Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 795

"Can\'t hold it!"

"Glass crystal, too fragile!"

"There is no problem with the adjustment of Xianyan Shijing. The key is -"

"Poor alloy!"

Lin Feng\'s eyes are bright and his heart is dark.

Both are inferior crystals of the same star. In terms of "quality" and "quantity", the Kucha alloy has surpassed the glass crystal. It\'s like turning the guest into the guest. I take the glass crystal as the main axis. It\'s like stacking two baskets together, but the big basket wants to be put into the small basket.

Of course it will fail.

The reason is clear.

Lin Feng\'s eyes are bright, his refining for three days and nights and all kinds of failed processes are the best source of experience.

Close your eyes, Lin Feng completely simulates the instantaneous time in his mind and substitutes it into it.

Feeling, never had the clarity!

"Two solutions."

"First, weaken the \'poor alloy\', but overthrowing the whole process is extremely time-consuming."

"Second, strengthen the glass crystal and re erect its core position."

Shua! Lin Feng\'s eyes suddenly brightened.

Lin Feng looked at Lin Yumo who was thinking at this time and smiled, "Yumo, can there be a medium-sized \'glass crystal\'?"

One star is medium. It is used to refine eight star treasures.

It is rarely used for refining Jiupin Xingbao.

It does not meet the "profit" requirement.

But Lin Feng doesn\'t care.

What you want is refining success.

I don\'t want to make a lot of money by relying on the "heart of glass". In fact, in Jiuzhou, the price of Jiupin Xingbao is only equivalent to that of Baxing Lingbao. Just as the first, second and third level warriors of the star master level account for the vast majority of the star master level warriors, so do the weapon refiners.

Because of the number of low-level weapon refiners, there are many low-level star treasures.

Therefore, the price is difficult to go up.

"Feather ink?" Lin Feng whispered.

He looked in a trance. Lin Yumo was a little distracted.

"HMM." hearing Lin Feng\'s call again, Lin Yumo came back and smiled.

Although the refining just failed, it made her vaguely feel the "Tao" on the first layer of the heart of glass. Although it was not complete, it was like a faint outline, with a thin haze and a little darkness, but it was vaguely visible.

Feeling, very profound.

Refining again!

Lin Feng has a better grasp this time.

And Lin Yumo is on one side, and her beautiful eyes are much brighter.

She benefited a lot more than she thought. As long as Lin Feng can completely refine the "heart of glass", as long as she can perfectly draw the "Tao", she is confident that she will be able to get rid of the haze, feel and enter the road of the "heart of glass".

Never had a feeling!

Even if he witnessed master Lin Yan refining his tools, Lin Yumo never felt this way.

for the first time!

"Jiong!" "Jiong!" refining continues.

With the rising mood and expectation in his heart, Lin Feng played even more forcefully.

Lin Yumo\'s face was as beautiful as a picture scroll, flashing bright luster, and his crystal clear skin was like curd. Looking at Lin Feng\'s refining, this time\'s "Tao" is clearer and more comfortable than any previous time, which makes her feel more profound.

Very mysterious feeling!

It\'s confidence.

Lin Feng\'s eyes are filled with strong confidence.

All doubts have been relieved at this moment, and there is no need to worry.

Although the refining for three days and nights ended in failure, it laid the most solid foundation for his refining at this time.

This time, it will definitely succeed!

烀! Hang~

Zheng! Zheng!! Zheng~

Rhythm, very clear.

Lin Feng\'s mind was absorbed.

The body and consciousness are perfectly combined, and the eyes flash lonely different colors, as if they completely overlap with the light and shadow consciousness in the mind. As like as two peas, as like as two peas, the forest breeze enters the most magical state.

A medium-sized \'heart of glass\' crystal.

There is no problem in control, transformation and integration.

Although it was only the first "use", Lin Feng completely entered his own state and entered a deep feeling at this time.

The drawing of Tao is very clear!

"Pa Da!" "Ba la la! ~" three kinds of lonely and different existence are tightly condensed together. Under the adjustment of Xianyan Shijing, it forms a whole. Embedded in the center of the star treasure, it is like the existence of the soul of the heart. The glittering and translucent luster makes the whole star treasure look new.

This time, there is no rejection.

Even without any pause.

At the last moment when Xingbao was fully formed.

"Wow!" Mu Lingyuan entered.

The best "soul" of the star treasure refining the defense system is the wood spirit yuan, which is good at patience and defense. It is no longer the heart of wood spirit. After being promoted to the star master level, the mind of wood spirit has been opened, and the yuan species will become. It\'s like the coiled wood yuan absorbed by the wing. In fact, at the peak of Xinghai, it has almost begun to form.

The same is true for the witch family, but it forms the essence of the witch family.

And exotic animals also form "animal crystal essence".

