Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 798

"See you at the old place." the message was brief.

Signature, don\'t worry.

It\'s been a year since we separated.

Since the last farewell of Xiaoxiang building, there has been no news for a full year.

However, for martial artists, especially those at the star master level, their life expectancy is tens of thousands of years. One year\'s cultivation time is really nothing. Sometimes a closure may be several years or even decades, hundreds of years. Recalling the two people from opposition to becoming friends, Lin Feng couldn\'t help laughing.

In this strange zhuquezhou, Wan Mochou is one of his few friends.

His eyes were light, and Lin Feng smiled back with a short message, even entering the \'trading space\' in the basement.

The transaction has already been completed.

"1.15 billion?" Lin Feng looked at his Phoenix silver card with a little surprise, but it was more than expected.

The Phoenix silver card belongs to the "identity token" owned by the fourth rank warrior of the Lin family. It is slightly similar to the identity token obtained when he first joined the Lin family, but the order is much higher. This is not just a symbol of identity and status. In the inner and outer urban areas of the Lin family, the "phoenix card" is used uniformly.

This is the symbol of the Lin family.

"Well, the contribution has reached two stars." Lin Feng whispered softly and smiled immediately.

"The cumulative sale of more than 1 billion doling coins will reach two stars, the handling fee will be reduced by 2%, and the material procurement cost will be reduced by 4%."

It\'s good to add up.

If it is long-term accounting, it seems to be much cheaper.

However, Lin Feng doesn\'t care about this, mainly to fulfill his "promise.".

Refine Xingbao and give the Lin family the preemptive right.

"Now I have realized the double star \'the second layer of the heart of glass\', and I can refine six star treasures."

"However, there is too much difference between the material cost and Jiupin Xingbao."

Lin Feng also felt helpless. He studied Jiupin Xingbao for three days and three nights that day, but he consumed a full 400 million Dou Ling coins.

How about trying to refine six star treasures now?

I\'m afraid billions of doling coins are not enough.

"No wonder the \'tool refining guide book\' is so popular."

"If there is no refining guide book, the refiner wants to test the refining process. It\'s just burning money."

"You can\'t understand it without some wealth."

Lin Feng knows very well.

You can master skills in such a short time by using your own star dome pupil.

But what about other refiners?

According to Yu Mo, it takes at least a month to completely master the refining of a Jiupin Xingbao. With the promotion of Xingbao and other levels, not only the material consumption is becoming more and more intense, but also the difficulty of understanding is increasing day by day. Indeed, two words can be summarized——

Burn money!

Behind the huge profits, there is indeed a considerable pay.

As far as I am concerned, the first prerequisite for mastering the complete refining of the six star treasure "heart of glass II" is to have enough capital first.

"Step by step, first refine the Jiupin star treasure \'the heart of glass\' and accumulate the original funds." Lin Feng nodded.

Open the catalog of various materials in the transaction space.

As a tool refiner family, the Lin family has rich mineral reserves.

All commonly used metals, crystals and ores are available in the trading space.

Very convenient.

"A set of nine grade star treasure \'the heart of glass\', the material cost is 17.05 million fighting spirit coins, a decrease of 4% is 16.37 million fighting spirit coins."

"I now have 1.15 billion fighting coins, in other words, I can buy 70 sets of raw materials."

"Start with a little accumulation."

Lin Feng smiled slightly and soon submitted the application for raw materials.

The balance of Phoenix silver card is only 4.1 million fighting coins in the blink of an eye.

But it comes fast and goes fast.

Xiaoxiang building.

The largest restaurant in qianluo district.

It was also the restaurant where Wan Mochou and Lin Feng met for the first time in Jiuzhou.

On that day, Wan Mochou, who took the lead in coming to zhuquezhou, helped Lin Feng inquire about the Lin family in order to adapt to the new environment, so he settled in qianluo district. When you stand against each other, you are a difficult enemy; But if you stand on the same front, Wan Mochou is a very reliable and loyal friend.

"Long time no see, brother Wan." Lin Feng stepped in with a smile.

At the last parting seat, don\'t worry. At this time, you are drinking wine alone, and the corners of your mouth are full of freehand brushwork.

Looking at Lin Feng, Wan Mo Chou also smiled happily, "good to see, brother Lin."

Lin Feng\'s eyes are light and bright, staring at Wan Mo Chou.

The latter\'s momentum had already recovered at this time, with pride and freedom.

This is the first strongman of Yanling mansion!

"Congratulations," Lin Feng said.

Clink glasses and drink together. They smile at each other. Everything is silent.

"Ha ha, brother Lin, I heard that you are very popular recently." Wan Mochou blinked.

"Ah?" Lin Feng looked at Wan Mo Chou puzzled, "how do you say that?"

This year, I stayed in the apprenticeship workshop.

After the apprenticeship workshop, he also stayed among the Lin family. He didn\'t go out of the gate and didn\'t step in the second gate.

How did you come out in the limelight?

