Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 818

With the passage of time, the Dragon outside the qianluo hall gradually became more and more dense.

Although there are 32 million martial artists participating in the qualification of the rosefinch challenge in Shiluo County, there are many like the qianluo hall. Especially in the nine regions, the carrying capacity of each region is dozens of times that of the qianluo hall, where the number of martial artists is really large.

The hour has passed.

"It seems to start." Lin Feng\'s eyes moved gently.

Qualifying is the beginning, but for myself, it doesn\'t matter.

As Wan Mochou said, the warrior who enters first may have a little advantage, but he really laughs last——

Always a real strong man.

War Star, what is war star?

Fight to win the star!

The stronger the combat ability, the more battle stars you can get.

"Almost." don\'t worry, look at Lin Feng and smile.

Lin Feng nodded and looked at the crowd. At this time, the crowded number of the crowd was less than one tenth of that just now. The 100 entrances to the qianluo hall are entering in an orderly manner. Despite this, all the martial arts people are worried. After all, many people\'s eyes are aimed at the "theater gold.".

Not all martial artists are rich and don\'t care about money.

First, it\'s a "theater gold" that can get more than 10000 stars. It\'s quite rich.

It is enough for a poor warrior to get rid of poverty and become rich in an instant.

"Let\'s go, brother Wan." Lin Feng smiled calmly.

In the body, the blood is boiling.

"Good." don\'t worry about being forthright.

"Beep, beep! ~" the sound of light jump kept ringing in my ears.

Lin Feng looked calm. He was under a strange square instrument and was "tested".


"Da, Da, Da." the warrior in charge of the inspection skillfully operated the equipment.

He stared at the screen and stopped immediately. At this time, Lin Feng also brightened his eyes. He felt that the light wrapped outside his body disappeared instantly, and the pressure was suddenly light.

"It should be finished." Lin Feng heard the voice of the staff in front of him and immediately stepped out of the instrument. After receiving the "sheet metal" delivered, it has turned into a chip with clear stripes, and the number "32" is clearly displayed on the top.

"Thirty two theater, battle star level 1." the warrior\'s voice was cold and his fingers were in front of him.

Lin Feng smiled bitterly, but as Wan Mochou said, there is only one of his four war stars.

In front, there is a light and Magic Channel port, which is similar to the transmission array. Lin Feng understood it, ignored the despised eyes around him, and stepped in.

War star level is not necessarily good.

Lin Feng smiled slightly.

The figure disappeared into the mysterious passage.

Lin Feng didn\'t know that his every move had already fallen into the eyes of the "staff" in the field. Qianluo District, one of the 99 central districts of Shiluo County, is undoubtedly the Lin family with the greatest reputation. It has a wealth of thousands. It is the top three tool refiner family in the whole Shiluo county.

But when it comes to "force," even in a small qianluo District, the Lin family can\'t get into the top 10.

Wu family, dragon club and Qingyun building are the top three.

Especially the Wu family, which has blood inheritance, is the top combat power!

The staff in the venue, including Wu family, dragon club and Lin family, all have martial artists involved.

Many things are not secrets.

"Pa, PA, PA! ~" one of the staff pressed his hand and put on the star crystal watch.

A piece of news soon spread, "send the young master\'s order, and those of Wu family will listen to it. Lin Feng, 32 theater, battle star level 1, kill those who see it! There are many rewards!!!"

"Zizi! Zizi! ~" electric snake man dance.

The body is wrapped by a cluster of thick electric light, which feels a little paralyzed.

Lin Feng closed his eyes and felt unusually clear and free. He seemed to be in a clear fantasy. For a moment, the whole person looks hazy and abnormal through the channels. The body seems to be out of control. With the sound of "Hua", the consciousness is blurred.

I don\'t know how long it took.

"Boom!" his head shook slightly, and Lin Feng opened his eyes in an instant.

At present, the scene is completely different!



The thunder was everywhere, and a thunderstorm shook.

Bean sized raindrops flew down, and the tip of the nose could smell a little bloody.

The surrounding light was weak, and the sky seemed to be covered by darkness. The surrounding fog is light, and the feeling of aura is very strong, which is several times better than the outside world. Lin Feng\'s eyes flickered, and his heart gradually calmed down, not too flustered.

"This is the thirty second theater?" Lin Feng looked around.

It feels very suitable. The environment here seems like the vast land in Yanling mansion.

After clenching his fist, the feeling of strength still exists. Lin Feng smiled slightly, and his body hasn\'t changed much, which is quite wonderful.

"Good advanced energy civilization."

"Compared with \'virtual and real space\', it is much more autonomous."

Lin Feng\'s heart was full of admiration, but it was a perfect simulation of himself. It would be hard to believe if he hadn\'t known it for a long time——

This is a virtual theater.

"Hmm?" Lin Feng\'s eyes flickered.

In front of him, a large "War Star" was hanging, like a sign.

Around the body, the flickering light is like a shield. It is also one of the signs, representing his "war star level" identity, but it is dignified for fear that others will not know. Suddenly, Lin Feng shook his head with a smile.

With this halo, I\'m afraid I can be recognized wherever I go.

