheritance, the strength will be improved by a leap. Lin Zhen, the patriarch and Lin Peidi, the Deputy patriarch, all entered it in those years. In the place of blood inheritance, you can not only inherit the art of pupil, but also get the attachment of ancestors and great gifts.

Mystery, great!

In the black pool, bubbles came out one by one with thick fog, which looked very strange.

In the middle of the black pool, there sat a young man with a slightly ferocious face, gnashing his teeth, as if he was suffering great pain. Looking closely, his body trembled, his blood vessels puffed, and his skin seemed to burst.

Lin fan!

In order to break through the bottleneck and revenge, he resolutely endured great pain.

"Lin Feng, Lin Yumo!" Lin Fan\'s low voice seemed to squeeze out of his teeth.

The handsome face was like a fierce ghost. Around the closed eyes, one by one split like a fish grain, which was heartbreaking. Under the condensation of black pool water, it seems that unimaginable changes are taking place in Lin Fan\'s pupils.

Is it a blessing or a curse?

"PATA! PATA! ~" feels like a broken stone.

The sound is very harsh.

Lin Fan\'s face is even more difficult to see the extreme.

Suffering from severe pain, Lin Fan suddenly roared wildly and tore his heart and lungs.


"Ah!! ah!!!"

The sad cry rang around the whole black pool and made people tremble.

The black fog wrapped Lin fan, and his pupils were like cracks, with all kinds of carved lines forming a distorted shape.


"Shua!" a pair of black and white pupils slowly opened.

With a sinister, vicious and even more ferocious light, around Lin Fan\'s eyes, the small cracks gradually dissipate, but there is still a feeling like a "Scar" in the corners, which is very similar to the eyes of his father Lin chendi.

Bai Mu Tong, real transformation!

Linfeng mansion.

Lin Feng is busy in the totally enclosed tool refiner.

The bright eyes are like stars. The star sky pupil and the star dome pupil echo each other. Lin Feng\'s hands change as fast as a meteor in the blending of thick flames. Every release of flame and every detail treatment are all subtle to the extreme.

It\'s enough to make any smelter ashamed of it.

At this moment, Lin Feng\'s weapon refining technology is almost comparable to master Lin Yan.

No, it\'s better in a way!

"Jiong!" "Jiong! ~" the fire was everywhere.

Lin Feng\'s mind condensed to the extreme without any distractions.

Once again enter the \'self\' state, the body is fully controlled, the heart and body, soul and soul are the most perfect combination. Lin Feng\'s eyes glittered with dazzling luster, and his heart was deeply moved. In this state, you can not only give full play to the refining skills perfectly

"The star sky pupil and the star dome pupil feel very deep."

"It\'s like running in and cooperating with each other. It feels so strange."

Lin Feng\'s mind turned and his eyebrows glowed.

Xingcang pupil and xingqiong pupil are like two strangers. Now

It is in the process of \'understanding\'.

One, another.

Lin Feng looked slightly tired as he maintained his "self" state.

"The power of the star sky pupil and the star dome pupil is slowly consuming."

"It seems that this self state has a great relationship with the two pupils."

This time, Lin Feng understood.

The last time I entered the \'self state\', it was too short to distinguish.

But this time, it has lasted for six hours, and there are 11 "sub perfect" glass hearts on the refining platform.

Peng! The flashing of stars and Dragons seem to have strong vitality.

The Twelfth "sub perfect" glass heart was born.

"Wow!" the bright light of his eyes flashed and faded slowly.

Lin Feng put the heart of colored glass on the refining platform, took a long breath, slowly closed his eyes and felt a sense of mental fatigue.

I\'m close to the limit.

"If you insist on doing it, you can stick to it for about two hours."

"But there is no need to be militaristic."

With a slight thought in his heart, a faint smile appeared on Lin Feng\'s face.

Laugh, not because there are twelve more "sub perfect" glass hearts. Money is not so important to yourself, and the "sub perfect" glass hearts are not easy to sell. I am glad that after the war zone briefly integrated the "sky star pupil", now I finally find an opportunity.

It should be said that it is a road!

The way to integrate the star sky pupil and the star dome pupil!

"If you want to integrate, you must have a \'point\' with each other." Lin Feng opened his eyes with pure light.

This is the same truth as refining utensils. One reason is common and a hundred reasons are clear.

Without common ground, how to integrate?

Just like their own rebirth fire and devouring fire, two almost extreme flames. Even if they have the power to control them, forced integration will only produce a violent "magnetic explosion". Even when the power is too great, even yourself can\'t be spared.

"I always thought it was the right way to cultivate \'starsky pupil\' and \'stardome pupil\' and promote them."

"But for now, that\'s not the case."

Lin Feng sang slightly and felt very deep.

The promotion of the two is just a separate sublimation. It may be very powerful, but it is "a first-class pupil" in the end.

But the star pupil in the sky

But not!

Think of the dark eyes, think of the power like \'heaven\', Lin Feng is the shock of his heart.

This is the power of terror beyond all!

"It seems that I don\'t know how to cultivate xingcang pupil and xingqiong pupil, but it has become a good thing." Lin Feng smiled.

The stronger the two, the more difficult it will be to integrate in the future.

On the contrary, the easier it is to integrate.

"Restore first."

"Then, try again."

Lin Feng has a faint smile on his mouth and is in a good mood.

Integrating the discovery of "sky star pupil" is much more valuable than earning 1000 or 10000 stars!

One step, one step.

Lin Feng is completely immersed in the study of the fusion of the stars and pupils in the sky.

It has to be said that Lin Feng has a bit of luck to run in with a refining tool and enter his own state to find the key "fit" point. There are thousands of roads, and any one has its cause and effect and necessity. There may be dozens and hundreds of methods for the integration of star sky pupil and star dome pupil, but now this one

It is the most suitable for forest wind.

"Every time you enter the \'self\' state and run in one more incense for a quarter of an hour, the deeper the induction between the two will be." Lin Feng\'s eyes are bright.

Although it is difficult to enter the "self" state, it is not difficult to "copy" the miracle by slowly mastering the know-how.

The key is——

The star sky pupil and the star dome pupil have more and more tacit understanding.

This is the most important factor in entering the "self" state.

If xingcang Tong and xingqiong Tong are regarded as two men and women who never knew each other, and entering the "self" state is regarded as meeting men and women for the first time, of course, it is a coincidence, but as the two get to know each other and their "feelings" heat up, there are naturally more and more opportunities to meet.

Starsky pupil and stardome pupil, the point of coincidence is "growth".

Lin Feng, completely immersed in it.

Compared with the improvement of strength, compared with the excavation of their own potential

Rosefinch challenge, what is it?

Perhaps for other martial artists, this is a rare opportunity in a hundred years. It is an excellent opportunity to soar to the top of the dragon\'s gate. But for myself, the rosefinch challenge is just an opportunity to "experience", an opportunity to fight with the strong to improve their own strength!

How can it be compared to the "star pupil in the sky".

Once integrated, how amazing and terrible it will be!

(the first watch ~ ~ starts at the fourth watch today, and the next watch starts at 20:00)