Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 828

The next day.

"Where are we going?" Lin Yumo was a little confused.

Lin Feng took Lin Yumo in his hand and smiled, "let\'s go and know when we go."

This time, I want to give Yumo a great surprise.

Holding hands is a "swagger.". From time to time, Lin Yumo\'s pretty face was slightly red and he was shy to break away. It was a subconscious reaction, but it seemed that he couldn\'t use his strength. He was firmly caught, and a faint smile appeared on Lin Feng\'s face.

Self, is to let Yumo accept it subconsciously.

"Although the Yumo family was involved and the family declined because of my relationship when I was young."

"But Yumo itself is a very kind girl."

Lin Feng knows very well that Yu Mo is very similar to himself at this point.

Whoever treats her well, she will treat anyone better.

Yu Mo knows what he has been paying.

She didn\'t accept herself because the injuries she suffered when she was a child were too "deep-rooted". There is a scar in Yumo\'s heart, which has not yet healed. All he has to do is mend her again and again to let her forget the scar.

Sooner or later, she will recover.

You need patience, but what you don\'t lack most

This is "persistence.".

After a incense burning time.

"Here..." Lin Yumo\'s beautiful eyes flashed slightly and gently covered his small mouth.

The surrounding environment has completely changed. It is not as lively as the prosperous areas in the inner city. It looks very "quiet".


Here, near the central area.

"Wait, Lin Feng." Lin Yumo pulled hard and stopped.

"Hmm?" Lin Feng didn\'t make any effort. As Yu Mo stopped and looked back, "what\'s the matter?"

Lin Yumo\'s face like jade carving and powder carving glittered with a light light, and his beautiful eyes reflected an extremely complex emotion: "Lin Feng, this is the North District of inner city, we can\'t go in."

"Hmm?" Lin Feng\'s eyes flickered.

Lin Yumo gently pursed his lips and whispered, "the north area of the inner city is exclusive to the \'sub direct\' martial artists, and this is where their residence is." the heart was very painful. Lin Yumo looked at the bamboo passage in front and felt a deep pain. Once upon a time, she lived here, and her family was prosperous.

But now

But it has already become a thing of the past.

Lin Feng smiled gently. How could he know.

This is not only where the Yumo family once lived, but also where they and their father once lived.

After wandering around, I came back to this land.

Lin Feng\'s eyes sparkled with a breath.

"It\'s all right. Let\'s go. The chief manager is waiting for us." Lin Feng smiled at Lin Yumo and nodded. His right hand held Yu Mo\'s jade hand tightly, transmitting a firmness, as if he was talking to Yu Mo with his heart.

Lin Yumo said in surprise, "elder martial brother?"

"Yes." Lin Feng smiled.

Lin Zhong is Lin Yumo\'s elder martial brother.

I can\'t believe looking at Lin Feng. Lin Yumo is not an ordinary woman. She is as smart as she sees some clues. Her beautiful eyes are rippling, and she wants to know the answer.

Lin Feng smiled calmly, "when you arrive, you will know."

Through the bamboo forest.

It\'s like entering a new world.

It is solemn and quiet here, with a sense of dignity and authority, which is much higher than that in other parts of the inner city.

The buildings are full of ancient simplicity, but there is a surging atmosphere. Lin Feng walked all the way and looked around. He had an unspeakable feeling in his heart. It\'s like going back to your home, to the place where you came from, and your heart can\'t stop beating.

Lin Yumo, no better.

Here, she hasn\'t taken another step for twenty years.

One residence after another is magnificent and amazing, symbolizing the position of the sub direct martial arts in the Lin family.

Lin Feng looked around with a cordial feeling in his heart.


"Lin Feng?" the voice of Lengran sounded.

At the gate of a mansion in front, a young man in Chinese clothes led his men and swaggered home. Beside the young man in Chinese clothes, two very young girls were thin and beautiful. They followed behind them with blue and white faces, lowered their heads and bited their lips to bleed.

See Lin Xiong again!

Lin Feng smiled dumbly.

It\'s really not that friends don\'t gather.

I forgot that Lin Xiong, the son of Lin Zhenyun, naturally lives here.

"Meet again." Lin Feng nodded.

Lin Hsiung\'s expression of indifference and laughter fell into his eyes, and his endless "ridicule" made Lin Hsiung look ugly. He still remembers what happened in Xingjia building the day before the qualification competition. He was afraid of Lin Feng\'s strength and finally gave in and became a "coward".

Now I meet Lin Feng again, as if I came to ridicule him.

"Damn it!" before the crowd, Lin Xiong felt ashamed and looked ugly.

"What are you doing here!" Lin Xiong suddenly remembered something, raised his head and looked fierce and weak. "Can you enter anywhere in the inner city? Do you know that this is the North inner city and the residence of the second grade Asian direct martial artist. I advise you to get out quickly!"

Step down on others and raise yourself.

Lin Xiong felt inferior to Lin Feng for no reason.

Lin Feng smiled slightly and ignored Lin Xiong. He took Lin Yumo\'s small hand and walked straight through the crowd in the envy of everyone. This "indifference" made Lin Xiong look blue and white, gritting his teeth and roaring, "bastard! I\'m talking to you, do you hear me!"

Step! Lin Feng stopped.

Looking back at Lin Xiong, Lin Feng smiled calmly: "in the future, I will live here."

