Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 834


This is an open camp.

Stepping into it, I felt a cool breeze, Lin Feng\'s eyes were shining, and my mood seemed to relax.

"The air is much softer."

"The feeling of hot and dry also disappears."

"This should be one of the so-called \'war camps\'."

Lin Feng nodded. The head in front of him was turbulent and lively.

At the periphery of the oasis, a huge transparent aperture is like a protective cover to wrap the whole "war camp", not only to prevent the invasion of demon Warcraft, but also to divide an area so that human warriors can\'t kill each other.

War camp!

A camp for a short break in a war zone.

"I don\'t know what." Lin Feng smiled and was curious.

Soon stepped in.

Step into the transparent mask.

The feeling is very fresh. However, the eyes of the martial artists who come and go around look with all kinds of envy, jealousy and disbelief.

Lin Feng looked calm and clear.

In front of his chest, the \'lonely\' War Star is too eye-catching.

It is in sharp contrast to the glittering layer of War Star clothes outside the body, but it is no wonder that other martial artists can\'t believe it. After all, those who pass the qualification examination as a one-star general are countless in Shiluo County, most of them

They are all people who have great identities and support from front to back.

Like Fang Jin, you don\'t need to start at all. It\'s easy for so many men to gather 100 war stars.

If you have more money, just buy it directly.

"So this is the war camp." Lin Feng walks in the camp curiously.

There are a large number of fighters. The existence of the battle camp is to enable the fighters to "rest" and recover for a short time.

After all, in a war zone, injuries are inevitable.

"Take a stroll first." Lin Feng smiled calmly.

There are many "dwellings" in the war camp.

Ordinary, completely independent, there are also high-grade oasis villas.

What is spent here is not star crystal, but "War Star". Of course, war star can be purchased with star crystal, but the price is really expensive.

To buy the first ten war stars, you only need one star crystal, while to buy the 11th to 20th, you need three star crystals; Buy the 21st to 30th star, and the price rises to 10 star crystals. In the future, it will increase more and more, and the range will also increase slowly.

From the 41st to the 50th, the price has risen to 100 star crystals.

Basically, it\'s the deadline here. Generally, no warrior will buy it again, because the price of the 51st war star has arrived——

One 300 star crystal.

Who can afford it?

It should be said that who wants to spend such wronged money.

Too expensive!

"If you want to fight the stars, kill and complete the task." Lin Feng nodded and looked at the center of the oasis not far away. There are all kinds of "tasks" that require a certain amount of war stars to accept. Of course, if you complete the task, the return of war stars will be greater.

The size of the rate of return is determined by the difficulty of the task.

The more difficult the task, the higher the reward and the greater the rate of return. Basically, the number of battle stars required to accept the task is between 1-10.

It is said that the highest mission, mission gold is 50 battle stars.

Because the lowest rate of return is 1:2

"The setting and equipment of the war camp are much worse than the only \'War city\' in each war zone." Lin Feng\'s eyes flashed lightly.

The war camp is not big. I finished it soon.

While wandering, I listened to the talk of martial artists around, but I also gained a lot.

Each theater has a "war city" and 1000 "war camps". The war city is larger and more fully equipped. Unlike the war camp, which only has some supplies and rest, other theater functions are not complete, but the war camp has one thing that the war city does not have.

That\'s the task.

In the war City, there is no so-called task.

All tasks are assigned independently by the battalions. Each of the thousands of battalions has different tasks.

"Since he came to the war zone, if he didn\'t take a task, wouldn\'t he come in vain?" Lin Feng smiled freehand and went forward. He was very relaxed. All the martial artists around are dignified and fight for the qualification to qualify, but they don\'t need to worry.

There are 150 war stars, and this is the number just after 5 are consumed.

Outside the body, the golden halo has been removed, so as not to become the target of public criticism. It\'s too ostentatious.

"Let\'s see what tasks there are." Lin Feng\'s eyes flickered lightly.

Looking ahead, there are many martial artists gathering, which is quite lively.

"Kill in the wilderness, task gold 5 war stars, reward 15 war stars, kill 30 wolves in the wilderness."

"Lost oasis, mission gold 5 war stars, reward 20 war stars, looking for a hidden oasis in the east of the desert."


"Split air eagle king, task gold 15 war stars, reward 50 war stars, find and kill split air eagle king."

"For the fruit of Qin flower, the task fee is 15 war stars and the reward is 60 war stars to find the unique \'fruit of Qin flower\' in the desert."


Lin Feng stood faintly and looked up at the huge light curtain.

Countless warriors stood in front of the light curtain, looking up and thinking, and discussing with each other.

The difficulty of the task can be seen from the amount of the task fee and the rate of return. Now the qualifying round is drawing to a close, with only 42 days left. Most of the martial artists who have not come to the fore are of average strength. It is undoubtedly very difficult to accumulate 100 battle stars by killing.

