Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 791

Liu Yikai, Jing Youyou, Wu Yong, Li Hao.

Except Lin Feng, these four people finally passed all four rounds of training.

Looking back and looking not far behind, the appearance of Lin Feng brightened the eyes of the four people, that is, Lin Yumo and Lin Lengmo had different looks in their eyes. But Lin Feng is indifferent and calm, with a shallow smile on his face.

"Hello." Lin Feng smiled.

Glancing at the crowd, he finally fell on Yu Mo and nodded.

According to Yu Mo\'s countermeasures, he just "dragged" until the end of the training, although... I don\'t know the reason.

"Boss, you are really on time." Li Hao thumbed up and smiled.

"Is there any new promotion, brother Lin Feng?" Wu Yong smiled lightly.

Jing youyou pouted and played with her earrings. Yu Guang stole a peek at Lin Feng from time to time, not as natural as the other three.

"A little bit." Lin Feng smiled.

At this time, at that time, now people look at themselves, which is different from when they first entered the apprenticeship workshop. It was Wu Yong, the strongest star level strongman, who was very kind and agreeable when he treated himself as his peers.

This is strength.

The ability of a craftsman is also one of his strengths.

In the fighting spirit world, the status of the four deputies is better than that of the ordinary strong.

Talking room——

"唿! ~" the huge flame suddenly disappeared.

Lin Feng\'s eyes were light and his body moved slightly to Lin Yumo\'s side.

In the air, there is less violent elements of fire and more peace.

Reiki density gradually returned to normal, and with the generation of light, a thick door slowly opened in front of us. Lin Yumo\'s eyes didn\'t catch a glimpse, but a faint blush flashed on his cheeks like congealed fat.

Lin Lengmo\'s eyes looked, and his pupils remained unchanged, "let\'s go."

The crowd immediately left.

He left the apprentice\'s workshop and simply packed his bags.

The five of Lin Feng left the valley with Lin Lengmo and the envy of the rest of the weapon refiners and apprentices.

Although the apprentice workshop has been closed, a group of valleys is still a good place for many weapon refiners and apprentices to improve their strength. In fact, with the departure of Lin Feng\'s five people, the vacant places will be filled in by the two groups of apprentices of the most superior tool refiners, where they can exchange experience and continue to make progress.

Perhaps, the apprenticeship qualification of the rest of a group of tool smelters is not as good as five, but there is not no way out.

Just like practicing martial arts, diligence can make up for weakness. Practice slowly and improve slowly.

There will always be a chance to be a real tool smelter.

And now——

Lin Feng\'s five people, led by Lin Lengmo and Lin Yumo, have entered a new area.

The real Lin clan territory.

"What a big place." Lin Feng looked around curiously.

A lively range of cities and towns is no inferior to other places in chisheluo county. People come and go. Light and shadow flash everywhere. The transmission array is constantly opened. Many martial artists go out and in. They are not busy, but they are signs of prosperity.

"This is the outer city and the place where you will live in the future." Lin Lengmo said faintly.

"Of course, whether you live or not is your own business."

In addition, Lin Lengmo didn\'t have any expression.

Lin Feng\'s eyes twinkled and he understood in his heart that rich children such as Jing youyou and Li Hao might not be rare to live here.

The outer city area is the residence of the sixth "external martial arts" and the fifth "sub martial arts" of the Lin family. It is an "affiliated" existence of the Lin family. Nevertheless, the number of people here is ten times that of the inner city, which is an extremely huge force of the Lin family.

Different from other places in Shiluo County, the martial arts are very strong here.

Xinghai class, very ordinary; There is a large proportion of martial arts above the star master level.

Moreover, urban facilities are also different.

In the Lin family, the proportion of tool refiners is very large.

WOW! Through the transmission array.

Soon, Lin Feng and his party entered a magnificent hall.

Luxury, luxury, all kinds of Pearl jadeite can be seen everywhere. The bright golden color gives people an extremely noble feeling. With the momentum of majestic atmosphere, it seemed superior. As Lin Lengmo pushed open the door, he immediately entered a hall.

"Shua!" there was a light in front of me.

Lin Feng\'s eyes flickered. In front of him, there were four magnificent warriors waiting.

Or white hair, or height, arm length, or strong and honest. The four people have a long and strong breath. They are all strong stars.

"Master." Lin Lengmo saluted respectfully to a middle-aged man with a tiger back and a bear waist, and Lin Yumo bowed slightly. At this time, Liu Yikai and others all knew the identity of the four people in front of them, and their eyes immediately flashed incomparably.

"Met the master!" the four bowed their hands respectfully.

The four people in front of us are four of the eight earth level weapon refiners of the Lin family.

Although it is not as famous as master Lin Yan, it has a little prestige in Shiluo County, especially Lin Zhong, who is the manager of the Lin family.

In charge!

"Well, you four can not only pass the apprenticeship training, but also be qualified."

"According to the rules of the Lin family, it is to worship under our door and become a registered disciple. Do you want to?" Lin Zhong looked sincere and said slowly. Registered disciples are ordinary disciples. There is a lot of gap between their status and incoming disciples. They only teach skills simply like Lin Lengmo and Lin Yumo.

