Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 830

Linfeng mansion.

"Breathe, breathe ~ ~" the long breath rings in a bright light.

A young man with bare upper body sat cross legged, his face was calm, light star power twined, and the red light was dazzling, which was very eye-catching.

Lin Feng has been practicing for a month.

The instant light is great, and the red starlight is condensed again.

"Peng!" the star power blooms and the air flows.

WOW~ Lin Feng opened his eyes and was radiant.

"The array of engraving patterns in 300 times of time is indeed very efficient. It took three months to break through."

"Now, it has been completed in less than a month."

With a faint smile at the corners of his mouth, Lin Feng shook his fist and stood up.

Power, all in the fist, the star power in the life soul is increased again.

Master level five!

"The star power, both in quality and quantity, is much higher than that at that time."

"Plus\' the fire of rebirth \', now it is another level of refinement, reaching the 63rd level."

"If I fight again in vain, my disadvantage will not be so obvious."

Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright and he thought in his heart.

It\'s a lie to say you don\'t care. For a martial artist, victory or defeat is a common thing, but a real martial artist will never give up!

If you lose, double it next time!

"But his strength has reached the peak of the star master level. If you want to catch up with him, the fifth level of the star master level is far from enough."

"Regardless of star technology, the gap in star power alone is too huge."

"You have to be promoted to the seventh level of the star master level to have the power of confrontation."


Lin Feng shook his head.

Now it has been a month and a half, and there are only four and a half months left until the end of the qualifying competition.

At this time, it is very difficult to upgrade yourself to the sixth level of the star master level.

"Not counting the star repair weight."

"It takes half a year to absorb the stellar force alone and carve the lines three hundred times."

"Quite a long way."

Lin Feng\'s eyes sparkled slightly.

Shiruo County, Xibei district.

One of the nine regions, here, is not a matter of "family" words.

Yuehua dagger gate dominates the whole Xibei district. Even the area where the dagger gate is located occupies a full tenth of the area. You know, this is one of the nine districts, and one tenth of the district is larger than the whole district of qianluo district.

It is conceivable what the status of Yuehua Dao gate is.

In fact, looking at the whole Shiluo County, Yuehua Dao gate is the strongest "Dao".

The sect leader "Hua Yidao" is not only one of the nine giants in Shiluo County, but also one of the ten strong men in Shiluo county without suspense!

Ding! Qiang~

The swords and swords hit each other, making a deafening sound.

The surrounding breath was very disordered. The two young martial artists competed again and again and made a deep drink. The knife is like thunder, the sword is like lightning, and the golden star power is aggressive with an invincible momentum. On the contrary, the sword is light and flexible, like a swallow returning to its nest and a spirit snake dancing.

Peng! Peng~

The two youths stood firmly at both ends of the competition field.

"You\'ve become stronger and white." his voice was just like his knife, moving forward.

He was a proud young man with fierce eyes like a lion.

The son of Hua Yidao, Hua Wei.

The eighth seed, the \'Champion\' of the qualifying competition.

When he was young, he had the charm of his father\'s sword king "Hua Yidao". He was known as the next sword king. His potential and talent were better than the two eldest brothers. He is a talent who attracts the attention of the whole Shiluo county. He won the qualification championship and became famous in one fell swoop.

"Still inferior to you." Bai Qi shook his head helplessly.

A head of energetic white hair is his most special sign.

No. 96 seed, great grandson of the Pulsatilla, was a talented warrior who greatly defeated Lin Feng that day.

Hua Wei smiled slightly and raised his knife with a sparkling momentum in one hand. "The last time was a small defeat, but this time it was only a pity to lose. In just six months, your progress was better than me." holding the knife, Hua Wei\'s eyes reflected a bright light, "your understanding is better than me, and what you lose is only the understanding of the realm of weapons."

Bai Qi shrugged and had no choice but to let go.

Indeed, his "entering the sword" is only the second level.

However, Hua Wei\'s "forgetting sword" has reached the third level. There is a gap in this point

It\'s too big!

"By the way, I heard that Zeng Ren challenged you again?" Bai Qi asked casually.

Hua Wei nodded gently: "it should be said that his father \'Zeng Pan\' came to challenge his father. The war between me and him was just \'by the way\'."

Bai Qi smiled happily: "I also heard grandpa talk about it. Few people know it. I think both their father and son have failed. Otherwise, I\'m afraid it would have spread all over Shiluo county."

Hua Wei smiled calmly and didn\'t answer.

Like his father, he is indifferent to fame and wealth and only pursues the road of martial arts.

What\'s the use of a false name?

"Is he better or am I better?" Bai Qi raised his eyebrows.

He did not name names, but Hua Weizhi Bai Qi said it was "Zeng pan". He pondered slightly and shook his head.

"Oh." Bai Qi nodded as if he knew.

Indeed, Zeng pan can stand out in the second place in the qualifying competition. Even if his strength is weaker than Warwick, I\'m afraid it\'s only a slight difference.

