Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 793

I have to say that the environment is really good.

A three story garden house, with a huge garden, birds and flowers, the scenery is quite pleasant.

Living here, the quiet environment has a separate place for cultivation. It is undoubtedly quite complacent to open the "array of time engraving patterns" at 100 times.

The only regret is that the area is not very large.

After all, land is still scarce in Jiuzhou.

The conditions in which many bluestone citizens live are called "cruel". A building more than 100 stories high can house tens of thousands or even 100000 martial artists. Because the land of Jiuzhou is so big, it may be 100000 times larger than Yanling mansion, a million times larger, but the population

Only more!

People in Jiuzhou have to pay a lot of money every year in order to maintain their citizenship.

These affordable houses are good enough. Some martial arts people even sleep on the streets, or barely find a sustainable job and live in the place where they work. That\'s really pathetic.

But this is the reality.

"Come in, the door is unlocked." light Yue sounded like an Oriole, and Lin Feng smiled slightly.

Indeed, it\'s Yumo\'s voice. That\'s right.

Lin Feng immediately pushed the door in.

The central area, the land of blood.

This is where the "royal family" of the Lin family is located. Only lineal blood can live.

However, for people with lineal blood, the male will continue to have blood after marriage, and the female will move to inner-city areas and be reduced to "sub lineal" blood after marriage.

Those who can live here are superior!

"What are you talking about?!" Lin fan is furious. "Lin Feng enters Yu Mo\'s room?!"

"Yes, young master." Lin langbao\'s voice came from the star crystal table.

"This bastard, how could he be in the inner city!" Lin Fan angrily shouted, "continue to monitor me and report to me as soon as there is any movement." his face was ferocious. Lin Fan gnashed his teeth and closed the star crystal watch. He was confused and couldn\'t concentrate at all.

"No!" Lin Fan stood up.

Even when he stepped out of the cultivation room, he wanted to find Yu mo.


"What are you going to do, fan er?" his voice was not loud, but unusually low.

In the hall, Lin Zhen\'s ground color was cold, and his eyes did not look at Lin fan, who felt a heavy pressure.

"Dad, I have something to go out!" Lin Fan gritted his teeth.

"Looking for Yu Mo?" Lin Zhen said quietly.

"Yes, Dad." Lin Fan\'s eyes lit up instantly and couldn\'t wait, "I\'m going to kill this Lin Feng! This bastard, he, he..."

"Have you finished the practice of" Bai Mu Tong "I taught you?" Lin Zhe\'s voice was low and coldly interrupted.

As soon as Lin Fan\'s face changed, he hesitated and said, "it\'s almost a little."

"That\'s still standing here!" Lin looked back coldly. In his cold eyes, there was a milky bright cold light, as if he was going to devour people, which was very terrible. For a moment, Lin Fan\'s face was frightened, his heart trembled, and his soul seemed to break.

"But Dad..." Lin Fan\'s cheek twitched, still unwilling.

"Go back!" Lin\'s momentum burst, his eyes were shining, and he said in a cold voice, "the Centennial rosefinch challenge has begun to sign up. The martial artists in the whole rosefinch island are rubbing their hands. You\'re still here. What\'s the matter? Is it time to be attached to your children\'s private affairs!!"

The words are sonorous and sound on the ground.

Especially the white eyes made Lin Fan\'s heart tremble and his hair stand upright.

Although he was extremely unwilling, Lin Fan was extremely afraid of his father.

Busy is walking and climbing, back to the practice room.

"Waste." Leng humed, and Lin closed his eyes.

He was obviously very disappointed with Lin Fan\'s performance.


Lin Yumo, inside.

The underground training room was empty and quiet.

Two people sit face to face. There is no third person here.

"Now you can say, Yumo." Lin Feng\'s eyes were slightly bright and his voice was calm.

Call yourself alone. Obviously, Yumo has some \'secrets\' to tell himself. Ninety percent of these secrets are why they don\'t let themselves worship Lin Yan.

Lin Yu Mo\'s beautiful eyes blinked gently, "don\'t you doubt that I have selfishness?"

Lin Feng smiled and shook his head, "I believe you."

If you don\'t even believe your relatives, what else can you believe?

The concise and comprehensive answer and the expression of no hesitation warmed Lin Yumo\'s heart. This feeling of trust raised the corners of her mouth slightly, making her face more charming Mei. He raised his head and looked at Lin Feng. They looked at each other.

It is clear and bright. There are no * * * impurities in Lin Feng\'s eyes, the only one

Maybe it\'s that soft light.

"Lin Feng, do you have the pupil of the star dome?" as soon as Lin Yumo opened his mouth, he suddenly changed Lin Feng\'s face.

How can Yu Mo know his secret?!

"Don\'t worry, I should be the only one who knows." Lin Yumo looked at Lin Feng, his expression unchanged, and his beautiful eyes were light. "If the patriarchs knew, how could you stay here so safe now? The video mapping can\'t capture the detailed changes of the pupils."

