Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 839

Suddenly, there was a sharp pain in the head.

Like being hit by a heavy hammer, Lin Feng\'s eyes widened instantly, and a dazzling black light flashed in his pupils.

The "heavenly power" that controls this powerful power seems to dissipate in an instant. His body can\'t bear this terrible force at all. The soul seems to tear apart, and the powerful feeling of "control" disappears in an instant.

WOW~ Consciousness seemed to burst, and Lin Feng suddenly fainted.

The shining light also disappeared, and the bright crystal turned into an ancient key and fell down with the forest wind.

At the bottom, there is still a piece of yellow sand. The wind is howling, like a castle in the air, like a dream.

Lin Feng\'s left eye and eyebrow lit up, and the red and green light flashed.

"Pa!" the wing suddenly appeared.

The branches wrapped around Lin Feng\'s body and gently placed him in the tree nest.

As a "spirit object", the fit between the wings and Lin Feng\'s heart naturally feels the difference of the master.

"Wheezing!" "wheezing! ~" a large number of flying insects fly around with wings as the center, forming an unbreakable defense. Here, the guardian with wings, no warrior can harass Lin Feng unless the strength of the comer is enough to kill the wings.

However, such a warrior does not exist at present.

Sangyang hall.

"What a terrible pupil." Li Xiong\'s face was surprised and unbelievable.

"Is it an additional gift of the task, or does he have such strength?" Li Xiong thought in his heart and shook his head. "No, if he really has such strength, he is not only a one-star general, but also too few ten star generals, not to mention that he only used a gun when he killed me for the first time."

"But it\'s really too strong..."

Li Xiong sighed and walked out slowly.

Think of those star pupils like the king of the night, as if in a bottomless abyss.

Now when I think about it, he feels a deep shock.

Never had fear!

"Qianluo District, Lin family\'s Lin Feng......" Li Xiong whispered and nodded.

He doesn\'t care about everything like Fang Jin. It\'s normal for him to kill or be killed in the war zone.

This in itself is the \'rule\' of the qualifying competition.

"I remember you." Li Xiong\'s eyes were bright.

Qianluo hall.

"Damn!" Jia thought, his face flushed with anger.

It was a sure thing, but it was a mess. Dozens of martial artists were killed without even touching Lin Feng\'s hair.

"You bastard, how lucky you are." Jia wanted to clench his teeth and make a "cluck" sound.

He knows more about Lin Feng than Li Xiong. He knows very well how he died just now.

"I can escape the first day of junior high school, but I can\'t escape the fifteenth day."

"Go back and tell young master Lin fan, Lin Feng, I think you can hide several times!"

Jia wanted to shake his fist, and the green veins on his forehead were exposed.

With a cold hum, he left.

Time passes day by day.

In the oasis battle camp, the name of one star general spread like wildfire.

It is well known that one spreads ten and ten spreads a hundred. Almost most of the fighters in the oasis camp know that a one-star warrior dressed in \'totem star armor\' can\'t touch. Can kill a small alliance composed of dozens of fighters, you can imagine how strong his strength is!

At this time, the legendary forest wind is still sleeping.

Exhausted his strength.

Ten days, ten days.

In the twinkling of an eye, Lin Feng has entered the No. 32 theater for more than a month. As the qualifying competition is coming to an end, the number of fighters in the theater is decreasing, and the killing is becoming more and more cruel, fighting for the last ticket.

In the desert, there is a strong sense of killing.

Lin Feng finally woke up.

"Well..." the voice of light exhortation sounded.

Lin Feng shook his heavy head as if it were a kilo.

"Did I faint just now?"

"What happened?"

Consciousness gradually recovered. Lin Feng woke up and turned around. He opened his eyes and stood up straight.

Where I am is like floating in the air. I can see that the desert is still so desolate, with yellow sand and strong wind. Around, there was the familiar sound of "buzzing". It was covered with black flying insects, and Lin Feng\'s mind gradually became clear.

It\'s the wing, protecting itself.

"Thank you." Lin Feng smiled weakly.

"You\'re welcome, boss." Yi smiled brightly, "who and who we are."

Lin Feng felt a little warm in his heart, smiled and didn\'t be polite with Yi again. Indeed, there are too many trials of life and death between yourself and wing. Looking at the battle star clothes ahead, Lin Feng was quite surprised.

Before, there didn\'t seem to be so many war stars.

Did you finish the task of "Desert King"?

"Hey, boss, I\'m doing well." Yi hehe smiled, "I\'ve killed many peeping people for you for more than half a month."

More than half a month?

Lin Feng was stunned, but he didn\'t expect that he had been "unconscious" for so long.


"Oh." Lin Feng nodded suddenly, and finally understood in his heart.

Dare to ask yourself to have so many war stars on your War Star clothes. Wing is the hero behind the scenes. With a slight smile, Lin Feng secretly said that he was slow to respond. Even if the reward of the "Desert King" was higher, there could not be thousands of war stars. Now he has added four or five thousand war stars to his War Star clothes.

