Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 788

Results, quite proud.

Breaking the record of master Lin Yan, the chief tool refiner of the family, is even more suffocating.

Moreover, this is still the record of "intermediate fire control space". It may be "luck" to break the record of other energy devices, but fire control is real. The 30 hour test can be described as the longest time-consuming of all energy devices of the same kind!

The longer the time, the lower the probability of \'luck\'.

What\'s more, Lin Feng is in full view of the public!

Hundredfold\'s "array of time engraving patterns.".

"Why did Yu Mo let me leave first just now?" Lin Feng thought slightly in his heart, and his eyes closed slightly.

Suddenly thinking of the picture at that time, people looked at their faces, filled with amazement, shock and all kinds of complex emotions. At that time, Yumo seemed a little confused and at a loss, but with... Yes, it was elder martial sister Lengmo\'s Xingjing watch!

Yumo, let yourself leave first.

"What does it have to do with elder martial sister Lengmo?"

"Maybe I thought more."

Lin Feng opened his eyes and smiled.

In any case, Yumo has 100% trust in himself.

Even if she doesn\'t recognize herself as her brother now, the blood dissolved in water can\'t be diluted by time.

She won\'t hurt herself.

When I was thinking in my heart, the Star Crystal suddenly vibrated with the sound of "drop, drop". Lin Feng\'s eyes were light and bright. He immediately opened the star crystal table and his eyes gathered for a moment.

It\'s Yumo!

The message Yumo sent to him.

Lin Feng\'s heart moved quickly and turned even open.

"Wait and see the change." there are only four words, but Lin Feng\'s heart is warm.

It seems that there are some things you don\'t know.

"She really cares about me." Lin Feng smiled lightly.

This discovery makes me happier than just breaking the record and understanding the top-level one star technology.

But why let yourself wait and see?

Lin Feng was slightly suspicious and shook his head.

Let it be.

"Maybe Yumo wants me to keep a low profile."

"Or what was the shock just now?"

In his heart, Lin Feng thought of Lin Lengmo again. Suddenly, the star crystal table sounded, as if thinking.

If there is no connection, how can it be so coincidental?

"Anyway, I just want to enter the main star of the \'special system\' to have a look."

"Watching it change is not a bad thing."

"Wait for Yumo\'s new news."

Lin Feng nodded and immediately concentrated.

"Wow!" Lin Feng instantly entered the state of cultivation.

Follow the life soul space, penetrate directly into the Phoenix constellation, and infiltrate consciousness.

"Zheng! ~" the Phoenix spread its wings and its voice sounded.

Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright and looked at the seven bright stars. The main star of the "special system" at the head of the Phoenix is much brighter than the other six main stars. The brightness of the phoenix makes the whole Phoenix constellation seem to be alive and feel so realistic.

Sure again!

In the "intermediate fire control space" just now, it is not an illusion.

Star repair and other levels have indeed greatly improved!

"The absorption speed of the main star of the special system is increased by four times from double star repair to quadruple star repair."

"Plus the star repair weight of the other six main stars, the power absorption speed of my constellation will be increased by nearly 50%

Great breakthrough!

Lin Feng\'s eyes are shining.

With the increase of strength, the absorption of the power of constellations increases tenfold. From order 4 to order 5, it is equivalent to ten times that of order 3 to order 4. Although the constellation sensitivity is doubled, it also needs a full five times of absorption.

"With my current constellation sensitivity and star cultivation, it will take almost 125 days from level 4 to level 5."

"Moreover, it is in the hundred fold \'array of time engraving patterns\'."

Lin Feng quickly calculated, but he was not in a hurry.

At least, we can\'t break through for the time being.

The most important thing is that your total star cultivation is still in the fourth level.

The biggest key to the promotion of Xingxiu from the fourth to the fifth is not the amount of "Xingli value", but——

Understand the double star.

"There are only three months left."

"Now, the weapon refiner is ready, and it\'s time to enter the special department."

"Understand the real \'way to refine tools\'!"

Special host star.

"So many! How could there be so many stars." Lin Feng was shocked.

The seven main stars have all entered by themselves, and all kinds of stars are dense, but I have never seen so many stars in a special system. If scattered, the whole space is filled. In space, the stars appear in a \'conical\' ladder shape. The stars below are small, but dense, with the largest number.

The higher up, the number of stars decreases sharply, and the "volume" of stars becomes larger.

At the top, a huge ball of light flashed.

"That\'s it, the \'way\' of the rebirth fire." Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright.

It seems to be on the top of the stars and overlooking everything. It is the proudest existence in the special system.

The top star!

"The number of stars is much more than the sum of the other six main stars."

"I think it is not only because the star cultivation of the \'special system\' has reached the quadruple relationship, but also because of the existence of the \'fire of rebirth\', the top level single star."

"Just like the king of beasts, gather all the other giants."

Lin Feng has a clear mind.


"There seems to be a thread between the stars."

"Colorful and miscellaneous, what\'s going on?"

