Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 802

"Star armor is armor activated by star power."

"Activate the \'soul\' of star armor through star power and integrate perfectly with the body."

"To be exact, it is a kind of increased armor."


Xiao Wei said slowly. Lin Feng couldn\'t help nodding.

No wonder there is no star armor in Yanling mansion. It turns out that star armor can only be equipped by martial artists at Star master level.

Only when you have the real power of constellations can you drive the star armour. The most powerful one in Yanling mansion is Xinghai level. How to drive it? The difference between star armor and ordinary armor is that it is an "internal increase" armor, which is combined with the body.

"There are advantages and disadvantages." Lin Feng said softly in his heart.

"When combined with the body perfectly, there will be no dead corner in defense."

"But because of this, the probability of physical injury will increase. It\'s not good or bad."

In the final analysis, it is caused by the characteristics of star armor.

But if the enemy is strong enough, even if the external armor defense is amazing, the impact alone may be able to kill the warrior.

In fact, it still depends on the warrior\'s own defense.

"The bearing capacity of star armor is an indicator, which is the proportion of the strength of the warrior\'s body," Wei explained

"The minimum is 0.1 and the maximum is 10. The standards of each level are different. The bearing capacity of the Heavenly God is between 0.1-1 redundancy, while the bearing capacity of the heavenly warrior is between 1-10 redundancy."

"The greater the bearing capacity, the stronger the star armor defense it can bear."

Lin Feng nodded, obviously in his heart.

In short, if the star armor is considered as ordinary armor, the gravity is actually the weight that the body can bear.

When you can\'t bear the weight of star armor, you can\'t wear it reluctantly, because it will affect the battle.

"So this is to test the \'bearing capacity\'?" Lin Feng suddenly realized.

"Yes, sir." Xiaowei smiled sweetly, "because the strength is constantly improving and the martial arts level is also improving, it is suggested that the martial arts should do a load-bearing test again before purchasing the star armor, so as to achieve the best load-bearing effect."

"Oh." Lin Feng fully understood, "so the growth rate is..."

"The growth rate is the growth rate of the body, hillbilly!"

The proud figure came from a distance, quite loud.

Lin Feng\'s eyebrows couldn\'t help a cluster.

It was a handsome young man in luxurious clothes, with a Amethyst Phoenix on his chest, noble atmosphere, highlighting his identity. Behind him, more than a dozen followers followed, each of whom was a strong star master and entrusted him.

Extraordinary identity.

Lin Xiong, a martial artist of the Asian lineage.

"Get out of the way, get out of the way!" Lin Xiong\'s entourage behind him was arrogant and arrogant.

From the behavior of these followers, we can see how the master\'s personality is.

The people around him seemed quite frightened and gave in one after another. Lin Feng also knew that there were such "second ancestors" everywhere. They were high and powerful and did not pay attention to people. He was helpless, but he didn\'t want to care. Lin Feng took two steps back and didn\'t want to participate in it.

When I first came to the Lin family, it\'s better to do more than less.


Glancing at her, Xiao Wei seemed very ugly.

Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright, and he remembered Xiaowei\'s misunderstanding about himself just now. He suddenly realized something in his heart.

It\'s him!

Seeing Lin Feng give in, Lin Xiong was very proud.

Walk to Xiaowei, and the rest of the entourage are divided into four sides, clearing an area.

"How\'s it going, Wei? Have you considered it clearly?" Lin Xiong picked his eyebrow and looked at Wei with obscene color in his eyes.

"I, I..." Xiao Wei pursed her lips tightly, and her young face could see that she was very hesitant.

"I don\'t know what you\'re hesitating about. I don\'t have to worry about food and clothing with me!" Lin Xiong patted his chest, raised his eyebrows and pointed around arrogantly. "Why do you have to face these low-level people and do these servant Kung Fu here." he glanced at Lin Feng\'s place and didn\'t disdain to say, "even those wild Hicks have it. It\'s disgusting."

His words will offend everyone in the field.

However, the people dared to be angry.

Lin Xiong\'s backstage is too hard!

This is not the first time he has acted so recklessly, but

Who dares to offend?

Offend the young master. Do they still want to stay with the Lin family?

Some things, even if they are unfair, can\'t do anything. If you don\'t have the ability, you can only stand idly by. Otherwise, if you can\'t fight the fire, you will get angry.

"I......" Xiaowei looks a little ugly. Obviously, like others around her, she has great scruples about Lin Xiong\'s identity. The young face is very beautiful. Looking straight at Lin Xiongse from his heart, he grabbed Xiaowei\'s wrist and said with an obscene smile, "don\'t be embarrassed. Come with me."

When her hand was caught, Xiao Wei was in a panic and even tried to break free.

But Lin Xiong was not as strong as Lin Xiong. He was so frightened that he even begged for mercy. "No, sir, please let Xiao Wei go, please."

"Still playing with a fancy gun?" Lin Xiong smiled obscene, but he didn\'t let go. "But I like it, young master. Let\'s go!"

