Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 843

Pop! Lin Feng appeared in an instant.

The light in front of me disappeared and consciousness gradually recovered.

Around a bright color, but there are countless voices of regret and lamentation.

Looking at it, we can see that a lot of martial artists have been "transmitted", and the six-month qualifying competition has finally come to an end. Some people are happy and others are sad. These warriors who were sent out at the last minute are undoubtedly the most sad, because many of them are only a few war stars missing.

But it fell short.

"Pa!" with his right hand, Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright.

The battle star clothes in front of him have disappeared. Different from other fighters, the "metal sheet" of his certificate to enter the theater still exists because he passed the qualification competition. This metal sheet is not only a certificate to enter the theater, but also a unique mark for each contestant, recording detailed information.

Including star crystals and treasures, they will be distributed through this at that time.

Step out slowly.

Surrounded by lonely faces, hundreds of years of efforts turned into endless regrets.

If you want to compete again, you need to wait a full hundred years.

easier said than done!

"Here." Lin Feng stepped out of the passage.

Hand over the \'sheet metal\' to the staff.

There was an envious look around. Looking at a war star in front of Lin Feng\'s chest, he sighed endlessly. He secretly said that his luck was too bad. Only a "one star general" can pass the qualifying competition. What about them? At the last moment, it was still one step away.

Just one step away, the result is very different.

"Hoo ~ ~" Lin Fengchang exhaled.

He walked out of the hall slowly and felt a little relaxed.

After entering the war zone, I didn\'t even stop for half a minute. Especially in the desert, I spent that "journey" in endless killing, and my spirit has been tense. In addition, because of the sudden fusion of the "sky star pupil", which left sequelae, the spirit has become extremely tired.

At this moment, he was finally "liberated".

"It\'s time to go back and report the good news. Yumo must be worried about the result." Lin Fengwei smiled.

Now, the relationship between himself and Yu Mo is quite harmonious.

Although it is not as good as brothers and sisters, at least it is already a good friend.

"With brother Wan\'s strength, there must be no problem passing the qualification competition."

"I wonder if he has been \'banned\'?"

With a smile, Lin Feng felt quite relaxed.

Ten thousand Mo Chou is also "unlucky". Originally, in order to break away from the "bondage" of the family, he went to zhuquezhou with himself, but he didn\'t want to come here and enjoy "freedom" for a long time. He was once again bound and lost his freedom.

However, this kind of "restraint" is enviable.

A saint level master, many people can\'t hope to come

"Pa!" open the star crystal table, there are a lot of information, Wan Mochou, Yu Mo, Li Hao, master Yanqing... Even Jing youyou. Most of them care about themselves and ask if they have passed the qualification competition. Lin Feng replies one by one with a smile.


After the reply, Lin Feng smiled bitterly.

Communication equipment is really easy to use, but sometimes it is quite troublesome.

"Brother Wan didn\'t reply. He should be practicing." Lin Feng nodded. "I\'ll go back to the family first."

Originally wanted to get together with Wan Mochou, but now he has no freedom.

He walked forward with a smile, but Lin Feng suddenly stopped.

In front of him was a man in coarse linen.

"I\'ve seen you." the man bowed slightly and held two babies in his hands.

"Have you been waiting for me here?" Lin Fengwei was stunned.

The man in front of him was the despicable man who was "relief" outside the gate of the qianluo hall that day. Now he looks a little better than before. At least he looks good, and he no longer wears his upper body. Although his eyebrows are still a little sad, his eyes are much brighter.

The down and out man bowed down and said, "I will make a promise."

Lin Feng\'s eyes were slightly bright and suddenly remembered.

When he was leaving that day, the frustrated man "Guan Zhong" asked his name and residence

"After Guan finished his work, he will follow around and be a servant all his life." in his mind, Guan Zhong said that day, and Lin Feng couldn\'t help smiling, "don\'t do that. I\'ll help you only for those two babies, not for what I want."

Guan Zhong\'s eyes showed a fine light. He didn\'t say much. He knelt down on one knee at once.

"It\'s hard to recover a man\'s words." Guan Zhong looked like steel without hesitation.

But Lin Feng was stunned. He was in a dilemma.

Look at its appearance and know its person.

Guan Zhong knew at a glance that he was a dead heart.

On that day, master Luo Qing offered a higher price after himself, but Guan Zhong was not moved at all.

Now, I\'ve been waiting outside the qianluo hall. I don\'t know how long, just to fulfill the promise of that day——

This man is very principled.

Lin Feng frowned and hesitated.

Looking at the two babies, the breath of life was still weak, but it was much smoother than the last time I saw them. Obviously, he gave Guan Zhong 100 Xingjing, which he used to heal two babies, but

Treat the symptoms but not the root causes.

