Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 833

烀~ The fire of rebirth is surging.

Burning outside the ember magic armor, Lin Feng seemed to be in a flame.

Peng! Peng! Peng!

All kinds of control skills of the Heavenly Master shine with the fire of rebirth, but they turn into illusory bubbles in an instant. All the heavenly masters on Fang Jin\'s side were stunned, but they didn\'t know that the strongest Lin Feng was the existence of rebirth fire, which was inexhaustible.

Perfect defense system fire!

As long as the fire of rebirth is not exhausted, if you want to break its defense, one word——


"Garro soldier!" "Garro fireball!" a roaring star like a fire lion appeared behind Lin Feng\'s body. The Garro soldier with a war knife suddenly appeared, which was very similar to the human warrior. He was vicious and guarded in front of him. The left hand condenses the fireball, Lin Feng\'s eyes are bright, and his breath is increasing.


Now the level of strength reaches level 6 of the star master level, which is 100 times the power of other martial arts constellations, even if it is only 1%

It is equivalent to the full strength of the sixth level celestial spirit Master!

Moreover, the power of the reborn fire is quite terrible!

"Go!" Lin Feng\'s eyes clanked.

The fireball comes out in an instant. It condenses the fireball faster and more than other martial arts players.

The power was extraordinary. It went straight to the five-star general who rushed to the front. The Gallo fireball was full of surging red light. The five-star general shouted angrily and split the halberd in his hand, but he was swallowed by a piece of fire and screamed bitterly.

Everyone was stunned by the silence.

But soon, there was a deafening sound of fighting.

Kill! Kill! Kill!

Fang Jin\'s voice fell like an imperial edict, and the martial arts rushed frantically to Lin Feng, one after another.

Boom! Scold~

Boom~ Peng! Peng!!

One hand is a Gallo fireball and the other is a Amethyst gun.

With the defense of reborn fire and ember magic armor, Lin Feng is not afraid at all, just like an immortal god of war. Advance to the right and rush to the encirclement of these warriors. The strongest is the seven star general. There is no one enemy under his hand. In particular, the Amethyst gun erupted with incomparably powerful power and shouted a happy death.

Die! Die again!

The fierce and extreme battle made Fang Jin in the rear pale.

Seeing the totem monster\'s great power and killing his own martial arts like mowing grass, Fang Jin felt a chill on his spine.

"No, it\'s impossible." Fang Jin murmured and roared angrily to the surrounding heavenly masters, "what play do you watch one by one, but you don\'t kill me!!!" this is a hysterical roar, more like the last roar of a trapped animal.

That is the fear at the bottom of my heart, the fire of fear.

Fang Jin\'s trembling body and his feet that couldn\'t stop retreating had betrayed his heart.

He\'s scared.

One, another.

The light and shadow continued to disappear, and Lin Feng\'s figure left an indelible shadow in his heart.

Fang Jin finally couldn\'t contain the deep fear in the bottom of his heart.

He escaped.


Can you escape?

"Come whenever you want, and leave whenever you want?" Lin Feng looked calm, and the light in the middle of his left eye twinkled.

Although surrounded by many enemies, he has no fear. In an instant, a red and green light was reflected, and the corners of Lin Feng\'s mouth began to scratch, and the heart moved gently. It was a flying branch, accompanied by powerful space puncture, and countless

Flying insects!

blot out the sky and cover up the earth!

This is a virtual theater, and the wings can also appear.

Because its wood spirit heart has been refined and is a "spirit object" dedicated to Lin Feng.

"It\'s up to you, wing." Lin Feng smiled and opened his mouth.

Long time no see, the wing has become extremely strong. It has swallowed up the soul of the strong star \'Wu Peng\', and embarked on the road of the dragonfly constellation that Wu Peng once walked through. The wing has no bottleneck. During his own cultivation, the wing is also continuously cultivating, and walks very fast on this broad bright road!

Moreover, wing is best at group warfare.

As a matter of fact, the same is true of the day.

When insects appear in the shop, even more martial artists can cope with them.

Besides, there are only dozens of them?

"Good, boss!" the wings were in high spirits.

It not only has the blood talent of panmu, but also has the power of Wu\'s constellation.

Today\'s wings

I\'m afraid I can\'t even beat myself.

Lin Feng smiled calmly, but there was no jealousy. The stronger the wings, the greater the help they will give themselves. In the green smoke City, Yanling mansion, Yi has made great contributions to himself many times. Although it is a spirit, I always regard him as a comrade in arms and a brother!

Whew! The forest wind galloped forward.

The fire of rebirth is burning outside the ember magic armor, and Lin Feng seems to become a flame God of war.

The Warriors also tried to stop, but they were entangled by wings in an instant. Different from Lin Feng, there is almost no difference between the three or four fighters on the wing and the thirty or forty fighters on the wing. The "soul" of Wu is quite powerful.

Gritting his teeth, Fang Jin ran away desperately.

He knows very well that once caught up by Lin Feng, it will be more or less bad.

