Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 829

Stepping in the "dilapidated" mansion.

Lin Feng followed Lin Yumo and looked at her back with a faint smile.

After Lin Zhong explained, he gave Lin Feng two "keys." then he blinked and left. When Lin Zhong thought of leaving, he nodded to himself. Lin Feng understood it. This time, he hit the bull\'s-eye!

That hug just now is the best proof.

The barrier that Yumo has been erecting for himself has now collapsed.

No more resistance to yourself.

The beautiful figure in front of me blurred his eyes in the whole residence, walked step by step, and stroked every part of the residence with his hand, as if he had endless thoughts. Lin Feng sighed in his heart that he could be like Yu Mo\'s suffering over the years.

It\'s really not easy for a little girl to carry such a heavy burden.

"Let you suffer, Yumo." Lin Feng whispered.

The voice was not heavy, but Lin Yumo, who was immersed in memories, was surprised and looked back.

The eyes were clear and bright, and felt the warm eyes. Lin Feng smiled and nodded gently, "in the future, I will become your arm and protect you all my life." with a light voice and firm eyes, Lin Feng came from the bottom of his heart.

I will never let Yumo suffer again.

As a big brother, you must protect your sister from the wind and rain.

Lin Yumo blushed and whispered.

Now she does not reject Lin Feng.

"By the way, brother Lin, how did you do it?" Lin Yu\'s beautiful pupil flashed and said curiously.

"In fact, this is the case." Lin Feng smiled.

He didn\'t hide it from Yumo and talked it out.

Lin family.

"Ha ha, I\'m afraid they\'re angry now." Lin Yan stroked his long beard and laughed happily.

"After all, it\'s good for the family. We naturally have the upper hand by voting." Lin Zhen\'s eyes are bright and bright, and he smiled brightly. "The 300 times time engraving array itself is among the chips. The original bottom line was the 300 times time engraving array with 15000 star crystals. Now we earn more in \'profits\'."

Lin Yan said with a smile: "I didn\'t expect that Lin Feng was a lover. I\'d rather not use Xingjing than help Yumo restore his identity."

Lin Zhen shook her head: "money is of no use to him. He can refine the heart of \'top-level\' glass. Lin Feng has made 10 billion doling coins every day, only 15000 star crystals, only half a year. On the contrary, it is this\' investment \'in Yu Mo, I\'m afraid..." Lin Zhen smiled, "we are going to be moved by the first beauty in Shiluo county."

Lin Yanqing said, "Yumo\'s biggest wish has always been to restore the family\'s prosperity in the past. Now it\'s a wish to be fulfilled."

Lin Zhen\'s eyes were shining: "Yumo rose suddenly in this rosefinch challenge. With her strength, she will become a big thing in time. Now it\'s just ahead of time. She not only sold a favor to Lin Feng, but also made Yumo more loyal to the family and kill two birds with one stone."

"In the future, it\'s more likely to kill three birds with one stone." Lin Yan said with a smile, "this time, if they form a good relationship between Qin and Jin..."

"In the future, Lin Feng will be my \'son-in-law\' of the Lin family."

Lin Zhen laughed: "what Yan Lao said is very true!"

"Ah." Lin Yumo was surprised to cover his small mouth and couldn\'t bear to be surprised.

"Brother Lin, take 15000 Xingjing and help me recover my identity..." Lin Yumo felt that his heart was beating fast.

What a price!

An unimaginable number.

"Not exactly." Lin Feng smiled. "Although the mansion is broken, it is worth 100 star crystals at least. The mansion includes the array of" two hundred times "time engraving patterns. The pieces add up to 3.400 star crystals, which is actually equivalent to only 10000 star crystals."

Lin Yumo still felt distressed and bit his lips, "that\'s 10000 star crystals."

The number is still large.

Not to mention ordinary martial artists, many weapon refiners may not earn 10000 star crystals in their life.

Lin Feng smiled and rubbed Lin Yumo\'s head. "Some things are priceless, such as... Feelings." Lin Feng looked around at the grass and trees, bricks and tiles. Although they are old, they are solemn and solemn. This is the place where Yumo grew up. She must have deep feelings.

Even if you spend more money, it\'s worth it.

However, the speaker didn\'t listen and the listener intended to listen. Lin Yumo\'s small face flushed, but he misunderstood Lin Feng\'s "feelings".

Lin Yumo gently sipped his cherry lips and lowered his head. His blush seemed to be dripping juice.


The little hand trembled, but it was held by Lin Feng.

Lin Yumo\'s heart jumped suddenly, and there was a sense of "cool" on his palm. He couldn\'t help but give a light Yi.

That\'s a key.

"Elder brother Lin, is this?" Lin Yumo said happily.

Lin Feng smiled slightly, "you will be the master here in the future. Repair the mansion and restore the glory of the past. In addition, hire some maid servants. How can you say that Yumo is also a \'sub direct\' martial artist now? You should still have a style."

With that, Lin Fengxuan took out 100 star crystals and put them into Yu Mo\'s hand. "Here\'s some change. Use it first."

