Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 827

Lin family.

At this time, even the rosefinch challenge has become secondary.

The three giants and ten senior executives gathered together. At the moment, the discussion is in hot water, blushing and thick neck.

"Is it true? That\'s the five star treasure of human level!"

"That is to say, not to mention the five-level and six-level star treasures and star wares of the human level. Each refining master family has a deep taboo. Who would be willing to take them out?"

"I think so. He\'s a wild warrior. He doesn\'t come here to wait for the weapon refining guide book!"

"Not necessarily. There are too many possibilities of endless wilderness."


People say a word to me, but most of them don\'t believe it.

However, Lin Yan\'s words blocked everyone\'s mouth, "there is no need to argue about this. The patriarch and I have personally verified it, but it is a real tool refining guide book."

"That\'s right." Lin Zhen said positively. "Master Lin Yan has personally experimented and successfully refined the" green cloud chain ", which is indeed a medium-grade five-level star treasure." suddenly, everyone\'s voice was stifled, but they were red in the face and ears. They found that the argument was a little "I don\'t know what to say".

Lin Fudi\'s eyes were bright and bright: "people\'s level five star treasure. There is no market for these refining guide books, and the price is difficult to estimate."

Lin Zhong nodded and said, "at least it\'s more than 20000 star crystals. Although it\'s a \'defense system\', if it\'s put in a big auction house, I\'m afraid the price will be close to 30000 star crystals."

"No, higher." Lin Zhen shook her head in a deep voice.

"More than 30000 star crystals? It\'s impossible. It\'s supposed to be worth about 25000 star crystals." the elder Lin Zhongxian said with an eyebrow. "Although it\'s rare, it\'s reported that in the auction of the same star treasure in other counties tens of thousands of years ago, the turnover was only 24000 star crystals."

"Pull a hair and move the whole body." Lin Yan sighed lightly.

Lin Zhen nodded: "once the auction is held, the Roche family will probably fight with us to the end and will not give in to each other. In addition, we should also be wary of the Ponzi family with stronger financial potential or intercept it. After all, whether we or the Roche family get it, it is a great threat to the Ponzi family."

If there is "competition", commodity prices will naturally rise.

Lin Feng did not expect that the price would be so expensive. After all, he is not familiar with the "market".

Lin Zhen kept silent, because he knew that what Lin Zhen said was true, especially the Roche family would not let go even if the fish died and the net was broken.

It is related to the status of the two refining master families in Shiluo county.

Is there a half difference!

"In fact, it\'s very simple." Lin Zhongxian\'s eyes began to kill, "anyway, we know that the \'tool refining guide book\' is unknown. Lin Feng suddenly offered the book, and we don\'t know what his intention is. It\'s better to kill him with a knife. It\'s white. Why should it cost half a cent to get the tool refining guide book!"

Lin Yan snorted with disdain.

Lin Zhen shook her head without thinking, and her voice was calm: "if I do this, I\'m afraid the pig and dog are not as good as their body. How to lead the family."

A man is frank.

Although most of the fighters around are opposed, no one will think of such a "bad idea.".

"Elm head, diehard." Lin Zhongxian rebuke, feel the many eyes around, but the old face is red, no longer many words.

Lin Zhen also felt helpless. After all, Lin Zhongxian was not a tool refiner and could say anything. You know, this kind of thing can be described as a "big taboo" among tool refiners. Once it is spread, I\'m afraid the reputation of the whole tool refiner family, not to mention the reputation of the tool refiner himself, will be destroyed in the future.

Never do it.

"What did Lin Feng say?" Lin Shu said.

Lin Zhen and Lin Yan looked at each other and said, "the offer was raised from 10000 Xingjing to 20000 Xingjing. He never agreed."

Lin Zhen smiled with a deep smile: "I\'m small, but I have a big appetite."

Appetite, really big.

Because Lin Feng\'s ambition is not Xingjing.

Money is indispensable, but many things can\'t be bought.

For example, if you don\'t have a friendship with master Yan Qing, how can you get the pattern carving array three hundred times? Many "best goods" exist only by exchanging things for things, or by relying on friendship and human relations. They can\'t be bought with money alone.

Soon, another three days passed.

Lin Feng stepped out of the array of carved patterns slowly, with a faint smile on his face.

The second negotiation.

This time, the battle is bigger.

The Lin family attached great importance to making profits and moving feelings.

However, it still collapsed.

"He insisted on the right to use the engraving array for 400 times. What do you think?" Lin Zhen rubbed his eyebrows and felt helpless.

If you just ask for money, it\'s better. The worst thing in the family is money.

This "priceless thing" can bear a little more.

Anyway, I can make it back in the future.


"It\'s ridiculous. The tattoo array is in the central area for 400 times. How can outsiders enter!" Lin Zhongxian stared angrily.

"It\'s too expensive for the elders to think twice." Lin zhe said in his words, "no rules can\'t make a circle. The rules of our Lin family are set by our ancestors. How can we surpass them? The big deal is that they fall into the auction. We argue with the Luo family that many things can\'t be measured by money."

