Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 819

"Ow!" "Ow!! ~" the roar was shocked.

If the mountain flood erupts, these rhinoceros monsters completely erupt.

The death of their companions made them hysterical, as if crazy. Their eyes were blood red directly above, and Lin Feng was fierce in his heart.

Quite strong \'killing intention\'!

It\'s incredible that they should appear on these "animals".

"It\'s a strange feeling." Lin Feng\'s eyes flickered.

However, the action did not stop.

"Jiong!" "Jiong!" Jialuo fireball rises again. Behind Lin Feng, Jialuo\'s inflammatory body technique spontaneously forms, flashing an imaginary image like a lion\'s head. The flame is very ferocious. Its appearance makes the Gallo fireball seem to have vitality and more bright.

However, the attack of rhinoceros monster comes faster!


Zi ~ Zi la~

The white light flashed, and Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright.

I saw that in the unicorn of the remaining eleven rhinoceros giants, the strong white light beams gathered madly, and directly hit the forest wind through the strong white fog. Full eleven beams of light, the energy gathering is quite terrible. Lin Feng\'s eyebrows are slightly clustered, but he is not flustered.

"Go, galo fireball!" Lin Fengshen drank.

Two fireballs, which seemed to have the power of life, blew out again.

Lin Feng easily controlled it with both hands. The fireball instantly avoided the white beam and roared into the rhinoceros, just like a vigorous cheetah.

At this time, the white light is gathered and powerful!


"Unfortunately, the distance is too far."

Lin Feng looked at it indifferently. After throwing out the galo fireball, his body easily dodged.

WOW! Eleven white beams suddenly fell into the air.

Many star master level warriors can\'t control such a long distance, let alone those giant beasts who are not good at them? Lin Feng, at Xinghai level, had a strong flame control power. When he reached the star master level, it was difficult to control the "constellation power" at first, but he had made complete progress in the apprenticeship workshop.

Today, the control of constellation power is far better than those of the same level!

"Death." Lin Feng\'s eyes were cold and merciless.

Peng! Peng~ The fire was boiling.

Two rhinoceros monsters were attacked again. They are bigger than the witch family. They are like living targets and are difficult to avoid.

It\'s natural to be hit!

There are only nine left.

"Jiong!" "Jiong! ~" the fire gathered, and Lin Feng\'s face flashed a relaxed expression.

For myself, this battle is just a warm-up.

Galo fireball, almost in an instant, blew out again.

But this time

Rhinoceros monster, but it is completely changed.

"Roar!!" the angry voice, the white light blooms, and the remaining nine rhinoceros giants are "Metamorphosis".

The big change of "people"!

Lin Fengmeng was stunned by the change like the witch family.

"This?!" Lin Feng\'s eyes lit up.

In the blink of an eye, the nine rhinoceros monsters turned into a "human shape", which is a real human shape. Although their face is quite ugly and ugly, it feels like a "rhinoceros". There is a white sharp corner on their forehead, flashing milky light, which is extremely sharp, but

They are almost completely transformed into human form.

Body, become \'mini\'.

Of course, compared with the original huge figure.

Compared with ordinary humans, these nine rhinoceros giants are still huge, just like little giants.

Whew! Whew! Whew!

The sound of breaking the air is extremely sharp.

In those nine pairs of eyes, what twinkles is the feeling of "wisdom".

They also have intelligence.

Master level!

"It\'s not a strange animal." Lin Feng\'s pupils are bright.

Although it was "boom!" "boom! ~" Gallo\'s fireball burst again.

Although these white horned rhinoceros have turned into adults, and these white horned rhinoceros come straight from the air, this will not change the fact that they are "weak". In particular, the white horned rhinoceros itself is a Warcraft with relatively poor "flexibility". It is good at attack and defense, but not good at avoiding.

Even if you become an adult, you are still a weakness!

"Come again." Lin Feng\'s mouth was slightly raised.

Move back quickly and fight and retreat.

Lin Feng is confident that he can gather his hands together again to deal with these white horned rhinoceros.


With your own speed, you can easily win.

How can it be unreasonable to open a distance and fight against the enemy\'s weakness with one\'s own advantages? What\'s more, these strengths are no more than the third-order white horned rhinoceros of the star master level. Even if they fight close, they are sure of victory.

They, the number of objects.

Just 60 seconds.

Fighting is an easy end.

With a strong "fire control" ability, such a battle can\'t be simpler for Lin Feng.

It doesn\'t take much effort.

