Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 840

The nine human domains, the southern domain.

It is a place surrounded by fairy fog, where clouds are the ground, and aura grows like a fairyland.

"Disciple \'Yanlie\' pays a visit to the master." kneeling on one knee, it was a man in red phosphorus clothes, with a calm face and a momentum of not being angry.

Ahead, there is a "forbidden area" burning with flames, and the temperature is extremely high.

Fire and fog filled the forbidden area. In the center of the forbidden area, there was a huge fire lotus seat. A looming figure above opened his eyes slowly.

"Yan\'er, you\'re coming." the voice is a little old, just like fluttering with the wind, with a sense of SA.

"Yes, master." Yan lie arched his hands. "I don\'t know what master wants to do to call disciples?"

"Hmm..." his voice was deep and Ran Ran Ran, "what happened to zhuquezhou recently?"

Yan lie said, "don\'t hide from the master, it\'s the agitation of the ancient forbidden area \'bird King prison\', which is about to open."

"Zhuquezhou will have another \'holy\' level?" above the fire lotus, the kind voice was in a good mood.

"It should be, master." Yanlie\'s eyes are also hidden joy. "It coincides with the Centennial \'rosefinch challenge\', which is also a coincidence."

"Bring him over then." a slightly old voice sounded slowly.

Yan lie was surprised, "master, you..."

"Go back." the old voice did not say more.

Yanlie hesitated for a moment and said, "yes, master."


Thirty two theater.

"So this is the war city." Lin Feng looked around with curiosity.

In the battle camp, there is a transmission array directly to the Battle City. Of course, the price is not small. It needs a full ten battle stars, but it\'s only a drop in the bucket for yourself.

"There are more than 20000 war stars. What can I change?" Lin Feng was curious.

In the war camp, there are few ways to spend war stars, no more than those.

After all, the war camp is only used as a "rest" place.

The place where the "War Star" is really spent is a war city with only one war city in each war zone. It\'s almost the same as a real city. It has everything. However, the money consumed is not a duel coin or a star crystal, but a "War Star".

"Look around, there\'s plenty of time." Lin Feng smiled calmly.

There are seven days left. You can take your time.

Wandering in the war City, there are many more fighters here than the war camp.

Seven star and eight star generals can be seen everywhere here. Lin Feng even sees Ten Star generals, but his breath is much weaker than that of the day. Although there are many people, the city is bigger. The passing martial artists glanced at it with a little contempt.

But I\'ve long been used to it. The name of "one star general" in front of my chest can\'t be removed in the qualification competition.

It doesn\'t matter. If you don\'t care about other people\'s eyes

What does it matter?

"Well, in the war City, the war star can be sold to other warriors." Lin Feng was quite surprised.

However, the cost is quite "high.".

For every ten battle stars you consume, the other party gets one.

Moreover, in the course of the transaction, 20% of the paid amount will be "swallowed up" as a handling fee.

Quite \'Black\'.


"It\'s a lot easier," Lin Feng smiled.

Even if the ten war stars are sold at the price of one star crystal, they can exchange more than 20000 war stars for 2000 star crystals. They are inferior to those who receive theater gold in the top ten, but they are more than superior. At least they can make their pockets "rich".

"Look at the others." Lin Feng thought.

I\'m not in a hurry. There are seven days left anyway.

In this transaction, the price will be higher in the future, and maybe you can make more money at that time.

From outside to inside, Lin Feng walked at will.

All kinds of places to enjoy, such as beauties and delicious food, can be enjoyed in the war city as long as there are war stars.

This is the "power" of the strong and an honor.

In reality, isn\'t it?

But the vast majority of war cities are places of "cultivation".

"There is no cultivation of the power of the constellations here." Lin Feng nodded and knew it in his heart.

After all, it\'s a virtual theater. Even if you practice here, your strength will not improve in reality. What\'s the use of cultivation?

For example, even if your own "sky star pupil" is fused and opened here, in reality, it is still just the sky pupil and the sky pupil, which will not change. But in the virtual war City, many things are the same, such as feeling, such as some understanding.

"There are all kinds of places to cultivate star skills."

"There are also various places to practice weapons and marksmanship."

"And the refining Institute."

Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright and eye opening.

The understanding of star technology is as feasible in this virtual war city as it is in reality.

Just like a dream, what you remember in the dream can be used for reference when you return to reality and write it down with a pen. The same is true of weapons. These "conscious" things will not be forgotten when they are remembered. When they reach reality, they can be understood as long as they can be remembered.

There is no doubt that twice the result with half the effort.

The same is true for refiners.

Here, you can fully simulate the mixer.

In reality, you need a lot of materials to test and consume slowly, but you can use "War Star" to buy them here.

Of course, the price is not cheap.

"Unfortunately, I wasted too much time." Lin Feng felt a little sorry.

