Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 845

"Aren\'t you afraid that Lin fan will trouble you?" Lin Feng said strangely.

Lin Yumo smiled slightly. His beautiful face had a faint clear spirit: "he didn\'t dare."

"Hmm?" Lin Feng looked at Yu Mo and thought.

Obviously, it can make Yumo no longer taboo Lin fan. There must be someone behind him.

"In fact, he and I have always been nothing, brother Lin." Lin Yumo\'s beautiful eyes flashed and said with a smile: "just before, there was a great difference in their identity, and we couldn\'t refuse him. But now it\'s different. We can see if we want to see, and we can\'t see if we don\'t want to see. Although he is a direct martial artist, it doesn\'t mean he can break into the mansion."

Lin Feng nodded, but what Yu Mo said was also a fact.

Now that she has regained her identity, Yu Mo is also the "head of the family". She has her own identity.

On the contrary, Lin fan has no real name.

"Elder brother Lin, you should be careful." Lin Yumo gently opened his cherry lips, his beautiful eyes flashed, hesitated slightly, and whispered, "I grew up with him when I was young, and I know his character very well. I must report my vengeance. Lin fan is very narrow-minded and stingy. I\'m afraid he will be bad for you in the peripheral games."

"Peripheral games?" Lin Feng\'s eyes flashed and he was curious. "Are the peripheral games grouped?"

Lin Yumo gently shook his head, "not yet."

"Oh... Yumo, what\'s the qualifier like?" Lin Feng was intrigued and curious.

Lin Yumo\'s beautiful eyes blinked and his voice was soft. "The peripheral competition is far more difficult and cruel than the qualification competition. In the qualification competition, the martial artist will not lose his life, but in the peripheral competition, he may die at any time if he is not careful. It is carried out in thousands of uncultivated islands."

Thousands of islands!

Lin Feng\'s eyes brightened instantly.

Tianwu continent is one of thousands of islands.

The sea area of Dooling world is vast, and the land only occupies a very small part. In the vast sea area, there are thousands of islands, big and small, even bigger than the land of nine continents; Small, similar to tianwu mainland.

"Isn\'t the sea area the domain of demon clan?" Lin Feng didn\'t understand.

The witch clan controls the land; The demon clan controls the sea area and forms a confrontation in the fighting spirit world.

Two wars have broken out between the two countries, and both have suffered losses.

"The sea area is vast, how can the demon family manage it?" Lin Yumo smiled and flashed his eyebrows. "That is, the land is far less vast than the sea area, and the witch family can\'t fully govern. In fact, we human beings exist in many islands, but it\'s difficult to fly out of the sea like birds in a cage."

Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright and nodded.

Tianwu mainland is also one of the cages in the demon family field.

"There is a kind of star talisman, called \'random transmission star talisman\'." Lin Yumo said, "when you use the star talisman, you enter the turbulent flow in space, and you don\'t know where you will reach. This is a very precious life-saving star talisman and a star talisman for exploring thousands of Islands."

"Hmm?" Lin Feng\'s eyes lit up and suddenly became interested.

According to Yu Mo, the founder of tianwu may have used star symbols to enter it.

No, if so, how did tianwu land multiply?

Lin Yumo confidently said, "there is only one kind of people who can explore thousands of islands, that is the engraver. Only the engraver can draw the \'transmission array\', even the transmission gate and transmission channel, and establish the connection between the land of nine continents and the islands."

i see!

Lin Feng was completely surprised.

"In fact, at the beginning, the purpose of human migration to the island was just in case." Lin Yumo\'s beautiful eyes were bright. "In the sea area, the island is a cage; but in fact, on land, the land of nine continents is not a cage? The difference is that the owner of the cage is the demon clan or the witch clan."

Lin Feng nodded and sighed in his heart.

Yeah! In the fighting spirit world, the human situation is indeed delicate.

It\'s not easy to survive in the cracks.

"The existence of tianwu continent must be similar to the transmission array and transmission gate."

"But why have you never heard of the land of Jiuzhou?"

Lin Feng\'s eyes changed slightly, and he couldn\'t understand it in his heart.

If the tianwu mainland is connected with the land of Jiuzhou, why have you never seen a warrior in the land of Jiuzhou?

Looking at Yu Mo, Lin Feng\'s eyebrows were slightly clustered, and his face was just like, "is it possible that there are human survival and energy technology in thousands of islands, but he doesn\'t know the existence of Jiuzhou?" in his eyes, with extreme desire, Lin Feng urgently wants to know all this.

Lin Yumo\'s beautiful eyes twinkled, his bright wrist moved gently, and changed a thinking posture.

For a long time, Lin Yumo gently jawed his head: "the only possibility I can think of is that the connection between the island and Jiuzhou has been interrupted."


Lin Feng suddenly understood, "Yumo, do you mean that the \'transmission array\' is broken?"

"No." Lin Yumo shook his head, "if you find a habitable Island, there will not be only one transmission array, but many transmission arrays, transmission gates or transmission channels will be built in case. At least, they are more than two digits."

