Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 847

After a full two months.

Lin Feng, this time we have been closed for quite a long time.

Although it takes only three days to understand the second importance of "entering the gun territory", that is because it has been understood in the "gun path space". After that, the second level of cultivation of "Phoenix attracting skill" is not so smooth. Even if there is the foundation of the first level of Phoenix attracting skill, it takes nearly half a month to understand it.

The understanding of the double star is not easy.

On the first level of Phoenix attraction, the power absorption of constellations is increased by 50%.

The second layer of Phoenix attracting skill can absorb the power of constellations and double it!

However, the star power value of the second layer of Phoenix attraction is only \'18 points\', and the total star cultivation is not enough.

Then, Lin Feng is the second level of cultivating juhuang technique. The star power value of 30 points not only makes the total star cultivation reach the seventh level. With the addition of the "18 points" on the second level of Phoenix attraction, the "20 points" on the second level of marksmanship, and the "40 points" on the second level of marksmanship, it will reach 108 points!

Single eukaryotic system, star repair sevenfold!

Moreover, the second layer of Phoenix gathering, the absorption of the power of constellations, has been fully increased by 1.6 times!

"Wow!" the light of the time engraving array dissipated.

Lin Feng stepped out with a faint smile and was in a good mood.

The efficiency of cultivation is much higher than expected!

"However, even if the force absorption speed of eukaryotic constellations is increased by three times, the force absorption speed of other constellations has not increased."

"With the increase of the second level of juhuang technique, now I want to reach level 7 of the star master level..."

"It still takes 134 days."

He shook his head slightly and felt a little regret in his heart.

I never had time to improve my strength to the seventh level of the star master level before the qualifier.

But it\'s much better than the previous 414 days.

"I\'ve seen you, young master." Guan Zhong bowed slightly.

"HMM." Lin Feng nodded and slowly stepped out of the cultivation room.

He was stunned.

Lin Feng blinked, but his eyes were completely changed.

There was originally a piece of debris around the training room, full of ruins, and very old bricks and tiles were spread all over the ground. But at present, the surrounding trees are shaded and a piece of emerald green grass gives people a kind of vibrant vitality and refreshing spirit.

Change, great!

Outside this grassland, another layer of "carved pattern array" flashes white light, which is quite dazzling.

It seems to completely isolate this area.

"This is the hidden mystery array, young master. It can hide the location of the cultivation room." Guan Zhong explained slowly.

Lin Feng nodded thoughtfully and looked at Guan Zhong: "this\' engraving array \'is very profound, not like the engraving array of human level." he only gave Guan Zhong 40 star crystals. It is obviously not enough to ask the engraver to draw the\' engraving array \'of earth level.

"It was painted by master Yan Qing." Guan Zhong replied truthfully, "master Yan visited the family a month ago and stopped by to see you."

Lin Feng\'s eyes sparkled and nodded suddenly.

Master Yanqing was generous when he met him by chance.

"Is master Yanqing gone?" Lin Feng asked.

"That\'s right." Guan Zhong hesitated for a moment, fell on one knee and arched his hands. "Guan Zhong made a mistake and is ashamed of his young master."

Lin Feng\'s eyes twinkled: "get up and talk."

Guan Zhong bowed his head and sighed: "master Yan didn\'t know when he put two pure Yang jade pendants on the little girl. When Guan later learned that he was chasing out, he had disappeared from master Yan." the dark light in his eyes flashed and died. He arched his hand and said, "no merit, please return these two pure Yang jade pendants to master Yan."

Lin Feng knew clearly in his heart that Guan Zhong\'s look had changed and how he could escape his eyes.

"How much is this\' Chunyang jade pendant \'?" Lin Feng said.

Guan Zhong\'s eyes flashed: "two pieces, no less than 1000 star crystals, and there is a price without a market."

It\'s really a big deal.

However, for people with such identities as master Yanqing, 1000 Xingjing is nothing.

"Since it\'s master Yan\'s intention, you can take it." Lin Feng smiled calmly. How can he not see the importance of these two Chunyang jade pendants to Guan Zhong.

"Young master, the price... Is too heavy." Guan Zhong bowed his hand and looked solemn.

One price, one favor.

Guan Zhong knows very well that the favor master Yanqing wants is naturally not his.

It\'s Lin Feng, young master.

"Well, don\'t be a big man." Lin Feng patted Guan Zhong on the shoulder and said with a smile, "let\'s go and take me to see what my residence has become?" 1000 Xingjing can still get it. Not to mention the favor owed to master Yan, it\'s owed.

"Thank you, young master." Guan Zhong\'s face turned red and excited.

It is easier to add flowers to the icing on the cake than to send charcoal in the snow.

For Guan Zhong, the appearance of Lin Feng made him feel like a new life.

The past has turned into dust and smoke. Now he is like a disabled man. His strength is equal to the third level of star master level, and he will no longer be honored that day. Guan Zhong didn\'t dare to think about revenge. For him, taking good care of the twin daughters and being safe is the greatest gift from heaven.


It\'s just a sigh.

In the fighting spirit world, either you kill me or I kill you.

Guan Zhong has long understood the cold and warm human feelings, but he didn\'t expect to meet such a noble person as Lin Feng.

