Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 822

"Three times into the gun!" the white haired youth looked frightened and quite shocked.

Although he "overestimated" the young man in front of him, he still didn\'t expect his strength to be so strong.

"Falling swallow\'s paw!" the white haired youth drank fiercely.

The black-and-white star power was instilled violently and tried his best.

The strength of Xinghai class peak burst out!

Although the swallow is not good at the hard fight mode, it is compared with the Indian constellation, another god of war constellation in the southern twelve constellations. After all, they are promoted by the God of war. The martial arts of Tianyan are not bad in terms of physical quality, but they are better at flexible melee.

The huge palm appeared again.

"What a terrible power." Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright and frightened.

The huge gap in the power of the constellations has doubled their pressure. Even if only 1% of the power of the constellations is played, it is equivalent to the power of the seventh level of the star master, which can not be underestimated.

And myself, after all, is only the fourth level of the star master level, even if I mobilize all my strength

It\'s just the power of the sixth order constellation.

The difference between natural grabens!


"Never retreat." Lin Feng\'s eyes were cold and bright.

The Amethyst gun in his hand seemed to understand the master\'s heart, and brought up a fierce force.

The gun palms intersected and the two forces collided.

Boo!! Shocked the sky.

The huge impact force caused a big shock in the sky, which made other martial artists nearby feel it. At this time, Lin Feng and the young man with white hair were separated. There was some blood in the corners of their mouths, and they were injured at the same time.

"The power of constellations is too strong."

"And his toughness is very strong. Even if he is injured, the palm still blows mercilessly on me."

Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright, not only did he not feel fear, but he was vaguely excited.

This is the fighting spirit of the warrior!

I have not been so excited for a long time.

Young people with white hair have short hair and upright eyes.

Black and white stars twined outside the body, and the sharp eyes looked like a huge swallow overlooking the forest wind.

Sticking out his tongue and licking the corners of his mouth, the white haired youth smiled instead of angry.

He\'s hurt?

"It\'s the first time that someone can hurt me since the war with Warwick."

"Moreover, it turned out to be just a \'one star general\'."

Although the white haired youth smiled, his heart was shocked.

The pressure of deceleration space frustrated his speed and couldn\'t dodge that shot, but in the final analysis

Or he underestimated the enemy.

"You are very powerful." the white haired young man looked at Lin Feng with flashing eyes.

He clearly knew that just now he was able to "share the autumn scenery equally", what he occupied was only the advantage of the "power of constellations".

He lost both in combat skills and skills.

"You are also very strong." Lin Feng looked at the white haired youth.

For him, he is not sure of winning, but as Wan Mochou said

This is not only a test, but also an experience.

Very profound, very unforgettable.

"Clank!" the light voice rang through.

When the young man with white hair pulled from his waist, the "belt" suddenly dropped his hand and made a "miso" sound, just like a swimming snake dancing.

Soft sword!

"You deserve to be my opponent." his voice was very calm and arrogant.

However, white haired youth are qualified.

The whistling suddenly began.

In an instant——

Like lightning piercing the space, the white haired youth galloped out again, and the black-and-white light shone like a swallow!

Speed, explosive!

Fight again!

"Exhort!" the Amethyst gun shines, sparkling, and the war spirit is boiling.

The feeling of entering the gun is very clear and free. The Amethyst gun seems to be perfectly combined with the body. This is a realm, the same as "forgetting the gun". Although Wu Shen is most suitable to use the realm of "forgetting the gun", it can give full play to the power of "original power".

But Lin Feng doesn\'t need it.

Distraction, plus perfect fire control skills.

So that even if you concentrate wholeheartedly and are suitable for the "gun entry" realm of the God of war, you can give full play to the strength of the God of war.

Fire of rebirth!

Lin Feng\'s eyes flashed like electricity.

The 62nd rebirth fire is perfectly combined with the power of the constellation, and the red light surges out. This time, the force of the six star constellations of the master level is constantly condensed on the Amethyst gun, making a "zizizi" sound.

That\'s a joy!

And weapons, perfect integration.

"Go, shoot the wild goose feather!" Lin Fengmeng drank.

Lin Feng went all out and didn\'t keep his hand. This move even killed the emperor Jiang Wu clan at the star master level in Yanling mansion. Now it reappears in front of us. The Amethyst gun thunders and vibrates, is powerful, and the space seems to be torn apart!

The power of the forest wind is like breaking new ground.

And now——

The white haired youth also arrived. One man and one sword went out like a spirit snake, and lightning roared.

His sword is fast and soft, but it has the sharpness of beating the Yellow Dragon. The flexible body swings rapidly, but uses a small space to continuously condense and increase the speed. The power of black-and-white constellations condensed in an instant. Perhaps this is not the best way for white haired youth to attack.

But he already has too many advantages.

If it\'s another fight, he feels that he is completely bullying others, that is to win

That\'s not a bright win.

