Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 803

"Er..." Lin Zhong was a little stunned.

A little puzzled, looking at his star crystal table, I don\'t know what happened.

It seems, quite inexplicable.

"Xingjia building..." Lin Zhong whispered softly, his eyebrows slightly clustered, as if thinking. Even if he pushed the button gently, he quickly connected another communication. Lin Zhong hesitated a little and ordered, "Lengmo, look for me. What happened in Xingjia building."

"Yes, master." a meticulous female voice came from the other end of the Xingjing watch.

Star Tower.

Lin Xiong\'s departure calmed the storm.

For Lin Feng, this is just a small episode. Maybe the future may not be so "flat", but

Do you care?

"I\'m sorry, sir, I\'ve bothered you this time." Xiao Wei bit her lips, and her face was still a little pale.

"Nothing." Lin Feng shook his head without any regret.

When you do, you do what you want. You just do what you think you should do.

Right and wrong, right and wrong, are not so important.

"My Lord, you must be careful of Lin Xiong." Xiaowei said to Lin Feng when she saw Lin Feng\'s calm look. "He is riding roughshod in the inner city with his father\'s reputation of \'Lin Zhenyun\'. Everyone is afraid of him. In addition, he has a strong hatred, so no one dares to provoke him."

Lin Zhenyun?

Lin Feng\'s eyes flashed. It seemed that he had heard the name somewhere.

Oh, yes!

Lin Feng suddenly remembered.

Yumo once mentioned to himself that there was once an outsider "Chen Zhenyun". After joining the Lin family, he repeatedly made miracles and rose step by step. He rose from the sixth "outsider" to the third "outsider". Then he married the daughter of the former clan leader and rose to the second "sub straight". It can be said that he has created a miracle.

Although he himself is not proficient in weapon refining, he can rank among the top five among the Lin family in terms of combat strength.

Quite powerful!

"No wonder Lin Xiong is so arrogant and domineering. The backstage is really hard." Lin Feng thought.

Dare to rob girls in public in the inner city. Although he is not a member of the Lin family, he is arrogant enough.

The most troublesome thing is that even if they are known, such people can only give small punishments and great commandments.

Unfortunately, it was the powerless girl.

Looking at Xiao Wei with a sad face, Lin Feng sighed: "what are you going to do next?"

"What else can I do?" Xiaowei\'s face showed a reluctant look. "I offended Lin Xiong this time, and I can\'t stay in the Lin family again. But I\'m too young and weak. It\'s difficult to find a good job. I just barely make a living here and go outside..."

With a sob in her words, Xiao Wei is very helpless.

Lin Feng shook his head and felt a little distressed.

Indeed, it\'s just a little girl of fourteen or five.

This age should have been the most cheerful and carefree, but Xiaowei has to undertake the task of making money.

In order to be able to pay the minimum annual fee and live in Jiuzhou.

Help yourself if you can.

"You can\'t stay in the Lin family, even in qianluo district just in case." Lin Feng looked at Xiao Wei, who was confused about the future. In his heart, Lin Feng immediately opened the star crystal table and dialed another number.

"Didi! ~" "didi ~ ~"

The voice was short and powerful, and it was soon connected.

"Hello, boss!" an excited voice came from the other end of the Xingjing watch.

Lin Feng felt helpless, but after Li Hao taught himself the apprenticeship workshop, he began to shout himself.

"Do me a favor, Hao." Lin Feng said.

"Ho?" at the other end of the Star Crystal Watch, he was quite surprised, but Li Hao said instantaneously, "the boss has something to direct his orders."

Lin Feng smiled slightly, "I have a girl who offended Lin Xiong of the Lin family. Help me arrange it."

"Offend Lin Xiong?" Li Hao suddenly thought and laughed. "I thought it was something big. Please bother the boss to speak in person. No problem, it\'s a piece of cake. You let the woman contact me in half an hour, and I\'ll arrange it for her immediately."

"Thank you." Lin Feng nodded and smiled.

"You\'re welcome." Li Hao laughed.

Close the star crystal watch. Lin Feng looks at Xiao Wei, who is a little confused, and smiles, "don\'t worry, I\'ve asked someone to arrange it for you. It\'ll be fine."

Since I helped you, I helped you to the end. For myself, it\'s just a matter of lifting a finger.

Looking at Wei, I thought of my sister.

I really love my house and my dog.

"Thank you, benefactor." Xiao Wei Lian was surprised.

The young man named Lin Feng is willing to help her. There is nothing that can\'t be solved.

He is even the chief manager of the Lin family. Lin Zhong knows him!

"I have to wait half an hour. I\'ve helped you so much. It\'s not difficult for you to be a tour guide?" Lin fengsa smiled.

"It\'s a great honor." Tian Tian smiles, and Xiao Wei returns to her old smile.

"The value of star armor is determined by its bearing capacity and growth rate."

"In theory, the smaller the bearing capacity, the better, and the greater the growth rate, the better."

