Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 841

The next day, the second heavy gun was completely stable.

For Lin Feng, this is not too difficult. Even if he does not enter this "gun path space", after returning to reality, the breakthrough will not exceed a month.

But now, no doubt, time is completely saved.

On the third day, Lin Feng began to move towards the third level of "entering the gun".

But the third level is a completely different level than the second level. The realm of marksmanship is more profound, and the understanding and use of guns is higher. It is a new level of solitude and different. How many martial artists are trapped in this realm of marksmanship and are difficult to improve.

Even if Lin Feng has a strong understanding, it is the same.

On the fourth and fifth day, there was still no feeling.

Although it imitates the amazing gun intention in the gun path space, and the gun moves are like clouds and flowing water, but

We have not reached that "point" yet, and we can not be natural.

It was not until the sixth day, near the end, that I felt a little bit.

But it\'s almost a feeling of neglect.

"It\'s hard."

"The third weight of shooting is much harder than expected."

"More practice is still needed, and the understanding and use of \'gun\' is a new sublimation."

Lin Feng stepped out of the gun path space with sparkling eyes.

Confidence remained, and the Amethyst gun in his hand trembled gently, as if blending with the master\'s heart.

"Even if I haven\'t reached the third level of entering the gun, with the increase of Amethyst gun, my shooting level can also reach the third level of entering the gun."

"Among the martial arts players at the star master level, I am already the top. When it comes to the qualifier, even if my strength is slightly lower than that of the martial arts players at the star master level and even the top, I can recover my disadvantage by relying on my marksmanship level alone."

"However, compared with Baiqi, there is still a gap."

Lin Feng nodded, very clear in his heart.

At the moment, the distance between yourself and Bai Qi is just "pulling in", not even or surpassing.

It\'s still hard to beat him.

War city.

Quite lively.

On the last day of the qualifying competition, the martial artists who are not enough to fight the stars are now hysterical and crazy.

Who doesn\'t want to get the last ticket?

"2.5 star crystal."

"I make three stars!!"

"3.2 Xingjing!"


Outside the exchange space, there is no shortage.

All the "profiteers" are waiting for the last day to sell.

But demand is still in short supply.

Today, there are less than three hours left before the end of the qualifying competition.

It has entered the final stage of crazy robbery.

"Oh?" seeing such a scene, Lin Feng couldn\'t help laughing.

Indeed, there was a surge of heads and a lot of excitement. Prices keep rising and falling.

Many fighters are scrambling to buy, but after all, the burden is still quite heavy, and even if the price rises, it is limited. Lin Feng stood quietly and observed carefully. The price has been hovering between 3-5 star crystals. It is difficult to get up to 5 star crystals or fall below 3 star crystals.

"The really rich warrior will not stay here."

"What is left now is some martial artists who are neither high nor low. What they are likely to lack is only single digit war stars."

Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright and clear in his heart.

If you really have money, you won\'t stay until the last day.

"The more you delay, the worse the price may fall." Lin Feng thought in his heart.

"The number of my war stars is too large. I have to deal with it at a slightly lower price."

As soon as the idea arose, Lin Feng no longer hesitated.

"Three star crystals, the number is limited, and the traders come in." without bargaining, Lin Feng has a clear number and is straightforward. The original roaring voice suddenly calmed down, mixed with the bright eyes of some martial artists and the ugly faces of some "profiteers" martial artists——

The crowd burst in.

"Shit, I came first!"

"Grab what, I\'m ahead of you!"

"Do you know who I am? Dare to argue with me!"


A "lively" atmosphere.

Perhaps, the gap is only 1 star crystal, but in reality, it is 100 million doling coins, not a small number.

It\'s not easy to get rid of the four deputies and make money.

Exchange space.

Divided into separate spaces.

Each independent space has two sides in the shape of an ellipse, and the two sides of the exchange are divided into two sides of the ellipse.

"Pa, Pa." the number of energy instruments in front shows that Lin Feng doesn\'t need much operation. Because entering the exchange space, the War Star clothes of both sides are connected for exchange. Lin Feng just needs to press "agree". It\'s very easy and simple.

15 star crystal.

21 star crystal.

9 star crystal.


A transaction is completed very quickly.

Although the "gun path space" has consumed a full 6000 war stars, Lin Feng still has nearly 20000 war stars.

Quite shocking!

However, exchange consumption is also enormous.

Because every time the other party buys a war star, Lin Feng will consume ten times the number of war stars.





The light of War Star clothes is decreasing.

But compared with what Lin Feng has, it\'s just a drop in the bucket.

There is a long queue outside the exchange space.

People who were still skeptical all beat their hearts and feet and regretted it.

In a twinkling of an eye, the team was extremely long.

Those "profiteers" who are martial arts are very ugly, but they are neither advancing nor retreating. Unless they are willing to sell at the price of 3-star crystal like Lin Feng, they will undoubtedly lose a lot of profits. After all, they don\'t have so many war stars like Lin Feng.