"However, with your progress speed, I believe you can compete with him in the preliminary competition." Hua Wei holds a war knife with a clank domineering spirit, but his eyes flash a lonely color.

Bai Qi\'s eyes were burning, "still thinking about that fiasco?"

"I can\'t help it." Hua Wei frowned and flashed, "after a year of hard training, I thought the gap with her was close. But I didn\'t want to lose to her again with just three moves, which was worse than the last defeat!"

Bai Qi laughed: "people are more angry than people. You don\'t know. Zhixin\'s little girl has officially entered the level of \'star domain\' a few days ago."

"What!" Hua Wei\'s face changed continuously. Although he held back his emotions, his hand holding the war knife trembled.

"Tut Tut, the 14-year-old star level strong man is really amazing." Bai Qi feels envy. "Sometimes we think that our talent is amazing enough, but there are days outside the sky and people outside the people. It\'s not just Zhixin. I met a \'one star general\' in the qualification competition. His strength is quite terrible, which makes me fall into a hard battle."

Hua Wei was stunned. "One star general?"

"Yes." Bai Qi\'s eyes were burning, "a young man of your age and mine."

"His shooting method has reached the triple of \'entering the gun\'!"

Hua Wei\'s eyes are Ling ran and Peng Ran\'s heart is moving.


"Into the gun realm."

Lin Feng holds the Amethyst gun and stands upright.

Eyes slightly closed, holding a gun with one hand into a "gun pile", there is a feeling of spontaneous growth. It\'s like what you feel and understand when you come back to the understanding of eukaryotic star technology, the "way" of the gun.

Star technology is all inclusive.

This is a kind of "realm", a kind of understanding of "Tao".

"Entering the gun, the first weight, star force value is 2 points, medium level."

"Entering the gun realm, the first weight, the star force value is 4 points, high order."

Lin Feng drew lightly at the corners of his mouth and moved his right hand gently.

The gun shadow is picturesque, transmitting a distracted rhythm, like the heart of Amethyst gun. It feels strange.

"I finally understand."

"It turns out that this is the real ability of the Amethyst gun."

Lin Feng nodded and his eyes brightened.

Entering the gun and entering the gun territory are like different "grades" of the same star treasure.

Entering the gun territory is much more "esoteric" than entering the gun, and it is much more difficult to depict. In fact, the order in which the two comprehend is "entering the gun skill" first, and then "entering the gun territory". It is like the first and second volumes of a secret book of martial arts. The two are collectively called "the gun realm".

What I learned at Yanling mansion that day was actually beyond "entering the gun territory" to "entering the gun skill".

And the Amethyst gun\'s\' ability \'

"Control with a gun. The Amethyst gun promotes the importance of \'entering the gun realm\'."

"My \'shooting skill\' is twofold. In other words, after promotion, my \'shooting skill\' is threefold."

The forest breeze is gentle.

At this time, I fully understand.

After ten days of cultivation, I spent less than one day to fully realize the first priority of "entering the gun" and "entering the gun territory" of one star skill. After that, it took a full nine days to understand the advanced "Phoenix gathering technique" of "Phoenix attracting technique", and the absorption of the power of constellations increased to 80%.

A heavy star skill, star power value exceeds 10 points.

After that, he realized the second weight of the double star technique "entering the gun".

Eukaryotic star repair, also after special star repair, reaches the quintuple of single star repair!

The Star Skill of double star exceeds 30 points, and the total star repair is six times!

"The star master level is level 5, and the constellation sensitivity is doubled."

"Plus two special systems and two single star cultivation quintuples of eukaryotic system, supplemented by \'Phoenix gathering\'..."

Lin Feng\'s eyes were burning, and his heart was soon calculating.

248 days!

"No, it\'s based on the array of 100 times time engraving patterns."

"But in the array of three hundred times time engraving, it only takes less than three months."

"83 days."

Lin Feng holds the Amethyst gun tightly and is full of confidence.

Time passes slowly.

With the rosefinch challenge in full swing, one by one martial artist came to the fore.

Some are happy and excited, and some are sad and sigh. When it is time to test their strength after a hundred years of hard training, no one will pay attention to them and value them

Only results.

In qianluo District, the Wu family always leads alone.

The dragon club and Qingyun tower still rank second and third, and the number of martial artists passing through is not much different. The Lin family is still in the fourth place, but the late strike has played a considerable role in the overall mobilization of the whole family in order to make careful preparations for the rosefinch challenge.

The number of people passed is 50% more than that of the last session!

Moreover, there are a full 42 days before the end.

At this time, Lin Feng finally got out of the pass.

"Pa! ~" the light of the engraving array disappeared three hundred times.

Lin Fengxin stepped out with a calm look, but the light in his eyes was much better than five months ago.

In less than five months, I have changed from level 4 to level 6.

With the promotion of "the fire of rebirth", the strength is now improved——

More than ten times!

"Rosefinch challenge, I\'m here again." Lin Feng smiled calmly.

Soon, he stepped out.

(first change ~ ~)