Completing the task has become their best way.

But, of course, the task is not that simple.

"In fact, like killing, the completion of the task still depends on strength."

"Without strength, nothing will work."

Lin Feng thought in his heart, very clear.

In the face of absolute strength, the so-called difficulty is no longer the difficulty.

The number of tasks in the light curtain is a fixed 100. Each time a task is received, a new task will "appear" and cycle alternately. The minimum mission fee is 5 war stars, the maximum is now 35 war stars, the minimum reward is 10 war stars and the maximum is 150 war stars!

"Lord of demon hunting, 30 battle stars for mission and 150 battle stars for reward, kill 100 demon family Warcraft in the desert!" Lin Feng\'s eyes lit up.

1: The return rate of 5 is quite high.

But it seems that no one is willing to try, but it is also, such a high rate of return, and this amazing task fee

For ordinary martial artists, it is definitely a big problem.

Demon clan, is it so easy to kill?

What\'s more, if you want to kill 100 kinds of demon families, it\'s estimated that you have to go all over the desert. There are not many kinds of demon families in the desert, such as sand scorpions, eagles and vultures. They are the mainstream demon family Warcraft, which can be encountered in many places, but it is useless to hunt more.

What needs to be hunted is species, not quantity.

The most troublesome thing is that demon Warcraft are often in groups, which is a great test for martial artists.

"Not bad." Lin Feng smiled slightly, his eyes burning.

"That\'s it."

There is no need to think more. I came here for "training".

While looking for the demon clan to kill in the desert, I play chess with the martial arts. I have excellent training in my combat strength. After entering Shiluo County, he has been "cultivating his morality and character", but he has lost his murderous spirit in Yanling mansion.

Now, just get it back!

"Whew!" Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright, and the bright light in his hand suddenly shot out.

The light curtain is divided into lines. It\'s actually very simple to accept the task.

Patter! Ranked in the fifth row of the curtain of heaven, the task of the highest reward suddenly turned into a bright light, and all the martial artists around took a breath. A fine diamond crystal is suspended in the air. Lin Feng takes it with a smile.

The crystal fused with the battle star clothes outside the body, and Lin Feng\'s eyes lit slightly.

I can naturally see the "battle star suit" full of battle stars. The crystals are embedded, but it has absorbed a full 30 battle stars.

However, he still has 120.

more than sufficient!

"Who is this man?"

"Fool, dare to take the task with a return of 1:5."

"In other words, aim high. If 150 war stars were so good, they wouldn\'t hang here for a full month."


Everyone said a word to me and looked at Lin Feng with disdain.

A one star general is so "ignorant".

It\'s a big smile.

"I don\'t know where he got his mission money for the 30 war stars."

"One star general, ha, if he wants to be able to complete this task, I write Liu Fengming\'s name upside down."

"Alas, there are too many people who overestimate their strength these days."


The scattered whispers kept ringing, and everyone sneered at them from time to time.

Lin Feng still keeps a faint smile and doesn\'t care at all. For himself, other people\'s words can\'t shake the decision. How can a person with a firm heart be influenced by others? What\'s more, these warriors are not at the same level as him.

"There seems to be more than one task to answer." Lin Feng\'s eyes flashed lightly.

His eyes fell on the sky, one task after another, and a faint smile was drawn at the corners of his mouth.


Whew! Whew! Whew!

The power of the constellation in your hand turns into an arrow and shoots through three missions in a row.

"The only witch clan, 25 battle stars for the mission and 100 battle stars for the reward, find the only \'Houtu witch clan\' living in the desert and kill ten."

"The natural enemy of the demon family, 25 battle stars for the task, 90 battle stars for the reward, kills 10000 demon Warcraft, and has unlimited strength."

"Desert tourists, mission Gold 20 war stars and reward 80 war stars, travel all over the desert and look for ten water sources."

Pop! Pop! Pop!

Three crystals immediately fell from the sky.

In the stunned crowd, Lin Feng calmly put the crystal into his bag.

The battle star clothes suddenly changed, and a large golden battle star disappeared, replaced by the four "crystals", representing the four tasks. Lin Feng smiles. Since he wants to experience, he will not come back in a short time.

Anyway, if you want to visit the whole desert, you might as well take the task.

Just by the way.

Everyone was stunned.

The people who were just mocking Lin Feng looked red.

One star general?

People are connected to four major tasks. The task fee alone is as high as 100 war stars. What does it mean?

It means that even if you don\'t take the task, you have passed the qualification competition!

What right do they have to laugh at?

At this time, with the disappearance of the four tasks, four new tasks appear.

"Ho?" Lin Feng\'s eyes suddenly enlarged.

(there are two more ~)