Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 792

Inner city, in the hall.

Except for the rare high-ranking and powerful people of the Lin family, other martial artists are not allowed to enter the hall.

In the Lin family, it is regarded as an honor to have access to the "main hall" in the inner city.

At present, Lin Feng is undoubtedly like a crown.

"Wow!" the light was bright.

Lin Feng\'s heart moved and suddenly entered a special space.

The strong and majestic breath covers everything. It is solemn and serious, which makes people feel breathless. Walking forward slowly, Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright. He vaguely saw three figures, familiar and familiar.

Clan leader Lin Zhen, chief craftsman Lin Yan, and

Master Yanqing.

"He did come." Lin Feng thought to himself without changing his face.

Everything was estimated by Yumo very accurately. She had already guessed that master Yanqing would come.

This is exactly why he has been "dragging on".

"I\'ve seen the patriarch and two masters." Lin Feng bowed slightly and said politely.

"We meet again, little brother." Yanqing smiled and was very kind.

"HMM." Lin Yan answered softly, flicked his long beard, looked at Lin Feng thoughtfully, but it was the first "formal" meeting. But Lin Zhen\'s expression was helpless. He shook his head and said, "Lin Feng, you can make me wait."

I\'ve been waiting for three months!

Unexpectedly, Lin Feng came slowly now, but he missed every opportunity.

"Forgive me, clan leader." Lin Feng arched his hand and didn\'t explain too much.

It\'s common for martial artists to understand star skills for two or three months, that is, two or three years are sparse and common. Many weapon refiners are more amazing. In order to successfully understand and refine star soldiers and star armor, they have been refining for 20 or 30 years.

He sighed in his heart, and Lin Zhen was helpless.

He has always been optimistic about Lin Feng, but he never thought that he still underestimated Lin Feng.

Intermediate fire control space can break master Lin Yan\'s record. What does it mean?

This is different from the primary fire control space. The test of the intermediate fire control space is already the real test of the smelter, which belongs to the process of refining star artifacts.

Lin Feng is so capable!

After watching the video that day, master Lin Yan immediately decided to accept Lin Feng as a "disciple into the house". If you carve these precious stones well, they will become pillars in the future. Even, in Lin Yan\'s view, it is possible to surpass the Ponzi family and become the strongest tool refiner family in Shiluo county one day.

Pang Yan?

What is he.

Even though Lin Feng may not be as good as him now, their potential is not one mile and a half meters!

The earth level refiner can see this.

But, who would have thought, Lin Feng shut down directly.

Drag on and on.

Now, Yan Qing is here.

"Master Yan, just as we just said?" Lin Yan smiled, smiling helplessly.

"I agree." Yanqing looked at Lin Feng and nodded with a smile.

Lin Feng looked at Yanqing and Lin Yan. He knew what was going on in his heart.

But he still looked at the patriarch Lin Zhen.

In any case, his current status is that he is a "sub branch" martial artist of the fourth grade. Nominally, he still belongs to the Lin family. Perhaps he now has independent autonomy and freedom, but after his predecessors, giving clan leader Lin Zhen some face has all advantages but no disadvantages.

"That\'s right, Lin Feng." Lin Zhen\'s eyes flickered and nodded, "both masters want to take you as an apprentice. Although you are a member of my Lin family, but..." after a pause, Lin Zhen didn\'t say it clearly, but whispered softly, "you\'d better pick it yourself. Both masters agreed."

Master craftsman and master Carver, what a glory in Jiuzhou!

It\'s always their responsibility to choose disciples. Now, it\'s disciples who choose them. If anyone knows

I\'m afraid I\'ve broken my glasses.

Lin Feng was lightly surprised.

But in my heart, I smiled.

"Sure enough, as Yumo said, the Lin family dare not offend master Yanqing."

"In this way, the initiative is in my own hands."

Lin Feng admires Yu Mo\'s "wisdom".

Although I don\'t know why I can\'t worship master Lin Yan as a teacher, what Yumo said must be right

On that day, the reason why he had to delay was that he had performed so well in the apprenticeship workshop that master Lin Yan wanted to accept himself as an apprentice. If you really want to learn to refine weapons, because you like to refine weapons into the Lin family... Naturally, it makes no sense. You will refuse master Lin Yan!

Because this is an opportunity that every smelter dreams of.

Three months ago, I was bound to be in a dilemma. Whether I promised or not, it was a "mistake".

But right now, I can just refuse.

Lin Feng thought slightly and fell into meditation.

No matter what you choose, you must at least make a "gesture" at the moment.

There were three old foxes in front of them.

Time, little by little.

Yan Qing and Lin Yan were not in a hurry. They drank tea slowly and waited for Lin Feng\'s choice.

On the contrary, a few drops of cold sweat fell on Lin Zhen\'s forehead.

It seems that how Lin Feng chooses the Lin family has many disadvantages.

