Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 823

Failure is not shameful.

Sometimes, failure can gain more than success.

The road of martial arts is long, and how many people are really invincible war gods?

Genius is always a minority. What\'s more, they are martial artists who have been hit again and again and hovered on the edge of death again and again. Understanding, breakthrough, from mediocrity to genius, their road is harder, more rugged and longer, but step by step, down-to-earth.

"Enhance the level of strength and absolute combat power."

"My focus should still be on the \'marksmanship\' on which I live. The fire spirit Master can exist more as an \'assistant\'."

"In fact, I don\'t necessarily have to give up the road of \'Heavenly Warrior\'. Maybe the power of the God of war disappears, but my power of the God of war can make up for it. With a strong foundation of heavenly warrior, why should I be so persistent? Not to mention..."

"Sooner or later, my God of war power will come back!"

Lin Feng\'s eyes are bright.

This battle, defeat is very appropriate!

Wake yourself up.

Once a person succeeds, success after success is easy to produce "pride". It is inevitable that victory will affect his judgment and form deviant ideas in his mind.

At this time, we need a master to wake up, but there is no master

A proper failure also plays a great role.

"The land of nine continents is really much bigger than I thought." Lin Feng\'s eyes were shining.

"Too many talented people!"

Qianluo hall.

In the center, a huge light door shines.

"Wow! ~" slowly opened, and the strong spatial fluctuation immediately attracted the attention of the surrounding martial arts, with bright eyes.

Lin Feng also stopped and stared curiously.

At this time——

Pop! Pop! Pop~ One figure after another rushed out.

Headed by a young man like a cheetah, dressed in a set of black armor, he was very powerful. Behind him, many warriors followed, one with a feather crown on his head, and his dark skin looked particularly strong. Their appearance immediately aroused heated discussion around him.

"Look, it\'s Master Wu."

"It\'s really awesome. I heard that Master Wu won the fourth place this time. It\'s amazing."

"However, the Wu family, one of the top ten martial artists in qianluo District, has occupied a full four. It really deserves to be the strongest family in qianluo district."


There was envy in everyone\'s eyes.

Set strength and power in one, Wu Bufan holds his head high, with a lonely pride, rowing at the corners of his mouth.

This time, he made a reputation for the Wu family and returned in triumph.

Back to the family, there will be a lot of rewards.

I\'m not sure

"At that time, can you ask grandpa to propose for me and marry Yumo." Wu Bufan\'s eyes are shining and his heart is full of hope.

Glancing back slightly, I saw the sunken fish and wild goose\'s face and white skin like snow. Wu Bufan only felt shortness of breath and a deep desire for possession. But when I think of the scene of the first floor of the sun star, Wu Bufan is clenching his teeth and deeply humiliating.

Shit, good flowers have been arched by pigs!

Angrily turned his head, Wu Bufan felt a little depressed, but he had to hold back.

Walking forward, suddenly I caught a glimpse of the front

"Ho?" Wu Bufan was stunned.

In response, he burst into laughter, turned three steps into two, and strode forward.


"Isn\'t this a good friend of Yu Mo?"

The extraordinary voice sounded wildly, which immediately attracted the attention of the people around.

Hearing the familiar voice, Lin Feng stopped and closed his eyes. Just listening to the voice, he knew who the visitor was. But the enemy\'s road is narrow, and he can\'t hide. Since he couldn\'t avoid it, there was no need to avoid it. Lin Feng stood quietly and slowly opened his eyes.

"Wow!" the figure flashed lightly.

Wu Bufan took the Wu family and stood in front of Lin Feng.

The tiger\'s eyes were aggressive, with a wanton tone, Wu Bufan deliberately twisted his head back, "by the way, what\'s his name?"

"Young master, Lin Feng," said a warrior behind him.

"Oh, yes, look at me. I can\'t remember the name of little white face." Wu Bufan burst into laughter, which immediately attracted everyone around him. Wu Bufan made a mockery at the corners of his mouth and said to Lin Feng, "Yo, how can he be eliminated so soon?"

Suddenly clapped his hands, Wu Bufan said with a smile, "I forgot that you were just a \'one-star general\'."

On Lin Feng\'s chest, a lonely star looks very eye-catching.

"What\'s the matter?" Lin Feng said faintly, not angry.

Wu Bufan said with a contemptuous smile: "it\'s all right. I just want to see how capable Yumo is. Unexpectedly, tut Tut, it\'s really unexpected..."

Voice ridicule constantly, Wu extraordinary, wanton eyes are full of contempt.

"I\'m curious. Where does Yumo like you?" Wu Bufan smiled coldly and said with envy. "In terms of family background, you\'re thousands of miles away from me; in terms of strength, you can\'t catch up with me." he raised his chest proudly. Wu Bufan was more proud. Ten war stars were eye-catching, which made everyone around envy.

This is a kind of glory and pride.

Lin Feng rustled a smile, but people entered a foot, I entered a foot.

I didn\'t intend to pay attention to this extraordinary, but I didn\'t expect him to gain an inch again and again.

