Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 836

"Well, I don\'t know how to spend so many war stars."

"It is said that there are many ways to spend war stars in the \'War city\'."

Lin Feng whispered softly and nodded slowly.

If you are known by other martial artists, I\'m afraid you feel speechless.

Others are worried about not saving enough war stars, but Lin Feng is worried about how war stars spend it.

What a blow!

"The task of demon hunting Lord, demon family natural enemy and desert Ranger has begun, but the Desert King and the only witch family have not been found yet."

"There\'s only one month left. I don\'t know if I can make it."

Lin Feng whispered softly in his heart, but ten days have passed.

The task of demon hunting Lord has progressed more than half. He has collected 88 kinds of demon Warcraft. However, we can\'t relax until the task is completed. It\'s likely that there are only one or two kinds of demon Warcraft left, but we can\'t find them.

As for the natural enemies of the demon clan, they have completed half of them. Such simple killing tasks are too easy for them.

Even without the help of wings, you can easily pass the pass with your own strength.

The task of desert tourists is not too difficult.

"But what does the Desert King of the 50 War Star Mission gold do?" Lin Feng pondered and felt puzzled.

For ten days, I still haven\'t found any clues. There doesn\'t seem to be much strange in this desert. Windblown sand and rocks, a deserted area, few people, even demon Warcraft are particularly rare.

"Forget it, it\'s no use thinking too much."

"There are no task tips at all."

Lin Feng feels helpless and can\'t help it.

Anyway, 50 war stars are nothing to themselves.

There is no need to force.


"Oh?" Lin Feng\'s eyes burst and looked not far away.

In the induction, there seems to be a weak battle fluctuation, but there is nothing just now.

It\'s not too far from here.

"Go and have a look." Lin Feng\'s eyes lit up.

The body is like an arrow flying out of the string, and the forest wind soon disappears.

"Good luck!"

"It takes no time."

Lin Feng\'s eyes are bright and bright, looking not far away.

It was a seven star general fighting. His opponent was neither a warrior nor a demon Warcraft.

But a huge monster with a snake tail, four hands behind and two hands in front of him, as tricky as a snake. The monster\'s eyes are cold and sparkling, and the snake tail is full of thick scales. Continuous sweeping will cause harassment and blow to the seven star war.

Nearly twelve meters high!

"Finally found you." Lin Feng smiled.

"Houtu witch clan!"

I am quite familiar with the twelve witches.

In front of this huge monster, it is undoubtedly the Houtu witch family.

There are three hands behind the Xinghai level Houtu witch, while there are four hands behind the Xingzhu level Houtu witch.

Height, also in the range of 10 meters to 20 meters!


"This Houtu witch clan should only have the second level of star master." Lin Feng twisted his eyes and watched the battle.

Now they are evenly matched. No, the martial arts of the Seven Star generals are slightly better, and their strength is much worse. The seven star general should be a warrior of the seventh level of the star master level. He has a great level advantage compared with the later Tu Wu clan.

Nevertheless, the Houtu witch clan is still only slightly down.

"The witch clan is really powerful." Lin Feng whispered in his heart, "I\'ve heard from the master that the later the witch clan starts from the star master level, the greater its strength increases."

"When you get to the holy level, you will be far away from the human warriors of the same level."

The battle continues.

Lin Feng hid in the distance and twisted his eyebrows.

With the passage of time, the Houtu witch clan gradually fell to the disadvantage. The Seven Star War general had a lot of brains and didn\'t try his best at the beginning. After slowly understanding the strength of the Houtu Wu clan, he began to attack step by step and forced the Houtu Wu clan.

"The Houtu witches are close to the soil by nature and have the best defense among the twelve witches."

"But after all, it is only the second level of the star master level. The essence has just begun to cultivate, and there is still too little star power."

"The opponent cleverly played the \'War of attrition\'."

Lin Feng thought lightly in his heart that he had seen that the later Tu Wu clan began to "lose support".

Faintly, there was a failure.

"If I go up and kill the seven star general, the local witch family will fight with me."

"But if I kill the Houtu witch first, I\'m afraid it\'s not so easy to find the \'clan fall\' of the Houtu witch again."

Lin Feng\'s eyes flickered and analyzed the pros and cons.

The mission of the "only witch clan" is to kill ten Houtu witches by themselves.

In other words, there must be ethnic groups in this desert. Now this one must know where the "ethnic group" is! As long as you throw a brick and attract jade, this "only witch" task will be completed with certainty.

"Think of a way to help it kill its opponent without attracting its attention." Lin Feng thought slightly.

It\'s not easy to think of a way.

Whether it\'s a galo fireball or an amethyst gun, you need to hit the other party to exert your power.

As for Yu Miao and xingqiong Tong\'s "magic tricks", they should be closer to each other.

"Well..." Lin Feng pondered.

Suddenly, his eyes brightened.

"By the way, having wings can help." Lin Feng smiled.

Although there is no "land" here, now it has become the wing of the master level wood spirit. It no longer needs to rely on the soil, but can survive independently, even if it is suspended in the air. No longer subject to geographical restrictions, the strength of the wing can naturally be brought into full play.

"Wow!" the red and green light flickered.

Lin Feng deliberately retreated far away for fear that this movement would attract the attention of the later Tu Wu clan.

As for the seven star general, it doesn\'t matter. In his own eyes, he has long been a dead man.

