Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 831

Outside the qianluo hall.

Didn\'t inform anyone, including Yu mo.

Lin Feng came alone and looked calm. The star crystal table in his left hand was still dark and had not been opened.

Because I don\'t want to be disturbed by anything.

"Don\'t know if there\'s still a chance to meet him?" Lin Feng\'s eyes were shining.

In fact, I also understand that the possibility is quite small.

I\'m afraid the strength from white has already come to the fore. How can you stay in the war zone?

"Even if you can\'t touch it in the qualification competition, you will still have a chance to meet it in the future." Lin Feng smiled calmly.

With the progress of the event, I will meet one powerful opponent after another.

This feeling is very expected.

Constant challenges!

From time to time, martial artists came out of the channels of the qianluo hall. Most of them were sad and angry. Only a few martial artists were full of spring. Even if there are three chances to fight again, how many can really win?

Without strength, even if you pass the qualifying match, you will lose the qualifying match.

Of course, for many people, only 10 stars and 100 stars are ignored at all.

Lin Feng smiled lightly.

I am one of them.

For oneself, the price of resurrection is very low.

But for many people, not to mention 100 star crystals, 10 star crystals are a huge cost.

"Hmm?" Lin Feng looked not far away.

Countless warriors gathered and talked endlessly.

Quite lively.

With a little curiosity, Lin Feng approached. As far as I could see, it was a man with a fine bare upper body. There was a bit of heroic spirit between his eyebrows, but there was only a pair of coarse cloth pants, which looked very down-to-earth. The man sat cross legged. Beside him, there were two "cradles" made of wrapped cloth. It seemed that there were two babies in the cradle, but the strange thing was

There was no crying.

Even, there was no sound.

Are you asleep?


Lin Feng\'s eyes were burning. He looked at the two babies and felt the strong power of the constellation.

It\'s not owned by the baby itself. It\'s more like the poor man. Lin Feng feels more distracted.

"What a weak life energy."

"These two babies..."

Lin Feng\'s eyes are sparkling.

Looking at the two babies and the heroic man, Lin Feng\'s heart is like a knife.

Deja vu side!

"A hundred star crystals, it\'s too expensive."

"Although it is a five-star general, it is not worth the price. You can buy many slaves at the same price."

"The lion opened his mouth and was very proud. He refused to plant enslavement star runes."


There was constant discussion around. Lin Feng listened with both ears and soon understood.

In fact, even if you don\'t listen, you can see the plight of this poor man. Because in front of him, scribbled vicissitudes of life are engraved——

A hundred Xingjing, willing to be a servant!

Only seven words, short and powerful.

Between the lines, there is a sense of loneliness and helplessness, more of a bow to fate.

Just as the despondent man bent his head slightly at this time, Lin Feng completely "saw" his dark eyes without any luster. He seemed to have lost hope; He seemed to have killed himself, but his pine like body was still strong.

Lin Feng\'s breath became a little short. Looking at the poor man, a picture came to mind inexplicably.

Outside Linjia village, the same man, with broken legs and serious injuries, clenched his teeth and insisted with incomparable will. Beside him, there are also two children! This scene seems to overlap with the scene of 20 years, and Lin Feng\'s eyes can\'t help being wet.

"Dad..." in Lin Feng\'s heart, a sad mood is spreading.

When I think of my father\'s plight that day, I\'m afraid it\'s thousands of times worse than the poor man in front of me!

But my father survived.

Because he is a real man!

At this time——

"Hello." proud voice, with some disdain.

Lin Feng\'s eyes looked, it was a young man in Chinese clothes, with golden clothes, and a huge wrench on his fingers.

This is not only a symbol of status, but also a symbol of wealth and status!

A young man in Chinese clothes has a big background.

"Isn\'t he Luo Qing?"

"Young master of Roche chamber of Commerce, why is he here?"

"I heard that he came to talk business with the Lin family on behalf of the Roche chamber of Commerce."


Everyone whispered, and Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright. He knew that he was a young man in Chinese clothes.

Luo Qing, the young master of the Luo\'s chamber of Commerce, the largest Chamber of Commerce in Shiluo County, has a great fortune and has a great background.

"How many pounds can you sell 100 star crystals?" Luo Qing glanced at the poor man with arrogance. He does have this capital. All his subordinates behind him are not good stubble. They are all star level eight and nine good players, and even a cold looking middle-aged man.

"Star domain level!" Lin Fengxin was shocked.

"The Roche chamber of commerce is really heroic. Even martial artists at the star domain level can move."

"It really deserves to be the largest Chamber of Commerce in Shiluo county."

Lin Feng nodded secretly. Indeed, money can make ghosts grind.

Raised his head, the light in the eyes of the poor man flashed away, and his voice hissed, "with my Guan Zhong, I used to be a star level strong man!"