Lin Feng\'s eyes flickered. He seemed to see the existence of those "lines", just like the old red line, which seemed invisible but tangible. This phenomenon, which he has never seen in the other six main stars, seems to connect all the stars.

Very interesting.

Moreover, it is not only connected with various primary stars.

Some seem to penetrate space and enter another three-dimensional level, implicated in other dark stars.

Double star!

That\'s a completely different level from where a heavy star is.

But because of the existence of those "lines", they pull each other together, just like two close spatial levels, inseparable. Many double stars are involved with a single star, or several lines are mixed together, or if the shadow appears, it is strange.

Some lines seem invisible.

There are also some lines, like winding, countless.

Of course, there are many binary stars that exist independently and have nothing to do with the single star.

"The fire of rebirth is also involved." Lin Feng thought.

However, his eyes flickered and sank into the space of the double star, but he was "invisible". What is involved with the "rebirth fire" line of a heavy star is a dark existence, just like the area above many other heavy stars.

I can feel its existence, but I can\'t see it.

"Insufficient constellation sensitivity."

"Just like at the beginning."

Lin Fengwei, with his constellation sensitivity, should not be able to sense the existence of a heavy star "the fire of rebirth".

However, this "Tao" itself has entered it. This can be seen from the understanding of the "wall of fire". When the master star of the control system lights up on that day, the master star of the special system lights up. But stepping in does not mean understanding. Being able to understand the first layer of the "fire of rebirth" is also a mistake.

I can\'t see the road, but I can still reach the end.

This is the existence of Tao.

There is no "necessary" relationship between perception and constellation sensitivity.

The Lin family, the main hall.

"The pangs are proud this time." Lin Zhongxian sighed lightly.

"The patriarch\'s decision is very correct. Even if we participate in the competition this time, we just think about the Ponzi family." Lin zhe said faintly, "ponyan is really good. He not only ranked first in the Shiluo County trial with absolute advantage and entered the zhuquezhou competition, but also cut off the descendants of the three zhuquezhou weapon refining families one by one."

"The champion of the star of cutting-edge tool refiners..." Lin Yan stroked his long beard and said with a smile, "haven\'t settled in Shiluo County for tens of thousands of years?"

"The three weapon refining aristocratic families take turns to be the villa, which round will get us?" Lin Zhen smiled brightly. "In fact, it\'s just a \'false name\'. Even if pangyan gets better, he will only be a ground level weapon refiner in the future, and he can\'t shake the three weapon refining aristocratic families at all."

"Just as we can\'t shake the Ponzi family in Shiluo County," Lin Zhongxian shook his head.

"Step by step." Lin Zhen\'s eyes flickered and said slowly, "at least this time, we rely on Lin Feng to try out the refining of the eight star domain Lingbao \'storm snow region\', which has hit the Roche family hard and surpassed it. What we need to do now is to consolidate the position of the second tool refiner family in Shiluo County, not peep at the position of the Pang family."

Lin Yan\'s eyes brightened: "speaking of Lin Feng, how is this little guy recently?"

Lin Zhen shook her head: "there was no movement."

Tone, with a little disappointment.

At first, he tried his best to attract Lin Feng, but he didn\'t want to. After that, Lin Feng disappeared.

"I\'m afraid it\'s just a flash in the pan." Lin Zhongxian shook his head slightly, and his pale temples have thick traces of years. "It\'s not good to be young. Not to mention that the apprentice of the tool refiner is different from the tool refiner. The patriarch should give him some restrictions on that day and let him concentrate on studying Lingbao."

In the family, only the elder Lin Zhongxian has the qualification and generation to blame Lin Zhen.

"Give him more time." Lin Zhen smiled brightly. "He\'s still young. Don\'t be too demanding."

Lin Yan hesitated and did not speak, but there was no need to disagree with Lin Zhongxian, who was respected by his generation.

Lin Zhen\'s eyes flickered and slowly opened his mouth, "elder Tai is right. After all, Lin Feng is not a member of the Lin family. Even if you give him more benefits, I\'m afraid he will draw water in a bamboo basket. In my opinion, it\'s better to make the most of him, drain the value and \'sell\' him to master Yanqing."

Lin Yan\'s eyes flashed unhappy and his eyebrows wrinkled.

However, Lin Feng\'s "identity" has always been the biggest bottleneck.

Moreover, it is a bottleneck that cannot be broken through!

"I agree with what the vice patriarch said." Lin Zhongxian said, relying on his old age and betraying his old age, and his eyes twinkled with disapproval. "Is it so easy to refine star artifacts? The item of" controlling fire "alone is completely different from that when he was an apprentice, not to mention..."

It was Kaikai who talked. Suddenly, there were hurried footsteps outside the door.

All eyes converged for a moment. Lin Zhong\'s honest but excited face appeared in front of him.

"Patriarch, master, elder, Lin Feng, he broke the record of \'intermediate fire control space\'!"

(second change ~ ~)