Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 805

Lin Feng, into a wonderful state.

Hazy, the body seems to be bathed in a golden glow, and the heart is happy.

"What a familiar feeling."

"Deja vu..."

In his heart, Lin Feng only felt that his consciousness seemed to be floating.

The bright starlight shines, and he seems to return to his origin. His body floats in the air and forms a part of the world.

So close, so deep.

The fluctuation of each layer of air and each air flow is close at hand.

It seems that you can easily master any existence and any action track here.


Pop! Pop~

The golden light shines brightly on the whole world. In the distant horizon, a huge figure slowly appeared. The amazing existence like Tianwei is full of pride, majestic and majestic. That huge body seems to have endless power, standing high in the sky.

The most shocking thing is his golden eyes.

You can\'t look directly at it!

"This is..." Lin Feng was shocked.

In my mind, the memory of the past completely revived.

There was such a picture when the star dome pupil woke up after receiving a change of eyes.

Now, it appears again!

What does that mean?

"How could this happen?"

"My \'star dome pupil\' should have awakened."

In my ears, there were bursts of sounds, echoing between heaven and earth, as if it were some kind of language.

The ancient and mysterious voice kept ringing in my ears.

That is not the language of the fighting spirit world, let alone the language of tianwu continent.

The sound is very calm, just like a placid sea water, but it makes people feel boundless and majestic.

"The feeling is very deep."

"It\'s like the existence of a rule, branded in the heart."

Lin Feng whispered softly in his heart and his body was drifting.

This time, it is clearer and more profound than the last time.

If the last time the star dome pupil awakened, this feeling just came to mind, now it is——

Imprinted in the heart!

A word, a word, like a note straight into the ear, deeply engraved in the mind. Lin Feng seemed to feel something and understand something. It was like a closed door in his mind was opened. It suddenly opened up and broke the earth.

"Peng!" my mind was shocked.

The haze in front of us completely disappeared and replaced by a piece of magnificent energy.

It turns into a strong star force, completely wraps the body, fills and overflows, and there are huge fluctuations in the soul, a vast black color, as if it had life.

It was an unparalleled force, surging in the waves.

As if to annihilate everything.

Like a black hole.

Pop! Lin Feng opened his eyes.

The essence is bright, just like the arrival of Thor.

The fluctuation in my mind is very long, as if it has been thousands of years in the past.

But in fact, it was just a moment. Hundreds of martial artists around are still dull and at a loss. The initiator, who attacked his short haired youth with pupil technique, was still pale and fainted on the ground.

Not dead, but seriously injured.

"Star Cang pupil?" three words came out of Lin Feng\'s mind.

I don\'t know how this idea came about, but I seem to remember it.

It seems to be an ancient written memory, as if the power it once had was engraved in its own mind.

"Originally, what I have is xingcang pupil?"

"My father once mentioned that in the Lin family, there are two kinds of eyes that are rare in ten thousand years."

"One of them is the star dome pupil, and my \'star sky pupil\' is so similar to the star dome pupil in terms of awakening vision and name, isn\'t it..."

"One of them?"

A huge shock in my heart, but it\'s hard to be sure.

But Lin Feng knows that this possibility is quite great!

"Young master!"

"Young master, what\'s the matter with you!"

In an instant, all the fighters reacted and were all anxious.

Bearing the charge of "inadequate protection", Lin Fan\'s injury is enough to make their future days in the Lin family extremely painful. Apart from others, the forest, which is as terrible as a poisonous snake, will never spare them.

"Hurry, save the young master!" Lin langhu shouted angrily.

"Somebody, catch the murderer Lin Feng!" Lin langbao gritted his teeth and drank.

In an instant——

Shua! Shua! Shua!

As a direct martial artist, Lin Fan\'s strong Qi broke out. The strength of these guards and his men around him was not inferior. In particular, the three brothers of Lin Langshi are the best among them. One by one, they look like evil spirits and draw out the star soldiers.

Although they are slightly afraid of Lin Feng\'s strength, they undoubtedly have an absolute advantage in the number of people.

Lin Feng will be captured in one fell swoop!

"It seems that there is a little trouble." Lin Feng\'s eyes are bright.

At this time, I have a general idea of what happened.

Obviously, I seem to have seriously injured a person with a high status

But so what?

From head to toe, I didn\'t do it myself.

"You must think clearly." Lin Feng opened his mouth lightly and looked around at everyone.

Although he was trapped in the enemy group, Lin Feng was still calm, without any panic and full of confidence.

"Just now, it was your master who attacked me." Lin Feng scratched at the corner of his mouth, "if any of you dare to do it according to the family rules and county rules, it is -"

"Capital punishment!"

The sound is not heavy, but it makes the martial arts around shake in their hearts.

Because this is true.

