Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 821

Qianluo hall.

"Don\'t know how he is now?" Lin Yumo thought lightly.

The soft figure attracts people\'s attention, and the beautiful eyes like rippling blue waves flash the look of light thinking from time to time.

Lin Yumo, walking along the avenue leading to the center of the qianluo hall, attracted the envy and admiration of the eliminated martial artists around him. The skin as misty as snow is full of light and color. The face without any defects makes people dare not look directly at it, as if suffocating.

The first beauty in Shiluo County!

Lin Yumo is the dream lover of countless male martial artists.

At the moment, she passed the qualification.

The glittering metal sheet in your hand is the best proof.

At the Ninth level of the star master level, Yumo is only one step away from the peak, and her strength has always been affirmed.

One of the two new stars of the Lin family is not in vain.

18th theater, 10th!

The achievements are quite proud.

WOW~ The light door is dazzling.

Lin Yumo passed through the shining gate. In front of him, there were three martial artists who came first.

She is not the first.

There are two men and one woman, and only one is her age.

"What a surprise, Yumo." Wu Bufan, dressed in black armor with bright eyes, smiled, "I didn\'t expect that you, a star master of level 9, would be the fourth to pass the qualification competition in qianluo district." the feather crown on your head moved gently, symbolizing Wu Bufan\'s identity and more compelling power.

He is the first one in qianluo district to pass the qualification competition!

With a polite smile, Lin Yumo didn\'t say much.

The beautiful eyes flashed across the three people. None of them were fresh faces. One of the remaining two was Wu Feng, the Wu family, and the other was Hua Zhen, the Qingyun building.

Qianluo district says small is not small, but big is not big. The circle of strong stars is actually very "transparent".

"This year\'s Dragon meeting seems to be over, giggle." Hua Zhen covers her mouth and laughs, with a heart of schadenfreude.

"The Lin clan has such a strong momentum that the evil dragon will decline day by day. It is not impossible to replace it." Wu Feng smiled.

The three strongest forces in qianluo district are Wu Jia, the dragon club and Qingyun house. Apart from the fact that the Wu family is well deserved to be the strongest, the strength of the dragon club is not much different from that of the Qingyun building, and the fourth is the Lin family, the richest family in qianluo district.

However, being strong and powerful is another matter.

In qianluo District, the Lin family is well deserved as the first family.

Shiluo county ranks third in the tool refining family. The Lin family has a huge relationship network in the whole Shiluo county. In particular, the strong in the star domain respect the weapon refiner and have a very deep friendship with each other. Moreover, as one of the four deputies, the "tool refiner" is protected.

Even if it\'s just a human level tool refiner, they all have a high status, not to mention a local level tool refiner?

You know, this is the "law" of the witch clan!

Who dares to disobey?

Therefore, whether it is the Wu family, the dragon club or the Qingyun building, it is too late to curry favor with the Lin family one by one. The young master of the Wu family, Wu Bufan, was swept away in the Xingjia building that day. He was frustrated in his pursuit of Lin Yumo, and dared not go too far.

However, Lin Yumo just smiled at everyone\'s compliment.

For her, qualifying is just a warm-up. Even the next qualifying is not a big problem.

The preliminaries are what she expected.

"I hope everything goes smoothly." Lin Yumo\'s beautiful eyes flickered, but Lin Feng appeared in his mind.

In my heart, like a stone thrown into the calm and picturesque lake, it immediately affects me.

Somehow, my heart has been worried about him.

"I hope he is..."

Thirty two theater.

The storm and thunder caused a sensation.

The air flow is extremely disordered, and the sound of fire "Zizi" condenses, bringing a different sense of war.

Lin Feng\'s eyes were burning, his face was slightly pale, but he soon recovered his brilliance. The injury to his chest was not serious. After all, he blocked it. After penetrating the "ember magic armor", the power of the attack falling on his body has been greatly weakened. It is easy to recover with his "Phoenix body".

However, the threat has not been lifted.

At present, this white haired young man, who has had time to look at himself, has a restrained breath, but he has definitely seen it——

The strongest star master!

"Yumo, it\'s not a level compared with him."

"Is this the ten star general?"

Lin Feng took a deep breath.

The strength of your opponent is far beyond your expectation.

But I didn\'t expect that the warrior who had just "underestimated" the land of nine continents now encountered a hard struggle.

Very strong!

"Hey, Yixing, what\'s your name?" the white haired youth smiled playfully.

He was also a little surprised. The attack just now was silent, that is, the eight star and nine star generals died in his hands, but

By a \'one star general\'?

Without pursuing, the white haired young man was curious about the young man in front of him.

"Beat me, tell you." Lin Feng\'s eyes twinkled.

The strength of the white haired youth makes him warlike.

Never had a strong enemy.

Biwan Mochou, a stronger opponent than Yumo!

