Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 844

"No cure?" Lin Feng frowned.

Guan Zhong shook his head and said in a low voice, "in order to treat, I have exhausted hundreds of billions of family wealth, but I still haven\'t improved at all."

With a fortune of hundreds of billions, Guan Zhong is obviously not an ordinary martial artist.

Lin Feng\'s eyes flashed and disappeared. He remembered that Guan Zhong claimed to be a "star domain strong man" that day, but no one believed it. But now it seems that it\'s true, and with his character, he definitely won\'t lie. To be exact, Guan Zhong doesn\'t need to lie.

"What should we do now?" Lin Feng looked at the two babies who were less than three months old and felt a sense of unbearable.

At a young age, we have to bear so much pain.

"We can only temporarily use the \'Jiyang soul reviving pill\' to prolong our life, resist the cold and Yin Qi and protect the young and weak \'soul\'." Guan Zhong\'s eyes flashed a deep worry. "Unfortunately, a \'Jiyang soul reviving pill\' can only maintain its effect for half a year. Now it is divided into two and only works for three months."

Lin Feng looked at Guan Zhong, his eyes burning, "so you don\'t hesitate to sell yourself outside the qianluo hall in order to buy the \'Jiyang soul reviving pill\' for three months?"

Guan Zhong slowly closed his eyes and sighed, "it\'s useless for me to be a father."

The long sigh said all the ups and downs in the world, and Lin Feng felt endless emotion in his heart.

Father\'s love is like heaven. He has a soft heart under his strong body. Maybe they are very strict, but they are like an eagle. They use their weathered wings to firmly protect the eagle cubs, no matter how many storms there are outside.

"You are already a great father." Lin Feng nodded gently.

There is no need to say much, nor to comfort this man like steel.

Lin Feng then took out 100 star crystals and stuffed them into his hand.

"Young master, what are you?!" Guan Zhong\'s face changed.

"In less than two months, is the efficacy of Jiyang Huihun pill coming?" Lin Feng nodded gently and understood that after all, he had seen Guan Zhong in the war zone for 42 days. Lin Feng said, "since there is no other way now, he will continue his life first."

Guan Zhonglian shook his head and looked very struggling: "young master, it\'s against the rules."

"Human life is vital, and friendship is priceless." Lin Feng smiled. "I don\'t have the so-called rules here."

"Take it." Lin Feng closed Guan Zhong\'s trembling right hand, looked at the clank and iron man, and said softly, "if money can exchange for these two little lives to thrive, the price is really nothing." looking at the two sleeping babies, Lin Feng sighed in his heart.

I\'m so young that I have to suffer this kind of torture.

However, life is a very tenacious existence, just like grass with toughness.

"Ah Zhong, I\'ll give you 100 star crystals every three months." Lin Feng\'s eyes are slightly deep and nods slowly. "Wait for this for the time being. When I have a chance in the future, I\'ll try my best to help you cure them." after patting Guan Zhong, Lin Feng smiles, "don\'t worry."


On his knees, two lines of tears fell from Guan Zhong\'s iron face.

Lin Feng was slightly stunned, his eyes were bright, and he didn\'t stop it.

I know Guan Zhong\'s character very well. He is not only a man of one word, but also a man of friendship.

Kneeling on his knees represents his most pious loyalty.

"Dong!" "Dong!" "Dong!" "Dong!" Guan Zhong\'s face was firm.

"Guan Zhongming remembers the kindness of the young master. Although I am disabled, if I can help, I will devote myself to death." Guan Zhong\'s words are sonorous and his expression is like steel and iron. Lin Feng smiled slightly and nodded, "get up. Don\'t forget that you are also an important task now. Close the housekeeper."

Guan Zhong smiled and stood up.

With Lin Feng\'s promise, he is finally relieved now.

Although the two daughters could not be cured for the time being, there was at least a glimmer of hope.

"There are 40 star crystals here. Help me manage the mansion." Lin Feng took out 40 star crystals and handed them to Guan Zhong. The latter was a little numb at this time, but when the star crystals fell into his hands, Guan Zhong suddenly returned to his mind, "don\'t need so much, young master."

40 Xingjing, that\'s 4 billion doling coins!

It takes so much money to decorate the mansion, buy some furniture and facilities, and hire some servants.

"Take it so that I don\'t have to give it again and again." Lin Feng smiled sadly.

Immediately, he strode out of the door and left.

Leaving Guan Zhong looking at Lin Feng\'s back, his eyes are full of curiosity.

This "mysterious" young master seems to have endless money. What\'s his origin?

Can\'t see through!

But it doesn\'t matter.

Guan Zhong looked at his two daughters with a rare smile. As long as he can give his two daughters a happy day and let them grow up healthily, he is willing to pay any price. It doesn\'t matter who Lin Feng is, whether he is good or bad.

As soon as he clapped his hands, Guan Zhong suddenly remembered.

He picked up his two daughters and hurried out of the house.

Now he is a housekeeper.

There\'s a lot to do.

Lin Feng walks out of his door, opposite Yumo\'s home.

