Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 804

Lin Feng, soon also left Xingjia building.

It\'s not interesting to stay any longer. There are only 4.1 million fighting coins left in the Phoenix silver card. It may be astronomical in Yanling mansion, but in Jiuzhou

You can\'t even buy the worst nine star armor.

This is the gap.

"Star armour, you don\'t need to buy too good."

"Especially now, I can quickly upgrade to level 5 of the star master level and buy three-level star armor."

"Like liupin star a, the growth rate will be greatly improved."

Lin Feng thought in his heart and felt that he couldn\'t do anything.

The star armor I use now is billions of fighting spirit coins, which is really popular.

After all, the average price of star armor of the same grade is about three times that of Xingbao, which is quite amazing!

The production process of star armor is complex and time-consuming; The materials needed for refining are much better than Xingbao. The price is expensive, which has its own reason.

In the fighting spirit world, money plays a considerable role. Ordinary people should rely on enough money to pay the minimum living expenses and ensure that they can stay in Jiuzhou; Martial artists need enough money to arm themselves and strengthen their combat ability!

"Hmm?" Lin Feng was stunned when he just came out of the Xingjia building.

In front, there is an open square, and the busy dragon of people has disappeared.

What is left is a team of hundreds of people, forming a huge arc, surrounding the exit of Xingjia building, as if... For themselves.

Hundreds of murderous eyes!

For ordinary people, I\'m afraid I\'m already stunned at this time.

However, Lin Feng has long been used to big scenes, and has experienced many big battles all over the world.


What is that

"It\'s coming so fast."

"Lin Xiong is indeed a master who refuses to suffer."

Lin Feng\'s eyes are bright and bright, and his heart is like ran.

Since he offended Lin Xiong to save Xiaowei, he had expected this scene.

Standing in place, Lin Feng alone faced the encirclement of hundreds of people, but he was as proud as a pine, half unaffected.

What fear!

"I\'ve been waiting for you for a long time, Lin Feng." the voice was cold and piercing, with a violent flame.

With Lin langbao whispering beside him, Lin Fan stepped out slowly and aggressively with a strong murderous spirit in his eyes.

It\'s love enemies who are jealous when they meet!

"Such a strong momentum, I\'m afraid it\'s close to the star level." Lin Feng was cold in his heart.

At present, the young man with short hair looks handsome, has a thin face and a tall and straight body. His age doesn\'t seem much different from himself, but his strength

But better than yourself!

Jiuzhou is indeed a land of crouching tigers, hidden dragons, not to mention the zhuquezhou of Nuo University, which is one of the 99 "central districts" of Shiluo county. Anyone who comes out has such strength! It is conceivable that there will be many strong young people in the whole zhuquezhou and the whole southern region!

"What do you want to do?" Lin Feng said softly, not panic.

Although hundreds of people gathered around him, he had nothing to worry about.

The clan has clan rules and the county has county rules. It is not allowed to do it here.

"Don\'t do anything." Lin Fan smiled coldly.

Seeing Lin Feng\'s calm expression, Lin Fan was stabbed in his heart. Thinking of Yu Mo\'s face, slim and perfect figure and fairy like temperament, he no longer belonged to him, but was obtained by the young man who was not amazing in front of him. Lin Fanton was jealous.

No more!

He can\'t bear it!

"Bai Mu Tong, kill the second floor!" Lin Fan drank coldly.

The eyes were suddenly cold and bright, and the strong white light burst and flickered, as if to pierce them.

Direct attack!

I didn\'t do it, but I moved my eyes!

In the land of Jiuzhou, some things are bright, while others are dark. For example, are these "pupil skills" gifted to attack with the eyes an attack? Can count, can\'t count. If you really want to be investigated, you won\'t be killed with a stick. If you don\'t want to be investigated, you can\'t be investigated at all.

Can\'t you look at people with your eyes?

Although Lin Fan hated Lin Feng, he did not show all of Bai Mu Tong.

If he really goes all out and kills people, it won\'t do him much good.

Just for a scrap, it\'s not worth it.

He just wanted to teach Lin Feng a profound lesson.

To destroy Lin Feng\'s eyes with Bai Mu Tong\'s "Sha Mie", let him become——

A blind man!

"I see if yu Mo will like a blind man after that."

"Go to hell!"

Lin fan, very confident.

With his strength, he would have completely defeated Lin Feng.

Moreover, the advanced talent of \'Bai Mu Tong\' makes him more confident and stronger! He is not afraid of the warrior at the top of the star master level, not to mention the waste material of "star master level I" mentioned by Jia Xiang. It\'s easy to kill him!


Many times, the facts are not satisfactory.

"Boom!" Lin Feng\'s head exploded.

Consciousness is almost spontaneous condensation, converging in the Phoenix chart.

"It\'s the attack of the \'soul\'." Lin Feng reacted instantly, and his heart was cold.

This is a kind of self-protection, an instinctive response, fast to the extreme. The shining white light seemed to be an "invasion" and broke into his mind, but almost in an instant, the Phoenix\'s life chart was wildly bright, shining with the glory of the king, sacred and inviolable!