"Since you\'ve helped me, help me to the end." Lin Feng\'s eyes flashed slightly, and he couldn\'t bear it.

Looking at the two babies and Guan Zhong, I thought of my father. I took myself and my brother that day. At that time, I was desperate and fell into a desperate situation.

Isn\'t Guan Zhong so now?

"Get up." Lin Feng said softly.

Guan Zhong\'s voice was firm, "I hope your kindness will be fulfilled."

"There is still a housekeeper in my house. I wonder if you will give in?" Lin Feng smiled.

Guan Zhong bowed his head. "I\'ve seen you, young master."

Lin family.

"Very good, very good." Lin Zhen laughed and said happily.

"Congratulations to the patriarch, double happiness." Lin Yan stroked his long beard and smiled kindly.

The two drank and were in a good mood.

"Not only have we reached the vertical sales of the \'green cloud chain\' with Roche chamber of Commerce, but now the number of Lins in the rosefinch challenge has reached a new high!" Lin Zhen\'s eyes are shining and feel refreshed.

"I didn\'t expect that Qingyun tower would be overtaken by our Lin family in the end." Lin Yan smiled.

Lin Zhen scratched slightly at the corner of his mouth, "the model of Qingyun building is that the strong are the first. All resources are used to cultivate the contemporary strong, but killing the goose lays the egg. If you can produce a real strong person with star level peak, it\'s understandable. This model is also good, but it\'s a bit desperate to put it in qianluo district."

"One generation prospers, another rises and falls." Lin Yan shook his head and sighed, "Qingyun building is stubborn."

Lin Zhen\'s eyes were bright and bright: "families have family laws and regulations, which can\'t be avoided."

Lin Yan nodded and felt the same.

The same is true of families, each with its own disadvantages.

Only believe in the inheritance of blood, only believe in their own people, how many talents have been lost?

"Well, what\'s the use of saying this." Lin Zhen\'s eyes flashed away and laughed, "come on, Yan Lao, don\'t get drunk tonight. Relax and rest for a while. We\'ll be busy again when the qualifying list is distributed! ~"

"The patriarch has orders, how dare I not accompany." Lin Yan picked up the glass and drank it with a smile.

The qualifying competition ended with a roar.

Each family is happy and each family is sad, but it is unknown.

Once in a century, as the most prosperous and well-known event in zhuquezhou, the Zhuque challenge not only reflects the rise and fall of the "force" of various families, but also affects the status of families in the next century. The land of Jiuzhou is so big that countless humans are born and grow up every day.

For the people of Jiuzhou, one essential thing is to choose forces to join, which is very important.

After all, there are few martial artists who live alone, whether they are a clan, a family, or a chamber of Commerce.

At this time, the strength comparison of family forces in each district has attracted much attention.

Unlike the "governments" outside Jiuzhou, every large region and central region is not allowed to have any fighting. There is no such thing as fighting with each other if you don\'t like me. Of course, this is on the surface, secretly no one knows.

For example, several unknown martial artists died in qianluo District today. Who knows and who cares?

Where there is light, there must be darkness.

Linfeng mansion.

"So it is." Lin Feng frowned. "Can you kill so brazenly in Koizumi island?"

"Every continent is the same." Guan Zhong looked calm and said slowly, "as long as you have strength, it\'s no problem if you don\'t find out. Especially if you kill a warrior without any backstage, because no one will investigate his death."

Lin Feng nodded and suddenly understood a lot in his heart.

Although there are strong "saints" in every continent, there are county city masters in every county, and there are patrol envoys, law enforcement envoys and so on.

But how big is a county?

Can you manage it?

If the small things of sesame and mung bean are to be managed, these star level strong men are too busy.

What\'s more, if you have the strength to kill a warrior, who can find out even if the corpse is exposed on the street?

"No wonder there are forces of different sizes in Jiuzhou." Lin Feng murmured.

"Power, like an umbrella, makes people dare not act rashly, which is very important for martial artists."

Backstage and no backstage are two different things.

For example, if a member of the Lin family is killed, it is related to the face of the whole family.

In some wilderness, someone was killed in an old building. Who cares about you? If you die, you\'ll die. As long as no one investigates it, it\'s over. Thinking of this, Lin Feng couldn\'t help saying that he was lucky. Fortunately, he had the umbrella of the Lin family, which virtually saved a lot of trouble.

But Guan Zhong


Lin Feng sighed.

It\'s really like "reincarnation". How similar!

The difference is that his father fled to tianwu, while Guan Zhong fled to zhuquezhou. The father took himself and his brother, and the Guanzhong family were slaughtered, leaving only the twins.

Moreover, he is suffering from a bad disease.

(second watch, next watch 22:00 ~)