Very close, across a corridor hundreds of meters wide, it is very "door-to-door".

"Oh?" Lin Feng\'s eyes lit up.

He didn\'t come for a while, but Yumo\'s residence has changed greatly.

That ancient feeling has completely disappeared. The gate has been repainted. In front of the gate are two huge golden dragons standing tall, symbolizing the arrogance of the gate. Phoenix, as the "totem" of the Lin family, is not allowed to be used as any stone or gold carving.

This is a kind of respect, but the dragon is not among them.

In front of the gate, two warriors dressed in star armor guard, with an old-fashioned face.

"Star master level?" Lin Feng was stunned.

It\'s a luxury to guard the gate with a star master level warrior.

Looking carefully, Lin Feng suddenly realized that there was a special symbol on the foreheads of the two guards.

This is the symbol of "enslavement star", which represents the identity of the two people——


Stepping in, the two star master level warriors did not stop, as if they turned a blind eye. Lin Feng knew in his heart that because of his strength, none of the star master level warriors who can freely enter and leave the north area of the inner city are noble people, but they can\'t offend them.

Rather than guards, they are more used for \'decoration\'.

The owner of the house.

Walking in the mansion, Lin Feng\'s eyes are sparkling.

It hasn\'t been seen for months. It has changed a lot. The bricks and stones have been paved and whitewashed again. Servants and maidservants can be seen everywhere busy, watering flowers and weeding, a vibrant area, all kinds of flowers competing to open, trees shaded, and the scenery is very good.

"Tut tut." Lin Feng sighed softly.

In contrast, his residence can be described by two words——


"Fortunately, I hired a housekeeper." Lin Feng said in his heart.

At this time, Guan Zhong should be busy. 40 star crystals are enough for him to decorate his residence and make a new look.

You don\'t need to be rich, at least you can meet guests.

At least, I am now a "VIP.".

Soon, Lin Feng found the main hall.

The location of the main hall has not changed. Lin Feng knows that Yu Mo doesn\'t want to change the original structure of the family. What was renovated was only those courtyards, the outside of the house, and the hall was only repaired and decorated a little more.

In the house, the maidservants stood in rows, looking respectful.

However, at this time, many people in the hall seem to be "waiting".

"Oh?" Lin Feng\'s eyes lit up.

It\'s not that friends don\'t gather. Lin Fan with an eye mask is sitting in the house at this time.

"Lin Feng?!" Lin Fan\'s teacup "Peng" was broken and the tea splashed, causing the surrounding maidservants to panic. Although Lin fan can\'t see, the warrior who reaches his level has a much sharper sense of breath than his eyes.

The smell of Lin Feng is still fresh in his memory!

"Hello." Lin Feng smiled calmly and didn\'t care about Lin Fan\'s expression.

Although they had festivals before, they were in the same family after all. There was no need to be so stiff.

Moreover, Lin fan has already received the "punishment" he deserves.

The atmosphere is strange.

Beside Lin fan, the three brothers Lin langhu, Lin Langshi and Lin langbao were waiting for him with sharp eyes. The other men behind him were even more tense, as if war would start if they didn\'t agree. Lin Feng lost his smile and shook his head. If he wanted to care about it, wouldn\'t he be too stingy.

"What are you doing here, Lin Feng!" Lin Fan gnashed his teeth.

"Nothing, come and have a look at Yumo." Lin Feng smiled.

The title of light cloth made Lin Fan\'s face ugly. He was about to open his mouth——

"The guest is master Lin Feng Lin?" the voice was a little old. Lin Feng looked at it. It was an old man who could bow and smiled kindly.

Lin Feng nodded, his eyes slightly bright.

The old man dressed in clothes should be the housekeeper.

"This way, please, master Lin." the old housekeeper made a \'please\' gesture and looked respectful.

"HMM." Lin Feng responded lightly, and walked with his steps.

"Wait!" in an instant, a roar sounded.

Lin Fan \'Peng\' stood up and roared angrily, "there should be a first come, first served. I\'ve been waiting so long. Should Yumo see me first?!"

The old housekeeper bowed his head slightly. "Sorry, master Lin fan, my miss has told me that if master Lin Feng comes and receives him with the courtesy of his master, he is not a guest." after talking, he will lead the way. Behind him, Lin fan is like an angry bull, trembling with anger.

The old housekeeper obviously means that he is a guest, and Lin Feng

It\'s the master!

"Damn!!!" Lin Fan clenched his fists and exposed his green tendons.

"Lin Yumo, you bitch!!"

He was very angry and roared. Lin Fan punched on the wall, and the whole hall was shocked.

Even if Lin fan had such a good self-restraint, he couldn\'t bear it. It was a naked insult.

Pop! Pop! Such a loud slap in the face.

"Good, very good! Lin Yumo, do you propose a toast instead of a penalty." Lin Fan\'s face was ferocious, like a ghost.

"You dog men and women, wait and see!"

When Lin Fanton broke through the door, his killing intention was revealed.

All the maidservants knelt down and trembled.

(third watch, continue! ~)