But what is the reward of the Desert King?

Lin Feng frowned slightly.

"By the way, boss, I forgot to give you this." the branches of the wing curled up with an ancient key.

"Is this?" Lin Feng took it and took it in his hand.

"It\'s the key turned into after crystal fission, which appeared when you were unconscious," wing explained.

The voice fell into his ears, and Lin Feng\'s eyes suddenly lit up, but he felt a headache. Even if he has been in a coma for more than half a month, he is still dizzy and uncomfortable at the moment. That taste is like spiritual exhaustion, and the whole person is powerless.

"It\'s the excessive consumption of strength." close your eyes and Lin Feng\'s heart is sure.

Although the memory is a little vague, I can still remember some fragments by trying to recall myself.

The most shocking thing is the black star pupil!

"Is this power mine..." Lin Feng was shocked.

Once again, I deeply felt this heavenly power. Looking at it with the eyes of onlookers, it was an existence against the sky. With one eye pupil, you can kill dozens of martial artists in a short time. I\'m afraid the star domain level heavenly soul division doesn\'t have such strength.

But I did it myself.

"I remember."

"It seems to be called \'sky star pupil\'."

After this battle, Lin Feng completely lost his interest in "experience".

Among the five major tasks, the most difficult tasks of "Desert King" and "the only witch" have been completed. The natural enemies of the demon clan have almost completed 95%. The remaining tasks of "demon hunting Lord" and "desert Ranger" are not too difficult. As long as they can explore this desert, there will be no difficulty.

Wing, take command.

Giving up halfway is not Lin Feng\'s style.

Anyway, if you take the task, you must find a way to complete it.

Wing is very happy. It\'s rare to have the opportunity to "contribute". It\'s not easy to cultivate so strong that you can show off.

"These tasks are too easy for Yi." Lin Feng smiled slightly.

Looking at the battle star clothes on his chest, the task of "demon natural enemy" has been completed in a short time. The crystal turns into a bright war star and attaches to his War Star clothes. At this time, the War Star clothes are shining and look very bright.

"After reaching the master level, the wing no longer needs to rely on the soil environment."

"Even the desert can give full play to its strength."

"But what about me?"

Lin Feng sat in the air with sparkling eyes.

I didn\'t leave, but continued to \'wait\' here to understand.

The star pupil in the sky is like the stars in the sky. It feels very far away, but it has been \'touched\' by itself. Right here, in the sentence of "wake up", the thunderous voice made the potential power in your body fully play out, far more powerful than expected.

"Star sky pupil, star dome pupil..."

"When they become one, they can become such a \'star pupil in the sky\'."

Lin Feng feels incredible.

If it had not been for this coincidence, I\'m afraid I would never know the secret.

"This force is too strong to control with my current strength."

"No wonder it just \'lasted\' for a short time and has dispersed. Otherwise, only this powerful energy..."

"Can let me explode and die."

Lin Feng knew a truth deeply.

Some things, some power, may not be good. When your ability is not enough, you will suffer from it.

"I must find a way to cultivate xingcang pupil and xingqiong pupil when I go back this time." Lin Feng\'s eyes were shining.

"In addition to the blood of the Phoenix and the inheritance of ancient gods and beasts, the sky star pupil is bound to become another card in my future!"

"Maybe, better than the first two!"

Sit in the air.

Lin Feng was like an old monk, motionless.

His head is swollen, painful and uncomfortable, which is not suitable for combat training, but this does not hinder his "memory".

Recalling that war, the power source of the "sky star pupil" and the whole process of "excitation" will be of great benefit to the cultivation of the "sky pupil" and the "sky pupil" in the future. Although I don\'t know how to practice, now I know what the "ultimate form" is for.

At least, with a sense of direction.

"Like the Phoenix, it should perfectly integrate the rebirth fire and the devouring fire." Lin Feng nodded.

"If the star sky pupil and the star dome pupil can merge, it will be natural and powerful."

"A single cultivation cannot be accomplished."

Lin Feng\'s eyes are bright and deep.

When I use the sky star pupil, there is no difference in one eye.

That\'s as like as two peas! Not like now, one is the pupil of the star sky and the other is the pupil of the star dome.

Correctly speaking, both eyes are stars in the sky.

Just three days.

Wing is to complete the task and return in triumph.

The efficiency is amazing.

All the five tasks have been completed, and there are still the last seven days before the end of the qualification competition.

"It\'s almost time." Lin Feng floated in the air and smiled.

After a short rest, I recovered most of my spirit, not as drowsy as before.

It\'s time to go back.

"But what\'s the use of this key?" Lin Feng was curious.

There is no change from left to right. There is nothing special except that the style is a little primitive.

But it is the reward of the "Desert King".

"Go to war city and have a look." Lin Feng said lightly.

In a moment, he left in the air.

(on the first watch in December, there are still two watches today. Xiaoxiao is still fighting with cold Jun!)