They have too few "goods" to sell.

"I don\'t believe he has so many war stars."

"That is to say, at most thousands of war stars. I can afford to wait!"

"Stupid, how can we sell at a lower price before the last hour? The price can obviously be raised to more than 5 star crystals!"

Everyone said a word to me, but they refused to compromise.

In the final analysis, time is still "abundant" and there is no hurry.


A incense stick.


Half an hour.

As time went by, sweat fell from the forehead of these profiteers.

After a full hour, the long queue outside the exchange space grew longer and longer. But the totem a youth still seemed like a bottomless pit, selling the war star, as if there was no end. When people look at me and I look at you, they all feel hesitant.

There are only two hours left until the qualifying match is over!

Time is running out.

More than 8000 war stars have been sold.

In other words, Lin Feng has more than 2000 star crystals falling into the bag, but

You have to deduct 20% of the handling fee.

"In more than one hour, we can sell out."

"But it is estimated that at the last hour, those people will be tempted to rob me."

Lin Feng smiled calmly and didn\'t care.

I\'ve earned enough anyway.

After deducting the handling fee, I have now earned more than 2000 Xingjing.

The pots of harvest overflow.

"Wow!" the light flashed in the exchange space.

Lin Feng\'s eyes flashed, and another star crystal fell into his pocket.


"Dang, Dang, Dang." an unreachable voice sounded in my ears.

Lin Feng gave a light sigh and looked outside the closed exchange space, but there were several martial artists with iron blue faces and glared at themselves.

"Oh?" Lin Feng\'s eyes were burning slightly.

It\'s just the profiteers who shouted the most fierce price just now.

With a smile, I knew why they came.

Finally, I couldn\'t help it.

"What\'s up?" Lin Feng opened the door and said calmly.

"Little brother, don\'t you ask?" a man in wide armor looked calm.

Lin Feng smiled lightly and was clear in his heart.

It\'s obvious that you want to touch your bottom.

"There\'s no need to talk more. It\'s convenient for everyone to go their own way." Lin Feng said frankly. Lin Feng didn\'t want to talk to them too much.

What about offending?

Are there too few people you offend

"You!" the man with wide armour turned green.

"Did the little brotherhood go too far?" a man with a hooked nose had sharp eyes.

Lin Feng smiled, looked at the people who were still waiting, and said with a smile, "I just take care of the interests of most people." his words aroused thousands of waves. For a long time, the people who were still in a long line shouted one by one.

"What\'s the matter? Don\'t you allow others to sell it if you don\'t sell it yourself?"

"That is to say, would it be too selfish!"

"What a shame!"


The angry scolding continued, and the faces of several people were extremely ugly.

But in terms of the number of people, they undoubtedly have a disadvantage.

Those who get more help and those who lose help less. After all, what is involved is the interests in reality.

"Little brother, I\'m not alarmist. If you insist, we won\'t be afraid of you." the eagle nose man said coldly.

"That is, if we sell at a price lower than 3 star crystals, all your war stars will rot here!" said a man with thick hair.

Lin Feng smiled calmly, "please."

I don\'t care. I\'ve earned enough.

Give people roses, hands have fragrance. It would be a good thing if they lowered the price of "War Star" because of themselves.

"Good, good!" the man with a hooked nose grinded his teeth and his eyes were sharp.

"Boy, wait and see!" the man with hair and red eyes also threw out.

"Let\'s go!"

Several unscrupulous businessmen and martial artists can\'t help it when they see that Lin Feng is soft and hard.

After all, you can\'t use force in the war city. Moreover, how strong is the strength of those who can obtain so many war stars?

They\'re not stupid. Can a one star war bring so many war stars?

There must be a ghost!

"2.95 battle star!"

"2.92 battle star!"

"2.88 battle star!!"

Several unscrupulous businessmen and fighters with the largest stock began to sell one after another.

It seems that he took a gamble and immediately fought against Lin Feng. One by one, his eyes slanted, but he was very angry.

There\'s no way. There\'s too much inventory. You can\'t bleed as soon as the time comes?

At present, they have no way out.

People are very realistic. As soon as they hear that there are cheaper war stars in other places, the long dragons lined up in Lin Feng immediately disappear and go to other martial artists who sell martial arts, which can save one point. Before Lin Feng\'s trading space, it suddenly became empty.

Lin Feng was really amused when he laughed in an uproar.

I was scolding others just now, but now I run faster than anyone else.

This is the reality.

"Why bother?" the wide armour man looked at Lin Feng.

Lin Feng smiled and didn\'t speak,

"I don\'t understand you." the wide armour man shook his head. "If you don\'t lack money and there are so many war stars left, you can go to the war city treasure house to try your luck. Isn\'t it more cost-effective." then, the wide armour man also withdrew and felt helpless. Although the price is not high, but everyone sells, he can only reduce the price.

Lin Feng was left alone, but his eyes were bright.

War city treasure house?

(tomorrow\'s fourth watch! ~)