Unlike the real cultivation disciples, they will spend their efforts.

But even so, it is very important for any apprentice to become a registered disciple of the earth level tool refiner——

Is an honor.

Moreover, if you want to become a disciple, you often start with a registered disciple.

The four were extremely excited, but Lin Feng looked calm, but he was not surprised.

Yumo mentioned this to himself at the beginning. Even, it was master Lin Yan who wanted to take himself as a disciple!

Therefore, we are talking about the "four people", and we are not among them.

"Yes." "of course."... The four couldn\'t wait to answer.

It is their biggest goal and pursuit to become the registered disciples of the earth level tool refiners. Li Haoxi was in shape, but he suddenly found that the number seemed wrong. Seeing Lin Feng\'s calm look, he couldn\'t help but wonder, "master, isn\'t Lin Feng?"

"He?" Lin Zhong smiled kindly. "He is different from you. He was appointed by the master."

master worker?!

The four people were suddenly surprised.

Lin Zhong\'s master, isn\'t he master Lin Yan?!

"God, Lin Feng, can you be the registered disciple of master Lin Yan?" Li Hao was shocked.

"It\'s not a registered disciple. Shifu wants to accept him as a disciple." Lin Zhong said frankly, which shocked everyone.

Enter the room disciple!

Lin Feng is too strong!

The same group comes out, and the gap is like a natural moat.

The crowd shook their heads and felt envious. Wu Yong said curiously, "wait, take it as a disciple... Shouldn\'t the foreign martial arts have enough weight? I heard that the minimum standard must be the fourth grade \'sub branch\' martial arts."

Liu Yi and the three nodded, indeed.

Disciples who enter the house are equivalent to real cultivation. Generally, they will not be taught to "outsiders".

Everyone knows this rule of the Lin family.

Lin Zhong said with a light smile, "you don\'t know. As early as half a year ago, Lin Feng entered the inner city area under the command of the patriarch and became a fourth level \'sub branch\' warrior." saran smiled, and Lin Zhong looked at Lin Feng, "how about Lin Feng? Can you move now? The patriarch and master have been waiting for you for a long time."

Lin Feng smiled, "no problem."

Soon, he left with Lin Zhong, and let Liu Yi open four people, all with big eyes and small eyes, and his heart was extremely shocked.

The treatment gap between them and Lin Feng is too big!

Enter the inner city.

Lin Feng and Lin Zhong walk together.

"I made an exception to promote you to group 1. You really didn\'t disappoint me, little guy." Lin Zhong smiled.

The smile is very kind, with a kind color, and Lin Feng also smiles back.

The manager Lin Zhong doesn\'t feel like a bad man.

"Thank you for your promotion," Lin Feng nodded.

"No matter how promoted you are, you have to rely on yourself." Lin Zhong whispered and patted Lin Feng on the shoulder. "The patriarch rarely values a person so much and makes an exception to directly promote a non national martial artist to the fourth level. You should cherish it."

"HMM." Lin Feng answered without saying much.

Say more and make more mistakes. At present, just as Yu Mo said, he should——

Wait and see.

"Shifu hasn\'t been a disciple in the room for a long time." Lin Zhong laughed. "I didn\'t expect to have another younger martial brother soon. You\'re only a little later than Yumo. Shifu is famous in zhuquezhou. The refining of Xingbao is unique. It\'s definitely your great opportunity to join Shifu."

Lin Feng smiled slightly and nodded.

"OK, go in." Lin Zhong patted Lin Feng and smiled.

Lin Feng\'s eyes looked, and there was a shining light door in front, which seemed to be a transmission array.

In his heart, Lin also knew that he couldn\'t hide, so he stepped in immediately.

It\'s time to face yourself.

Outer city.

"I envy the dead, my idol master Lin Yan." Li Hao\'s eyes lit up.

"But Lin Feng does have this strength and potential." Liu Yi nodded. "His achievements in the apprenticeship workshop are really dazzling."

Wu yongsa smiled: "what\'s more, don\'t you know? Lin Feng comes from the wild. He is a wild warrior. In addition to the Lin family soliciting him, Yan Qing, the third engraving master in Shiluo County, clearly said to accept him as his successor!"

"Dang, seriously?" Li Haoleng stood in place.

Liu Yi opened his eyes and said, "is he the wild warrior Lin Feng who drew a ten fold \'time engraving array\' to defeat the third place in Anlu, the star of the cutting-edge engraving division?"

Wu Yong smiled and nodded.

The people were so surprised and admired that Jing youyou felt very comfortable in the audience, as if he were praising himself. Lin Lengmo knew it for the first time. He was a little surprised. He couldn\'t help looking at Lin Yumo. At this time, the latter looked calm and seemed to have known it for a long time.

Indeed, Lin Yumo is one of the most knowledgeable people.

"Time is just right." Lin Yumo\'s beautiful eyes were crisp and smiled.

(first change ~ ~)