"Pa!" "pa!" Lin Feng harvested "demon crystal", which is the evolution of Warcraft inner alchemy. Only Warcraft at the star master level can have it. And the wood spirit yuan species, the beast crystal essence and the witch essence are the same kind of existence, which contains the power source of the demon family and is a rare good thing.

At least, in the "theater," it can be used to exchange for "war stars.".

There are quite a number of ways to obtain war stars.

"Wow!" Lin Feng\'s body flashed.

One demon crystal after another fell into his hands, and the harvest was quite abundant for the first time.


This is the theater.

"Hmm?" Lin Feng\'s eyes burned and looked into the distance.

Someone\'s coming!

Coming alone, there are basically no groups at this time. Everyone has just entered the "theater", scattered in every corner, and has not yet been able to assemble into a team.

"It should be attracted by the roar of the beast." Lin Feng thought in his heart.

The roar of the white horned rhinoceros is faster than the fluctuation of the battle.

The deafening sound just now was estimated to attract other martial artists. Sure enough

Not what you expected.

"Fortunately, the breath is not too strong." Lin Feng made an indifferent stroke at the corner of his mouth.

"Coming early is not as clever as coming."

A faint sense of war flashed in Lin Feng\'s eyes. Lin Feng\'s hands suddenly coagulated the Gallo fireball and gathered quickly. With my fire control power, I can control the rebirth fire like Xinghai level. Although it is the fourth level of Xingzhu level, I actually have the strength of the sixth level of Xingzhu level!

Star power is endless!


A war zone is a war zone.

Because here, all that\'s left is fighting.

Unless they are very good brothers, of the same race and family, the rest are enemies rather than friends here.

"Boom!" "boom!!" Lin Feng\'s eyes twinkled.

Ferocious fire roared out. It was a young man about his age.

Outside the body, there is also a faint halo, wearing a set of blue star armor, which is perfectly integrated with the body. In front of the blue armour youth, the four "war stars" can be seen clearly. Compared with Lin Feng, a "lonely" war star, it is undoubtedly much more dazzling.


War Star is just a reference.

Does not represent real strength.

"Boom! ~" the blue armor youth\'s eyes are bright, and the bright blue armor doesn\'t seem to be ordinary.

The same fireball is bright, but the flame of blue armour youth is dark red. It is quite destructive, but it can be manipulated

But there is too much wind in the inferior forest!

Southern corona.

Among the twelve constellations in the south, it is also one of the "origin of fire". The power of the constellations is dark red, explosive and powerful. Most of the warriors of the southern corona constellation are fire gods. A young man in blue armor has a war knife on his waist, with many precious stones on it. You can know its origin by looking at the scabbard.

Ruyi District, Fangjia, Fangjin.

Other martial artists might give face and give blue armour youth a "way to live".

But Lin Feng will not.

In the war zone, there is no so-called kindness.

What\'s more, how can Lin Feng recognize who the blue armour youth is.

"Boom!" "boom!! ~" Lin Feng shuttles quickly, and galo\'s fireball is constantly released.

The distance opened is stronger than Fang Jin\'s sensing ability. With the fire control ability, Lin Feng completely suppresses Fang Jin. This itself is a great battle. If Fang Jin had not had quite good star armor and star treasure protection, I\'m afraid it would have been screened at this time.


"You son of a bitch!"

"Don\'t run, face to face with me!"

Fang Jin blushed and roared angrily, but he was embarrassed by Lin Feng\'s Gallo fireball.

Hide, can\'t hide.

I can\'t stop it.

The fusion of star armor and body is already broken at this time. Every collision of fireball makes Fang Jin show his teeth. He was seriously injured and spoiled. How could he have received such "treatment", but he was angry and clenched his teeth. He wanted to tear Lin Feng to pieces.

But without his men, does he have this ability?

Facts have proved that no matter how strong the equipment is, no matter how good the protection is.

Fang Jin tried his best, but he didn\'t even touch Lin Feng\'s hair, and even didn\'t see what Lin Feng looked like at all.

I tried my best to narrow the gap. I only saw the dark red "ember magic armor" and the extremely terrible and amazing ember magic totem. At the last glance, Fang Jin was black and blue. He was unable to resist the attack of Lin Feng wave by wave, and died thoroughly.

"Boom!! ~" the body turned into a virtual light and disappeared.

Only four "battle stars" were left, floating faintly in the air.

Lin Feng smiled.

win victory the moment one raises one \'s standard.

(second change ~ ~)