Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 787

"Shua!" Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright in an instant.

Like the bright stars in the night, there are different changes alone.

烀! 烀~

In an instant, the rapid rise of the two flames made Lin Feng look completely different.

"Hmm?" Lin Lengmo and Lin Yu Murton brightened their eyes and looked at each other. They all felt the change of Lin Feng.

That\'s confidence!

A strong self-confidence from the bottom of my heart!

Lin Feng, what\'s the matter?

Soon, they understood.

"Jiong!" "Jiong!" "Jiong!" "Jiong!" "Jiong! ~" Lin Feng ignited the flame again, but it was completely different from just now.

Faster, more accurate, faster!

The frequency is very fast, dazzling, and the heart only trembles.

Speed, double!!


The crowd was completely stunned.

Lin Feng\'s speed is like the outbreak of thunder. It\'s amazing!


"This will make mistakes!"

"Slow down!"

Lin Lengmo and Lin Yumo are very anxious.

Originally, the speed of Lin Feng was fast enough, but now it has doubled!

How can you stand it!

You know, Lin Feng is controlled by both hands, which is more difficult.

However, no matter how anxious you are outside, it\'s useless, because the test is Lin Feng, and the "intermediate fire control space" is completely closed. Even if the sound outside is louder, it can\'t be transmitted inside. Moreover, with Lin Feng\'s mental concentration, even if there is no diaphragm, he will not notice them.

Thump! Thump! Thump!

People\'s hearts beat violently and they dare not breathe.

Lin Feng now feels that he is not coming back from the dead, but——

the last radiance of the setting sun.

Is that true?

The answer is obviously not what people think.

Prove everything with facts.

The reason why the speed is greatly accelerated is that Lin Feng is now fully aware of the "Tao" of the rebirth fire, and the perfect combination of the power of constellations is the result of his efforts in recent months. Originally, it was very difficult to improve the speed after reaching a certain degree, but now Lin Feng just doubled the speed!

How amazing!

A joss stick may be a reflection.

A cup of tea may be a dying struggle.

In a quarter of an hour, maybe the bottom force broke out.

But what about an hour?

What about two hours?!

Lin Feng\'s "explosive" speed has lasted for three hours.

And it continues!

What does that mean?

"How could it be so fast..."


Lin Lengmo murmured, feeling that he couldn\'t believe it.

The tall and proud chest fluctuated constantly, and Lin Lengmo felt at a loss.

Lin Feng\'s strength, such anti sky "fire control" technology, has made her collapse to the deep-rooted ideas in her mind.

Not to mention her, even master Lin Yan, the chief tool refiner of the Lin family, can\'t reach this level! Master Lin Yan is a star level strong man and a ground level tool refiner, but what about Lin Feng? Just an unproven human level tool refiner.

How could he have such terrible power?!

Heart, trembling.

Lin Lengmo is not alone.

Lin Yumo\'s face is shining with incomparably bright light. Both surprised and envious, but more of it was joy from the bottom of my heart. I don\'t know why, but I feel happy for no reason. My little hand is unconsciously pinched, but I feel nervous for Lin Feng.

Sometimes, subconsciously, maybe

Is the real heart.

"Come on, don\'t fail." Lin Yumo said softly in his heart.

Shocked, numb.

These are all the performances of the ten weapon refiner apprentices.

Looking at the unimaginable changes in the fire control space, everyone looked thirsty and petrified.

At this time, five hours have passed, and the speed of Lin Feng is still at the "outbreak" value and completely stabilized. Liu Yikai, Jing youyou and Li Hao looked at Lin Feng incredulously. Looking at his amazing test speed, his spine was cold.

"Monster, monster."

"This guy is really not human."

"That\'s great. How can this be done!"

People\'s hearts are full of strange ideas.

Remembering that he had been eliminated and entered the fourth round of training, his original performance was proud enough.

But compared with Lin Feng

What is it?

It\'s not the same level at all.

At this moment, everyone knows that Lin Feng\'s future will be bright!

He will become a famous tool refiner in Shiluo county and even zhuquezhou in the future!

Gradually, in the eyes of the people.

The test of forest wind is coming to an end, and the speed of forest wind has not changed at all.

As always, it is fast and stable, far more than twice the previous test speed!

"Is it over?"

"Is it really over..."

People\'s eyes were full of disbelief.

Originally, the tutor expected that Lin Fengfeng would take about 11 hours to complete, but now——

Only the last five hours!

How amazing!

烀! 烀~

With the rise of the last two flames, the two light screens of the intermediate fire control space shine brightly in an instant. The crisp bell rang through, the dazzling light covered the whole fire control space, surrounded Lin Feng\'s body, reflecting the confident and freehand smile.

That ordinary face reflects a very charming temperament.

At this moment, Lin Feng made everyone look sideways.