Looking at each other, they felt only a hesitation.

But it was neither grasping nor not grasping. For a moment, his eyes focused on the three brothers of Lin Langshi.

Under Lin fan, the three of them have the highest status.

Clenching his teeth, \'cluck\' straight. Lin langbao didn\'t know the cost of doing it, so he just gave orders and didn\'t do it himself. But now that Lin Feng has "exposed" them, they are undoubtedly in a dilemma.

What should I do?

What should I do!

At present, grasping is also dead, and not grasping is also dead!

Find a replacement for the dead?

These warriors are obviously not so stupid. If they don\'t do it, no one will do it first.

At this time——

"What\'s the matter?" the voice was not heavy. It was as cold as an ice cellar, but it broke the calm and made everyone focus on it.

Hearing the familiar voice, Lin Feng also turned his head and saw Lin Lengmo coming from afar, with bright light in his eyes. The corner of his mouth was slightly raised, and Lin Feng knew everything instantly. Naturally, the emergence of Lin Lengmo was not a coincidence. Obviously, it must be sent by manager Lin Zhong.

It\'s just a coincidence.

Just in time to calm the storm.

"Yes, elder martial sister." as soon as Lin Feng bowed his head, he took the lead in opening his mouth, "I don\'t know what happened. As soon as he got out of the Xingjia building, he was surrounded by them, and he......" Lin Feng pointed to Lin fan, who fell unconscious on the ground, with sparkling eyes, "attack me with pupil technique."

"But I," said Lin Feng, "haven\'t touched my hand."

The crowd was speechless, and Lin langbao\'s face was iron green.

Lin Feng spoke first. At this time, what they said is useless, because what Lin Feng said is the truth.

Lin Lengmo\'s face was just right. His eyes glanced at the martial artists and fell on the unconscious Lin fan. His beautiful eyes changed and his eyebrows frowned.

Lin fan, the son of the vice patriarch and one of the two new stars of the family!

A pair of beautiful eyes looked around the people. After all, Lin Lengmo was smart. Looking at the expression and appearance of the people, he quickly guessed what had happened. But it was just guessed that he was even more surprised. Looking at Lin Fengmei\'s eyes flashing with deep curiosity, he immediately opened his mouth: "bring Lin fan back to the central area immediately for treatment."

"I will inform elder Lin Mo of the family law enforcement hall about this. Go back."

Elder Lin Mo, the executor of clan rules, has the same status as Lin Zhong in the family.

No matter who touches the clan rules, he will not show mercy. Therefore, he has a nickname, known as "iron face" Lin mo.

"Yes." the three brothers of Lin Lang Bao looked ugly.

But since Lin Lengmo said so, even if they were reluctant, they could only do so.

Now things are clear, I\'m afraid the situation——

Not necessarily in their favor.

Even if they suffer at the moment.

However, it was their young master "Lin Fan" who started first.

But stealing chicken can\'t eat rice.

Garden house.

Returning to his home, Lin Feng looked indifferent.

What happened just now is just a small episode for myself.

"Lin fan, the son of the vice patriarch?" the corners of his mouth were slightly scratched, and Lin Feng\'s eyes flashed.

Speaking of it, Lin fan is really a little similar to his father.

Lin Feng\'s memory of the Deputy patriarch "Lin Peidi" is still fresh. He is 80% similar to his father, but it\'s hard to remember.

"It is said that the dragon begets the dragon and the Phoenix begets the Phoenix, but Lin Fan and his father are too poor." Lin Feng smiled calmly. Although I\'m not familiar with the vice patriarch "Lin Peidi", I heard Yumo once mention that being so light and able to sit as a vice patriarch, in addition to his blood and origin

There are many outstanding things.

Such as wisdom, such as means, and such as strong strength, and so on.

However, Lin fan is different.

Childish, boring, impulsive.

Maybe he has strength, but he doesn\'t know how to hide his power.

"Environment can really change a person."

"No wonder my father has been training me since I was a child. If I don\'t eat bitterly, I can\'t be an adult."

Lin Feng felt his father\'s pain.

It is to strengthen their goals and find out what happened that day!

"Blessing in disguise, because of Lin Fan\'s boring behavior, I seem to..."

"Awakened the sleeping \'star pupil\'."

Lin Feng smiles and still feels incredible.

As for Lin Fan\'s provocation, there is no need to keep it in mind. The whole thing is now magnified. The whole thing has all its advantages but no disadvantages. I believe the law enforcement hall will be strict in things. There is a patriarch pressing at the top. Even if Lin Dadi has great ability, he can only keep his son at most.

It\'s hard to cure yourself.

"Star pupil..."

"In the end, what is the power?"

Lin Feng\'s eyes flickered and he felt curious.

(first change ~ ~)