Lin Feng nodded and immediately calmed down.

I\'m really a little careless. Fortunately, I found Yu mo.

Xingqiong pupil, one of the two top pupils of the Lin family, has a very deep blood heritage.

What does it mean if you own it?

Identity, expose it immediately!

"Thank you, Yumo." Lin Feng said.

With a slight smile, Lin Yumo said softly, "in fact, it\'s difficult to find if you don\'t pay close attention to the comparison." the reason why she found it was the last time she spent with Lin Feng, plus knowing Lin Feng\'s identity information, which was inferred, not immediately.

After all, there are so many eyes in the fighting spirit world, which is really difficult to judge.

"But I wonder why Lin Feng has only one pupil in your star dome?" Lin Yumo is curious.

Ever since, all kinds of pupils have been in pairs. There is only one like Lin Feng.

"It\'s hard to say." Lin Feng\'s eyes flashed a confused light worry.

On that day, if not to save tianwu mainland, why should my brother sacrifice a star dome pupil?

"Nothing." Lin Yumo is also considerate. Seeing Lin Feng\'s look, she knows something in her heart. Although she is very curious, it is impolite to inquire about other people\'s privacy. Lin Yumo said softly, "if you worship master Lin Yan and get along with him over time, you will be found by him."

"At that time, I\'m afraid it will be difficult to do," Lin Yumo explained.

i see!

Lin Feng suddenly realized.

Indeed, Yu Mo can find it. How can master Lin Yan not find it?

"There\'s another reason. I don\'t want you to get involved in the struggle of the family." Lin Yumo\'s eyes flashed a little worried and shook his head. "The family is now divided into two powers. One is headed by the patriarch and master Lin Yan, and the other is headed by Taitai elder Lin Zhongxian and Deputy patriarch, and you... Did a great job."

"HMM." Lin Feng nodded.

If I become master Lin Yan\'s apprentice, I will undoubtedly choose the side.

The better the performance, the more likely it is to cause the fear of the other party, which is harmful to yourself.

Most importantly——

He is not a member of the Lin family.

What feelings, benevolence and righteousness are false. Sometimes even blood can be sold for profit, not to mention being an "outsider"? Yu Mo did this because he didn\'t want to become a chess piece or cannon fodder to avoid reckless disaster, but it was well intentioned.

"Thank you, Yumo." Lin Feng said.

Indeed, sometimes I\'m too wishful thinking. I\'m a little too "eager" to pursue my father\'s affairs.

Fortunately, Yumo is a good sister to help herself behind her back. Although she didn\'t want to admit it, her actions and concern for herself actually showed that she cared about herself. Thinking of this, Lin Feng smiled and felt warm.

"What are you laughing at?" Lin Yumo was puzzled.

"Nothing." Lin Feng smiled calmly and turned to the topic: "by the way, Yumo, do you know the \'heart of glass\'

Lin Yumo\'s beautiful eyes brightened instantaneously, "the heart of glass for defense, with a star power value of 1.6?"

"It should be." Lin Feng nodded and said with a smile, "are you interested in refining together?"

Looking at Lin Feng, Lin Yumo couldn\'t help laughing. "Although the \'Tao\' of Lin Feng and star technology is the same, what each tool refiner understands is different. In addition to the inherent \'tool refiner guide book\', how to refine, methods, processes, materials, etc. are confidential..."

"Let\'s go." Lin Feng interrupted directly, grabbed Yu Mo\'s wrist and said with a smile, "we are different. We are our own people."

When his hand was held, Yumo seemed to get an electric shock, and his pretty face was flushed. The whole person felt a little trembling.

It seemed that he had no strength, but he was pulled away by Lin Feng and couldn\'t get rid of it.

Own people?

What does that mean?

Lin Yumo\'s heart is in a mess.

"Shit, I\'m so angry!"

"It\'s been three days and three nights. What are they doing?"

The purple blood from the lips came out. Lin Fan\'s hair had to stand upside down. The whole person seemed to collapse.

Lin Feng hasn\'t come out of Yumo\'s garden house until now. It\'s dark inside. What happens when men and women live in the same room? At the thought of this, Lin Fan felt as if his heart was pulled up, as if he had been tightly torn by sharp claws.


It hurts!

"Yumo, how can you do this to me!" Lin Fan\'s eyes were red.

"And you, Lin Feng, you despicable bastard, must cheat my Yumo with tricks!!"

Lin Fan\'s face was so blue that he wanted to break Lin Feng into pieces.

But at present, he is completely "imprisoned" in the house and can\'t step out.

As for his men, they are not "qualified" to enter Lin Yumo\'s family. Now he is like an ant on a hot pot, but he is so anxious that he is exhausted.


"After the registration of rosefinch challenge, I can come out!"

His hair was dishevelled, and Lin Fan\'s expression was hysterical, as if he was being driven crazy.

Killing intention, the vigorous killing intention can\'t stop breaking out!

He\'s going to cut Lin Feng alive!

(third shift ~ ~)