Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 848

be raging like a storm.

A stone stirs thousands of waves.

The drawing of lots for the top ten mission areas was announced, and the whole Shiluo county was bustling.

Various large, medium and small forces began to collect data and analyze their opponents. After all, the number of people in the qualifying round is not as large as that in the qualifying round. There are only more than 30000 people assigned to each task. Learn about the "strong" in each task, and be prepared.

The most important thing is that after qualifying, each martial artist in the qualifying has a number.

The later the number means that the longer the warrior passes the qualification, the weaker the strength is relatively.

Lin Feng, for example, is 333000.

"Oh, the last one?" Lin Feng was stunned.

I suddenly remembered that I didn\'t take the initiative to complete the qualifying task.

But when the time arrived, he was "driven" out of the war city treasure house at the last moment.

"It\'s interesting." Lin Feng couldn\'t help laughing.

In the qualification competition, he is a one-star general; The qualifier is better. 333000, such a memorable number, represents a well-known identity——

Crane tail.

"Those who look down on the young master will pay the price." Guan Zhong said calmly.

As a housekeeper, Guan Zhong has the eyesight of a star level warrior. Although Guan Zhong is not sure about Lin Feng\'s exact strength, he can probably estimate it. Last? Crane tail? It\'s a joke, but the number is just a number. It\'s no different except that it\'s a little inferior when entering the qualifier.

Or, the warrior with the number in front has light on his face.

However, rosefinch challenge only depends on results.

Lin Feng smiled, but he didn\'t care.

For myself, the rosefinch challenge is not only a way to improve my status in the Lin family, but also a training.

As Wan Mochou said, it is "trial.".

I\'m looking forward to fighting with some martial artists who are stronger than myself.

The best way to improve your strength is to fight.

Especially this battle of life and death!

"By the way, ah Zhong, do you know any way to quickly improve the absorption of the power of constellations in four months?" Lin Feng asked.

After a period of time together, I found that Guan Zhong was indeed a talent, and the position of housekeeper was overqualified for him.

This is a man with a past. He has experienced, vicissitudes and profound experience.

"Does the young master want to directly improve the power of the constellation, or speed up the absorption of the power of the constellation?" Guan Zhongyan said.

"Well..." Lin Feng\'s eyes were slightly bright, "talk about it."

There seems to be more than one method.

Indeed, I\'m a little too "step-by-step".

If you think about it, the world of fighting spirits is so vast. How many people have walked this road of martial arts, naturally there is a "shortcut".

"The most common way to improve the power of constellations is to absorb the star fruit and star pill, or refine the star crystal." Guan Zhong said, "of course, there are also some secret methods that can pass on the power of constellations and forcibly absorb the power of refined stars. These are very few."

Lin Feng was slightly surprised, "can Xingjing also be refined?"

Guan Zhong nodded and said, "naturally, the star crystal itself can be gathered by pure star power, but it needs the power of constellations to transform the \'secret script\'. Refining Star Crystal has various aids, and the secret scripts of transformation are also different."

Lin Feng thought, "what about Xingguo and Xingdan?"

Without thinking, Guan Zhong said slowly, "the star fruit is born from the nature of heaven and earth. The effects of various star fruits are different, and the star power contained is the purest. The star pill is refined with the star fruit as the main body. The absorption of the star pill is better than the star fruit in the same time, but the effect of taking the same star pill continuously will become worse."

Lin Feng nodded softly. As one of the four deputies, alchemists have their own "value".

It is the alchemist\'s ability to turn a star fruit of one point value into a star pill of three points, five points or even great value.

"Ah Zhong, how should I choose now?" Lin Feng\'s eyes flashed lightly.

For Xingguo and Xingdan, I\'m a layman after all. It\'s better to ask an expert than toss blindly.

Guan Zhong looked at Lin Feng with burning eyes and said slowly, "if you believe in Guan Zhong, it\'s up to me."

Lin Feng smiled calmly: "I\'d love it."

No doubt about employing people, no doubt about people.

Guan Zhong, Lin Feng believed him.

This is a man of principle and faithfulness.

A month before the announcement of the draw results of the qualifying games, a new Roche chamber of Commerce gold card was sent, with an amount of more than 2000 stars. This is the last day in the war city. I still earn a sky high price after deducting 20% of the handling fee from selling the war star.

How many people can see the \'huge\' of 2000 multi star crystals?

Guan Zhong is obviously one of them.

"Yes, I need someone to help me with my chores."

"Guan Zhong is quite suitable."

Lin Feng smiled.

Have experience and see the world.

There is also the heart of a strong star. Guan Zhong\'s "housekeeper" is really good.

"But the treasure I got from the crystal treasure house has to be distributed together with the reward after the qualifying game."

"We have to wait a lot of days."

Lin Feng feels helpless.

I really want to know the treasure that can make me so excited

In the end what is it?

Three hundred times the time to carve the pattern array.

The reason for choosing Xingguo and Xingdan is that they can be "directly absorbed".

There is no conflict between the two and orthodox cultivation. But if it is a star crystal, it needs to be refined and cannot be practiced at the same time. The pill that increases the power absorption of constellations in a short time is even more useless, because it will be "drug repellent" with other pills.