"However, there are boundaries. For example, the gravity bearing capacity is between 0.1-10 redundancy; and the growth rate is different at each level. The nine star treasure is 2-3 times, the eight star treasure is 2.5-4 times, and the Seven Star treasure is 3-6 times. Generally speaking, it still depends on the star armor itself."


Xiao Wei talks endlessly, and Lin Feng listens patiently.

These are all knowledge that I have never touched, and I really benefit a lot.

The value of star armor is actually very simple. In terms of "bearing capacity", the greater the growth rate of the same bearing capacity, the better. There is no need to consider the relationship between the bearing capacity and the growth rate. To select a star armor, first test its own bearing capacity, and then select it according to its "performance" obtained from the test.

The so-called "force" refers to the money in your pocket.

Because the higher the growth rate, the higher the value, which is proportional.

Nine star armor, eight star armor, seven star armor

Even a star armour is the same.

The combination of star armor and its own is driven by star force. In theory, the star power required by nine star a can only be activated by the first order of the star master level, and the star power required by eight star a can only be activated by the second order of the star master level. But it still varies from person to person and has various special existence.

"Driven by the star power, although I am the fourth order of the star master level, the star power is the same as the sixth order of the star master level."

"Therefore, I correspond to the four star armor."

Lin Feng nodded and thought.

But seeing the price like figures on that day, I couldn\'t help shaking my head.

I\'m afraid there are too few four star armor and tens of billions of doling coins.

But at least I have a spectrum in my heart.

"It seems that we should make money as soon as possible."

"Ten days later, before the qualification of rosefinch challenge, equip a \'star armor\'."

Lin Feng nodded and the goal was very clear.

Four star armour, even the lowest, has a growth rate of more than 6 times, and the highest

It can even reach 12 times!

Of course, it\'s another matter whether this top-grade star armor is sold or not.

Half an hour will pass soon.

With the help of Xiaowei, a dutiful guide, she now understands Xingjia Linfeng very well.

At least we know a lot about the rules of "selection".

For example, the "name" of the star armor, and the star armor with a bearing capacity of 0.1-1 redundancy, whose name ends with "armor", is tailor-made for the gods; The star armor bearing gravity between 1-10 redundancy ends with "armor", which is customized for tianwu. In terms of value, the latter is better than the former.

For another example, every three product levels of star armor is a cut-off, which is just the difference between star technologies, which brings great changes and improvements to star armor. When purchasing star armor, the general warrior will give priority to the three grades of nine products, six products and three products.


These are small details.

Working in Xingjia building, Xiao Wei knows a lot.

It is also very helpful to Lin Feng.

At least, I didn\'t become a "good man" for nothing.

Looking not far away, Xiao Wei, who is talking with Li Hao, kept nodding in surprise. Lin Feng couldn\'t help smiling and sighed in her heart. Indeed, Jiuzhou seems to be the most prosperous place, but the gap between the rich and the poor is quite large. It is not easy for ordinary martial artists to live here.

Bluestone, coarse iron and bronze. The status and power represented by each level need to pay a lot of money.

The more you get, the more you pay!

"Thank you, benefactor." Xiao Wei Ran to Lin Feng with tears of joy and bowed and thanked him. She was very excited.

"Have you arranged?" Lin Feng smiled and asked as usual.

Although I don\'t know how Li Hao\'s family is, there will be billions of doling coins for pocket money. It won\'t be any worse.

It shouldn\'t be too difficult for Li Hao to arrange the work of a servant.

"Well, well." nodded her head like a woodpecker, and Xiaowei\'s eyes shone brightly. "It\'s the Li family in the flawless area. It\'s much more famous than the Lin family in the nine districts. Young master Hao arranged for me to serve his wife. It\'s great, it\'s really great!"

"Thank you, Grandpa." Xiao Wei looked at Lin Feng and bowed deeply.

"Well, go." Lin Feng smiled.

From Xiaowei\'s eyes, her urgency.

Now I\'ve almost visited the star a building. I probably have a spectrum in my heart. It\'s meaningless to leave Xiaowei here.

"Then I\'ll go, grandpa!" Xiao Wei Ran and flew out like a happy bird.

That kind of feeling is like taking off the cage and letting birds fly in the sky.

"I hope everything goes well for her." looking at Xiaowei\'s back, Lin Feng\'s eyes are bright.

I\'m not a saint, and I can only help her. In Shiluo County, zhuquezhou and even the whole human region, there are definitely more than one or two "poor people" like Xiao Wei. Even, there are hundreds and thousands of times worse than Xiaowei. How much can you help?

Behind the seemingly prosperity of Jiuzhou, there are too many holes to be covered.

But this is reality, this is destiny.

When you are unable to change, you can only press yourself to adapt and face.

Until one day, when you are strong enough to change all this and change these fates

Become a new order maker.

"I hope one day." Lin Feng\'s eyes are bright.

(second shift ~ ~ and third shift ~)