"Ha, it looks like a mansion at last." Lin Feng smiled.

Looking around, there is a thriving atmosphere. Although I don\'t care about the living environment, everyone has a heart for beauty. Looking at their "home" is better than looking at a pile of broken ruins.

"Oh, is this?" Lin Feng\'s eyes lit up.

In the middle of the courtyard, there is a huge sculpture, lifelike.

There are nine dragons of different colors, flying in the sky, full of fierce domineering.

Above the dragon, there is a bright pearl, like a star, shining red light, as if to suppress the nine dragons.

"Kowloon welcomes the emperor." Guan Zhong bowed his head.

"Nine is the respect and nine is the number of days. Kowloon welcomes the emperor and wants supreme power."

"The new opening of the residence is to \'welcome the emperor in Kowloon\', symbolizing that the owner of the residence will one day be ranked in heaven and become the master of heaven!"

Guan Zhong\'s words fell in his ears, and Lin Feng\'s eyes flashed.

Gently stroking the sculpture of "Kowloon welcomes the emperor", I felt a surge of heart, and gently held my left fist together.

One day, if you can rank in the sky

Become the master of heaven!

In the lobby.

"The draw has come out, young master," Guan Zhong said respectfully.

"Oh?" Lin Feng\'s eyes were light, "where?"

"The wizard of Oz." Guan Zhong hesitated and looked solemn. "It is said that the overseas Island numbered 8 is an unexplored \'treasure land\'. For many martial artists, it is a place that can\'t be expected, but for the young master... It is signed."

Treasure land, sign?

Lin Feng smiled, "how do you say that?"

"This kind of untapped treasure land often has many \'star fruits\' created by heaven and earth, valuable crystal minerals, metals and so on." Guan Zhong said, "it is possible for a lucky warrior to harvest tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of star crystals."

"The wizard of Oz is the richest place among the ten offshore islands."

"But it is also the most dangerous place."

Listening to Guan Zhong\'s words, Lin Feng nodded.

In terms of experience, Guan Zhong has more than himself, and he will never be false.

"Because of the wealth here, it causes the strong to peep?" Lin Feng\'s eyes twinkle.

There are 32 areas in the qualification competition. The top 1000 martial artists can choose one from two or one from three. The top three in each area can even directly choose the place of the task. Basically, these martial artists account for 99% of all martial artists promoted.

"Yes, that\'s one of the reasons." Guan Zhong nodded.

"Because even if you fail, everything you get in the Offshore Islands belongs to the warrior himself."

"Entering the wizard of Oz, you can get \'property\', which is even far better than the material rewards won through the qualifying games."

People die for wealth, birds die for food.

Lin Feng knows very well that fighting in the wizard of Oz for property may be quite serious.

A seemingly beautiful place is actually cruel.

"In addition, the really strong will want to prove themselves in the wizard of Oz." Guan Zhong\'s eyes flashed away and bowed his head.

"It\'s the highest gold content to win the first place in the qualifier here."

Lin Feng smiled.

Fame and profit are the two "evil sources" of mankind.

I understand what Guan Zhong means. No matter how rich the wizard of Oz is, he is not short of money.


"Wrong, ah Zhong." Lin Feng smiled.

Guan Zhong looked up in surprise and looked at Lin Feng puzzled.

His eyes sparkled with the idea of war, and Lin Feng scratched slightly at the corner of his mouth, "this is a sign for me."

The movement of Guan Zhongxin\'s "Peng" lit up a faint fine awn in his eyes. From Lin Feng\'s eyes, he understood and understood that it was once owned by him, but now it has disappeared——

Warrior soul.

Xibei district.

"Decided?" Hua Yidao opened his eyes.

"Yes, Dad," said Hua Wei, holding a war knife in his hand. "The child decided to enter the wizard of Oz No. 8."

"Because of her?" Hua Yidao said.

"Yes." Hua Wei\'s eyes were firm. "I want to prove myself -"

"She is not weak!"

Ruyi district.

"Have you decided where to go?" Zeng Pan said with an eyebrow.

Zeng Ren smiled coldly, "don\'t think, Huawei must choose the wizard of Oz."

"OK!" Zeng Pan\'s eyes were cold. "Kill Hua Yidao for me. The old man\'s arrogance. Hua Weina boy will be a big trouble in the future and have a chance to be him!"

Zeng bladed coldly, "don\'t worry, Dad."

Cloud zone.

"No, Grandpa, why should I go to qiluo country?" Bai Qi wanted to cry without tears.

"Who wants you to play around in the qualifying competition?" the Pulsatilla sipped tea and said, "it\'s not right. You don\'t need to touch those guys to finish the task easily."

"There\'s nothing I can do, Grandpa?" he frowned.

"Give up." the Pulsatilla smiled.

Sakyamuni district.

"The wizard of Oz, uh... Sounds like the best scenery and the most beautiful ~ ~"

"Just go there."

Holding her chin in her hand, it was a childlike girl with bangs, like a porcelain doll, carved in powder and jade.

She is only fourteen years old, but she is already a strong star.

She beat Hua Wei with three moves a year ago.

She has created one miracle after another.

No. 1 seed, release Zhi heart.

(second change ~ ~)