Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 842

War city treasure house.

Located in the center of the war city.

Before, Lin Feng wandered in the war city from outside to inside, so he didn\'t see the treasure house of the war city.

In fact, even if you see it, you may not know, because the so-called "war city treasure house" looks like a very insignificant existence, just like a cellar. Compared with the bright gold and silver around, the gap between high-rise buildings is obviously not generally large, which is indeed difficult to attract attention.

"Here it is." a young man in blue armor said to Lin Feng with a smile.

"HMM." Lin Feng nodded.

In order to avoid getting lost, I spent 1 war star to hire a warrior to lead the way.

The price is quite expensive. One war star is now equivalent to three star crystals, which is equivalent to 300 million doling coins. If it is placed in Yanling mansion, it is enough to be worth a large sect.

"Then... I\'ll go first?" the blue armour youth looked at Lin Feng, a little anxious.

"Good." Lin Feng said softly.

The blue armour youth walked away with joy at the sound.

He said that he had gathered all 100 war stars to catch the last bus.

Lin Feng looked at the ancient "war city treasure house", his eyes were light and bright, and immediately stretched out his right hand.

"Wow!" in contact with the treasure house gate, the light of War Star clothes flashes, which is very similar to that in the exchange space. If you want to enter the "war city treasure house", you obviously have to pay a small price. This price is not a small number for ordinary martial artists.

1000 war stars.

Equivalent to ten times the battle star required to pass!

But Lin Feng can afford it.

"Dong! ~" the heavy voice came, and the door of the treasure house opened slowly.

Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright and bright. He looked at the dark steps. Without hesitation, he immediately went down.

If you come, you will be at ease.

The stairs are dark.

But for Lin Feng, whether it is bright or dark is not important.

Even in a dark environment, I can see it. The sense of life soul is much clearer than eyes.

"The war city treasure house is interesting."

"Listen to the warrior just now. The treasures purchased in the treasure house can be exchanged for real things."

"I don\'t know what it is."

Lin Feng whispered in his heart and stepped down step by step.

In front, there was a slight light flashing. Lin Feng smiled calmly and knew that he had reached his destination.

The steps are not long.

"Shua!" through the light layer.

Lin Feng entered a silver and solemn hall.

Huge silver treasure boxes are placed in various places. They seem to be placed regularly, but there are many positional deviations. It seems that many have been moved. Obviously, he is not the first warrior to come here.

"Bright silver treasure house."

"You can get a treasure by opening any silver treasure chest."

"Then, it will be forced to leave."

Lin Feng\'s eyes flickered. "Leaving" means leaving the thirty-two theater.

Although the young man in Lanjia was young, he knew a lot. At first glance, he knew that he was wandering and rolling around in Jiuzhou. His experience was quite good.

Thanks to his blessing, he took fewer detours.

Instead of choosing the treasure chest, Lin Feng continued to move forward without nostalgia.

In addition to this "bright silver treasure house", there is also a more precious "gold treasure house". The treasures there are more precious.

"Sure enough." Lin Feng\'s eyes burned.

Stretch out your right hand again and touch the Golden Gate in front, making a "Zizi" sound.

"Wow! ~" the brilliant work of the War Star clothes is that the war star is absorbed in an instant. The original full War Star clothes are now only a thin layer, as if they were "thin" in a moment, which costs a lot.

You need 10000 war stars to enter the gold treasure house.

"Fortunately, there are 108 war stars left." Lin Feng smiled.

The remaining battle stars are enough to pass the qualification competition.

The golden gate opens from the center, and a golden light shines in front, which makes people fascinated. Lin Feng\'s eyes were as bright as stars. He looked straight ahead through the golden light, and a worship hall several times larger than the bright silver treasure house fell straight in front of him.


It symbolizes wealth and glory.

Those who can enter the "golden treasure house" are all real strong people.

In the war zone, is it so easy to obtain 10000 star crystals?

"Whether it\'s a silver treasure house or a gold treasure house, you can only choose one treasure chest."

"It\'s fair."

Lin Feng smiled slightly and stepped in,

The treasure chest here looks much more tidy and stands in turn, but there are several less in the formation. In the past six months, there must be several fighters who have entered this gold treasure house. They are not the first in the large theater.


"I must be the last one." Lin Feng smiled and didn\'t care.

All treasure boxes are \'closed\', in other words, what treasures are obtained depends on luck.

But obviously, the level of the treasure chest here is much better than that outside. Just looking at the "face" of the treasure chest is different, and the breath revealed faintly is more noble.

"Which to choose?" Lin Feng\'s eyes flickered.

Look carefully one by one. Although I can\'t see the treasures in the treasure chest, but

But you can \'feel\' it.

Some treasures are suitable for you, and some treasures are not suitable for you.

"There is still more than half an hour, not in a hurry."

"First look at all the \'golden treasure boxes\'. Choose which one feels best."

Lin Feng nodded and was sure.

If you spend 10000 war stars, you can\'t "lose money".

