Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 797

Get out of the basement.

Lin Feng\'s eyes looked at the "array of time engraved patterns" flashing with silver light, and smiled slightly.

Feather ink is still understanding behind closed doors.

In fact, she only closed for two days and two nights.

For the warrior, this is just the beginning.

"I\'m afraid it will take a while." Lin Feng smiled and even left.

Anyway, my home is separated from the Yumo school by a wall.

Leave Yumo with three "top quality" glazed hearts, with a total value of 1.2 billion doling coins.

The rest, Lin Feng himself took away.

1.2 billion doling coins are enough to offset the material cost consumed by Yu mo.

No more, it doesn\'t make sense.

Yumo is not a person willing to accept "gifts".

What\'s more, she doesn\'t care about so many doling coins. With Yu Mo\'s ability as a tool refiner, she has at least more than 10 billion doling coins. You know, she is the most outstanding "tool refiner" of the Lin family under the age of 30, and one of the two rising stars.

Back to his garden house, Lin Feng looked around.

Here, it is no different from Yumo\'s garden house. It is the same three floors high and has a beautiful little garden.

As long as the engraving array is opened, no one can enter except the middle and high levels of the clan.

It is undoubtedly a good cultivation environment.

"Pa da." fingerprint verification, Lin Feng soon entered it.

His eyes were slightly bright and he felt the warmth of distraction. Everything in front of him was no different from Yumo\'s home.

Here is my future home.

At least, I will live here for a long time.

"Well..." Lin Feng did not hesitate, but stepped into the basement. As in the mushroom house in the valley at that time, there was no array of carved patterns on the underground floor, and the alloy with high flame melting point was used as the top layer and wall, which was a special "place for refining utensils".

The basement is divided into three parts, which is very simple.

The largest and most open place in the middle is the special place for refiners.

On the left side, there are many energy devices for the refiner to practice and test. For example, there is an "intermediate fire control space".

However, because of the area, not many energy devices are placed.

Moreover, the "funds" donated are limited.

As soon as Lin Feng entered, he did not hesitate to go to the right of the lower layer.

There is a special warehouse for "trading". It is a connected special space, which is similar to the virtual crystal space in the apprenticeship workshop. The refiner can put the "goods" for sale here. Similarly, he can also make a detailed list of the crystal, ore, metal and other raw materials he wants to buy.

At a fixed time every day, someone in the family will be responsible for counting and distribution.

Unified and simple, it also keeps the refiner private, because many refined formulas are extremely confidential.

The people who distribute materials go separately, and everyone has a fixed "quota". For example, the distribution of crystals is a group of 100 people, each of whom is responsible for the distribution of tens of thousands of crystals; Another group of 100 people are responsible for the distribution of ores, each of which is responsible for the distribution of tens of thousands of ores.

Generally, the commonly used crystal ore is distributed and purchased by the family.

The distribution process is completely confidential. Everyone is only responsible for mechanical counting and does not know where the distribution is.

As for procurement, the same is true.

The size of the family, it is inevitable that some people have ulterior motives.

Indeed, we have to guard against it.

"Leave one \'top grade\' to brother Wan, and sell the rest." Lin Feng soon put 40 \'top quality\' glass hearts and one \'top quality\' glass heart into the trading space.

"High quality, about 20 million fighting coins each. According to Yumo, the family will earn a little profit and give it to the family\'s contribution."

"According to the family contribution, there can be a lot of discounts on purchasing raw materials."

Lin Feng thought lightly in his heart that the family naturally wanted to make a little profit.

According to the family contribution, the handling fees are different.

"The default contribution is 0 and the handling fee is 10%."

"For each star of contribution, the handling fee will be reduced by 1% and the purchase of raw materials will be reduced by 2%."

"If you want to increase your contribution to one star, you can sell 100 million doling coins accumulatively; if you want to increase your contribution to two stars, you can sell 1 billion doling coins accumulatively."

Lin Feng smiled calmly, but he didn\'t care about the handling fee.

Put down all the "heart of glass" and leave.

The garden house is provided by the family for special people.

The status may not necessarily be up to the third level of "branch fighters", but the conditions are not inferior.

It also has a hundred fold "array of time engraving patterns".

"In the apprentice\'s workshop, the master of the double star \'the second layer of the heart of glass\' is still a little short of the last point."

"This time, there should be no big problem."

Lin Feng was full of confidence.

In the apprenticeship workshop, I had already understood the "second layer of the heart of colored glass", but the final simulation was not completed. It\'s like drawing the engraving array. The source and the large array are already drawing. What is missing is the final ending. At that time, I always felt that there was something worse.