"It\'s up to you, wing." Lin Feng\'s eyes are bright.

"There\'s no need to attack, just wait for the opportunity to help the Houtu witch clan. The most important thing is..."

"Don\'t let it find out!" Yi hehe smiled, "I\'ll do things. Don\'t worry, boss." after that, there was a flash at the spatial level, and flying insects roared out, just like a buzzing sound of locusts passing through. The array was extremely powerful!

In an instant——

"Hoo!!" like a strong wind, countless flying insects immediately flew away.

The forest wind was suspended in the air, and the corners of his mouth began to scratch slightly.

This number alone is enough to control the death of the seven star war.

Today\'s wings are too strong!

Time goes by slowly.

Lin Feng was not in a hurry. He closed his eyes slightly and felt the increasingly fierce war.

Although I can\'t see it, I can feel that the Houtu witch clan is gradually gaining the upper hand. With the "reinforcements", it is really completely different. The Houtu witch will reject the demon Warcraft and the human warrior, but it will not reject the smell of exotic animals and wood spirits.

In fact, in the world of fighting spirits, the most neutral are exotic animals and wood spirits.

It does not belong to the three human races, nor does it belong to the demon race.

I waited for a cup of tea.


"Wow!" Zhan Xing\'s clothes were bright, and Lin Feng\'s eyes immediately opened.

Add seven war stars!

Finally, the Seven Star War general was not killed by the Houtu witch family, but by the wing.

"Slowly." Yi seemed bored. "The strength of the Houtu witch clan is too poor. I haven\'t killed the seven star general for a long time."

"If I hadn\'t done it, the warrior would have run away."

Lin Feng smiled, but he knew that Yi\'s character loved to be brave and show his love.

The child\'s childlike nature, but also by him.

"Don\'t delay the business." Lin Feng nodded.

"Don\'t worry, boss." Yi Salan said, "you see, he has begun to return."

Lin Fengqing said, "well," the picture in front of him suddenly changed, but he shared the vision of all flying insects on the wing. The integrated vision is very broad, and the whole desert is in the bottom of your eyes, but the most striking is undoubtedly the Houtu witch, who was seriously injured.

"Hope is to return to the family." Lin Feng\'s eyes were light.

"Let\'s go, wing."

Follow closely.

Lin Feng is not in a hurry and keeps a certain distance from the Houtu witch clan.


"Oh?" Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright.

There is a huge sand dune in front, which rises high and looks nothing special. However, the injured Houtu witch tribe "plunged" into it, as if it were integrated with this sand dune, which is very strange. The moment is gone.

"Extremely hidden."

"Fortunately, the bet is right this time."

Lin Feng secretly said that fortunately, if he killed the Houtu witch, it would not be so easy to find the only "ethnic group".

It\'s a matter of bad luck.

Slightly closed his eyes, Lin Feng did not act.

But still explore the way with flying insects, and follow the Tuwu tribe into large sand dunes.

The line of sight ahead was blurred, but the flying insects still walked to the depths of the sand dunes along the feeling. Lin Feng\'s eyebrows could not help but be slightly deep and felt a little expectation. Slowly, gradually, the flying insects flew over the, and the more dim the light seemed, just at this time——

"Pa!" his eyes darkened.

Lin Fengmeng opened his eyes, shining brightly.

"Wing, attack!" Lin Feng drank without any hesitation.

I clearly saw that a large number of flying insects had just flown out of the sand dune and were "slaughtered" in an instant!

There is no doubt that it is the ethnic group of Houtu witch.

"Yes, boss!" the wings glowed with joy.

The improvement of his strength makes him confident now, and he is very happy to help Lin Feng.

For him, this is a battle of "name verification".

He is no longer Wu Xia Amun.

Although Mu Ling and other animals are neutral in the fighting spirit world, it is reasonable to "invade" the clan of the witch family, which naturally causes the dissatisfaction of the master and kill him. Lin Feng stands in the air and stares at the hills. There are more than 100 later Tu Wu ethnic groups, which is a great burden for himself.

The most important thing is that in this hill, the Houtu witch nationality occupies an absolute advantage!

But the wing will not suffer too much.

With both the space energy of coiled wood and the flying insect army of the constellation dragonfly, today\'s wings have been reborn. The red and green light is full of a fierce domineering spirit. The wings are rooted outside the huge hills, and countless branches penetrate into the sand dunes.

With one\'s own strength, fight the whole Houtu witch clan!


Lin Feng smiled quietly at the corners of his mouth, slightly closed his eyes and watched the war carefully.

Flying insects kill continuously. With wings and branches, they penetrate the sand dunes and enter the clan of the Houtu witch family. It\'s like breaking the city wall and the army is waving!

"Although there are a large number of people in this later Tuwu ethnic group, its strength is not strong."

"With the strength of wing, there will be a little trouble to win them, but there will be no problem."

Lin Feng quickly identified the strength of both sides and relaxed.

You don\'t need to fight yourself.

In the moment of thinking, the first Houtu witch clan was killed by wing hunting. It was the "brick" that threw a brick to attract jade. I was already injured, and my essence was exhausted. I was very tired. How can I resist the roaring attack of the wings.

The first Houtu witch, die!

Lin Feng smiled slightly and held it lightly with his right hand——

Change suddenly!

(there is still one day to go to war, and I will start to work hard again. In December and January, I will try my best to rush for two months!)