Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 794

The Lin family, the main hall.

"It\'s a pity." Lin Yan stroked his long beard with a look of regret in his eyes.

In his opinion, if Lin Feng and other absolutely qualified tool refiners can be well trained, they will become big tools in time.

But in order to avoid injury and harmony with master Yanqing, he had to abandon the car to protect the marshal.

"There is no need to worry about growing old. At least the little guy is in our family now, and there will be opportunities in the future." Lin Zhen smiled brightly. "Now the Centennial rosefinch challenge is coming, and this session is even more extraordinary. Now all our thoughts should focus on it. Lin Feng is still young, so we can afford to put him aside for a while."

In the spirit fighting world, the tool refiner needs the master\'s instruction before he can make rapid progress.

Relying on one\'s own understanding will lead to many detours. Moreover, the understanding of star technology is not a simple thing.

Above the star master level, life expectancy increases greatly, and the speed of cultivation is getting slower and slower.

For decades, just a snap.

"Hmm..." even though Lin Yan looked, "indeed, now we compete with the Roche family for the second deal in Shiluo county. I should put all my energy there. Lin Feng\'s business is really intentional and powerless. Let\'s postpone it for a while."

Lin Zhen nodded: "after a few hundred years, when everyone slowly forgets this matter and grows old, it will be natural to accept Lin Feng as a disciple at that time."

Lin Yan stroked his long beard and smiled dimly.

Anyway, there are plenty of opportunities in the family.

Hesitate to prepare!

At this time, the whole Lin family was ready for war.

Everyone is gearing up for war.

But most of the strong players above the level of mortal master have signed up for the "rosefinch challenge". The whole Lin family mobilized and vowed to strive for a good result and make the Lin family famous. You know, in qianluo district all the time, the Lin clan is the most powerful force by refining tools.

In terms of strength, it is not satisfactory.

But this time, wash your reputation!

Lin family, want to be the real boss of qianluo district!

It is hoped that more fighters can enter the second round of the "peripheral competition".

The more people participate, the greater the proportion of entering the second round.

In zhuquezhou, the zhuquezhou challenge is definitely the most eye-catching competition, because it is a martial arts competition personally organized by the saint level strong "yanwang" of zhuquezhou. Anyone who lives less than 10000 years can participate.

Compared with the "new star competition" limited to the age of 30, it undoubtedly expands the scope countless times.

In the first round, the qualification competition is limited to those at the star master level, while those at the star domain level directly enter the third round of "preliminary competition".

In the second round, the qualifiers will enter the third round.

In fact, the first two rounds were just "screening".

Only those who can enter the third round of "preliminaries" can really enter the rosefinch challenge.

Not only the Lin family, but every large district, central district and community in Shiluo county are excited, which is also a rare opportunity for them. In particular, as long as you can enter the "preliminaries", you can get a lot of money, which is more attractive.

The Lin family is not short of money, but what about other martial arts?

What about the hard-working martial artists in various districts of Shiluo county?

Rosefinch challenge, registration is in full swing!

However, even if the outside world is lively and turbulent.

Lin Feng is deaf to things outside the window. Now he is working hard with Yu Mo to study the "heart of glass".

He majored in Xingbao and assistant star fixer, which Lin Feng studied at this time——

It is the heart of \'Xingbao\' glass.

"OK, another crucial step."

"The combination of colored glass crystal, display Yan stone essence and stainless steel alloy."

"Last time, the change of the fire stop was not well controlled."

"It will be done this time!"

Lin Feng has bright eyes and extremely concentrated spirit.

In his hands, the "rudiment" of the heart of colored glass has been formed, like a bright and transparent "heart", flashing bright light.

What is lacking now is the soul of the heart.

The so-called heart of colored glass is naturally based on "colored glass".

To control the \'defense\' system.

"Jiong!" "Jiong! ~" the flame was burning, and Lin Feng\'s eyes were burning.

Very cautious and quite calm. Although it has been refining for three days and nights, and it has failed for three days and nights, Lin Feng still has no decadence. Every refining is concentrated and concentrated.

Since you start, you won\'t go back!

Aside, Lin Yumo light bright beautiful eyes, light looking at Lin Feng.

Accompanied by Lin Feng for three days and nights, Yu Mo often acts as a "spectator".

Give advice, or watch Lin Feng refining.

Not actually involved.

Nevertheless, for Yumo, it is also a good "learning" process. Perhaps her craftsman\'s rank is far better than Lin Feng\'s, and her craftsmanship knowledge and material control are more outstanding than Lin Feng, but in many places, Yu Mo knows that he is far from Lin Feng.

For example, Lin Feng has almost completed 80% of the refining of the "heart of glass" independently.

Just rely on the understanding of "Star Technology" in your mind and keep experimenting.

"Star dome pupil, is it really so strong?"

"Is it still a coincidence? Even if you have to experiment with star technology, it usually takes at least a month."