Lin Feng pondered, "that is to say, the so-called interruption... Is man-made."

Lin Yumo Qing said, "it\'s likely that he did it deliberately to avoid his enemies or for a specific purpose."

Lin Feng\'s eyes flickered and he breathed a long breath.

I have almost figured out the origin of tianwu mainland.

Obviously, those transmission arrays, gates or channels were destroyed a long time ago, leaving behind many so-called "ancient civilization and technology". Later, people in tianwu created second-class "technology" based on ancient civilization and technology.

After endless years, after several human wars, the file information has been lost.

My father will come to tianwu mainland that day. He may be desperate and use the "random transmission star symbol" to fight.

I\'m afraid it\'s also a coincidence.

"This is the most reasonable inference at present."

"But what\'s the real reason? I\'m afraid I won\'t know until I wake up my father."

Lin Feng thought in his heart and felt comfortable.

The question immersed in the bottom of my heart seemed to dissipate suddenly.

"Hmm..." Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright and he was slowly meditating.

After Yumo explained, he had a general understanding of the external round.

Martial artists who qualify for the Shiluo County qualifying competition will enter the uncultivated islands in ten batches. Each island has different Qualifying tasks. Or treasure hunting, or killing, or exploring, etc. the ten islands have different tasks.

The number of qualified persons per island is 1000.

The probability is about 3%.

Very small.

However, the qualifying rate is twice as high as that of the qualifying competition.

Because it\'s dangerous here.

If you are careless, you will die on the island. This is the real test of the martial arts. Naturally, the task will not make the martial arts kill each other like the qualification competition, but sometimes they may fight in order to compete for the qualification place, or for a treasure.

In every round out, the number of deaths remains high.

But just like the 9999 communities in Shiluo County, there is no limit to killing!

The real strong, how can they fear death!

"Enter according to the qualification?" Lin Feng smiled bitterly.

"Yes, because the island is far away, and the display of the transmission array has a certain cooling period." Lin Yumo said lightly, "although ten transmission arrays are used together on each island, they can only be used once in an average of 30 seconds. It takes about a day for more than 30000 contestants on each island to complete the transmission."

"No wonder the qualifying matches are all competing for places." Lin Feng finally understood at this time.

The qualifying round is different from the qualifying round. The qualifying quota of the qualifying round is fixed, and there are only 1000 on each island.

I don\'t have to think about it. It must be the last batch to enter the island. By the time you enter, I\'m afraid other martial artists have already gained the upper hand. Maybe many people have completed the task. After all, the time difference between the first batch and the last batch——

One day and one night!

"More than that." Lin Yumo said softly, "the martial artists ranking behind the thousand in each district are randomly assigned to islands; one of the two is to choose the mission island from the 100th to the 1000th; one of the three is to choose from the 11th to the 99th; one of the five is to choose from the fourth to the tenth; the top three can be selected freely."

"The most important thing is that the list of martial artists entering each island is open. The higher the ranking, the later it will be selected."

Yu Mo\'s soft voice fell into his ears, and Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright and clear, completely understood.

This means that starting from the 1000th place, contestants can "select" according to the published list of existing islands.

Many people can "seek good fortune and avoid bad luck" to find a safer Island, or find an island with more people, and even find an island whose task is more suitable for them. The higher the ranking in the qualifying competition, the greater the power.

"Well..." Lin Feng whispered.

I don\'t care much about this.

Anyway, where to go is the same for yourself.

Four eyes were opposite. Lin Feng looked at Lin Yumo\'s crystal clear beautiful eyes and said with a smile, "Yumo, do you want to help me?"

Lin Yumo did not deny the light "um", and a touching smile appeared on his beautiful face; "Brother Lin, your qualifying results are poor. You enter the peripheral competition one day later than other martial arts contestants. The disadvantage is too big. Let Yumo be the pioneer to help you explore the way?"

Lin Feng smiled, "even if I say no, you will do it."

Yumo\'s character is very clear. She is a very persistent girl.

With a smile, Bai Mei suddenly appears, which is very charming.

Lin Yumo did not speak, but answered Lin Feng with a smile.

"Well, the situation in the qualifying game changes suddenly. At that time, if Yumo is in danger, I can help her." Lin Feng thought lightly in his heart. He didn\'t refuse Yumo\'s\' kindness\', but smiled. Lin Feng stretched out his right hand, "well, I wish us a happy cooperation first?"

Lin Yumo also stretched out his jade hand and smiled playfully, "please give me more advice, brother Lin."

It\'s fun to laugh at each other.

Lin Feng looked at Lin Yumo and felt the warmth of distraction.

Indeed, the relationship between them has been much harmonious.

"Then I\'ll leave first. See you in half a year, Yumo." Lin Feng got up and said goodbye.

There will be a full six-month "rest period" before the start of the qualifier.

"OK." Lin Yumo smiled.

(fourth change ~ ~)