Many things, when you don\'t want to endure, there\'s no need to endure.

"On looks," Lin Feng said with a smile.

"You are big and thick, like a buffalo. Who will like you?"

"And this skin, like coke, is not afraid that others can\'t find you when it\'s dark?"

The faint voice made Wu\'s eyes red and smoke.

Too bad!

Wu Bufan is indeed strong, but the God of war is naturally strong.

As for the inheritance of Wu family\'s blood, all people have dark skin. Wu Bufan is still a leader, slightly bronze. In fact, it\'s not ugly, but compared with other martial artists, it is undoubtedly dwarfed. Lin Feng, in particular, has white skin and looks like a scholar.

After being tempered with Phoenix\'s blood, Lin Feng\'s skin looks like a newborn baby.

"You, you!!" Wu\'s face flushed and his neck was thick.

The whispers around him, accompanied by all kinds of whispers and smiles, made him feel ashamed.

Lin Feng smiled calmly, but he didn\'t care.

The step of Sa Yi rises, directly is to skip Wu extraordinary. At this time, Wu Bufan, who became angry with shame, reacted fiercely, gnashing his teeth and drinking angrily. His big hand grabbed the forest wind like an eagle catching a chicken. With the sparkling sound of the wind, the forest was cold to the bone.

He was so angry.


"Wow!" Lin Feng\'s body suddenly became ghostly.

Like a gust of willow wind, he easily avoided the catch.

In terms of attack speed and body method, it\'s flexible and extraordinary. Compared with white, it\'s far worse.

"Damn!" Wu Bufan was completely angry at this time and was about to do it again.

"Drink!" Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright for a moment, just like two starlights. With the rhythm of space, Yu Miao jingled in his left ear. Like a signal, the instant time startled Wu Bufan, and his action was slow.

"Open your eyes and see where this is!" Lin fengleng shouted.

"If you want to die, continue to do it!"

The sound was sonorous and deafening, and suddenly Wu Bufan "woke up".

His heart beat faster. Wu Bufan looked around in surprise, but several staff in the qianluo hall were close at hand.

Here, how can we use force!

"No, no, no, no, a misunderstanding." Wu Bufan even bowed his head and made amends, and dared not neglect or disobey. He doesn\'t have the courage to challenge the "rules". Not to mention him, even the old master of his Wu family, dare not make a mistake on this rule.

Whoever dares to do it in the nine regions and the ninety-nine central region——

The consequences are unimaginable.

Seriously, die!

This is the rule set by the "Yan king" who is in power in zhuquezhou.

There are ants below the holy level. Even the strong in the star domain level have no human feelings to say if they violate the rules.

The corners of his mouth rose faintly, but Lin Feng didn\'t manage Wu extraordinary anymore, so he went away.

There is no need to pay more attention to such people. If there is a \'fate\'

Sooner or later.

Step out of the qianluo hall.

Looking up at the sky, Lin Feng sighed.

Although it was less than an hour, I experienced a lot and saw a lot this time.

Four words, heaven and earth!

"Go back and practice."

"Next time, I won\'t lose again."

His eyes flickered, Lin Feng clenched his fist, and his heart was full of war.

The stronger the opponent, the more he can inspire his fighting spirit, fight and surpass!

Go back, in an instant——

"Lin Feng!" behind him came a charming cry.

Lin Feng gave a faint sigh and stopped. Turning his head, he suddenly saw the familiar shadow. Lin Feng smiled, "feather ink."

It is Lin Yumo who comes here with a wisp of fragrance.

"How did you come out?" Lin Yumo\'s beautiful eyes flashed a little puzzled and said.

"Lost." Lin Feng smiled calmly.

"Ah." Lin Yumo gently covered his mouth. Although he was surprised, he was not surprised. After all, Lin Feng\'s strength really didn\'t look so strong.

"Congratulations on passing the qualification, Yumo." Lin Feng smiled.

"Thank you." Lin Yumo smiled clearly and felt a sense of joy in his heart. He said, "Lin Feng, you can enter the qualification competition again at the cost of 10 Xingjing. You......" after a meal, Lin Yumo gently sipped his cherry lips, "did you lend me all your money, so you have no money?"

Lin Feng shook his head. "It\'s not what you think, Yumo."

Looking at that look of disbelief, Lin Feng lost his smile. Even if he took out 100 star crystals, it immediately not only made Yu Mo\'s beautiful eyes shine, but also the sound of exclamation around him. Everyone stared at the Star Crystal in Lin Feng\'s hand, full of envy.

That\'s 10 billion doling coins!

"Put it away quickly." Lin Yumo felt the eyes around him and said.

Lin Feng smiled and didn\'t worry. After all, this is not Yanling mansion. There are "rules" and no one will mess around.

But there is no need to be so high-profile and take back the Star Crystal immediately.

"Lin Feng, how do you......" Lin Yumo was puzzled.

"Go back and talk." Lin Feng naturally took Lin Yumo\'s hand and smiled.

The latter\'s face was slightly red, but they didn\'t get rid of it. Then they slowly disappeared in the envy of everyone.

(second change ~ ~)