Test, perfect end.

It takes 208888 seconds.

On the light screen, shocking numbers float clearly.

A shocking achievement made Lin Lengmo and Lin Yumo stay in place. The other ten apprentices of the tool refiner were completely ignorant. They stared and opened their mouths one by one, as if they were petrified.

The record was broken.

It was not the apprenticeship record that was broken.

But the highest record set by master Lin Yan - 216005 seconds.

Improved by 7117 seconds.

Nearly an hour!


WOW! The crystal door opens.

Lin Feng slowly stepped out of the "intermediate fire control space".

"Everyone is here."

"That\'s right, just after the third round of training."

Lin Feng thought and smiled. It\'s not strange to see those familiar faces. In fact, I noticed them as early as the end of the meeting. Jing Youyou, Li Hao and Liu Yikai all passed the first three rounds of training and testing smoothly.

But right now

The only thing I can see is the most beautiful figure.

Gently stand, beautiful eyes bright looking at yourself, it is your sister——

Lin Yumo.

Heart, full of warmth.

Lin Feng looked at Yu Mo and smiled gently.

It\'s like going back to tianwu mainland and returning to your "home". Yumo\'s beautiful face seems to overlap with his sister shuier. In my heart, I have too many thoughts and feelings, and too much to say.

But at this moment, there is no need to say anything.

"Thank you, Yumo." Lin Feng smiled and hugged Yumo gently.

Thousands of words, all in silence.

I am sincere. Thank my sister Yumo.

Without her, I would never have made so much progress from a newcomer to refine tools. Not to mention, you can understand the top level of a double star in a short time.

The star force reaches the peak of a heavy star——

ten o\'clock

Bang Dang!

The glasses were broken to the ground.

The shock of the crowd completely stunned in an instant.

Lin Feng, hold Yumo in public!

Lin Yumo was completely confused. He was still immersed in Lin Feng\'s shocking achievements, but he didn\'t expect Lin Feng to hug her without saying a word. Although it was only a short hug, it was soft and light in full view of the public, without any unnatural feeling.


Really treat me as\' fiancee \'?!

Lin Yumo\'s heart "pouts" and "pouts" jump very fast. His face is as beautiful as a picture scroll, full of a moving blush, showing the enchanting charm of the country and the city. Let all the men around envy Lin Feng\'s good fortune, and Li Hao whistles.

The only unnatural expression is Lin Lengmo and Jing youyou.

But at present, he was completely shocked by Lin Feng\'s achievements.

He has set a new record!

Lin family.

"There are only the last three months of training."

"I don\'t know how many weapon refining apprentices can stand out."

"I hope there will be a little surprise."

However, Lin Zhong smiled and buried himself in his work.

As the director of the Lin family, Lin Zhong is very busy in coordinating all the work of the tool smelter. He is honest and honest. He is also the great apprentice of master Lin Yan. Among the Lin family, Lin Zhong has a high status and belongs to 14 people at the top of the pyramid.


"Jingle, jingle! ~" an amazing voice sounded, Lin Zhong\'s eyes were shining, and his heart beat faster.

This voice is rarely heard!

Because only when all kinds of energy instruments are broken family records will they sound!

"Da, Da!" Lin Zhong moved very fast, but in a hurry, he even pressed the key one point heavier. His face was constantly changing. With a surprised and extreme expression, Lin Zhong\'s eyes sparkled and quickly checked the source. He looked stunned in an instant.


Apprentice workshop, intermediate fire control space?!

If it were elsewhere, Lin Zhong would not be so surprised.

But this is in the apprenticeship workshop!

Now, where you can\'t go!

Who\'s there?

"Lin Lengmo? Lin Yumo?" Lin Zhong shook his head. "It\'s impossible. They can\'t break the master\'s record."

"Who could it be? Lin Feng? It\'s even more impossible..."

Lin Zhong feels unimaginable, but he moves a little faster.

Soon, the picture will be displayed.

"Silk ~ ~" took a breath of cold air, and Lin Zhong\'s eyes were tongue tied.

Two handed control, 208888 seconds! Compared with the original record of \'216005\' seconds, it is a full increase of 7117 seconds.

Nearly an hour!

"Wow!" the picture zoomed in.

But at this time, there is no half human shadow in the intermediate fire control space.

Only that amazing achievement remains.

It\'s shocking.

A little confused.

Lin Zhong\'s complexion was changeable and he was at a loss for a moment.

Five seconds, ten seconds, thirty seconds.

For a minute.


"Yes, Lengmo, apprentice, she may know what happened." Lin Zhong wiped the sweat on his forehead with the back of his hand. Although he had great doubts, he felt more incredible. But now the facts are in front of him, and he can\'t help but deny them.

The results are real!

Who is it!!!

(first change ~ ~)