Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 817

Early in the morning, the sky just showed a touch of white.

However, the whole Lin family is already colorful and lively, in full swing, and full of joy.

Garden house, basement.

"Peng!" a wisp of stars appeared again.

The Phoenix spread its wings and flew high, and the sharp clang rang.

On the refining table, there is another "top grade" glass heart, flashing a moving light.

Value, 450 million doling coins.

"Xu ~ ~" gently breathed out a breath, and Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright.

One night\'s refining didn\'t make the body feel tired, but there was a faint feeling of comfort and excitement.

For myself, refining utensils is also a kind of "warm-up".


"Unfortunately, the glass heart of sub perfect grade is always difficult to refine."

Lin Feng\'s indifferent smile is to put away the heart of colored glass.

In five hours, although he had not refined the "sub perfect grade", the ten "top grades" also earned enough money.

"Thousands of gold scattered and returned."

"Phoenix silver card can add 4.5 billion doling coins."

Lin Feng immediately moved to "trading space" because he spent 15 billion doling coins buying "fluorescent armor" in Xingjia building yesterday. At this time, the remaining doling coins of his Phoenix silver card are less than one billion and need to be replenished urgently. However, this is nothing to myself, and there is no reluctance.

Because Yumo is his family.

Besides, is it difficult to make money?

Soon, ten "top grade" glass hearts will be sold.

Lin Feng immediately stepped out of the trading space, and only 10 sets of raw materials were consumed in the last 300 sets.

In terms of the "success rate" that other refiners fear most, Lin Feng\'s treatment is perfect, and there is no failure in refining. Now, every time you play normally, you can refine the heart of "top grade" glass. After deducting the cost, you can earn 430 million doling coins.

The profits are quite generous.

"When you come back from the qualification competition, refine all the 300 sets of materials..."

"Then I will have enough money."

Lin Feng nodded gently, and he had a plan in mind. Xingjialou and his party made themselves feel the importance of "money".

Money may not buy everything, but at this stage

But it\'s quite useful.

"It\'s almost an hour before the competition starts."

"Meet brother Wan first."

With a smile, Lin Feng went to the other side.

Here, there is a space with familiar energy, which has planted stars.

"Try." Lin Feng smiled.

The pupil of the star dome was suddenly bright, and the jade Miao in the left ear moved gently and jingled.

In an instant——

"Zizi, Zizi ~ ~" the space has a feeling of gently shaking, and Lin Feng\'s eyes flash.

I felt the existence of the \'star sign\' on the other side.

Between the two, it\'s like two ends of a magnet attract each other.

"Wow! ~" space energy giant earthquake.

Lin Feng\'s figure suddenly disappeared in place.


"Oh, brother Lin, your \'space star\' is really magical. It\'s equivalent to bringing a transmission array." Wan Mochou was quite surprised.

"That\'s right." Lin Feng smiled calmly.

For the first time, it is not inappropriate to use the "space star" which is one of Yumiao\'s three abilities.

Perhaps it is because of the "near" relationship. In the blink of an eye, I have come.

It\'s quite relaxed and doesn\'t consume any energy.

"By the way, with this\' space star sign \', if you lose the battle, you can run away at any time?" Wan Mo\'s eyes flickered. Born in Yanling mansion, Wan Mochou has a special preference for fighting. In fact, this is also true for Lin Feng.

"I\'m afraid it\'s a little difficult." Lin Feng hesitated and shook his head. "Although the space star can be reset, it takes a lot of time. Besides..."

Lin Feng suddenly remembered the whole process just now and said, "there must be a stable \'space\' to be able to use this skill similar to space transmission. Moreover, the whole process takes several seconds. If you were really fighting, you might have died."

"Hmm..." Wan Mo Chou nodded. "If so, this\' space star \'is just a pure auxiliary soul skill."

"Yes." Lin Feng smiled.

Yumiao\'s three abilities are useful. Pure auxiliary soul skills may not be bad.

"What a pity." Wan Mochou sighed, "different from Xingbao, the choice of star ware is very important. Brother Lin, you are a little too anxious for success this time."

Generally, a warrior can only fuse one "star weapon".

Indeed, as Wan Mochou said, it is very important.

"It doesn\'t matter." Lin Feng smiled. "It\'s almost time. Let\'s go."

"HMM." Wan Mo Chou replied.

The two walked together.

At this time, the sky is already on.

The whole Shiluo county is bustling and boiling, and the head is surging.

The Centennial rosefinch challenge is about to open at dawn today. Everyone wants to fight. Although it is only a qualifying match, it also has great attraction. After all, it is the largest and most grand event in zhuquezhou.

Rewards are unprecedented!

"The qualification competition is actually very simple. The waves wash away the sand, go to the bad and choose the best." Wan Mochou smiled.

"As the master said, for you and me, this is not so much a qualification match as..."

"It\'s a test."

Lin Feng smiled and nodded.

Because of this, I didn\'t go with the Lin family.

