Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 799

"But master, it\'s inconvenient for me to disclose his information to you, brother Lin." Wan Mochou shrugged helplessly.

"No harm." Lin Feng smiled and nodded, "Congratulations, brother Wan."

There is a "Saint" level strong man as a master. Don\'t worry. There must be a bright future.

As his friend, I am also happy for him.

"Brother Lin, you don\'t know. Having a master is also a troublesome thing." Wan Mo said bitterly, "I\'m not free to do this or that. In addition, he also forbids me to go out. It\'s not easy to find a day\'s holiday."

Lin Feng smiled.

Don\'t worry. You really like freedom.

I managed to escape the shackles of the family, but I didn\'t expect to be controlled by the master again.

Indeed, every man has his own life.

"Well, be happy." Lin Feng said with a smile, "a \'holy\' master can\'t be envied by many people."

"Yes." Wan Mochou drank the wine cup in his hand with bright eyes. "If you get something, you will lose something. Shifu is right. If you want to have a foothold in this fighting spirit world and settle down, you must have strong enough strength to protect yourself!"

Strength is everything.

Lin Feng agrees with this.

"If I had enough strength, maybe at the moment, my father\'s Revenge has been avenged."

"Ziyao can find it, dad and Duoduo can save it."

Thinking in his heart, Lin Feng shook his head.

I am also eager for enough strength.

But now, there is still a lot to be desired.

"By the way, Lin Feng, can you sign up for the Centennial rosefinch challenge?" Wan Mochou blinked and asked.

"Rosefinch challenge?" Lin Feng was surprised. "What\'s that?"

"Don\'t you know?" Wan Mochou was quite surprised, sighed and shook his head. "It seems that you are really practicing hard in isolation this year. You even turn a deaf ear to the Centennial event of zhuquezhou. When you were in Yanling mansion, you must be eager to sign up."

"Is there such an exaggeration?" Lin FengChen smiled.

Wan Mochou smiled and pointed around, "look, who isn\'t talking about the rosefinch challenge now?"

Lin Feng was lightly surprised, and then concentrated on listening to the surroundings.

For a long time

"It\'s true." Lin Feng nodded and was surprised. "Is this rosefinch challenge really held by the saint level strong \'King Yan\'

King Yan is the ruler of zhuquezhou.


"That\'s right." Wan Mochou said positively, "the king of inflammation is a great figure. It\'s natural that he can become the leader of a continent. His strength is terrible. Although Shifu didn\'t say it clearly, it seems that Shifu is still a bit worse than the strength of the king of inflammation."

Lin Feng is light in his heart.

Both are of the "holy" class, and there are strong and weak points.

Human beings sit in nine domains, each of which has nine continents. In other words, there are 81 "holy" strong people.

However, from what Wan Mochou said just now, we can see that there are far more than 81 "Saint" strong people in mankind, and it is undoubtedly an affirmation of strength to sit on a continent. Let\'s not talk about anything else. In terms of status, it is determined to be among the top 81 saints!

"This session is especially special. Countless strong stars are flocking to participate. Do you know why?" Wan Mochou said with a smile.

Lin Feng shook his head.

I heard about the rosefinch challenge for the first time.

"Because the ancient forbidden area of zhuquezhou has been opened." Wan Mochou\'s eyes are bright.

Ancient forbidden area?

Lin Feng was stunned, "what\'s that?"

"I don\'t know." Wan Mochou stalled. "The master told me so, and then I asked him how he didn\'t say it. He was angry." after talking, Wan Mochou made a helpless expression, "it\'s no use thinking so much. The master said that it\'s very reluctant to pass the preliminaries with my strength, let alone get the qualification to enter the \'ancient forbidden area\'."

Indeed, if all the strong stars in the star domain participate in it, it is not a level competition at all.

Don\'t worry, just like yourself.

Lin Feng thought lightly in his heart and nodded, "brother Wan, are you going to participate?"

"Of course." Wan Mochou raised his head and his eyes were burning. "This is a good opportunity to compete with the strong in Jiuzhou. Fighting is always the best way to improve his strength. What\'s to be afraid of losing? Besides, the master mentioned that even if he fails in the preliminary competition, he can get a considerable promotion, which is a good training opportunity."

Don\'t worry, the confidence has come back.

He was also the first strong man in Yanling mansion that day.

"Then I\'ll take part too." Lin Feng smiled.

This is also a good opportunity for me to practice.

Wan Mochou is right. Fighting is the fastest way to improve your strength!

Take this opportunity to see how strong the top combat power of Jiuzhou is. For myself, I can not only broaden my horizons, but also learn a lot every minute.

Although the ability of a tool refiner should be improved, his own strength should not be abandoned!

If not, it is putting the cart before the horse.