"Swallow tail sword, the third floor!" the white haired young man\'s eyes were shining.

The soft sword in his hand seems to turn into a swallow\'s tail. The rapid vibration of the soft sword even causes spatial changes, soft but strange. The black-and-white star force formed a star like a double shear in mid air, and without avoiding it, it roared straight into the forest wind.

Enter the sword realm, second!

"Peng! ~"

"Boom!!! ~"

If the sky thunder hooks the earth fire, the collision of two bright meteors.

The amazing sound of mutual attack was loud and loud, which made the whole sky crazy and complete. The attack of the two strong men

the breaking of rock frightens the heaven!

Qianluo hall.

"Wow!" a figure flashed.

Lin Feng appeared slowly, with a slight bitterness in the corners of his mouth.

I failed.

Never before.

I taught myself a lesson in a down-to-earth manner.

"This white haired youth is really powerful."

"It\'s not wrong to lose."

Lin Feng\'s eyes are bright.

The power of one\'s own constellation is completely suppressed, just like an adult\'s feeling for a child. Even if the skill is exquisite, the physical disadvantage makes him unable to return to heaven. Moreover, the combat skills and strength of white haired youth are only inferior to themselves.

The power of constellations, the gap is too big!

The star power of the white haired youth is more than 10%.

Compared with that palm, the power is more than ten times stronger. The ember magic armor can\'t resist. It\'s your own body

I can\'t bear it.

Beyond the limit, even the strongest resilience is useless.

The sword pierced his heart directly.

"The power of constellations, strength and so on." Lin Feng\'s eyes flashed bright luster and nodded slightly.

This war has completely exposed their "weaknesses".

Thirty two theater.

"Win?" the white haired youth looked a little confused and looked at his chest.

The aurora armor was pierced into a big hole, and the blood in the chest penetrated continuously. The injury was really serious.

"Still underestimated him," murmured the white haired youth.

"What a terrible power of shooting, how powerful it is to enter the gun realm. In fact, this war just now..."

"I lost."

The young man with white hair raised his head and looked lonely in his eyes.

Gently clench your teeth and let out a long sigh.

Close your eyes and think of the war just now. He can win only by taking advantage of the power of the constellation. Although the war was won, it felt so bitter. It was much more bitter than the failure of the war with Huawei.

Unspeakable heartache.

Because he is invincible.

"Grandpa is right. There are so many strong people in Jiuzhou."

"Not to mention the huge zhuquezhou, which is only Shiluo County, there are countless talented martial artists."

"Hua Wei and I are in Bozhong. The sword once bladed by the Zeng family has the same reputation. There is also the 14-year-old talented girl \'Zhi Xin\'. I heard that three moves can defeat Hua Wei. Now..."

"Another one."

The white haired youth had a strange brilliance in his eyes and a fluctuating chest.

A \'one star general\' of his age!

"I forgot to ask him his name." the white haired young man smiled suddenly, and his character was also open-minded.

"However, the strong ones with such strength will be famous in luojun sooner or later. Why should we inquire?" the white haired youth looked at the distance with sparkling eyes.

"Next time, I hope we can have a fair war."

"I\'ll wait for you."

Nodding gently, the white haired young man\'s face was full of the pride of the martial artist.

Not far away.

A warrior with eight war stars on his chest was pale and frightened. Originally, when he approached, he wanted to reap the benefits, but when he saw the appearance of a white haired young man, he was scared as if cold cicada. He didn\'t dare to think about it. He even ran away.


So what? Doesn\'t mean he can take advantage of people\'s danger.

The young man with white hair in front of him is the No. 96 seed of the competition and the great grandson of the Pulsatilla in Yunjian district——


Qianluo hall.

Lin Feng stepped out slowly and looked calm.

A war star in front of his chest was very ordinary, and everyone around him glanced at it without paying more attention.

One star generals are stepping stones, and none of them can really pass the qualification competition. In fact, at this time, all the soldiers in the qianluo hall were eliminated except the staff. And he is a "poor" martial artist. After all, he can have another chance to re-enter the qualification competition at the cost of 10 Xingjing.

However, 10 star crystals are equal to 1 billion doling coins. Is it so simple to have them?

On that day, Jia Fei and Jia Xiang had only 100 million doling coins in their savings. The traditional martial artists were not rich, especially in the harsh living environment of Jiuzhou.

However, for Lin Feng, 10 star crystals are not many.

"It doesn\'t make much sense."

"Even fighting again is a waste of time."

"Anyway, the qualifier has half a year, and I\'m not in a hurry."

Lin Feng\'s eyes twinkled and his war spirit sparkled.

For myself, the only opponent is the white haired youth.

Strengthen your strength in a short time and fight with him!

(first change ~ ~ I\'m sorry for my bad status and unstable update recently. I\'ll make up for it again. Today\'s third shift.)