Therefore, it has been refined for nearly three months and still has not been fully understood.

But now

It\'s different.

"The feeling has completely changed."

"Sure enough, practice is the best way to make progress."

"Without the refining of the heart of glass, I\'m afraid I\'m still in the clouds."

Lin Feng smiled and his mood was clear.

Now I am fully confident that I will take the double star "the second layer of the heart of glass"——

Soon you will understand!

Lin family, star treasure house.

This is the place where the family buys Xingbao, the internal smelter of the family.

In addition, there are star Arsenal, star armour library and star weapon library, which are respectively managed by four deputy managers. Lin Ping, Lin Zhong\'s apprentice and Lin Lengmo\'s senior brother, is in charge of the star treasure house. An ordinary Chinese character face, no surprise in appearance, honest and honest in personality.

The martial artists who manage the four storehouses are generally quite honest.

After all, it involves a lot of money transactions. It is entirely conceivable how many star treasures will appear in the star treasure house every day.


The value is even more amazing.

After receiving a written list, Lin Ping counted skillfully and recorded the results.

This is one of his jobs for about an hour every day. As a member of the family, he has this obligation. In fact, every family member has something big or small to do. In his position, he works for himself, but there are few people like Lin Feng who are free and happy.

"Oh?" Lin Ping\'s eyes lit up.

"Forty \'top quality\' Jiupin Xingbao \'heart of colored glass\'?"

The family belongs to the standard refining tools. According to the "tool refining guide book", the refining tools are generally of medium quality. The heart of colored glass is not among them. It is not easy to make a "tool refining guide book". Not all "Tao" can be suppressed in rigid technology, especially the higher the grade, the more difficult it is to write.

There is no "tool refining guide book" among the Lin family.

"It seems that there is a craftsman in the family who understands the refining of the first layer of the heart of colored glass." Lin Ping smiled slightly and didn\'t care too much.

From time to time, there are always some martial artists who understand star skills, which is not uncommon.

It\'s just that the "heart of colored glass" is a relatively small profit. With the same star power value, you can fully understand other star skills.

It\'s a little uneconomical for a tool refiner.


"What?!" Lin Ping stared fiercely.

Looking straight at the amazing "top quality" in front of me, I was shocked.

There is nothing wrong with what is verified by the instrument.

"It\'s really powerful." Lin Ping murmured, "I don\'t know which local level weapon refiner is so carefree and carefree. He understands that a low-level star not only has the heart of glass, but also refines\' top quality \'." with envy in his eyes, Lin Ping breathed out.

After counting Xingbao for such a long time, it is rare to see "top quality".

Mostly, some Lingbao produce top quality. Xingbao is hard to see once in a hundred years.

Without exception, those who can refine the top quality are ground level tool refiners.

The originator is now closed.

Lin Fengshang didn\'t know that. He broke another record in his "muddle headed".

The Lin family is the first of the current tool refiners to refine "top quality" Xingbao as a human level tool refiner.

This is even better than many local level refiners.


For Lin Feng, it doesn\'t matter.

Now, in the ocean of consciousness, it is constantly understanding and simulating the refining of the double star "the second layer of the heart of glass". Having had the experience of refining Xingbao for the first time, Lin Feng is undoubtedly like a fish in water now, because it is the same "series", and his understanding is much deeper.

Time passes day by day.

Lin Feng\'s understanding finally reached the last level.

"Wow! ~" in the soul of life, the only main star shines brightly, and the star ring slowly converges again with great momentum.

Total star repair, quintuple!

Special system star repair, also reach the quintuple!

"Pa! ~" the silver light went out.

Lin Feng, with an indifferent smile, was very satisfied.

The road to the fifth level of the master level has been completely paved.

"Special department, from quadruple to quintuple, the absorption of the power of constellations can be improved again." Lin Feng nodded.

Different from the promotion from the first to the second, from the fourth to the fifth, the efficiency of absorbing the power of constellations is far increased.

For example, when one is heavy, the absorption of constellation force is 1 quantity; Then, in the case of duality, the absorption of the power of constellations is two quantities; When triple is 4 quantities, when reaching quintuple, the absorption is 16 quantities! Each weight is doubled, so the further it goes, the greater the increase!

"It took about 125 days to reach the fifth level of the star master."

"Now, it only takes 89 days to get there!"

Lin Feng has bright eyes.

Improve the time of cultivation for more than a month!

With a smile, Lin Feng walked out of the engraving array and immediately went to the "trading space" on the basement to collect the money from the goods.

On the way, I opened the Star Crystal Watch and heard the sound of "didi ~ ~".

Lin Feng looked and smiled.

(add change ~ ~ the fourth change.)