Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 820

Ruyi district.

One of the nine districts of shiroe county.

The Fang family, ranking fourth in Ruyi District, is also one of the major forces.

This is the ranking of "force". Although it only ranks fourth, it is in "Ruyi district", one of the nine districts. In terms of family strength, the Fang family is more than ten times stronger than the Wu family in qianluo district. The strong stars in the star domain are more than the whole qianluo district. They are completely different from the same level.

"I\'m so angry."

"Shit, I\'m so angry!!!"

Coming out of the Ruyi hall, Fang Jin clenched his fists and flushed with anger.

The war just now was like a disgrace, deeply branded in his heart. He was completely opened and had no resistance at all.

It hurts my heart. Fang Jin has never lost so badly!

"I remember your star armor." Fang Jin\'s eyes showed anger, "don\'t let me touch you again!"

"When I get to the war city and gather the martial arts of the Fang family, I won\'t tear you to pieces!"

"Damn \'totem monster\'!"

Fang Jin\'s eyes were angry. He immediately took out 10 star crystals and entered the channel again.

"Wow!" the light flickered.

Fang Jin\'s figure sparkled in the envious eyes of other martial artists around.

Qualification resurrection!

Fang Jin, enter the No. 32 theater again.

The price of resurrection is 10 star crystals for the first time, 100 star crystals for the second time, 1000 star crystals for the third time, and there are three opportunities.

10 star crystal is only a small amount for each other\'s family.

Thirty two theater.

"Pa!" Lin Feng absorbed four war stars.

Outside the body, the flickering faint halo seemed to be inlaid with scales, with four more.

One quarter of the body.

"I didn\'t expect to collect four war stars so soon." Lin Feng smiled calmly.

"Although the young man was a war star level 4 just now, his real strength was too poor. No wonder brother Wan said that the fighting strength of people in Jiuzhou was not as good as that of wild warriors."

"But it makes sense."

Nodding, Lin Feng felt faint in his heart.

The martial arts in the land of Jiuzhou, especially the descendants of those big families, are privileged.

Many, it seems, have never experienced real killing.

Unlike in Yanling mansion, there are constant internal battles and the oppression of the witch clan. Every martial artist works hard for survival. The fighting skills are as refined as fire. Many people have rolled on the edge of death. They can break through the star master level and stand at the peak. They have experienced several death robberies, regardless of their master and elder martial brothers!

It\'s not easy.

"A smooth road may not be a good one."

"The rugged road of cultivation seems difficult, but it actually benefits a lot."

"If you lose something, you will get something."

Lin Feng smiled calmly and walked forward immediately.


City of sky.

Here, far above the clouds of Shiluo county.

In fact, above every county, there is a "city of the sky", which is the Holy Land in the eyes of martial artists. It means the place closest to "heaven". In the hearts of martial artists, heaven belongs to the highest existence, and the "heaven" of martial artists——

It is the "holy" class.

The closest to the holy level is the star domain level peak strongman.

The city of the sky can only be entered by the strong who have reached the star level peak.

They are high above.

Starland temple.

Located in the center of the city of the sky.

Seven men and two women are gathering together at this time, chatting and laughing.

They are the rulers of shiroe county.

Nine giants!

"Oh, the first name came out in 188 seconds." a white headed old man smiled and looked at a middle-aged man in military uniform.

"The eighth war zone, the eighth seed \'Hua Wei\'." the speaker was a dignified and beautiful woman with a mature beauty, and the years had not left any trace on her. The woman is one of the nine giants, the "orange lady" in Xinan district.

Similarly, looking at the middle-aged man in military uniform, Mrs. orange smiled and said, "with a knife, Xiao Wei\'s performance was really good. He broke through the 200 second time limit."

"It\'s just luck." the middle-aged man said calmly without any joy.

Xibei District, huayidao, is one of the top ten in Shiluo county.

Being able to sit on the "nine giants" is not necessarily the most powerful warrior.

For example, the white headed old man who spoke just now represents the "cloud area" and is known as the "white headed Weng". In terms of strength, he can\'t even rank in the top 100 in Shiluo County, but he has a wide range of friends and a prominent reputation. He is an older generation figure in Shiluo county and is quite famous.

"Hum." there was a cold hum not far away, as if there were some disdain.

It was a man with Eagle like eyes. Ruyi district and Zeng pan were one of the top ten in Shiluo county.

And now——

"Oh, the second place also came out, 199 seconds." the Pulsatilla stroked his long beard and smiled kindly. "The results of several little guys this year are really good." looking at Zeng pan, the Pulsatilla nodded and his slightly old eyes narrowed.

Zeng pan made a cold stroke at the corner of his mouth and flashed his eyes like an eagle: "the geographical advantage is more important for the results of the qualification competition."

At this time, a cold looking young man appeared on the front screen, as if he were as sharp as a sword blade.

Son of Zeng pan, No. 3 seed, Zeng blade.

"Indeed," Hua Yidao said slowly.