One, another.

The gold treasure house is quite large, including all kinds of treasures.

Just separated by a layer of boxes, it is difficult to feel all. Walking forward, Lin Feng has a feeling of heartbeat from time to time.

"Pick any one."

"There is less than half an hour left."

Lin Feng thought in his heart and looked around.


"Hmm?" his eyes burned, and Lin Feng suddenly saw the deepest part of the treasure house.

There, there was a crystal transparent door, which appeared faintly, as if in a hazy cloud.

"This?!" Lin Feng was stunned.

But just now the blue armour young man clearly said that the treasure house of war city only has "bright silver treasure house" and "gold treasure house".

What is this crystal gate?

With sparkling eyes, Lin Feng approached curiously.

There is a feeling of "similarity".

The heart jumped up.

"This is!!" Lin Feng\'s eyes lit up.

When the clouds are cleared, the crystal gate is in front of you, just like a dazzling flower leader, standing proudly in this golden treasure house.

The third treasure!

"There is a crystal treasure house under the gold treasure house." Lin Feng nodded secretly.

I think this crystal treasure house will be better than the gold treasure house, but I have only 108 war stars, which is not enough.

Not to mention that the price of entering the crystal treasure house may reach more than 100000 war stars. Even if it is the same as the bright silver treasure house, it only needs 1000 war stars, I\'m afraid I can\'t do anything. It\'s useless to be eager to see through. The conditions for entry are placed in front of us, just like an iron wall blocking ourselves.

"What a pity." Lin Feng shook his head gently.

Just before leaving, the feeling of "deja vu" hit again.

With a slight cluster of eyebrows, Lin Feng felt puzzled in his heart, but suddenly caught a glimpse of the crystal gate

"What is this?" Lin Feng was stunned.

As you can see, it is an imperceptible \'small hole\'.

In the bright luster of this crystal, this\' small hole \'is undoubtedly quite eye-catching.

"Shouldn\'t it be..." Lin Feng\'s surprised complexion suddenly changed, and his eyes and pupils suddenly brightened. He quickly took out an ancient key, which is the key obtained by completing the task of "Desert King", which is very consistent with Xiaokong.

At this time, the feeling of heartbeat is stronger and stronger.

"I see."

"This key is from the crystal treasure house..."

"The answer."

Lin Fengxin smiled.

Even if I haven\'t tried, I\'m sure.

The two feelings fit quite well, just like the two ends of a magnet attract each other.

"Cha!" Lin Feng inserted the key.

In an instant, the crystal gate was shining brightly, and the shining white light covered the whole gold treasure house.

In contrast, this golden light undoubtedly shows a lot of vulgarity and gloom. The transparent crystal is white and bright, with a real nobility, like a high emperor, with an incomparably strong breath. Lin Feng\'s eyes were slightly bright, and he stepped into them in a moment.

A white and flawless hall like a crystal.

This\' crystal treasure house \'is very large, several times larger than the gold treasure house, but there is no treasure chest here.

Crystal columns fell on the hall like stalactites. In the crystal column, there are treasures, not half hidden, but completely exposed in front of you. Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright and shining. He looked at the treasures he couldn\'t see outside, and his heart beat fast.

Xingbao, Xingdan, mental skill, secret script

Every treasure here has an amazing price outside.

It is the real "treasure house of war city".

"Hiss ~ ~" took a breath, and Lin Feng forcibly calmed his mind.

The heart beat so fast that I was shocked. In front of this scene, let oneself have a Peng ran heart.

But the rules are the same.

Only one!

His eyes were sparkling, and Lin Feng walked forward, looking dazzled like entering the flowers.

"Not much time."

"No more deliberation."

Lin Feng took a long breath and closed his eyes.

Heart, slowly calm down, feel this\' crystal treasure house \'.

"Breathe, breathe ~ ~" Lin Feng took a deep breath and his face gradually calmed down.

In my mind, it seems that there are stars everywhere. Bright stars fall in front of me, with different brightness. The sense of life soul is very clear. The star sky pupil and star dome pupil can not be used only with their eyes open. Now they also have strong sensing ability.

"Hua!" "Hua! ~" spread like waves.

The birds in Lin Feng\'s heart move and feel thousands of treasures.


"There!" Lin Feng clenched his fists fiercely.

In the induction, at the end of the crystal treasure house, there is a treasure with the strongest movement of its own heart!

"Whoosh!" it\'s like a sharp arrow shuttling through the forest, and the wind speed is extremely fast.

Through the obstacles of layers of crystal columns, you can reach the end in the blink of an eye.

Before opening his eyes, his right hand was out and grabbed it. Like a weak cicada wing, the weight is very light. Lin Feng suddenly opened his eyes, but in an instant, a bright light bloomed in front of him, as if he had entered a vortex. His body was out of control and his consciousness gradually disappeared.

Qualifying, over.

(the first watch ~ ~ start at the fourth watch today and slowly make up for the arrears in November. The next watch is 20:00 ~)