After saying that, she wanted to leave with the people, but Xiao Wei turned pale and burst into tears. She couldn\'t help crying and begging for mercy, "Sir, please let Xiao Wei go. I don\'t want to be a maid, please!" her voice choked with great fear and fear.

But everyone looked on coldly and no one helped.

It\'s none of your business. Who wants nothing to annoy you?

"Take it away!" Lin Xiong said fiercely.

Now it\'s hard to ride a tiger. If you don\'t do it, you can do it. If you\'re just a weak girl, he doesn\'t believe in her!

How about bullying the city? Who dares to accuse him!


"Isn\'t it ashamed that a big man bullies a weak woman?"

The voice came faintly. Suddenly, the chaotic scene was quiet, and Lin Xiong\'s face became ugly.

Looking down from the source of the sound, it was

"What are you talking about, hillbilly!" Lin Xiong growled with ferocious eyebrows.

"Help, help me!" Xiaowei\'s eyes showed great fear.

Lin Feng can\'t bear it after all.

Looking at Xiaowei\'s sad look, it feels like returning to tianwu continent.

This scene is so deja vu.

That day, my sister used to be like this

Can\'t resist!

No ability, no power.

At almost the same age, the tears from the young face made my heart tingle. I really can\'t do it. Lin Feng sighed slightly. Although she didn\'t want to be so high-profile, she didn\'t want her fate to be marked with dirty marks.

"Let her go, if you don\'t want it to be known to all." Lin Feng took a step lightly.

Although it is only a small step, it represents a signal——

He\'s in charge of it!

"Do you know who I am?" Lin Xionghu\'s eyes were cold and his tone revealed a strong threat.

"It\'s good for everyone." Lin Feng raised his left Star Crystal Watch, smiled calmly, didn\'t care, and gently pressed the button.

All of a sudden, the sounds of "Di Di Di Di Di Di" ~ "sounded one after another.

The whole venue was quiet, and Lin Xiong\'s face became very ugly, but with so many eyes staring at him, he couldn\'t recognize counseling, gritted his teeth and said in a cold voice, "hillbilly, I tell you, this is the territory of my Lin family. It\'s useless even if you call for help!"

"Here, I Lin Xiong a word, can let you come in straight and go out horizontally!"

The fierce threat immediately made Xiaowei pale, her delicate body trembled, and her heart was full of fear.

For her, there was no doubt that she fell into a bottomless hell and had no way to live.


"Hello?" Star Crystal Watch, connected.

The low and honest voice surprised everyone around.

Including Lin Xiong, he was stunned for a short time.

Very familiar voice!

"Hello, supervisor." Lin Feng said calmly.

Director, Lin Zhong!

Master Lin Yan, one of the eight local level weapon refiners of the Lin family, is the first disciple and the manager of the weapon refiner of the Lin family

Lin Zhong\'s name is very famous among the Lin family.

All of a sudden, everyone was boiling.

Surprised, they looked at Lin Feng and talked about it one after another. They discussed the origin of Lin Feng. Although Lin Zhong is in charge of all the tool refiners, there are not many people who can really contact him. In addition to the senior leaders who are directly responsible to him, there are several of his disciples and some of his friends.

But in front of him, this "hillbilly" who is not amazing can contact him!

Lin Xiong\'s face was as pale as death, and his eyes were like hungry wolves staring at Lin Feng, but he didn\'t expect that Lin Feng\'s "backstage" was so big.

A hick knows manager Lin Zhong!

"Ah, it\'s Lin Feng." at the other end of Xingjing\'s watch, Lin Zhong seems very happy, "what can I do for you?"

The voice is very sincere and kind. It seems that it is the same as when old friends meet. There is no sense of condescending.

The crowd was more surprised and more curious about Lin Feng.

Only Lin Xiong is pale!

"Nothing, just this side of Xingjia building..." Lin Feng opened his mouth faintly. Before he finished his words, Lin Xiong clenched his lips, looked frightened, waved his hand fiercely, and turned around with his followers without saying a word. Turning his head around, Lin Xiong stared at Lin Feng fiercely and clenched his teeth. "Lin Feng, right? We don\'t turn around. We\'ll wait and see."

Lin Xiong, lose face!

However, this matter startled Lin Zhong and he had to go.

In terms of family status, Lin Zhong is higher than his father. I don\'t know how many grades.

Once such a big man is disturbed, he really can\'t eat and walk around. Even if he doesn\'t want to, he can only swallow the evil spirit.

"Xingjia building? What\'s the matter?" Lin Zhong was a little puzzled, but Lin Feng was halfway there.

"It\'s all right." Lin Feng smiled. Since the matter has been solved, naturally there is no need to bother, "thank you, manager."

After talking, you end the call.

There was a heated discussion around. People looked at Lin Feng and were curious and asked about his origin.

It\'s like a friend to make such a "secret" relationship with chief manager Lin Zhong. In front of us, this young man who looks just over 20

What\'s the origin?!

(the first report is more ~ ~ good news. Xiaoxiao seems to have recovered well. Ha ha, it should be able to maintain normal updates. Damn cold, it worked a little after fighting with it all day yesterday, ha!)