"Gallo fireball!" Lin Fengmeng drank.

Behind him, the big eyes like lanterns were full of rage, and the flame appeared like a red lion.

Gallo inflammation!

With the fireball out, Lin Feng retreated quickly.

Almost in an instant, soldier Garro was summoned. Tianlingshi\'s most basic attack means, summoned object containment, fireball main attack! Compared with other star master level warriors, Lin Feng\'s casting speed is faster and more violent, and there is no pause at all.

This is the controlling power of fire!

"Oh." with a funny smile, the white haired youth suddenly burst out of his body with black and white star power!

Lin Feng\'s face changed slightly, but he was already used to all kinds of combat changes. He didn\'t care about the harassment of such a "sound". However, this seems to be just the beginning, under the light of black and white

White haired youth, disappeared?

"No!" Lin Feng\'s eyes opened.

Not disappear!

But, too fast!!!

Silently, the young man with white hair pierced like a sharp arrow, but he pierced through the middle of the two galo fireballs and even got rid of the galo soldiers.

There is no fancy, only one word——

Come on!

"Fire wall technique!" Lin Feng frowned slightly.

In an instant, a wall of fire stood in front of the white haired youth, and Lin Feng\'s body still retreated rapidly. Two galo fireballs quickly controlled and hit the white haired youth who should have "slowed down". However, Lin Feng miscalculated again. The young man\'s body was extremely ghostly, and his sharp cry seemed to be

A swallow.

It\'s a swallow!!

Black and white starlight, gathered into a swallow.

"Twelve constellations in the south, swallow." Lin Feng\'s eyes were shining.

Tianyan and Indiana are the only two God of war constellations in the south. Compared with Indians who focus on attack power, Tianyan focuses on speed and flexibility, especially in air combat, which Tianyan is best at!

"僦! ~" the fire wall was penetrated.

The speed of the white haired youth was not half weakened. On the contrary, the black-and-white swallow was even larger.

in a threatening manner!

The attack method of tianlingshi has been cracked again!

However, compared with Wan Mo Chou\'s "clever" crack, the white haired youth is solid and almost "just fierce" crack. There is no flower skill, pure speed, which matches with the air raid that Tianyan is best at. Wanke fire spirit!

"Is it that easy?" Lin Feng smiled calmly, and his left ear rang softly.

"Yumiao!" with a light drink, Lin Feng\'s double pupils shine again.

The combination of xingqiong pupil and Yumiao is supplemented by the change of xingcang pupil. The eyes of the white haired youth flash, forcibly resisting Lin Feng\'s "magic".

However, it was not easy. The body stumbled slightly, and the attack expected by the white haired youth was always too late.

Behind you, Garo fireball!

"Boom!" "boom! ~" the fire was ferocious.

Time, just right.

The jilted Garro soldier followed the Garro fireball. Under the control of Lin Feng, he wanted to "wrap" the white haired youth again. However, the shrill cry suddenly rang through, and the white haired youth\'s eyes were awe inspiring. With the sound of "Peng!", a strong light burst out outside, which not only blocked the galo fireball, but also further accelerated the speed of the white haired youth!

It is unwise to compete with the fire spirit Master.

Catch the thief and the king first!

Once close, it is the world of God of war!

This time, however, it was the turn of the white haired youth to make a complete miscalculation.

Feng Shui turns!

"Slow down space!" Lin Fengshi showed his strength in time. In the face of the fierce attack of the white haired youth, if he fought against him with the power of the fire spirit Master

That\'s a dead end!

If you want to win, you can only use your real strength!

The Phoenix constellation is not just the fire spirit Master, but the most balanced "double cultivation" among the twelve constellations in the south.

Fire God, also can not be underestimated!

"Come out, Amethyst gun!" Lin Feng\'s eyes flashed.

Suddenly, the purple light bloomed, and the amethyst was bright in color and powerful. The familiar feeling came back again. Although it was not driven by the power of the human soul and the God of war, without the rhythm of "life", the Amethyst gun was still as strong and full of oppressive power.

It is also a gift!

Congenital star soldier!

It can not only "transform" weapons according to the heart of the warrior, but also enhance the "artistic conception".

How powerful!

"This is not all." Lin Feng\'s eyes flickered.

Amethyst gun has not been developed to the most perfect state!

But now it\'s enough!

"Shoot with green smoke!" Lin Feng fired the gun in an instant. Compared with the eighth move "Yanling shoot", the speed of green smoke shoot was faster. The fire of rebirth broke out in an instant, and the power of the strongest constellations rushed straight to the white haired youth. Lin Feng seemed to change into a person in an instant.

From the heavenly spirit Master, transformed into a martial god!

"Bad?!" the white haired young man\'s eyes flickered violently and dark.

But I didn\'t think of it at all. After the Heavenly Master was approached by him

How could it be such a general scene!

Totally unexpected.