In fact, they have many similar changes with human warriors.

The master level is a great transformation.

"Boom!! ~" the fire is bright.

The rebirth fire controlled by Lin Feng is perfectly combined with the power of constellations.

Exquisite, delicate and perfect, without any feeling of rejection. With the flame rising into the sky, it seems to hear the voice of the phoenix spreading its wings, and the loud sound of the Phoenix resounds through the sky. Lin Yumo\'s beautiful eyes twinkled with crystal light and opened his mouth incredulously.

Machine image, presentation!

An unusually bright "heart" flashed out.

It was the phoenix of fire, forming a faint outline of nothingness, and in the center of the Phoenix, it was like a guardian heart, shining brightly.

The outline is extremely clear.

Even the stars of Phoenix are blooming.

The flying phoenix is filled with a proud breath, making the whole instrument look different. The crystal like "heart of glass" reflects three colors of light, blends and converges with each other, giving people an indescribable feeling, mysterious and powerful.

Every delicate place, every touching existence, is exposed to the eyes.

This time, the "instrument image" is different.


"Top quality."

Mumbling, Lin Yumo\'s little face was filled with disbelief.

Since childhood, she has never seen a "top quality" object, let alone Xingbao, even Lingbao. She only heard the master describe it.

As for herself, it is impossible to refine the top quality.

But now, witness it!

Shock anomaly.

"It\'s really the top quality." Lin Yumo covered his mouth with his hands and was excited.

At this time, she was like a happy and flexible girl, full of excitement.

Clear to every detail, even the astrology of the craftsman appears, which is completely different from the momentum of superior quality.

This is the top quality image!

"Hmm?" Lin Feng burst into a faint smile.

Holding the "heart of glass", which is still a little warm, with a bright luster, it seems to have vitality.

It feels very unusual.


"The first refining, there is\' top quality \'."

As a tool refiner, Lin Feng\'s own feeling is ten times better than Yu mo.

At that moment, it was like the formation of "Tao", which was perfectly combined with the power of his own Phoenix constellation. With the ability of a tool refiner, the "Tao" of the heart of colored glass is fully displayed. At that moment, Lin Feng understood a lot and understood a lot.

In fact, the warrior is not like this?

"Star technology is actually a manifestation of \'Tao\'."

"When fighting, if the star technology can be perfectly applied, the performance of Tao will be stronger..."

"The more powerful it will be."

Lin Feng thought in his heart that the whole person felt completely different.

Practice is the best means of progress.

Through this refining, I understand a lot and make more progress.

It\'s not just the way of refining tools.

"Yumo." Lin Feng smiled and handed the "heart of glass" to Lin Yumo.

"HMM." he took it lightly. Lin Yumo calmed down at this time, but he still felt a shock of his heart holding the "heart of glass".

This is\' top quality \'!

Quite rare.

Even her master, master Lin Yan, has numerous works of refining utensils, but the number of times she has successfully refined "top quality" can be counted on both hands. As for the other level craftsmen in the family, most of them only succeeded in producing "top-level quality" when refining Lingbao and Xingbao——

Very difficult.

Some of them have never refined even once "top quality" in their life.

This is really not an easy thing.

Strength and luck need both.

"This is the first star treasure I refined. I give it to you." Lin Feng smiled.

In my heart, I am very grateful to Yumo for his help.

No matter before or now, I accompanied myself to refine utensils and provided myself with so many raw materials. In these three days and nights, I consumed not only a little, but also worth hundreds of millions of duel coins. You know, even if the "heart of glass" is refined, it is just a nine grade star treasure. Generally, the medium one is only worth 10 million fighting spirit coins.

But Yumo didn\'t complain.

Thank you very much.

"Ah." Yu Mo\'s pretty face turned red when he heard the speech.

Generally, the first time a craftsman has successfully refined a star treasure, he will keep it as a souvenir.

What\'s more, what Lin Feng refined is a "top grade", which is of great commemorative value. It can be met but not sought.

"I can\'t accept it." Lin Yumo shook his head and refused.

In my heart, I still have a lot of resistance to Lin Feng.

Lin Feng\'s move seemed to show her affection. How could she accept it.

"Take it, Yumo, it doesn\'t mean anything else." Lin Feng pushed Yumo\'s hand back and said with a smile, "just simple thanks. Thank you for your guidance for more than a year and making me a tool refiner. If you have to say..." Lin Feng paused and nodded, "let\'s be a graduation ceremony."

There was some warmth in his heart. Lin Yumo looked at Lin Feng. He really couldn\'t see any other impurities in his eyes. It was very clear.

Lin Yumo couldn\'t help laughing. "The graduation gift should be given by the teacher to the apprentice."

Lin Feng blinked, "but we are not a teacher apprentice relationship."

(second change ~ ~)