"As brother Wan said, look for the \'battle camp\' nearby first." Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright.

The war camp is a temporary habitat. Killing is prohibited in the war camp. Martial artists can cultivate themselves temporarily.

In the war camp, there are star crystals that can be "purchased". The star crystals purchased are incorporated into the theater gold. If you want to eliminate this halo like yourself, you need five war stars; Like some "quasi star pills" that restore the body, they also need expensive war stars.

In the war zone, war star is very important.

"Fortunately, I brought 100 star crystals." Lin Feng smiled calmly.

At least, I\'m not poor here.

"Ember magic armor!" Lin Feng moved gently in his heart.

Outside the body, a huge armor was suddenly shrouded, full of a sense of oppression.

"This armor has a strong killing intention."

"In particular, the \'ember demon totem\' in front seems to contain a violent power."

The forest wind is dark and chilly. I feel it very much.

Kill intention and constantly disturb your mind. Although this congenital star armor is good, it has considerable side effects.

"No wonder the Lin family are willing to take it out."

"I can\'t control the murderous spirit. Wearing this\' ember magic armor \'has disadvantages but no advantages."

"Although it is extremely aggressive, real fighters rely on their own calm fighting, not on such additional foreign objects."

Lin Feng thought slightly, but he didn\'t mind.

This pair of "ember magic armor" is suitable for yourself.

With their own willpower, they will not be affected by such levels of murderous Qi, not to mention

"Wow!" his eyes flashed, and Lin Feng\'s mouth flashed.

In the body, the star sky pupil and the star dome pupil maintain the clarity of the original heart.

Their "soul" is quite firm.

No flaw!

Whoosh! Whoosh!

The forest wind shuttled quickly.

The soul of life spread out. Although there was thick fog and rainstorm, it was not affected at all.

Clearer and more comfortable!

"Even the star dome pupil has changed since the awakening of the star sky pupil."

"My body has become more acute, and my consciousness and mind are much clearer, especially in terms of induction. It has increased more than a chip compared with the past."

"This\' theater \'is really extraordinary, almost no different from the real world."

Lin Feng praised in his heart.

I don\'t feel any change.

All the details are as like as two peas.

There is not only aura, but also the induction of your body and soul. When raindrops fall on your body, you can feel a little moist.

The body has all kinds of touch, including pain and so on.

Complete reality simulation!


"Hmm?" Lin Feng\'s eyes lit up.

Not far ahead, I felt a lot of violent breath.

In my ears, there seemed to be a roar of a beast like a shadow, and my heart couldn\'t help but be stunned.

"It\'s not human breath."

"Oh, yes, this is a virtual \'theater\'. It\'s normal to have all kinds of monsters."

Lin Feng smiled calmly and was in peace of mind.

There are thirteen breaths ahead. Although the number is huge, the intensity of the breath is not all the same.

In their own feelings, very weak.

"It\'s good to try your hand first." Lin Feng smiled.

With a flash of body shape, he suddenly disappeared into this magnificent rainstorm.

"Wow!" the figure flashed quickly.

Falling in the air, covered by thick fog, the forest wind settled slowly.

His eyes were like two sharp lights, and he saw a huge beast like a rhinoceros, with copper skin and iron armor. At this time, he was half resting. From time to time, he arched his head and lay low. There were also many giant animals shaking their bodies and splashing water.

What a peaceful atmosphere.

"It looks like a \'white horned rhinoceros\'." Lin Feng thought.

"But it could be an alien."

After reading the Warcraft record, Lin Feng is as good as his heart for all kinds of Warcraft.

Although these rhinoceros giants are much larger than the orthodox "white horned rhinoceros", their characteristics will not change. Especially the white giant horn, so ferocious, with a slight arc, as if to pierce the space, quite shocking.

"Kill." Lin Feng\'s eyes were burning.

"The income can be sold in the \'war camp\', and when it reaches a certain amount, it can be exchanged for war stars."

"With the power of the fire spirit division, high-altitude bombing is in an invincible position."

Lin Feng\'s confidence made him shake his fists.

Although it is so far away and covered by thick fog, his pupils can see it clearly.

Know the enemy like the back of your hand!

"Jiong!" "Jiong! ~" the fire is ferocious.

Moved by Lin Feng\'s heart and instilled by the power of constellations, his eyes twinkled immediately.

Roar up!

"Jialuo fireball!!" Lin Fengshen drank.

With skilled control of both hands, two fireballs flashing with strong light flew from high to the full-fledged rhinoceros. The speed is not fast, but it is completely under your control. It seems that the roar of the rhinoceros beast is very angry!


"Dead." Lin Feng\'s eyes burned.

The Gallo fireball, which roared to the ground, turned at an incredible 90 degrees and went straight to two rhinoceros giants.

Boom!! Boom~ The fire is ferocious.

The huge power of the galo fireball immediately drowned the two rhinoceros giants.

win victory the moment one raises one \'s standard!

The corners of his mouth began to scratch lightly, and Lin Feng\'s hands suddenly gathered again.

But at this time, the change suddenly began!

(first change ~ ~)