Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 846

When Lin Feng returns from Yumo mansion, he returns home.

In the Lin family, except for their close relationship with Yu Mo, the relationship between other martial artists is common.

In fact, I don\'t know many people.

"Tianwu continent, father..." Lin Feng\'s eyes flashed.

I benefited a lot from talking with Yumo, but the matter of my father is still hanging in my heart.

I really want to know what happened that year!

Why did dad bring himself and his brother to tianwu continent alone? What is contained in it and will it involve anything?

"Does it have anything to do with the family?" Lin Feng frowned thoughtfully.

It is impossible to say that he has nothing to do with the Lin family.

But since his father let himself return to the Lin family, it shows that there is no "enemy" in the family.

"However, why only let me find my uncle Lin Jing?"

"What\'s the connection?"

Lin Feng has many questions in his heart, but he can\'t get the answer.

He wanted to ask Yu Mo, but he found out from Yu Mo\'s mouth that after his father "disappeared", his uncle Lin Jing was demoted and died. The Yumo family has been in decline since then. When Yumo was about the same age as himself, what would he remember and know?

If you tell Yu Mo your guess, it will make more ripples in her heart.

Add hatred, but not what you want.

"Xu ~ ~" long breathed out, and Lin Feng shook his head.

If you want to break your head, you don\'t know what happened that year.

Although his status has been improved a lot, after all, he is only a \'guest\' in the family and wants to explore

It\'s still early.

"If you do too much Kung Fu now, you will only scare the snake."

"What I have to do is slowly and step by step to improve my family status."

Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright and bright, forcing his curiosity in his heart.

Now, I can only "endure".

At least my father can wait for ten thousand years, and in this period of time, I use the Lin family to hide my power and make plans, which is the best policy!

Plan and then move. Recklessness and impulse will only do bad things.

After all, I\'m still too weak.

"Star domain level, can really stand a firm foothold in the land of nine continents." Lin Feng knew very well in his heart.

In the land of Jiuzhou, there are "slaves". As long as you have money, you can buy slaves at the Ninth level of the star master level and at the peak of the star master level.

But star domain slaves can\'t buy them.

Enter the array of engraving patterns for 300 times.

With a rest period of half a year, we can\'t waste it.

For most star master level warriors, half a year is very short. After all, the life span of a star master level warrior is at least long live.

But for Lin Feng, half a year has been a long time!

Can do a lot of things.

"It has nothing to do with me how the draw for the qualifying match is." Lin Feng sat down slowly and looked calm.

For myself, no matter which island I enter, the most important thing is that I have no right to choose.

Since this is beyond control, what do you want to do so much?

"In half a year, if I can raise the level of strength to level 7, I will have the capital to compete with the star master level peak warrior." Lin Feng\'s eyes are burning.

Your own star master level is level 7. The strength of constellations in the soul is equivalent to that of ordinary star master level level 9 martial artists. Maybe it\'s ten times worse than the star master level peak warrior, but his Phoenix chart can make up for the deficiency. He not only has the power of endless constellations, but the most important thing is——

Own \'control\' ability is very strong!

Other martial artists can instantly mobilize 1% of the power of constellations, and they can mobilize 10% at the same time.

Other martial artists can accumulate up to 10% of the power of the constellation, but they can control even 100% of the power of the constellation as long as they have enough time!

That\'s the difference.

However, it is not easy to enter the seventh level of the master level.

The stronger the strength, the more difficult it is to promote. You can promote yourself to level 7 of the star master level. The difficulty is the same as that of other martial artists from level 8 to level 9 of the star master level!

"My special system and eukaryotic system are five fold, and the other five systems are two fold."

"Supplemented by the first layer of Phoenix gathering, 80% of the power of the constellation is absorbed and improved, plus the doubled constellation sensitivity..."

Lin Feng closed his eyes and quickly calculated in his heart.

414 days!

"This is still calculated by the array of engraving patterns in 300 times of time."

"If it takes a hundred times as long to carve the pattern array, the time will be much longer."

When he opened his eyes, Lin Feng frowned slightly.

Far more than half a year.

This is just the most simple absorption of the "power of constellations" from the sixth level to the seventh level of the master level. It does not calculate the time it takes for the total star to repair the sixth to seventh levels. Although understanding the star technology is not a problem for yourself, the understanding of the double star is not a matter of time.

"Only the understanding of star technology focusing on the \'eukaryotic system\' first."

"First understand the second weight of entering the gun territory, and the star power value is 40 points."

Lin Feng closed his eyes again and immersed himself in it.

The second important thing in entering the gun territory is that I have understood it in the "gun path space", so I just need to combine it with star technology——

It will come naturally.

Lin Feng, soon entered the state of cultivation.

As a martial artist, cultivation is an essential part.

When a tall building rises from the ground, we must practice step by step.