"Ha ha." Wan Mochou laughed, "I knew you would be excited. However, by the end of today, the registration was all over. Now, I\'m afraid it\'s already coordinating the number of people and allocating the battle area of the first round of qualification. In ten days, the first round of qualification will officially start."

"No?" Lin Feng frowned.

Don\'t you die before you graduate?

That\'s bad luck


"Here." Wan Mochou smiled and put a metal sheet on the table, "don\'t worry, I\'ve prepared it for you."

The light flickered, as if it were some kind of pass.

Lin Feng couldn\'t help smiling.

"Thanks a lot, brother Wan." Lin Feng smiled.

He was about to take the metal sheet, but he saw that Wan Mochou didn\'t let go. Lin Feng couldn\'t help but light EH.

"Promise me a condition." don\'t worry. Your eyes are as bright as eagles, with a sharp light.

The four eyes were opposite, and Lin Feng\'s heart fluctuated slightly.

Feeling, deja vu!

The sparkling war spirit was always with you. It was the first time I met Wan Mochou in Yanling mansion. Tough, scary, dangerous! On that day, he defeated himself with impeccable strength. Even if he had the most terrible magnetic explosion, he could not worry about blocking it with a strong body.

In that war, I was completely defeated.

"War?" Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright.

"He who knows me is like brother Lin you." Wan Mochou laughed happily and sent the metal sheet to Lin Feng with his right hand.

Pop! Lin Feng took it with his right hand.

The tentacles are cold, and Lin Fengxuan will put the metal sheet into it.

Looking at Wan Mochou, I was also aroused by Wan Mochou. Since I entered the fighting spirit world, I have been practicing hard and understanding star skills. I haven\'t had a chance to try. What level of strength has I reached.

Don\'t worry, it\'s really a good touchstone.

Let yourself see clearly, now, what kind of level are you standing on.

"Now?" Lin Feng smiled.

"Of course!" Wan Mo smiled sadly, stood up and winked, "I have only one day\'s holiday."

Lin Feng smiled.

You don\'t need to look everywhere for a place to compete.

In Xiaoxiang building alone, there is virtual and real space.

There is no real life and death battle in qianluo district. All battles are held in all kinds of virtual and real space. Naturally, there are many such energy devices, that is, there is virtual and real space in a small valley of the Lin family.

Compared with the rarity of tianwu continent, it is very common in the nine continents of mankind.

Energy civilization is quite \'prominent\' here.

"Brother Lin, don\'t get me wrong. It\'s just a simple duel."

"Just... Warm up for the upcoming \'rosefinch challenge\'."

Wan Mochou smiled and patted Lin Feng on the shoulder.

I\'m very interested.

With a smile, Lin Feng didn\'t know how to worry.

However, he did not want to repeat his mistakes. He followed in his footsteps and was too comfortable. He forgot the competition and the most important "heart" of a martial artist.

This is a true friend.

"Go all out." Lin Feng stretched out his right hand and his eyes were bright.

"That\'s nature." don\'t worry, but smile, awe inspiring in your eyes.

Two hands clenched, two corners of the mouth light stroke.


Lin family, central area.

"Ah!!!" roared up to the sky, as if to vent.

Lin Fan\'s hair was dishevelled, his eyes flashed with strong blood light, and he clenched his teeth tightly.

He finally came out!!

Under his father\'s supervision, Lin Fan was forced to close down all the time to prepare for the opening of the rosefinch challenge. But seeing Lin Feng wearing a green hat for him and seeing his sweetheart and others kiss me, he can\'t do anything!


Extreme hatred!

Under the stimulation of this hatred, Lin Fan didn\'t expect

He broke through.

"Lin Feng, do you think I should thank you or hate you?" Lin Fan grinned.

"Eat bear heart leopard courage, even my woman you dare to rob!"

"Shit, I don\'t know what to do."

Lin Fan snorted coldly, his eyes full of disdain.

In his opinion, Lin Feng is just a loser. According to Jia Xiang\'s information, Lin Feng\'s record in the virtual and real space a year ago is——

Star master level 1, star Repair Level 2.

"Move your little finger, I can let you die without knowing." Lin Fan disdained cold hum.

Lin Feng\'s strength is not worth mentioning in his opinion.

"Leopard, where is Lin Feng now?" Lin fan asked casually.

"Young master, Lin Feng just went out an hour ago." Lin langbao arched his hands. He was sent by Lin fan to monitor Lin Feng.

"Ho." Lin Fan pressed the back of his neck, "what about Yu Mo?"

"Miss Yumo is still in seclusion." Lin langbao respectfully said, "I think I\'m trying to practice because I\'m preparing for the \'rosefinch challenge\'

Lin Fan snorted.

But like today, Gao Renniao flies, but he still can\'t do anything.

"I\'ll go to my father first and keep watching."

"When Lin Feng comes back, let me know immediately."

Lin Fan nodded and ordered.

"Yes, young master," replied Lin langbao.

(second change ~ ~)