Although Zeng pan has a strong sense of competition, Hua Yidao\'s tone is smooth and has no intention of fighting.

At this time, as Zeng Ren passed the qualification competition for the second time, 200 seconds passed. It was as if the dam had been opened, and the warriors came crashing down like water, 201 seconds, 203 seconds, 204 seconds

Almost every one to two seconds, a warrior passes the qualifying competition.

In order to get the ranking, to get the theater gold, and to honor, everyone did their best.

In fact, the strength gap between the top 100 seed players will not be too large.


The top 100 in each of the 32 war zones have been released.

Many old faces, as well as many new faces, have emerged in these 100 years. The nine giants whispered and pointed from time to time. In fact, basically potential fighters are among the top 100 in these 32 war zones.

These are the top combat forces in the star Lord level.

It is also a rare warrior who can compete with the star domain level and has the ability to enter the preliminaries.

The strength of the first round is beginning to show.

"Most of the first 1000 seeds are here." Mrs. orange\'s beautiful eyes are light and light

Hua Yidao looked at the big screen and turned his head: "white head, I heard that your great grandson seems to have participated in this qualifying competition?"

"Yes, ha ha." the Pulsatilla laughed happily. "Qier is still No. 96 seed."

"No. 96?" Zeng Pan\'s eyes were bright and cold. "Among the top 100 martial artists in zone 32, there seems to be no name of" white rise ". It was clear at a glance that Zeng Pan\'s eyes were very poisonous and his reaction speed was extremely fast.

The Pulsatilla stroked his long beard and laughed, "my great grandson doesn\'t have this strength. No. 96 seed is sealed on the old thin surface, ha ha."

Mrs. orange smiled, "modest, who knows that Bai Qi\'s strength is stable in the top ten, but it lacks popularity, so it ranks a little lower."

Hua Yidao said, "Wei\'er once said that among his peers, except Zhi Xin, only Bai Qi can compete with him."

As soon as this remark came out, Zeng Pan\'s eyes were suddenly cold. "Hua Yidao, you\'re too full."

Hua Yidao looked light: "brother Zeng, it\'s just children\'s words."

With a cold hum, Zeng pan was hard to argue.

"Well, there\'s nothing to argue about." Mrs. orange smiled and came out to make a round, "which is stronger or weaker, the qualifying competition can\'t be divided, and the peripheral competition can\'t be divided. When the preliminary competition comes out naturally, why argue? Besides, what\'s the point of competing for strength below the holy level." Mrs. orange\'s Lotus fingers moved gently, her beautiful eyes flashed, "only holy level..."

"Just now, he is a real human strong man."

Thirty two theater.

"Good luck." Lin Feng smiled.

Outside the body, a faint virtual light flickered, and there were seven more war stars.

All the way, under the cover of rainstorm and dense fog, I sat down and collected the strength of the fisherman. When two star master martial artists fought with Snipes and mussels, I picked up a big bargain for nothing.

"Add the two fighters just now."

"Today, there are 19 war stars, nearly one fifth of the number."

Lin Feng\'s eyes are light.

It was an unexpected good start, especially the two martial artists who had just killed, obviously despised themselves.

"War star level, deception is really good." Lin Feng smiled calmly.

The storm is still sharp.

Thunder roared and the sky seemed to be a little angry.

Lin Feng shuttled quickly. Under the cover of thick fog, his body looked ghostly. However, at this time, his heart suddenly clicked, as if he felt something. There was a creepy feeling. Lin Feng\'s face suddenly changed, "bad!!"

Familiar sense of crisis.

No, it\'s death induction!

The hair stood upright. Lin Feng turned around almost in an instant, and his eyes radiated bright light.

"Yumiao!" Lin Feng looked very dignified.


烀! 烀! The fire is ferocious.

In his ear, he seemed to hear a light voice. At the last moment when Lin Feng\'s eyes could move, he clearly caught a glimpse of the visitor. Yu Miao moved gently. The space illusion made the visitor speed a little. Just between this meal, the attack slowed down a little, giving him a chance to block.


It\'s just a delay.

A huge palm, through the fire, hit the chest directly.

Lin Feng only felt that his internal organs seemed to crack. The congenital star armor "ember magic armor" in front of his chest broke a big hole with one blow.

Attack power, terrible extreme!

With a dull hum, Lin Feng has encountered countless crises after all and reacted very quickly.

"Gallo fireball!" the strong fire once again covered his hands. Although he retreated quickly, the fireball still blew out and delayed the enemy!

I will never lose easily!

However, the other party seems to have no pursuit intention.

Boom~ The fire is ferocious.

Lin Feng stood still with his eyes burning and his chest undulating slightly.

Ahead, the fog dissipated slowly. What immediately came into my eyes was a golden shield, which had already been full of war stars, like a scale coat, covering several layers, which was quite "luxury". It was a young man with white hair, aggressive tiger eyes, his hands around his chest, looking at himself with leisure.

In front of his chest, ten war stars were in great focus.

War Star, level 10!

(third shift ~ ~)