Although he has already won more than 100 battle stars long ago and can pass the qualification competition at any time, the premise is to find a place where "no one bothers" before he can fulfill the task and return to the real world. He doesn\'t want to go.

"Damn totem monster!"

"I will never let you go!"

Fang Jin gnashes his teeth and hates Lin Feng to the bone.

In his opinion, even if those men can\'t kill Lin Feng, it must be easy to hold him down.

This is enough time for him to find a "safe" place.

It\'s never too late for a gentleman to take revenge!

He doesn\'t have to fight.


Plan, but can\'t keep up with the change.

In terms of speed, how can Fang Jin get the upper hand?

"Boom!! ~" the burning feeling came from behind, and Fang Jin\'s face changed rapidly.

Very familiar!

It\'s like being \'killed\' for the first time.

"How possible!"

"How could he come so fast!"

Fang Jinxin was shocked, but there was no spare time to think at this time.

He must resist!

"The same move, don\'t try to kill me again!" Fang Jin\'s eyes burst out violently, his hands clasped together, and for a moment, the golden light was shining like a giant clock around his body. Fang Jin shouted angrily, "star treasure of the defense system, golden bell!"

Like a golden agate, the appearance of the golden bell surrounds the body.

Fang Jin has specially strengthened his defense since he suffered a loss last time.


"Peng!!" screamed violently.

It\'s like thunder bombing. Fang Jin\'s pupils are dilated and shocked.

The blue star armor combines with the body and suffers a severe impact. When Fang Jin\'s head exploded, the "Golden Bell" with the strongest defense outside was torn apart and broken into countless pieces. A dark red figure in front of him suddenly appeared in front of him.

In front of the star armour, the totem was more ferocious. Fang Jin finally witnessed the true face of Lushan Mountain.

But it\'s just a last look.

"Chi!" a purple light flashed across his chest.

Fang Jin\'s consciousness was blurred in an instant, and the fire was blooming, reflecting Lin Feng\'s indifferent expression from his unwilling pupils. With a firelight and an amethyst gun, Lin Feng calmly suspended in the air and killed Fang Jin, but he couldn\'t catch it.

Very relaxed.

"Defense star treasure?" Lin Feng smiled slightly.

If you were yourself when you first entered, it\'s really difficult to break through this defense by relying on galo fireball alone.

But for now, it\'s easy.

"No matter how strong the treasure is."

"Their own strength is more important."

Lin Feng\'s eyes flickered slightly, looking at the place where Fang Jin\'s light disappeared, and said softly.

Four battle stars, easy to get.


Ruyi hall.

"Ah! Ah!!" the roar continued.

Fang Jin blushed and clenched his fists. He still played back the battle in his mind.

He was killed again!

"Waste, you waste!!" Fang Jin\'s eyes were bloodshot and looked at these men beside him, hysterical and angry. Dozens of people can\'t deal with one person. He just feels ashamed, and most importantly, the "qualification" he has won is destroyed once again.

If he wants to enter again, he has to spend a full 1000 stars!

Even if the Fang family call the wind and rain in Ruyi District, force alone ranks fourth.

But he\'s just a \'young master\', not a patriarch. 1000 Xingjing is not a small number

All the men knelt on one knee and didn\'t dare to say anything. They really lost their face this time. They will never eat good fruit if they are blamed for poor protection. Only by waiting for the young master to lose his temper, we can see how to make up for it.

"I\'m so angry!"

"This hateful totem monster!"

Fang Jin trembled and roared, "get up, you losers. Go and find out the details of this\' totem monster \'right away. Look who doesn\'t have eyes. He dares to annoy us. I want him to go away!"

"Hum!" his nostrils vented. Fang Jin brushed his sleeves angrily and broke through the door.

"Yes, young master." all the men secretly wiped the cold sweat on their foreheads when they heard of the amnesty.

Thirty two theater.

"Pa!" "pa! ~" glittering.

Lin Feng looked at himself as if he was wearing a golden scale armor, which was very bright.

More than a hundred battle stars converge, perfect construction.

"What wing killed is also on my head." Lin Feng smiled.

Now there are more than 150 war stars, and the number is quite shocking.

This is just entering the war zone.

"Not even half an hour."

"I didn\'t expect it to be so easy."

However, Lin Feng smiled and looked calm.

But it\'s much easier than I thought.

"Find the battle camp first and dispose of the redundant battle stars."

"Then hand in the task and get out of here."

Lin Feng thought lightly in his heart, looked around and walked forward.

With the improvement of their own strength, the "qualification competition" that should have been worried about has become too easy.

All the way, safe and sound.

Because of the decrease in the number of martial arts practitioners, the frequency of encounter becomes smaller.

After Fang Jin, Lin Feng rarely met groups of warriors, but there were many kinds of demon Warcraft. After fighting a group of Eagle demon clan, Lin Feng\'s eyes twinkled and looked at an oasis in the distance. There is no longer yellow sand, but a green grassland.

It looks very fresh.

"Oh?" Lin Feng scratched slightly at the corner of his mouth.

The body shuttles like a sharp arrow towards the target in an instant.

After searching, I finally found the first "battle camp", an oasis in the desert.