Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 835

WOW! Golden eyes.

All the people who were just stunned were attracted.

Among the four new missions, one ranked first in the light curtain, surpassing the "super" mission of the 35 battle Star Mission gold. Like a high emperor, overlooking the other 99 tasks, everyone was shocked.

"Desert King, mission fee: 50 war stars, reward: none."

50 battle star, the legendary highest mission gold!


The crowd was at a loss. They didn\'t know what was going on with the task of the highest task gold. Lin Feng, among them, was very confused. The first time I saw a mission without a reward, and this is not the strangest place. Strangely, all tasks have detailed or brief descriptions.

But the introduction of the "Desert King" mission is a blank!

"Strange task."

"But it\'s also very interesting."

"Generally speaking, such a task reward is just right."

With a smile, Lin Feng didn\'t hesitate.

The hand is like a sword. The power of a constellation suddenly flies out of the sky and shines directly at the top of the light curtain.

"Peng!" the amazing light was bright. The task that had just appeared turned into a crystal in the sound of surprise and fell into the void.

It\'s him again!!

All the warriors looked at Lin Feng in horror and couldn\'t believe it.

He, how can there be so many war stars?!

Plus the four missions just now, the mission gold alone needs 150 battle stars!

Quite amazing.

"Pa!" the bright crystal fell into the War Star clothes, and Lin Feng\'s eyes were burning.

I have just consumed all the battle stars. 150 battle stars are like running water. Now they are empty.

But it comes and goes quickly.

"It seems that big hands have become a habit." Lin Feng smiled calmly.

The same is true of their own money. They come and go quickly. There is no money left in every minute.

It doesn\'t matter. It\'s important for me to get the War Star anyway——

It\'s not hard.

"Let\'s go." Lin Feng smiled calmly.

Although I don\'t know how to complete the task of the \'Lord of the desert\', the other four tasks are known.

"The Lord of the desert is the highest 50 battle Star Mission fee, and there is no reward, which means..."

"There will be other rewards."

Lin Feng\'s eyes flashed, and he understood very well.

If this most difficult task can be completed, it is definitely the biggest harvest this time.

But without any task tips, I have to take a chance in the desert. Anyway, the other four tasks should be completed without wasting time.

Anyway, for myself, the main purpose of this trip is——


Looking at the back of Lin Feng\'s departure, the stunned people haven\'t returned to God for a long time.

A "one star general" has a full 150 war stars, and he actually uses all the 150 war stars as mission gold.


Is he smart? Or stupid?

The hearts of the people were full of doubts.

Lin Feng, left the camp.

There is no nostalgia, let alone half stay.

"Hone your strength in battle, train your gun skills, and master the fighting methods of star master level warriors." Lin Feng\'s eyes are bright.

His current fighting skills are still limited to Xinghai level warriors, and he knows little about Xingzhu level warriors.

This is an opportunity.

There are many enemies, but their strength is not top.

Just let yourself ponder various combat skills and deeply understand the combat methods of the twelve constellations in the south. It is of great benefit to the qualifying, qualifying and even later events. Know yourself and the enemy, be invincible in a hundred battles, and accumulate combat experience——

There are no shortcuts.

Lin family.

Clan leader Lin Zhen, deputy clan leader Lin Dadi, elder Lin Zhongxian, and chief tool smelter Lin Yan gathered together.

At this time, the four giants of the family greet the guests with their fists. Such a big battle is quite rare in the Lin family, only because there is a guest - Fang Jin. In the 32nd theater, the unlucky ghost who was killed twice by Lin Feng, the young master of Fang\'s family in Ruyi district.

"I don\'t know if childe Fang\'s coming is far away." Lin Zhen brushed her sleeve and smiled.

"Don\'t talk nonsense and hand over Lin Feng!" Fang Jin carried his hands and raised his head proudly.

Many of his subordinates followed behind him, looking domineering.

In terms of family strength, the Fang family in Ruyi district is far better than the Lin family.

"Which Lin Feng?" Lin Zhen was stunned.

Behind him, the three people in the forest and the ground tightened their eyebrows, but they were clear.

In the family, there is only one "Lin Feng" who is now the most popular.

In fact, as a patriarch, how could Lin Zhen not understand. Not long ago, young master Luo Qing of the Roche chamber of Commerce came to talk about business with the family. He also named names to see Lin Feng, but he fooled him. Fortunately, Luo Qing\'s "hatred" for Lin Feng doesn\'t seem to be big.

But the young master of the Fang family is not.

Lin Zhen felt a deep hatred and resentment.


This time, I\'m afraid it\'s hard to be good.

"Hum!" his nose was cold, and Fang Jin didn\'t speak.

But the middle-aged man behind him took out a portrait to show a Lin Feng who was born a dragon!

The other side, obviously prepared.

Lin Zhen secretly complained, and the last chance was also announced to be broken.

Obviously, Lin Feng somehow "offended" the young master.

If not, how can people look for people thousands of miles?

And a portrait!