As soon as the voice came out, everyone was stunned, including Lin Feng.

Star class strong?

How could it be reduced to this?

Luo Qing, a young man in Chinese clothes, was stunned, and suddenly burst into laughter, "star region level? Just like you, a beggar. If you are a star region level strong man, I Luo Qing is a saint level strong man!" his eyes were full of contempt, and Luo Qing disdained, "don\'t think I Luo Qing is blind, your strength will never be higher than star master level three!"

make a pointed comment!

Lin Feng nodded slightly, and so did he.

Although Luo Qing is a son of a rich family, his "vision" is very poisonous.


"His breath is really strange. It seems to be suppressed by something." Lin Feng thought slightly in his heart and his eyes were bright.

"Is what he said true?"

With a chill in his heart, Lin Feng looked straight at the fallen man.

At this time, the depressed man closed his lips, bowed his head, closed his eyes and obviously didn\'t want to talk.

"Hum." Luo Qing snorted contemptuously, "pretend. Forget it. I\'m in a good mood. I\'ll buy you according to the rules of the slave market. Luo Qing looked contemptuous and snorted coldly.

There was a lot of discussion around, and Luo Qing\'s eyes were full of envy.

Take out 10 star crystals at will and don\'t even blink. It\'s really worthy of being the young master of Roche chamber of Commerce.

But the despondent man did not move, like a stone carving.

"Hey, I\'m talking to you!" Luo Qing shouted angrily. "Are you deaf or dumb?"

The despondent man slowly opened his eyes and looked unchanged, "a hundred star crystals."

"Don\'t appreciate it!" Luo Qingleng scolded, brushed his sleeve and turned to go. Lin Feng looked at him, but he saw that the middle-aged man at the star level held Luo Qing and whispered in his ear. Luo Qing\'s eyebrows immediately showed and stopped. His eyes were constantly changing.

"Well, I\'ll give you 20 star crystals, no, 40 star crystals!" Luo Qing\'s eyes were like electricity and looked straight at the fallen man, "how about the slave price of the fourth level of the star master?"

Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright and his heart was immediately sure.

Luo Qing was ready to leave, but now he turned back and offered.

Obviously, there must be something fishy!

Looking at the despondent man, Lin Feng\'s heart moved slightly, and he looked at the two babies entangled by the star force. The feeling of heartache hit again. Even if he doesn\'t say it, he knows what kind of power it is to make such a "proud" warrior lower his head and such a mysterious strong man a "servant".

Two words——

family affection.

There is no more precious existence than this.

In this short moment, Luo Qing raised the price again. When he reached 80 Xingjing, he caused a sound of exclamation around him.

Lin Feng sighed slightly in his heart, but he couldn\'t bear it.

Let such a great father, a strong man become the running dog of the second ancestor, live in the shadow all his life, and the two poor children... Although he is not a meddler, many things are doomed. Let him see this scene with his own eyes and remind himself of his father.

Everything is like a \'reincarnation\'.

Now the wheel has come to itself.

"Here is 100 Xingjing. Take it." Lin Feng opened his mouth slowly, walked to the fallen man, squatted down slightly and put Xingjing in front of the man.

In an instant——

"Hiss ~ ~" there was a sound of breathing around.

Whispered, looking at Lin Feng\'s eyes full of doubt and strangeness, with a deep envy and some jealous color.

"Who is he?"

"Wow, which young master, why haven\'t you seen him?"

"Yes, he doesn\'t look like a rich family!"


The surrounding voices kept coming into his ears, but Lin Feng ignored them.

At this time, the despondent man opened his eyes. His dark eyes flashed a burning light, and the fine awn flashed away, "thank you."

Lin Feng smiled slightly, glanced at two babies whose signs of life were very weak, and sighed in his heart. His eyes immediately fell on the poor man and nodded, "take good care of them. Don\'t give up. You are an admirable father."

After talking, Lin Feng got up and felt a little unbearable.

These two babies, even if they have 100 stars, may not be easy to continue their lives.

"You, do you understand the rules!" Luo Qingqi\'s hair stood upright, looked straight at Lin Feng, quickly took out a piece of bright light from his arms and looked at the down-to-earth man: "I have 200 star crystals here, you go with me!" the price doubled directly, making the surrounding area suddenly in an uproar.

"He is really not an ordinary person." Lin Feng\'s eyes burst.

Although he doesn\'t understand, Luo Qing\'s star level strong man should know.

If not, Luo Qing would not be so rude and pursue.

The despondent man didn\'t even look at Luo Qing. He slowly stood up and looked at Lin Feng. He arched his hands and said, "I don\'t know your name and residence. After Guan finished his work, he will follow around and serve as a servant all his life."

Lin Feng smiled and shook his head, "no need."

After saying that, the people who were as numb as a chicken left and went away.

(second change ~ ~)