Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 807

It was a silver light.

It\'s a very familiar feeling, which startles Lin Feng\'s heart.

It\'s a hundred times\' array of time engraving patterns\'!

Because of his deep understanding of the way of time, he once perfectly understood the "array of time engraving patterns" ten times. However, the "time engraving array" of the hundredth rate is different from the "time engraving array" of the hundredth rate. The "way of time" in it is too profound to be "copied".

But right now?!!

Not a copy!

In my mind, a huge Silver Dragon circled and roared.

That is the "array center" drawn by the whole hundred fold "array of time engraving patterns".

Everything in front of me became transparent and bright. The light and shadow of the engraved array seemed to be isolated from the space and slowly disappeared. Only that layer of phantom, the phantom composed of starlight, entered a star space like self, like a silver river flowing slowly.

Time seems to stop.

"This is..." Lin Feng was very frightened.

I am trapped in a strange space, deeply experiencing the river movement and carefully feeling the change of every minute of energy in the space.

It seems to be the birthplace of time, full of mystery.

"Peng!" my mind shook slightly.

Lin Feng suddenly entered a state of epiphany.

The heart is incomparably quiet, and the eyes flash with dazzling luster, especially the right eye. The newly awakened "star pupil" is the Lord who leads all changes.

Time, minute by minute.

Lin Feng\'s mind is completely immersed in it and has an extraordinary understanding.

In this ocean of time, in this rare epiphany, Lin Feng has gained a lot. The level of the soul seems to be rising, but the way of time contained in this hundred fold "time engraving array" is really too profound and far beyond its own ability.

The pace is too big at one time.

In the twinkling of an eye, day and night passed.

For Lin Feng, it\'s like a flash in the past.


"Didi ~ ~" the gentle vibration sounded, and the left-hand star crystal table glittered, which immediately pulled Lin Feng back to reality.

Pop! The bright eyes disappeared. Lin Fengmeng was stunned and smiled bitterly for a moment.

However, the star crystal table is usually closed when you enter cultivation, but you don\'t have it this time.

Because I didn\'t decide to enter the state of cultivation.

There\'s a coincidence.

"It\'s good."

"The \'way of time\' contained in the hundred fold \'time engraving array\' is too profound. If I force myself to understand..."

"I don\'t know how long it will take."

Lin Feng felt that it was a blessing rather than a disaster.

At least, I won\'t miss the rosefinch challenge. If I keep understanding it, it may take a year and a half.

"Originally, the star dome pupil was strong enough to replicate. I didn\'t expect..."

"The star pupil is stronger!"

Lin Feng was amazed and unbelievable.

The reason why I can\'t copy this hundred fold "time engraving array" is that my "ability" has not yet reached.

In short, his "way of time" has not been refined to that level.

But now, the existence of xingcangtong completely makes up for all this!

Deep understanding!

"I see." Lin Feng finally realized at this time.

No wonder I have an unforgettable memory. When I was a child, I often had all kinds of "understanding". For example, the first time I saw a martial artist wield "that shot", I kept replaying it in slow motion in my mind. At that time, I didn\'t have such realm strength at all.

In the final analysis, it is because of the existence of \'star pupil\' in their own blood!

Before, I just didn\'t wake up!

But now

"It has both the \'copy\' function of the star dome pupil and the \'understanding\' ability of the star sky pupil..."

"Perfect cooperation, but also complement each other."

Lin Feng scratched at the corner of his mouth and smiled.

He seems to have opened the hidden treasure in his body.

It\'s hard to open the star pupil.

Lin Feng also lost a star pupil by chance, which reduced the difficulty of opening by more than half.

Most importantly, because of the natural fit between the star sky pupil and the star dome pupil, the star dome pupil awakens the star sky pupil and combines perfectly. Both of them are only "first-class" pupils, but now they complement each other, blend with each other and transform together.

It can be said that Lin Feng\'s eyes are not the star sky pupil and star dome pupil of Lin\'s family.


But how can Lin Feng know.

In fact, he doesn\'t even know how to cultivate this supreme talent.

In the hall.

"Lin Feng, are you really from Yanling mansion?" Lin Zhen hesitated for a long time and asked.

The message of "awakening" Lin Feng came from the patriarch Lin Zhen. If such a big thing happened, if Lin Feng didn\'t even ask, he couldn\'t explain it. However, this matter has been completely enlarged and pointed out. After careful investigation by elder Lin Mo, the final result has been obtained——

Lin Feng, innocent.

The whole thing is that Lin Fan\'s stealing chicken can\'t erode the rice.

"Yes, clan leader." Lin Feng smiled and nodded.

"Er..." Lin Zhen smiled bitterly.

Although he knew the answer, he deliberately checked it again.

Lin Feng, indeed, just came from Yanling mansion a year ago. There was nothing suspicious about the whole thing.

But Lin Feng seriously injured Lin fan, but it is also true.