Wan Mochou said with a sad smile: "chasing the first beauty in Shiluo County, such a \'great achievement\' naturally makes people enjoy talking about it, isn\'t it?" a pair of eyes like goshawks stared at Lin Feng, but wan Mochou was surprised to see that Lin Feng showed a look of laughter and laughter.

"It\'s just a rumor." Lin Feng smiled and shook his head.

The first beauty in Shiluo County, I naturally know that it is my sister Lin Yumo.

But how can I get together with my sister?


"It seems... It\'s really a rumor." Wan Mo said softly.

"Of course, Yumo is just my \'mentor\' in the apprenticeship workshop." Lin Feng nodded. "Thanks to her, now my weapon smelter\'s ability is growing rapidly."

"Brother Lin, have you really become a tool refiner?" Wan Mochou was surprised.

"Yes." Lin Feng smiled.

I have indeed refined the first star treasure.

However, the human level smelter assessment should be tested in the smelter minor league.

Strictly speaking, I don\'t have a "reputation.".

"After that, am I lucky?" Wan Mochou joked, but he didn\'t care too much. In his opinion, Lin Feng still has a long way to go to become a real tool smelter. The first of the four Deputy posts, which is so easy to succeed.

"This time I went to zhuquezhou with my master. I once saw the competition of \'star of new and cutting-edge tool refiners\'. It was a sea of people and was highly respected." Wan Mochou sighed, "tool refiners have a lofty and supreme position in the nine continents of mankind. This little\' star of hope \'competition alone is so wonderful."

"By the way, it was our weapon refiner in Shiluo County who finally won the championship. It was said that he was a demon genius of the Ponzi family. What\'s his name..."

"Pang Yan."

Wan Mochou suddenly remembered.

Pang Yan?

Lin Feng smiled and remembered the name.

However, this is not attractive to me. On the contrary, it is what Wan Mochou said

"Master? Brother Wan, did you worship the master?" Lin Feng was surprised.

It\'s only been separated for a year.

"Yes." Wan Mochou, with bright eyes and a touch of pride, said with a smile, "after you and I separated that day, I didn\'t go to the \'equator alliance\' and \'Eagle roaring nine days\', but went to the\' eagle king \'to hone myself and fight with iron and blood for half a year."

Lin Feng\'s eyes lit up.

Wan Mochou\'s expression changed slightly when he said the word "iron blood fight".

Perhaps he said so lightly, but he could feel the murderous spirit he inadvertently showed.

"Look." Wan Mo Chou smiled slightly and rolled up his sleeves.

Lin Feng\'s pupils suddenly enlarged, but he saw all kinds of scars crisscross, which was very painful.

These scars are relatively "new". Obviously, he experienced them in the year he separated from Wan Mochou.

New wound!

"And then?" said Lin Feng.

Shrugging his shoulders, Wan Mo Chou said with a smile, "no, then, I paid homage to my teacher for no reason. I thought I would enter the \'eagle king\', but I didn\'t expect that my teacher was not the \'eagle king\' at all. Until now, I\'m still confused. When I honed, my grades were only in the middle reaches, but the teacher chose me."

"Lin Feng, you don\'t know. Those other guys who honed together at that time had envious eyes. Tut tut." Wan Mochou said and couldn\'t help laughing.

Lin Feng smiled and said, "it should be potential."

Don\'t worry about being in Yanling mansion. It\'s a genius once in a million years.

He has all the honors in one. If he didn\'t appear, he might have unified Yanling mansion at the moment.

And he is only under thirty!

Compared with his startling and steady promotion step by step, he relied on many adventures and opportunities. In terms of mind and talent, don\'t worry. Now your strength is a little inferior, just because of the difference between the cultivation environment of Jiuzhou and Yanling mansion.

Over time, this will soon be erased.

"Maybe so." Wan Mochou laughed. "The master said that he was also born in a wilderness and had no disciples. It was also an opportunity to find someone to inherit the mantle."

"Star level strong man?" Lin Feng\'s eyes twinkled and said curiously.

Wan Mochou shook his head, glanced around and lowered his voice: "no, master is a \'Saint\' strong man."


Lin Feng opened his eyes and looked at Wan Mochou in disbelief.

The "Saint" level strong man, in the land of nine continents, is like a wild crane, the existence of the top of the pyramid!

Don\'t worry, it\'s really a good opportunity.

"Ho." Wan Mochou waved his hand and said with a smile, "do you also think that Saint level strong people are rare? In fact, it\'s not. Although I don\'t know the approximate number, according to the master\'s words, there are still a certain number of human Saint level strong people."

A certain number!

Lin Feng\'s eyes were shining and his heart beat inexplicably.

Yes, people gather in groups and things are divided into groups. If you can\'t see it, it doesn\'t mean it doesn\'t exist.

Now, what my eyes see and touch are all star master level warriors, because I am now in the star master level position. When you ascend to the astral level, you will naturally come into contact with the strong ones of the astral level.

Hope, big increase!

Since there are many "saints" among humans.

In other words, this road is not as far away as imagined. I have great hope!

(first, more ~ ~ really, I have a cold, a terrible headache, sweating...)