"This......" Lin Zhen hesitated and said in an instant, "sorry, young master Fang, Lin Feng is not in the family."

"Haven\'t come back yet?" Fang Jin frowned.

"Yes." Lin Zhen smiled bitterly and nodded.

"Well, prepare a room for me and I\'ll wait for him here." Fang Jin\'s resentment was hard to get out. It didn\'t matter at all, but for this failure, he was severely scolded by his father and even deprived him of the opportunity to \'resurrect\' for the third time, but Fang Jinqi didn\'t fight at all.

"I\'m afraid it\'s not good." Lin Zhen frowned.

"What\'s wrong?" Fang Jin stared at Lin Zhen. "I tell you, don\'t try to cover up Lin Feng! Otherwise..."

"How else?" Lin Yan stroked his long beard and came up slowly from the rear.

At first hearing the sound, Lin Zhenchang breathed a sigh of relief and relaxed.

"I\'m talking to your patriarch. Is there a place for you to interrupt?" Fang Jin looked at Lin Yan with a cold eyebrow and was arrogant.

Lin Yan burst out laughing, his dark eyes shining brightly: "you are so presumptuous. Do you know who I am?"

"Old man!" Fang Jin spit and disdained. At this time, the middle-aged man behind him frowned and opened his eyes in horror. He even grabbed Fang Jin, "young master, he is master Lin Yan. You can\'t offend him."

"What nonsense, master Lin Yan!" Fang Jin was arrogant and domineering.


"Pa!" a loud slap in the face.

Fang Jin only felt a burning pain in his cheek and covered half of his cheek with his hand.

"This is a lesson for you to be fair." Lin Yan\'s eyes were flat and looked at Fang Jin. "The patriarch respected you because you are master Fang. But if you insult me, it is equivalent to insulting the whole weapon smelter alliance. This time it\'s just a small punishment and a big admonition. If you dare to commit it again..."

"You!" Fang Jinqi\'s face flushed and was about to roar.

"Oh, oh!!" his mouth was covered, and the middle-aged man behind him apologized, "master, there was a misunderstanding."

After that, the middle-aged man raised his hand and shouted, "don\'t make an apology to the master!"

After death, all the subordinate companies bowed down and apologized in unison.

The mistakes made by the master are naturally borne by them.

The Lin family is nothing, but Lin Yan\'s identity can\'t be offended.

The alliance of weapon refiners is the top force in the whole zhuquezhou!

Lin Yan, who holds a high position in the smelter alliance, is the 10th real master in the last zhuquezhou smelter competition! Not to mention Fang Jin\'s little baby, his father of the Fang family came here and didn\'t dare to shout at Lin Yan.

Lin Zhen smiled and retreated to one side.

Faced with this situation, as a "representative" of the Lin family, it is better for him to speak less.

It\'s OK to leave everything to Lin Yan.

"OK." Lin Yan waved, but he couldn\'t do too much. Although his identity is here, others of the Lin family don\'t have such identity. In terms of family strength, the Fang family is far better than the Lin family. It\'s not good for the family if they really want to get revenge.

"That\'s it." Lin Yan frowned. "If there\'s nothing else, please forgive me for my hospitality."

He looked like a seeing off. Fang Jinqi\'s face was red and his neck was thick, but he couldn\'t say a word.

The middle-aged man behind him was sweating on his forehead. He was so ugly that he had to smile, "let\'s leave first, master."

After talking, he even left.

"Alas, this troublemaker." Lin Zhen sat on the big chair and felt helpless on her forehead.

"The patriarch doesn\'t have to worry. I think the young master of the Fang family is hiding from his father." Lin Yan stroked the patriarch\'s beard and said with a smile.

"I know." Lin Zhen nodded and said with a bitter smile, "I just lamented that Lin Feng provoked the young master of the Luo family and the young master of the upper family in a short time. How on earth did he do it? It\'s only a small matter for the family, and I\'m afraid of him... Alas, I\'m afraid there\'s some trouble."

Lin Yan smiled. "Extraordinary people do extraordinary things. It\'s mediocre not to be jealous."

"That\'s true." Lin Zhen also smiled. "This son acts like a wild horse. No one knows what shocking things he will do next."

Lin Yan said with a smile, "maybe the revitalization of the family in the future depends on him."

Lin Zhen laughed: "don\'t bother any more. I should laugh."

Indeed, very people do very things.

Lin Feng is immersing himself in training at this time. In such a big desert, he is experiencing a bloody storm and fighting all over the sky.

Every moment, fighting.

Every second may be in danger.

But for Lin Feng, such a life is very exciting and makes him feel very "comfortable".

This is the test of martial arts, the training of will and strength!

"Fortunately, it cost 5 war stars to hide the War Star clothes. If not, how can there be so many opponents?" Lin Feng smiled and sat in a piece of yellow sand. The wind is blowing and the sand is flying. In this desert where the border is not visible, the forest wind is at ease.

At this time, the inner layer and the outer layer of the battle star clothes are quite dazzling.

War Star, already broken ten thousand!

(another change ~ ~)