Shocked, Lin Xiong was tongue tied and completely stunned.

Lin Yumo\'s picturesque face was full of surprise and looked at Lin Feng, "Lin Feng, are you serious just now?"

Lin Feng smiled and said, "let\'s go. We\'ll be there soon."

It\'s really \'right away\'.

Just after Lin Zhenyun\'s residence, Lin Feng sees the chief manager Lin Zhong.

With a sincere smile and a kind look, Lin Zhong seems to have arrived and is waiting for Lin Feng, which makes Lin Yumo more surprised.

"Hello, senior brother." Lin Yumo bowed his head gently.

"I\'ve been waiting a long time, chief manager." Lin Feng smiled and apologized, "I\'m not familiar with the road. I\'ve been delayed for a while."

"It doesn\'t matter." Lin Zhong said with a smile, "I arrived early. Go and have a look."

"OK." Lin Feng smiled and nodded.

Walking forward, Lin Feng and Lin Zhong talked and laughed as if they were old friends. However, Lin Yumo\'s face is somewhat unnatural. Her beautiful eyes are constantly changing. She has an indescribable feeling. Her chest is crispy and fluctuating. Lin Yumo\'s breath is quite disordered.

"Are you all right, Yumo?" Lin Feng\'s eyes flashed and looked at Yumo.

"HMM." Lin Yumo shook his head with a light response.

"What\'s the matter, younger martial sister?" Lin Zhong lost his smile. "Are you too happy?"

"Ah?" Lin Yumo was slightly surprised and looked at Lin Zhong. "How happy is it, senior brother?"

Lin Zhong scratched his head, glanced at Lin Feng, looked at Lin Yumo and said, "junior sister, don\'t you know? From today on, you can return to your former residence."


Surprised to cover his mouth, Lin Yumo\'s eyes were full of shock.

Can she go home?

"Elder martial brother, this, this..." Rao is Lin Yumo\'s nature is amazing, and it\'s hard to hide his excitement at this time. Originally, the face of sunken fish and fallen geese showed an excited look, and tears flashed in the beautiful eyes, which was the ultimate beauty.

Lin Zhong pointed, "ask Lin Feng."

Lin Yumo looked at her, tightly pursed her cherry lips, her chest fluctuated, and her little face was full of red light.

"Yes, Yumo, you can go home." Lin Feng smiled and nodded.

This is one of my own requirements. For the family, this requirement is a little "beyond", but

Compared with entering the central area, this small requirement is nothing.

"Can I really go home?" Lin Yumo\'s beautiful eyes glowed, and his heart felt endless.

For a long time, she worked harder than everyone else to revive her father\'s pulse and return here. Now that her wish has been fulfilled, it is like the dawn clouds opening. This is the belief that has supported her for 20 years!

Ahead, a slightly simple but solemn mansion closed its door.

The top is covered with dust. It seems that it has not been opened for a long time. Compared with Lin Zhenyun\'s residence, it is undoubtedly very far away.

However, Lin Yumo was stunned.

Tears, unstoppable fall.


It\'s her home.

Haunted, want to come back home.

Lin Feng and Lin Zhong look at each other, smile and nod. They both care about Yu Mo sincerely. For Lin Zhong, Yumo is her younger martial sister and watched her grow up since childhood; For Lin Feng, he always feels that he owes Yumo a lot.

"Sorry, Yumo." Lin Feng said softly in his heart, looking straight at the beautiful figure in front of him.

Perhaps, the decline of Yumo family has nothing to do with itself, but

The father owes the son!

Most importantly, Yumo is his sister and his relatives.

For relatives, pay willingly.

Beautiful figure, very gentle.

Lin Yumo, who looks strong, opens his heart at this time.

Looking at this ancient and simple "shabby" residence, there is no place to replace it in Yumo\'s heart.

Here is her root.

Mei Mou looked at the gate of the mansion, and the seal had disappeared. Lin Yumo thought of what Lin Feng and Lin Zhong said just now. He suddenly looked back. His eyes were full of real emotional expression. Lin Yumo\'s voice trembled. "Elder martial brother, what\'s going on?"

Lin Zhong smiled, "thank you, Lin Feng. He not only helped you restore your identity as a \'sub direct\' warrior, but also helped you go back to your residence."

Lin Yumo looked at Lin Feng in surprise, and his eyes were different.

Lin Zhong looked at each other and smiled. "Lin Feng has paid a huge price to help you. Younger martial sister, let him pass the past. It\'s rare..." Lin Zhong paused, hesitated and smiled, "should you show some respect?"

Huge price!

Restore your identity and take back your residence

Lin Yumo nibbled his lips and his eyes were full of tears. He naturally understood how much Lin Zhong said "the price" was.

This is by no means an ordinary thing. She has worked hard for 20 years and still has no way, but Lin Feng did it in a short time.

It\'s totally similar. What did he pay for her!

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Lin Yumo\'s heart beat very fast. At this moment, all emotions are difficult to contain. It has always been a feeling of forbearance. All the repression in the past 20 years completely broke out in this moment and burst into a smile. Lin Yumo is like a clear water lotus in full bloom, with amazing beauty.

He pounced on Lin Feng like a bird and hugged him tightly.

Full of sincere gratitude.

"Thank you, brother Lin." Lin Yumo closed his eyes and let his tears flow, but he was filled with a happy smile.

This time, I cried with joy.

(third shift ~ ~)