Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 806

Lin Feng, it\'s calm here.

However, at this time, the whole Lin family was blown up.

make fun of!

Lin fan, one of the two rising stars in the clan and the only son of the Deputy clan leader "Lin Yidi", was seriously injured! Moreover, he was seriously injured in the inner city. This is not a small matter. Although Lin Yumo and Lin Yumo are two new stars, Lin Fan\'s identity is much more noble than Lin Yumo.

Because he is a direct martial artist and a "royal family".

As long as there are no mistakes, practice step by step and improve

Once Lin Fan\'s strength is raised to the star level, and then makes some contributions to the family, he will become one of the future power figures of the Lin family with unlimited future.

At present, he was seriously injured in the inner city of the family.

This matter, won\'t you!

"Pa Da!" Lin Zhen\'s eyes were dark, and he let Lin Fan take a star pill tightly wrapped in a gold box.

Gulu swallowed his stomach, Lin Fan\'s body suddenly trembled violently, and wisps of mist penetrated into the capillary blood holes, as if there was some evaporation in his body. Lin Dadi looked solemn, his eyes glittered with dazzling white light, looking directly at Lin Fan\'s empty pupils with wisps of pure light.

For a long time——

Standing up, the light in Lin\'s eyes slowly fell back and returned to normal.

"Somebody, take the young master back to his bedroom and have a good rest." Lin Fu waved his sleeve and said in a low voice.

"Yes, sir." the maids looked frightened and dared not neglect.

"The rest of you wait, all of you get back!" Lin zhe drank heavily, his eyes stopped on the three brothers of Lin Lang lion, and said coldly, "you three stay." beside Lin Zhe, the chief think-tank \'Lin gouming\' gently shook the feather fan and stared at the three with scorpion like eyes.

Soon, there were only five people left in such a big house.

"Say it, what happened." Lin Zhe\'s eyes were cold, "word by word, tell the truth."

"If there is a half empty word, shoot to death!"

The voice was cold to the bone, and Lin Zhen suppressed his strong anger.

Lin fan, the injury is not light this time!

In the hall.

"Lin Feng, seriously hurt Lin fan?" Lin Zhen was surprised.

"Impossible?" Lin Yan responded with the same reaction.

As one of the double stars, under the guidance of his father Lin Dadi, Lin fan is now the Ninth level of the star master level, which can be described as the dragon and Phoenix among people. In the Lin family\'s generation, he is the first person worthy of it, better than Lin Yumo. Of course, this does not mean that Lin Fan\'s qualification is better than Lin Yumo.

One is the rise of civilians, and the other is to enjoy the best resources of the family under the guidance of my father. Naturally, I can\'t speak the same language.

However, Lin Fan\'s strength is not boasting, but real.

"It\'s true, clan leader and master." Lin Zhong was also a little surprised in his honest face.

As Lin Lengmo\'s master, Lin Zhong was one of the first people to know the news.

Although he felt the earthquake in Hubei, he came to report immediately.

"Not long ago, Lin Feng contacted me. It seemed that something had happened to the Xingjia building, but he hung up without saying anything." Lin Zhong whispered indecisively and thoughtfully, "I still couldn\'t figure it out at that time, so I sent little Tu Lengmo to have a look, but now I think it must be Lin Feng\'s discovery..."

Endless, righteous words.

Lin Zhong explained everything he learned from Lin Lengmo.

Lin Zhen and Lin Yan were surprised.

"You said Lin fan used pupil technique to attack Lin Feng?" Lin Zhen\'s eyes were bright.

"It was Lin fan who was seriously injured?" Lin Yan was stunned.

"Yes, that\'s right." Lin Zhong nodded.

Looking at each other, Lin Zhen and Lin Yan were surprised.

Following his father\'s talent, Lin Fanxue also has "Bai Mu Tong", which is well known.

That\'s a second gear pupil!

Although it can\'t compare with the two strongest first gear pupils, the power of Bai Mu tong can\'t be underestimated, and Bai Mu Tong is the eye pupil of the main attack, which is quite powerful. If Lin fan can\'t use Bai Mu Tong, it\'s even more impossible. With such a father, how can he not cultivate his strongest weapon!

But right now

But he was hurt by Lin Feng.

"Two possibilities." Lin Zhen\'s eyes were bright.

Lin Yan stroked his long beard and said slowly, "maybe Lin Feng has stronger eyes, or..." after a pause, Lin Yan came to the final conclusion, "Lin Feng has quite strong soul defense, the best soul defense system, star treasure or soul weapon."

Lin Zhen and Lin Zhong nodded.

The first possibility is extremely weak, stronger pupil?

The chance of having a special "eye pupil" is very small. It is generally inherited from the blood of a large family.

Which family will let such talents go? Will grow well. What\'s more, it\'s not common to have a first-class pupil in the whole fighting spirit world. The most likely one is the second one. It has the best soul defense system, star treasure, or soul weapon!

"The origin of Lin Feng is not simple." Lin Zhen looked light.

Having such a baby is not an ordinary person.

In the mansion in the forest.

The atmosphere was depressing and depressing, as if it were suffocating.

The three brothers of Lin Langshi knelt down on one knee, sweating hard, and didn\'t dare to look at Lin pengdi. That solemn and dignified look is like a high emperor, which makes people shocked. If there is a slight movement, I\'m afraid they will fall to the ground.