Lin Yumo also felt incredible. Lin Feng\'s progress was ten times faster than that of an ordinary tool refiner.

It\'s incredible.

The Star Skill of the weapon refiner is different from other star skills.

What it represents is really just the existence of a \'Tao\'. No one can see through it.

Therefore, in pursuit of this Tao, every tool refiner has different ideas and understandings. For example, with the same "heart of glass", ten refiners may refine ten different hearts of glass. Even if they look the same, their refining process and material application must be completely different.

It\'s in my mind——

Lin Feng, failed again.

As a matter of fact, failure is very common for a craftsman.

Unless it is refined according to the "tool refining guide book", it will be safe. However, what is recorded in the "tool refining guide book" is to integrate the "Tao" into the tool refining process and simplify refining. Generally, it is good to refine "medium grade" according to its steps.

Nine, eight, seven

The star treasure and star ware of each product are divided into lower, middle and upper grades, as well as the best "top grade", and even the legendary perfect refining.

A real tool refiner will not copy the "tool refining guide book", which is not a correct approach.

If you understand the "Tao" and play a normal role, the refined product level can generally reach "superior".

The gap is undoubtedly obvious.

"What\'s wrong?"

"Why fail here again?"

Lin Feng\'s eyes were blurred, his mind was slightly frozen, and he fell into deep thinking.

In my mind, I came up with the "Tao" I understood. The whole process of refining was completely substituted into it.

Step, no problem.

"That\'s not the problem of the fire stop."

"Is it material?"

Lin Feng\'s eyebrows moved slightly and he was pondering, "but the stone essence is an essential blending agent, and if it\'s wrong..."

"Isn\'t the previous steps completely overturned?"

"It\'s strange."

Here, Lin Feng fell into deep thinking.

On that side, Lin Yumo did not disturb Lin Feng. Xingbao is different from Lingbao. The most clear refining of Xingbao is the craftsman himself. In essence, Xingbao and Lingbao already exist differently, just like the difference between Xingzhu level and Xinghai level.

Deep understanding, even failure, only because the understanding is not deep enough.

It\'s only three days and three nights. It\'s a short time for a tool smelter.

Which success is not accumulated by failure?

It\'s just

"Watching Lin Feng refining, I seem to be deeply inspired."

"The way of \'the heart of glass\' seems to be clearer and more touched than other star techniques I have seen."

Lin Yu\'s beautiful eyes flashed.

Watching the craftsman\'s refining and refining with the full understanding of the "Tao" is naturally more useful than using the "guide book for refining tools" as a guide to refining. After all, the refining device itself is to express the "Tao" of the refining device by some specific means.

The better the performance, the clearer the image and the higher the quality.

Inexplicably, Lin Yumo is also itchy.

Gently move your eyelashes, slowly close your eyes and recall what you saw in the past three days.

Suddenly, the beautiful eyes flashed, and Lin Yumo tried to start refining. For her, refining naturally could not succeed. However, if she can follow Lin Feng\'s steps and feel the rhythm and the existence of the "Tao" in the process of refining, she will be successful.

At that time, she will be able to follow this "road" and go down by herself.

The key to the understanding of star technology is the starting point. There are undoubtedly thousands of ways to master the starting point and reach the end point, which can be explored slowly.

Find the most suitable way for yourself!

"The heart of glass."

"Since it is the heart of glass, isn\'t it based on glass crystals?"

"Isn\'t that putting the cart before the horse?"

Lin Feng was more and more puzzled.

I feel that glazed crystals are the most suspicious, but it seems that this is the existence of the subject.

The heart of colored glaze belongs to a low-level single star skill.

In other words, it is Jiupin Xingbao.

The material used is a star of inferior ore crystals.

No matter how you look at it, the heart of glass should be very consistent. However, refining here is like entering the bottleneck, which can not be broken through at all. If you can\'t cross this barrier, it means that you stay at this layer all the time, and refining is difficult to complete.

"Well..." Lin Feng whispered indecisively.


"Hmm?" felt the change of air flow, and Lin Feng suddenly recovered.

As you can see, Yumo is actually beginning to refine the "heart of glass". The face of the sunken fish and the fallen goose is glittering and shining. The refining method is the same as that of himself. As like as two peas, including speed, change and details,

Yu Mo\'s learning ability is also good.

"My sister is really good."

"All kinds of materials are only refined for the first time, and they are perfect."

"The skill of refining utensils is quite solid."

Lin Feng has bright eyes and comments in his heart.

I often rely on the talent of "star dome pupil", but my sister Yumo really relies on technology.

The eyes are gathered and displayed step by step, and Lin Feng\'s eyes are becoming brighter and brighter.

Those who are in the game, those who are on the sidelines!

Most importantly——

Feather ink is completely refined again.

Until \'Peng!\' As like as two peas and a piece of ink were lost in the same place, Lin Feng\'s eyes were shining brighter and brighter.

"I see!" Lin Feng opened his eyes.

(first change ~ ~)