In just three days, Lin Feng has mastered the second level of entering the gun realm perfectly. With the increase of the "Amethyst gun", he has reached the peak level of the star master\'s peak martial art realm, and the third level of "entering the gun realm"! In this regard, Lin Feng has stood at the top of the pyramid of star master level warriors.

With the understanding of the second level of entering the gun territory, the star power value of the eukaryotic system reaches the \'60\' point, rising from the fifth level to the sixth level.

And Lin Feng\'s understanding continues.

Phoenix attraction, second floor!

Compared with the calm in the array of time engraving patterns, it is in full swing outside.

Lin Feng doesn\'t know that his residence has been "greatly transformed" under the mobilization of Guan Da housekeeper. Lin Feng entrusted Guan Zhong with a heavy responsibility and a lot of money. How dare Guan Zhong be careless and do his duty.

Not only to repay Lin Feng, but also to his two daughters.

He knew very well that only Lin Feng could help his daughter continue her life. Who else would have such a Bodhisattva\'s heart.

How much can a mere housekeeper be worth?

"There must be no carelessness here. The lobby is the facade of the mansion."

"Over there, the garden is a little behind and the aisle is narrow. Doesn\'t it mean that the owner is stingy?"

"You can\'t plant peonies. That\'s after the flowers, not the king of flowers!"


Guan Zhong\'s eyebrows are like swords. He has a good posture.

Guan Zhong, who has never eaten pork, has seen pigs running. After all, Guan Zhong was once a strong star. He also lives in the mansion. He soon integrated into the housekeeper\'s "new identity". Behind Guan Zhong, several maids carefully hugged two babies, and the surrounding servants, guards and maidservants were busy one by one.

New personnel, new weather!

Lin Feng\'s mansion is full of vitality.

It seems to be rising like its master.

"Well, who is the owner of that mansion?"

"I don\'t know. Isn\'t this mansion empty for hundreds of years?"

"It\'s strange. There\'s no news at all."

All the surrounding mansions were whispering and talking.

It\'s mysterious to know that there is a "Guan housekeeper", but I don\'t know who the owner of the mansion is.

"It\'s said that it\'s a \'VIP\' of the family. I don\'t know who it is?"

"I know I\'m rich at a glance. Look at these decorations and the master level slaves of the gatekeeper. Tut Tut, it\'s amazing."

"Alas, we servants can\'t be rich again."


The whole North District is quite lively.

First, the revival of the Lin Yumo family was wantonly extravagant, and now a new residence is added, just in less than a few months.

You know, it\'s not easy to add a mansion in the North District.

The identity of a straight line warrior is very precious.

Second only to direct fighters.

Central area.

Only the "lineal" martial artists with the purest family blood can enter the land of blood inheritance.

For example, Lin fan, the son of the Deputy patriarch Lin Jiandi.

"Ready?" Lin\'s voice was calm and expressionless.

"Yes, Dad!" Lin Fan clenched his teeth, his eyes still wearing goggles, but he was angry.

"Go," Lin said coldly.

Faltering, Lin Fan seemed to hesitate a little.

But thinking of the "humiliation" he received in Lin Yumo\'s residence that day, Lin Fan clenched his fists and trembled.

He\'s not willing!

"Dog men and women, you wait and see!"

"Lin Yumo, you bitch, I Lin Fan won\'t let it go!"

Deep resentment turned into resentment and became the driving force of Lin fan.

Paranoid in his heart, Lin Fan\'s face was ferocious, like a fierce ghost, and went to the place of blood inheritance.

Looking at the disappearing figure, Lin Liaodi looked indifferent and smiled, "how deep love is and how deep hatred is. The cycle of heaven and justice is often unhappy. I can\'t imagine that my son of Lin Liaodi is as infatuated as that stupid big brother."

Shaking his head, Lin turned around and left.

Time flies.

In the twinkling of an eye, it has been two months since the end of the qualifying competition.

The whole Shiluo county is very quiet today, as if there was no sound. Everyone is waiting for the result of the draw. Rosefinch challenge \'peripheral Competition\', the final allocation result of the top ten task areas.

Qiluo country, smoke Island, hundred pile Mainland

The ten mission sites have long been announced, and the information about each mission site has been continuously explored and estimated.

This is an uncultivated island!

In Lin Feng\'s residence, Guan Zhong, the housekeeper, also closely watched the results of the "lottery". As a housekeeper, Lin Feng\'s business is his business. Since Lin Feng participates in the rosefinch challenge, he has the responsibility and obligation to help his young master and obtain relevant information.

Knowing yourself and the enemy is invincible in a hundred battles.

It\'s very helpful to know the information about the mission place.

From the time of announcement, there is only the Kung Fu of the last tea!

Guan Zhong\'s eyes brightened and waited patiently.

At this time——

"Wow!" the light flashed brightly.

Guan Zhong gave a light sigh, and his body immediately disappeared.

He felt the change of the time engraving array, and the young master "Lin Feng" left the customs.

(first change ~ ~)