I know in my heart that in order to buy fluorescent armor and sprint for the rosefinch challenge, Yumo has exhausted all his possessions. Now he is very "poor".

"Brother Lin, how can this......" Lin Yumo said.

"Well, we are our own people." Lin Feng pushed Yu Mo\'s small hand back, his eyes flashed and smiled calmly, "do you still treat me as an outsider?"

As soon as he said this, Lin Yumo\'s heart was shocked.

The heart beat very fast, but the little hand was a little weak somehow.

Every move fell into Lin Feng\'s eyes, smiled and stroked Yu Mo\'s small head: "which is more important? You should concentrate on sprinting to the rosefinch challenge now, and leave the money to me. Others don\'t know, but you should know that 100 Xingjing is just a one-day weapon refining harvest for me."

Lin Yumo nodded lightly like a mosquito, but smiled.

Lin Feng\'s concern and frankness make her warm and comfortable, just like her family.

She hasn\'t felt this feeling for twenty years.

It\'s reliable. There\'s nothing to worry about.

"I know." Lin Yumo accepted Xingjing and said with a smile, "don\'t cheat. Then I can ask you to take the money in the future."

Let go of all the defenses in his heart. Lin Yumo is like a girl in love.

"I\'d love to." Lin Feng felt happy.

Their own efforts finally melted the iceberg.

Yumo, began to accept himself.

Central area.

"Dad, what you said is true?!" Lin Fan blushed.

"I need to lie to you?" Lin zhe said quietly and drank a cup of tea.

"This, this!!" Lin Fan was very angry and said, "Lin Feng, son of a bitch, won my heart again and again." he originally wanted to use uncle Ming\'s suggestion to restore the identity of Yumo family as a chip to impress her heart, but he didn\'t expect to be boarded first by Lin Fengjie.

"Shut up!" Lin Zhen\'s ground color sank and his voice was cold. "What does it look like, like a lost dog."

"Dad!!" Lin Fan\'s heart was like a knife, and his body trembled with his fist.

"The weapon smelting guidebook incident clearly shows that the old guy wants to support his illegitimate son to the top." Lin Zhen said coldly and shot cold light in his eyes. "I underestimated the old guy and wanted to use Lin Yumo to set chess for Lin Feng and integrate into the family step by step."

"What can I do, dad?!" Lin Fan looked a little frightened.

He had a special love for Yu Mo since he was a child. How could he give up to Lin Feng.

"It\'s better to beg others than yourself. You have no ambition. Are you worse than Lin Feng?" Lin zhe coldly snorted. "He\'s nothing! But he has a talent for refining weapons. In terms of combat strength, you can\'t pass the qualifying competition if you dump him a few blocks. Is he worthy of your opponent?"

"Yes, yes!" Lin Fan nodded like a woodpecker.

"Why don\'t you go back to practice!" Lin pengdi drank coldly and his eyes sparkled. "You have the ability to make a name in the preliminary competition and establish a reputation. What can you not get at that time? Don\'t be like a waste. Just a woman will make you dizzy and throw me Lin pengdi\'s face!"

"Yes, Dad!" Lin Fanlian said.

Inner city north.

It also adds to the change and moves into a "new person".

The story of Lin Yumo\'s restoration to his former identity and return to the martial arts residence of the "Asian lineage" has been widely spread. It has become a new "legend" of the Lin family. In just 20 years, it has improved all the way from the fifth grade to the second grade.

I have to say, it is yearning and admirable.

It also inspires countless martial artists of the Lin family to practice hard.

Positive energy, extremely dazzling.

On the contrary, no one mentioned the real "great hero" behind the matter.

Lin Feng is still unknown.

However, he also moved into the North District of the inner city and became the owner of a "mansion".

Facing Lin Yumo\'s residence, less than 100 meters away, you can see it at a glance, but you don\'t know whether you did it intentionally, but it\'s "a good match.".

The mansion is very big.

In the Lin clan, the status of the sub straight line warrior is still quite "noble".

Although Lin Feng is not a member of the sub direct line of martial arts, he is now a member of the three branches of martial arts because of his "great" contribution, and has the title of "VIP" and some rights. This is almost the highest position that can be achieved by foreign fighters.

Of course, like Lin Zhenyun, it is quite special.

"I really entered the Lin family." Lin Feng smiled calmly.

I came to Shiluo County for more than a year. I didn\'t expect it to go so smoothly.

After staying at the residence, I casually "inspected" the environment, but it is similar to Lin Yumo\'s residence. The area may be a little larger, but the degree of "dilapidation" is even greater. Obviously, it has not been occupied for a long time. It looks much "old".

But it doesn\'t matter.

For myself, the most important thing is——

Here, there is a "300 times" time engraving array!

Holding his fist, Lin Feng smiled and felt a faint excitement in his heart. Here, I will practice three times faster than before. I don\'t lack money. After selling ten "Qingyun chains", I have a full 300 star crystals, which can be used in a short time.

The key now is to enhance our strength!

"Let\'s start." Lin Feng\'s eyes are bright.

(on December 1, the small meeting began to break out ~ ~)