"In fact, it\'s no big deal to ask you this time. Just ask as usual." Lin Zhong smiled sincerely and broke the embarrassment. "The elder Lin Mo of the family law enforcement hall has made it clear that Lin fan made a mistake first, which has nothing to do with you."

Lin Feng smiled and said, "that\'s good."

Since the investigation is clear, he also saves a trouble.

"Although Lin Fan was wrong, he was seriously injured this time, and this matter is related to the reputation of my Lin family..." Lin Zhong looked at Lin Feng and slowly opened his mouth. "The patriarch meant to keep a low profile and turn big things into small ones and small things into nothing. What do you think of Lin Feng?"

Lin Feng\'s eyes are bright and bright, and his heart is already ready.

Lin fan is one of the two high-profile new stars in the family. Lin Lengmo has already told himself his identity,

There is not much suspense about the result of such treatment.

After all, don\'t look at the monk\'s face, look at the Buddha\'s face.

"It doesn\'t matter, younger generation." Lin Feng smiled and looked at Lin Zhen. A flash of light flashed in his eyes, "but clan leader, you and I have a contract first. I join the Lin family freely, but it\'s a little chilling how long it has only happened."

I know very well what Lin Fan\'s identity is.

Instead of forcing the Lin family to make decisions they don\'t want to make, everyone tears their faces.

It\'s better to retreat and take the second place. Anyway, no matter how heavy punishment Lin fan is, it\'s not very useful for him. It\'s better to

Take advantage of it so that you can obtain greater benefits.

Anti general!

Lin Yan and Lin Zhong looked at each other and understood Lin Feng\'s meaning.

If Lin Feng doesn\'t have any use value, it\'s just to muddle through. However, Lin Feng will become an excellent tool smelter in the future. If this makes each other unhappy, the contract just signed by both parties will undoubtedly become meaningless.

"What do you want to do?" Lin Zhen frowned slightly and said tentatively.

Lin Feng\'s face remained unchanged and smiled faintly. "The patriarch\'s mirror, the younger generation just wants a guarantee to stay in the Lin family at ease."

In a word, all the organs.

The three of them could hear Lin Feng\'s insinuation.

If the Lin family can\'t provide "security", then Lin Feng can\'t stay here "at ease".

The three secretly said that Lin Feng was fierce, but they knew how to fight for their own interests.

Looking at each other, the three exchanged softly.

On the contrary, Lin Feng kept an indifferent smile and waited patiently. But I did not expect that this time it would be a blessing in disguise, because Lin Fan\'s reckless actions have deepened and strengthened his "position" in the Lin family.

At that time, it will undoubtedly be much easier for me to check my father\'s affairs.

After a while——

"Well, Lin Feng, I\'ll give you two choices." Lin Zhen\'s eyes flickered and Xu Xu said, "first, become my disciple. As long as I\'m here one day, I guarantee that no one in the whole Lin family will dare to touch you again; second, I\'ll give you the identity of guest Qing and give you an identity token, but you can\'t implement the identity of \'guest Qing\' until you become a strong star region."

Two choices!

Lin Feng\'s eyes brightened instantly.

Each has its own advantages and disadvantages.

The first choice is enough to make all the people of the Lin family crazy, joke and become the apprentice of the patriarch. Although they are only disciples, this level of identity is enough. In the Lin family, the patriarch Lin Zhen is a well deserved leader with both strength and prestige.

"It seems that the fireworks are brilliant, but it actually ties me into the Lin family."

"Strictly speaking, it\'s no different from becoming master Lin Yan\'s Apprentice. According to Yu Mo, it\'s not suitable for me."

Lin Feng\'s eyes are light and bright, and his heart is momentary negation.

Others may not believe it, but Yumo will not deceive himself.

And the second option

The so-called guest Qing is actually equivalent to the status of "master Yanqing".

He has a good relationship with the Lin family, has the right of "VIP", is not restricted by clan rules, and has a high status.

Today, however, there are only identity tokens.

To become a real "guest Qing", you must first become a star level strong man.

"I\'ll choose the second." Lin Feng\'s eyes lit up and nodded. "In addition, I asked that no one be allowed to enter the \'garden house\' where I live according to my status as\' guest Qing \'." although the garden house is set up for special people, ordinary martial arts can\'t enter, but direct martial arts are not among them.

My request is just in case.

"OK, I promise you." Lin Zhen stared at Lin Feng.

Lin Dadi mansion.

"The old fox really started to act." Lin Fu murmured, playing with the jade in his hand.

"It seems that the patriarch really loves Lin Feng and makes an exception for him again and again." Lin gouming gently shook his feather fan and whispered.

The old fox looked down on me when he wanted to step on my son to climb up. However, I can\'t bear you for a moment. See what tricks your father and son have, either don\'t do it or do it... "

"Lin Zhen, I want you to bear everything!" the white light in Lin\'s eyes was cold.

Patter! The beautiful jade in his hand suddenly turned into pieces.

The palm of the hand opened, and the broken jade fell with a crash.

(first change ~ ~)