"Waste." Lin\'s voice was cold, his right hand pinched his fist, and a strong wind blew.

Peng! Peng! Peng! Three muffled sounds.

The three brothers of Lin Langshi looked pale and fell to the ground, seriously injured.

"Even the master can\'t be protected well. What\'s the use of you!" Lin Zhe\'s eyes were burning with cold light. "How can I teach you? People enter a foot, I enter a foot! Every wine bag and rice bag only knows how to climb back for help." the white light in his eyes shone to the extreme, as if to devour everything.

The frightened three brothers of Lin Langshi couldn\'t stop kowtowing, "spare your life!" "master, spare your life!"

"It\'s hard to blame them all. Forget it, sir." Lin gouming advised.

The white awn in Lin\'s eyes weakened slightly, and Leng scolded, "don\'t roll!"

"Yes, yes!" the three of Lin Langshi kowtowed when they heard of the amnesty. "Thank you, sir. Thank you, uncle Ming."

The three hurried out.

"Hum." carrying his hands, Lin\'s eyes slowly returned to normal, but he was more worried.

"Don\'t worry, master. Although the young master\'s\' Bai Mu Tong \'is damaged, it\'s not fatal." Lin gouming gently shook the feather fan and slowly said, "supplemented by the\' yin-yang star soul pill \', take care of it carefully, and the young master\'s Bai Mu Tong should be able to recover after one year. However, I\'m afraid the price of the\' yin-yang star soul pill \'..."

"I don\'t care about this." Lin Zhen shook his head. "Although the yin-yang star soul pill is valuable, my friendship with the star pill master \'medicine King Dan\' is always good. It\'s not difficult to get a \'yin-yang star soul pill\' with my thin face."

Lin gouming shook the feather fan and thought, "what the master is worried about is the \'forest wind\'?"

Lin\'s eyes flashed a white light and paced slowly.

For a long time, take a long breath.

"Looking at fan er\'s injury, it seems that Bai Mu Tong was resisted by the star treasure or soul weapon of the defense system, which made Bai Mu Tong suffer the reverse bite." Lin Zhen said coldly, "however, the effect of the reverse bite is based on Bai Mu Tong\'s attack. Today, if my Bai Mu Tong was reversed, I\'m afraid it would only hurt more seriously, but fan er..."

"He has no such ability, and his injury is not simply caused by reverse phagocytosis."

Similarly, with white Mu Tong, Lin Yi couldn\'t be more clear about Lin Fan\'s injury.

"What does the master mean?" Lin gouming frowned deeply.

"This\' Lin Feng \'must have a pupil to hurt fan Er so badly!" Lin Zhe\'s eyes were cold.

"A pupil?" Lin gouming was surprised. The feather fan shook up and said with a deep eyebrow. "It\'s impossible. Which family will let a genius with a pupil wander outside. Isn\'t it a good jade covered with dust and a tyrant?"

Suddenly, Lin gouming\'s eyes lit up and was surprised: "is it..."

Lin Zhen said in a deep voice: "Lin Feng, nine times out of ten, must be the illegitimate son of the old fox! My Lin family inherits the first eye pupil of the two veins, and the star pupil is broken in my generation. Only Lin Zhen, the fox, inherits the star pupil. Lin Feng must have the star pupil!"

Lin gouming shook the feather fan thoughtfully and whispered indecisively.

"What shall we do next, sir?" Lin gouming\'s eyes flashed.

"This matter has made a big noise, and it may not be good for us." Lin Fu sneered at the corners of his mouth. "The old fox refused to expose Lin Feng\'s identity. There must be a ghost. It is likely to be the same as my foolish brother... Gou Ming!"

"Yes, sir." Lin gouming put away the feather fan and arched his hands.

A flash of light flashed in Lin\'s eyes, "give me a thorough investigation of Lin Feng\'s identity. I want to see the old fox, in the end..."

"What\'s hidden!"

Garden house.

No matter how good things are, Lin Feng, the initiator, has long forgotten it.

At this time, I am worried about other things.

"The star dome pupil doesn\'t know how to practice."

"Now there is another \'star pupil\', what should I do?"

Lin Feng feels helpless.

Now, it is the trouble of happiness.

It\'s like being in Baoshan, but I don\'t know how to move the "treasure".

Quite a headache.

Among the Lin family, there must be methods and experiences of cultivation, but now their identity can\'t be exposed. One can\'t get two. His eyebrows wrinkled slightly, and Lin Feng sank into his soul. He was still like the initial star sky. His main star was bright and shining, like the support point of space.

Nothing has changed.


"What\'s the difference?"

Lin Feng\'s consciousness withdrew from his soul and fell into thinking with his chin in his hand.

There is no doubt that his star pupil is awakened, which can be felt from the degree of induction and refinement around him. Originally, the vague places in the distance are now very clear and unusual. The originally large area can now be divided into very small aspects.

It is refined, refined and even better than the star dome pupil of the left eye.

But what does it do?

Lin Feng was calm and indecisive. He glanced around at random and fell into an unconscious state.

Suddenly, a sudden change!

(second watch ~ ~ there are only two watches every day this week. Say sorry to everyone. I need to support my body. I will start to recover from the third watch next Monday.)