Choosing master Lin Yan is bound to offend master Yan Qing. Maybe he didn\'t say it, but there will be pimples in Yan Qing\'s heart, and there will be cracks in the relationship between the two; However, if master Yanqing is chosen, there will no doubt be one less talented tool refiner in the family, and this "disadvantage" seems to be much greater.


Lin Zhen smiled bitterly.

At this time, Lin Feng suddenly raised his head and his eyes flashed.

A final decision has been made.

"Thank you for looking up to the younger generation." Lin Feng bowed slightly, "but I\'m afraid the younger generation doesn\'t have this blessing. If you choose any of you, it\'s inevitable that the other elder will be unhappy. In order to avoid harming his harmony, the younger generation can only refuse the kindness of the two elders."

All refuse?

Lin Yan and Yan Qing looked at each other and were all surprised.

But I didn\'t expect Lin Feng to have such a decision. I was a little confused for a while.

On the contrary, Lin Zhen\'s eyes lit up and the big stone in his heart immediately fell.

"Good idea!"

"How clever, little fellow."

Lin Zhen secretly praised it.

Lin Feng\'s move has more advantages than disadvantages for the family.

Is the best solution.

"OK." Lin Yan\'s eyes flashed and sighed.

"What a pity." Yanqing shook her head and felt helpless.

Identity, after all, is there.

Their two "robbing" apprentices have already done a great disservice. Fortunately, there are not many people here.

It would be a shame if you did something else to fight for an apprentice. What\'s more, they had an agreement before. It was not forced for Lin Feng to choose by himself. Now, although this is not a good result, it is also a past ending.

At least, everyone is the same.

And Lin Feng also smiled.

For myself, it is also perfect to avoid the exposure of intention and stay low-key in the Lin family.

As for apprenticeship

Although it can improve your weapon refiner\'s strength a little faster, it\'s only temporary. Basically, I have learned the basic knowledge I need to learn. With the help of xingqiong Tong, the tool refiner has also understood a lot of "Tao". Even without a teacher, I can refine tools.

Perhaps, there will be many detours, but that is the inevitable way to success.

Plain sailing is not necessarily good.

Although he had no chance to become a teacher or apprentice with Yan Qing, it did not affect his relationship.

Lin Feng is also grateful to an elder who "thinks highly of" himself.

How people treat me, how I treat others.

Perhaps there is a little misunderstanding between himself and Yanqing, but how can men always remember these "trivial" things. He and WAN Mochou fought each other in Yanling mansion before. Now they have a different relationship and become close friends.

Many times, people pay attention to a kind of fate.

"Have a chance to come to \'sangyang district\', little brother." Yan Qing said with a smile.

Sangyang district is one of the nine districts of Shiluo county.

Compared with the Central District of qianluo where the Lin family is located, it has a higher status.

"OK, elder." Lin Feng smiled.

"HMM." patted Lin Feng on the shoulder, and Yan Qing nodded with a smile.

The future is long. No one knows what will happen in the future. With Lin Feng\'s qualifications, there may be opportunities for intersection in the future.

Or maybe one day, Lin Feng will become his apprentice.

These are unknown numbers.

"Let\'s go." Yan Qing drank lightly to the two disciples and walked quickly.

"Next time, I won\'t lose to you, Lin Feng." Anlu\'s eyes glowed, with an unyielding strength.

Qin Xiaoyu\'s beautiful eyes stared at Lin Feng and flickered away. Without talking, she left with Anlu. Looking at the back of the three, Lin Feng\'s eyes are bright. It\'s a pity to lose Yanqing\'s reputation, reputation and strength.

Lin Feng smiled suddenly.

It\'s a blessing in disguise.

At least, there is another communication information on his star crystal table.

Master Yanqing.

"It\'s time to meet Yumo." Lin Feng\'s eyes flashed lightly.

I have many questions to solve.

The inner city area is equivalent to the outer city area.

However, the population of the inner city is only less than one tenth of that of the outer city.

Here is the real foundation of the Lin family. The fourth level of sub branch martial arts, the third level of branch martial arts and the second level of sub direct martial arts all live here. For example, the fourth level of sub branch martial arts can only live in independent houses, the third level of sub branch martial arts can live in villas, and only the second level of sub direct martial arts can have mansions.

However, there are some exceptions.

For example, Lin Yumo lives in a garden house.

It is a little higher grade than an independent house. The equipment of the house is no worse than that of the villa area, but the \'grade\' is slightly inferior.

This is the family\'s special equipment for \'special\' people.

Like Yu Mo, he is one of the two rising stars of the family generation as famous as Lin fan. Naturally, he has special treatment. Lin Feng may not have been given special treatment, but now he is a tool refiner trained by the family, and he also has this "special honor".

"It\'s really fate. I\'ve become a neighbor with my sister." Lin Feng smiled.

From his own garden house to Yumo\'s garden house, there is only a wall.

It\'s very close.

"Ding Dong." Lin Feng smiled and pressed the doorbell.

(second change ~ ~)