Lin Yan stroked his long beard and nodded: "each has its own bottom line. Lin Feng may not have much desire for money."

There were different opinions, and Lin Zhen understood it.

Indeed, many cases cannot be broken.

In the garden house.

On the contrary, Lin Feng is the most "calm" one.

"Four hundred times the time to carve the pattern array..." Lin Feng smiled.

Of course, I am eager, but what I want more than the right to use is ownership.

"The family is different from the clan."

"Most of them who pay attention to rules will not agree to my request."

"But now they should know what I want."

Lin Feng\'s eyes are bright, but he takes retreat as advance.

Negotiations over and over again increase their chips and obtain the maximum benefits.

In this kind of transaction, the party who reveals his cards first will definitely "lose" a little and be controlled by others.

"But there\'s no need to go too far."

"Give each other a point back, and there will be time to get along in the future."

"The third time, no matter what the result is, this tool refining guide book will be \'sent\' to them."

Lin Feng smiled slightly.

For myself, the weapon refining guide book of Qingyun chain is like chicken ribs, which is not very useful.

Perhaps you can get a higher price by auctioning it yourself, but this is undoubtedly a slap in the face of the Lin family. I\'m afraid the relationship between them will end here. For a little money, but lost a lot of invisible benefits, for myself——

It\'s not cost-effective.

It has been half a month since the rosefinch challenge.

In Shiro County, all the strong people who can be counted have passed the "qualifying competition" and entered the next round.

Even if they lose for a while, the second and third chances are enough to enable the strong to "pass without danger". The rest is a contest of medium strength. It is not easy to stand out.

But no one will pay any more attention.

Even if the rest of the fighters pass, the possibility of passing the next round of "qualifying" is very weak.

Cloud zone.

"Finally?" the Pulsatilla looked helplessly at his great grandson.

"Grandpa Lao bothered." Bai Qi smiled quietly, with a little free and easy, and the relationship between the two masters and grandchildren was very harmonious.

"All the first 1000 seeds qualified, and no one exceeded ten days." the Pulsatilla said with a bitter smile, "you\'re good. It took half a month for the No. 96 seed to come out. Is the No. 32 theater so wonderful?"

When I think of it, the Pulsatilla can\'t help shaking his head.

When Bai Qi came out, he collected more than 100000 "war stars", which was quite amazing.

"All right." Bai Qi hesitated and smiled.

"Have you met your opponent?" said the Pulsatilla with a slanting eyebrow.

Bai Qi nodded without concealing. The tiger\'s eyes were aggressive: "a very powerful young man."

"Oh?" the Pulsatilla was quite surprised. He asked casually, but he didn\'t expect Bai Qi to really answer, "No. 32 seed \'catkins wind\'? No. 64 seed \'Jiemin\'?"

White eyes sparkling, emerged that one shot, light way, "is a one-star General of the same age as me."

One star general?

The Pulsatilla was stunned and laughed: "you boy, you are joking with grandpa again."

Bai Qi smiled calmly and didn\'t explain much. In fact, he didn\'t know the name of the "one star general". He clenched his fist and felt the physical change. Bai Qi was very satisfied. "Don\'t worry, Grandpa, I won\'t let you down in the peripheral games."

With strong confidence in his words, he smiled calmly and turned away.

He has this strength!

Lin family.

At this time, only Lin Zhen and Lin Feng were left one-on-one, and they had already talked about the last stage.

"I\'m sorry, although I\'d like to agree to your request, but the family rules can\'t be broken, and non lineal fighters can\'t enter the central area." Lin Zhen zhengse said, "the best treatment the family can give you is 300 times the time to carve the pattern array."

Lin Feng was silent.

But in my heart, I already smiled slightly.

His original goal is easily achieved.

"Er." seeing Lin Feng\'s face unchanged, Lin Zhen immediately smiled, "brother Lin, if you can sell the \'Qingyun chain\' weapon refining guide book, the family\'s contribution will be enough to rise to the third level of branch martial arts. In addition, the family will make up for the difference of your 10000 star crystals according to the market price of 25000 star crystals."

Lin Feng was lightly surprised.

Originally he was just "pretending", but he didn\'t expect Lin Zhen to increase his weight in a short time, which was unexpected!

This "tool refining guide book" seems to be more valuable than what you look like.

"The conditions are very favorable."

"It seems that the Lin family is really determined to win."

Lin Feng\'s eyes flickered and looked straight at Lin Zhen. The latter sighed and secretly said that Lin Feng\'s Lion opened his mouth, but he also felt helpless.

After all, it is the tool refining guide book of Wupin Xingbao. In Shiluo County, there is a price but no market. Although the array of engraving patterns for 300 times has a price and no market, it is still inferior in terms of its rarity. Most importantly, this\' tool refining guide book \'is for the family

Too important!

"Lin Feng, if you have any requirements, you might as well say it directly." Lin Zhen said positively.

In a word, Tao tried his best.

Lin Feng smiled and looked up at Lin Zhen.

Now the chess game is over.

(second change ~ ~)