Lin Feng gave Guan Zhong 1100 Xingjing, of which 200 Xingjing asked him to buy two "Jiyang soul reviving pills" to be prepared.

I\'m not sure when something happens to me, just in case.

Now with the two "Chunyang jade pendants" given by master Yanqing, Guan Zhong\'s two daughters look much better. The demand for "Jiyang soul reviving pill" is not as great as before, but it is a good thing. For the remaining 900 star crystals, Guan Zhongquan helped himself replace them with Xingguo and Xingdan to speed up the absorption of the power of the constellation.

"Gulu." he directly swallowed the 30 Star Crystal \'Yanli fruit\' and lit up Lin Feng\'s eyes.

If the abdomen is burned, but the body feels an abnormal surging feeling, as if it has inexhaustible power.

The strong power of constellations flows around the body, and the absorption speed is based on the bearing capacity of the body.


Even one point faster than cultivation.

"134 days..." Lin Feng smiled and was very satisfied.

"Two months is enough."

Lin family.

"Do you want to choose the wizard of Oz?" Lin Zhen frowned.

"Yes, clan leader." Lin Yumo nodded slightly.

"Yumo, you don\'t have to worry about money." Lin Yan stroked his beard and ran ran said, "your achievements are so excellent this time, and it\'s inevitable for the family to restore your identity. Even if you\'re unlucky in this rosefinch challenge, your position in the family will not change."

"Disciple, thank you, master." Lin Yumo smiled.

Lin Zhen nodded, "selection of mission place..."

"Patriarch, master, please forgive Yumo\'s willfulness." Lin Yumo\'s beautiful eyes are bright.

Lin Yumo is not an easy person to change his mind.

"This..." Lin Yan and Lin Zhen all frowned, and the atmosphere was a little depressed. From the standpoint of the family, they naturally hope Lin Yumo can go to a more "safe" place, but if Lin Yumo insists again and again, they can\'t force a decision for her.

After all, a forced twist is not sweet.

"Can you tell me why?" Lin Zhen\'s right fist propped her chin and her eyes were burning.

Lin Yumo shook his head gently.

She doesn\'t want to lie.

There was silence and embarrassment.

"Then... Let\'s do it first." Lin Yan quickly opened his mouth and broke the embarrassing atmosphere. "Anyway, there are still a few days to go to Yumo\'s selection day, ranking 10th. Yumo is the place to choose one of five tasks. Whether there is the" Wizard of Oz "is unknown."

Lin Yumo\'s beautiful face is firm and gently bows, "if there is no \'wizard of Oz\', everything is up to the patriarch and master, Yumo will leave first."

Lin Zhen and Lin Yan looked at each other and felt helpless.

Lin Yumo\'s implication is that if there is a "Wizard of Oz" among the five missions, then she

You will choose there.

Fate is wonderful.

Some people want to go, but they can\'t.

Some people don\'t want to go, but they have to go.

Lin Yumo\'s five tasks were selected, and Lin Zhen and Lin Yan breathed a sigh.

They had good luck.

However, Lin Yumo\'s face was full of disappointment.

Somehow, since seeing Lin Feng\'s name appear in the wizard of Oz, she has been restless and always feels that something will happen. But I don\'t know whether it\'s excessive worry or a woman\'s intuition, so she stubbornly wants to go to the wizard of oz.

But it backfired.

"I hope it\'s just my worry."

"Brother Lin will be safe."

In Lin Yu\'s beautiful eyes, there was a slight twinkle of stars.

She didn\'t know when, and there was one more person in her heart.

Wujia, qianluo district.

Unlike the Lin family, the Wu family is very "poor.".

Of course, compared with the same forces and ordinary small forces, the Wu family is rich and powerful. After all, it is the family with the strongest "force" in qianluo district.

They don\'t need to prove themselves.

In qianluo District, the Wu family\'s power is comparable to that of the dragon club and Qingyun tower.

Status, as stable as Mount Tai!

"Great!" Wu Bufan wore a set of bright black armor and looked dignified. His muscles burst like a cheetah, and the crest on his head symbolizes the blood of his\' Aztec \'family, "Wu Feng, how many people have entered the\' wizard of Oz \'?"

Wu Feng is also an excellent martial artist of the Wu family. The martial artist in the third place in qianluo district is still better than Lin Yumo.

"Young master, there are eighty people, including you and me." Wu Feng delimited at the corner of his mouth and said happily.

"Good, good omen!" Wu Bufan\'s eyes were bright and laughed. "This will be my war to become famous. I will make Wu family famous!"

Wu Feng said with a smile, "another good news, young master, Lin Feng is also on the list of the wizard of Oz, No. 333000."

"Number 333000?" Wu Bufan was stunned and burst out laughing.

"Very good, it\'s really good news!" Wu Bufan showed a killing intention in his eyes. "This boy who doesn\'t know the greatness of heaven and earth, I\'ve wanted to get rid of him for a long time, and now it\'s just solved at once!"

"The last one? What a waste!"

Wu extraordinary arrogant laughter, three feet around the beam.

(third shift ~ ~)