Of course, forming a whole team is more beneficial to passing the qualification competition. But even if you can pass the qualifying, you may not pass the qualifying. Only these families who strive for fame and wealth and those who achieve success will do so.

The only one who can enter the preliminary competition and compete with those powerful star level warriors is——

The real star master!

Qianluo hall.

Located in the center of qianluo District, it was already overcrowded.

The dense crowd completely filled the huge qianluo hall. Hundreds of entrances and exits were full of lively crowds.

"Hoo, there are so many people." Lin Feng suddenly smiled.

It\'s hard to imagine that these tens of thousands of people are strong at the star Lord level.

The breath is amazing. It is obvious that every martial artist is not an ordinary person.

"Well, there are about 32 million star master level fighters participating in the whole Shiluo county." Wan Mo Chou nodded. "At that time, it will be divided into 32 competition war zones, each of which has about one million people, so as to divide the strength of each competition war zone and avoid the premature encounter of strong and powerful forces."

Lin Feng whispered softly.

Such division is indeed reasonable. After all, it is to discard the bad and pick the best. It has to go through several rounds of competition.

"Is our competition theater in the \'qianluo Hall\'?" Lin Feng looked into the distance and said curiously.

Wan Mo Chou smiled and said, "no, it\'s just to verify identity and assign theater and \'War Star\'."

Lin Feng\'s eyes are light.

Verify your identity and know that the star master martial arts player participating in the rosefinch challenge must be under the age of 10000.

This is a layer of \'screening\'.

"What is war star?" Lin Feng didn\'t understand.

"War stars actually represent strength." Wan Mo Chou smiled. "The first order of the star master level is one war star, and the second order of the star master level is two war stars. By analogy, the peak of the star master level is the top ten war stars. But these are only basic war stars. The number of war stars will increase or decrease with different martial history."

"For example, for the first time, one war star will be reduced, and one war star will be reduced for those under 30."

"With all kinds of achievements, the war stars will be increased at their discretion, but up to ten."

Wan Mo Chou said with a smile, "the war star will not be in front of his chest. It\'s clear at a glance."

i see.

Lin Feng nodded and suddenly understood.

In this way, the strength of the warrior can be more clearly and intuitively distinguished.

In the qualifying competition, you can avoid provoking the strong who should not be provoked, measure your own strength, pursue good luck and avoid bad luck.

Wan Mo Chou smiled. "In the war zone, the war star is everything. You can buy many things with the war star. The acquisition methods of the war star are different. You can obtain it in the field, complete the task, or even buy it with money."

"The most intuitive way to get a war star is to get a star by war."

"Kill the opponent and get the battle star on the opponent. The three-star warrior gets three and the five-star warrior gets five."

"Brother Rulin, although you are level 4 of the star master level, your resume is blank. You have never had any \'regular\' combat record. I\'m afraid there is only one of the four basic battle stars. If you kill you, you can only get the lowest battle star."

"Oh." Lin Feng\'s eyes were shining.

Indeed, quite directly, as far as I know, each theater is similar to an enlarged "virtual and real space.".

There, in fact, is a "virtual" world.

Death is nothing.

Wan Mochou said with a smile, "the rules are very simple. Winning a hundred war stars is to pass the pass. The qualification competition lasts for half a year. Basically, there is no time limit. The treatment is the same for those who come out on the first day and the last day, but the reward is slightly different."

Lin Feng was lightly surprised: "didn\'t you say that there was no reward in the qualification competition?"

"Well, there is no material reward." Wan Mochou said, "but the first 1000 fighters in each theater can get a lot of \'theater gold\'. In proportion, especially the first one, can get 10% of the \'theater gold\', more than 10000 stars."

Ten thousand star crystals, one trillion doling coins?

Lin Fengji was shocked.

"What is the theater gold? 10% is more than 10000 star crystals?" Lin Feng was surprised. "What did the conference take out?"

"No." Wan Mochou said with a smile, "it\'s taken out by the fighters in the war zone. If you buy the qualification of \'War Star\' or \'resurrection and fight again\', the spent Star Crystal will be deposited in the \'War Zone gold\'." looking at the front, Wan Mochou said with a smile, "let them enter first. I\'m afraid those who enter first are only used to contribute to the war zone gold."

"In the war zone, those who can really stand out are always the strong." Wan Mochou is full of confidence.

Lin Feng looked at Wan Mo Chou and smiled.

Today\'s never worry, is to restore self-confidence, complete transformation.

This once the strongest man in Yanling mansion has a great opportunity to join the saint level strong man after coming to Jiuzhou.

Strength, natural progress by leaps and bounds.

"This rosefinch challenge is also interesting." Lin Feng looked at the crowded and lively crowd in front and scratched at the corners of his mouth.

Indeed, as Wan Mo Chou said, this is a pretty good for yourself——


(alas, I can\'t tell you how bitter it is. I was thinking about the fourth watch today. Say sorry to everyone. If there is a little delay, there will be no default. The update that is owed will never be repudiated.)