Now there are only seven days left. What else can I do?

"The understanding of star technology, here, is mainly to make those martial artists with insufficient \'constellation sensitivity\' virtual enhancement."

"But it doesn\'t help me much."

Lin Feng said softly in his heart and soon ruled it out.

You have enough sensitivity to your own constellations, and you don\'t need this kind of "external" assistance.

In reality, I have never used the "array of gathering stars and carving patterns" once.

"In the refining Institute, I can test the refining of \'heart of glass II\'."

"But the heart of glass II is a six star treasure. Even if it is tested in reality, it will only waste tens of billions of doling coins."

Lin Feng\'s eyes flickered slightly and nodded.

Money is not important to yourself today.

This virtual theater is rare, and the war star is even more valuable. If it is simply used to "exchange" star crystals, it will undoubtedly be a bit wasteful.

Making the best use of everything is the best.

"Go to the gun path space." Lin Feng\'s eyes sparkled.

Gun path space is used to understand the realm of shooting.

It is owned by many big families and forces, but not by the Lin family.

For Lin Feng, improving the level of marksmanship is very helpful to his strength.

"My current level of marksmanship is the second level of \'marksmanship\'."

"The second most important thing is the distance to enter the gun territory. In fact, it is only a short distance. It should not be difficult to break through."

Lin Feng\'s eyes are bright and clear in his heart.

His shooting skill has been "stopped" for a long time. When Yanling mansion reached the second level of "entering the gun skill", there was no inch after entering the land of Jiuzhou. Now, after so much practical training, it can be said that all opportunities have been possessed.

What is missing is just the last step!

"It\'s hard to reach the third weight."

"But when I reach the second level of \'entering the gun territory\', I will be able to do it."

Lin Feng\'s eyes were burning and confident.

I feel that I have reached the edge of breakthrough.

"Pa Da, Ding Dong." set the time and pay a full 6000 war stars, and Lin Feng immediately stepped into it.

Every day, a thousand war stars.

This is the highest order of "gun path space".

There are few in Shiluo county. Only zhuquezhou has a few.

For Lin Feng, who has more than 20000 war stars, a mere 6000 war stars is nothing.

In fact, if there were not too much time left, Lin Feng would have pressed all the "war stars" here. After all, money is external. What\'s more, these are just war stars. Only strength is really useful.

The stronger the strength, the more you get!

We should improve our marksmanship, or look for a more powerful "shooting", or improve the realm of marksmanship.

A real master of marksmanship can surpass those who are extremely abstruse with guns, even if they are executed by basic shooting alone.

This is the power of the shooting realm.

"Whew!" whew! "The gun flashed like lightning.

Lin Feng closed his eyes and entered a deep space.

Every minute of the air here seems to be pregnant with an extremely profound "way" of guns. Although his eyes were closed, it seemed that countless figures appeared in front of him, waving long guns and dancing constantly. One move seems to have no coherence, but every time you shoot, no matter the action, step or frequency, there is a deep way of shooting.

Feeling, extremely profound!

"What a powerful gun feeling."

"I have a strong intention of shooting and give full play to the realm of shooting."

"What kind of feeling is this..."

Lin Feng looked calm and kept waving the Amethyst gun in his hand.

The gun path space will provide a place for "understanding" according to the strength of the martial artist\'s own shooting realm.

Lin Feng\'s understanding now is the second most important aspect of "entering the gun territory". The road should be taken step by step, and it is impossible to ascend to the sky step by step. Even now, is it useful for Lin Feng to learn the highest and deepest shooting and understand the deepest level of shooting? It\'s like a one storey building. There are no first and second floors. Why the eighth and ninth floors?

Understanding, very deep.

Lin Feng\'s savvy is excellent, and he feels very strong about guns.

The practice in the desert has accumulated countless valuable experiences and feelings.

These can\'t be bought with money.

"Chi!" "Chi!! ~" gun light condenses.

Lin Feng\'s figure rises and falls like a flying swallow, and the control of the gun goes hand in hand.

Every time I shoot, I bring a profound artistic conception of shooting, filled with the feeling of domineering. Although it is a basic gun move, it contains a deeper level. Lin Feng\'s eyes are bright. The Amethyst gun in his hand seems to turn into a bright light, and his body is like electricity.

The same speed brings different feelings.

The Amethyst gun seemed to come alive, and the gun idea was surging, which was more perfectly combined with the gun shape.

Yanling shot!

"Boom!" it\'s powerful and powerful.

Lin Feng\'s eyes were burning, with a faint smile, and his right hand holding the Amethyst gun couldn\'t help tightening.

"Succeeded." Lin Feng didn\'t have many surprises in his heart.

This is what happens naturally.

Entering the "gun path space" is only the first day.

(second change ~ ~)