The power of the beast!

Real power like heaven.

The combination of life soul and Phoenix life chart, the defense of life soul, has always been——

Are Lin Feng\'s strongest trumps.

Now, if the "Bai Mu Tong" of Lin Peidi is used, Lin Feng may be defeated; But Lin Fan\'s Bai Mu Tong is only on the second floor, and his strength still stays at the star master level! Even if it is the star master level peak, he is still the star master level.

At the same level, Lin Feng is almost invincible!

Tianhunshi\'s nemesis!

In Yanling mansion, everyone knows

For Lin Feng, the attack of the heavenly soul master was a death attempt.

"Peng!" how deep the attack is, how strong the rebound is!

Lin Fan only felt the violent concussion of his mind. His soul seemed to be about to be broken. The whole person was completely confused at this moment.

And that\'s not all!

"Zheng!" Zheng! "Lin Feng\'s eyes sparkled sharply.

One eye pupil is like the combination of angel and devil. It complements each other. It has a feeling of not matching but matching, which is confusing and mental disorder. The awakening of the star dome pupil seems to awaken the sleeping right eye. In the face of Lin Fan\'s provocation, Lin Feng\'s two pupils launch an autonomous counterattack.

Just like the king in the forest, defending his own field.



"Boom! ~"

The terrible impact, like a wave, instantly washed Lin Fan down.

It was a terrible force between heaven and earth, like a black hole.

Irresistible Tianwei oppresses all!

Lin Feng\'s strength is so terrible!

Peng!! His mind was shocked. Lin Fan vomited a big mouthful of blood, and his consciousness almost disappeared.

The whole person seemed dull. At the last moment, Lin Fan\'s eyes were blurred. He only saw two bright lights and two lights like lightning. For a moment, his eyes were in sharp pain. Lin Fan screamed like a plucked rooster.

Everyone around was creepy and full of horror.

"Bang!" the voice suddenly stopped, and Lin Fan fainted to the ground. Everyone seemed petrified, completely unexpected.

Everyone is stunned.

Lin family.

"Has the patriarch decided to find me?" Lin Yan stroked his beard and smiled.

"Yes, Lao Yan, I haven\'t been sure, but I saw an old friend this morning and finally got the accurate news." Lin Zhen\'s eyes were shining. "No wonder this session of the rosefinch challenge was noisy. It has been rumored but unconfirmed. Now it is finally revealed that the legendary \'ancient forbidden area\' has been opened."

"The ancient forbidden area of zhuquezhou?" Lin Yan\'s face was suddenly right, very surprised.

"Yes, although it\'s not sure which ancient forbidden area it is, but..." Lin Zhen\'s eyes are bright. "No matter which one, if you can enter it, it\'s a great opportunity!"

Lin Yan couldn\'t make up his mind. "What does the patriarch mean?"

"Fight!" Lin Zhen clenched her fists. "This is a great opportunity for our Lin family to dominate qianluo district. If we can enter the competition, even if we get a place, it will be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for our Lin family, and we will usher in transformation!"

Lin Yan\'s old eyes flashed a little fine awn, "if you want to enter the main competition, the biggest possibility is that we directly participate in the three star domain strong players in the preliminary competition, Lin Zhan, Lin Molong and Lin jiaorao."

Lin Zhen nodded and said in a deep voice, "equip them with the best equipment at all costs, even if you spend a lot of money to buy it!"

"I see." Lin Yan looked calm. "Don\'t worry, the patriarch. I will do my best." with a smile, Lin Yan stroked his beard: "the patriarch doesn\'t have to worry too much. His son \'Lin Zhan\' has extraordinary strength and has such a strong talent as xingqiong Tong. It is very possible to enter the race."

Mentioning Lin Zhan, Lin Zhen showed a rare smile on her solemn face and nodded.

Obviously, he is also extremely satisfied with this son.

Great talent!

At a young age, his strength has ranked among the top three in the family.

Looking at the whole Shiluo County, the name of "Lin Zhan" is well-known. It is not known as a tool refiner, but as a craftsman——


"I have two sons and one daughter, but Zhan Er inherited my \'xingqiong pupil\'." Lin Zhen nodded and smiled with satisfaction. "Moreover, she is more qualified to practice martial arts than I am." after a pause, as if she thought of something, Lin Zhen sighed and shook her head.

Lin Yan fainted in the twilight: "the patriarch thinks of big brother again?"

Lin Zhen smiled nostalgically and shook her head, "if the eldest brother is still alive, with his unparalleled talent and \'star pupil\', now..."

He shook his head with a long sigh. Lin Zhen was deeply melancholy.

"Heaven envies talents." Lin Yan also regretted, "xingcang pupil is more suitable for fighting than xingqiong pupil, but it is also more difficult to wake up. My Lin family inherits two great pupil skills. Now there is only one pulse of xingqiong pupil, \'xingcang pupil\' is almost lost. I don\'t know when it will reappear."

"I hope the sooner the better." Lin Zhen smiled brightly. "Only the real strong can awaken."

(third shift ~ ~)