Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 786

Testing and cultivation are totally different things!

"Hiss ~ ~" the crowd took a breath of air-conditioning, shocked and got goose bumps.

They haven\'t even started testing the "primary fire control space", but Lin Feng has already started testing the "intermediate fire control space"?

No mistake!

"Shua!" Lin Lengmo looked straight at the fire control space.

The proud and straight chest fluctuated continuously. Looking at Lin Feng\'s incredible flame control speed, and then looking at the flashing of the left and right light screens, Lin Lengmo was shocked. Calm as she was, Tai Shan collapsed in front without changing his face. Now they are completely stunned.

Incredible speed!

This is a complete intermediate fire control space test!

Most importantly——

Or two handed control!

"This?!" Lin Lengmo trembled.

Lin Feng\'s test speed is much faster than her!

It\'s not a double memory. Lin Feng uses forced memory to remember a billion kinds of fire stalls completely!

"Monster..." Lin Lengmo murmured.

From her mouth, spit out these two words, but no one was surprised. Because at the moment, Lin Feng is like a monster in everyone\'s heart, which is terrible to the extreme. Liu Yikai, Wu Yong and Jia Xiang stared at the flames one by one, perfectly combined with the power of constellations.

Accurate, fast, extreme!

The speed at which the light screen changes, such as lightning.

"So powerful!" "really powerful!" the stars twinkled in Jing youyou\'s eyes. Looking at Lin Feng\'s back, his heart beat very fast.

"Sure enough, it\'s a group of idol figures..." Li Hao shook his head and whispered, "Lin Feng is Lin Feng. This fire control technology is excellent. Even the tutors may not have such ability."

Lin Lengmo is a third grade tool refiner!

However, the rank of a tool refiner does not represent everything.

To stand out from a group of elites, these ten people obviously have a few brushes, and their vision is naturally unique.

"How long has it been?" Lin Lengmo calmed down and looked at Lin Yumo.

Lin Yumo gently stretched out an index finger.

"A quarter of an hour? An hour?" Lin Lengmo was surprised.

"No, elder martial sister." Lin Yumo looked at Lin Feng with bright eyes. "It\'s a day and a night."

For a moment, there was silence.

An hour.

Three hours.

Five hours!

Twelve hours!

Lin Feng\'s\' technology \'conquered everyone.

Everyone was watching with bated breath, and even the atmosphere dared not breathe. I saw the flame "fluttering" and "fluttering" coming out and disappearing quickly. With the flashing of the light screen, it seemed to play a movement and go straight to the heart of everyone.

Lin Feng, you can\'t see the bottom!

Another day and night!

"The speed has not slowed down at all." Lin Lengmo exclaimed.

"Well, it\'s even accelerated by about 10%. Lin Yumo\'s eyes are bright and incredible.

As other martial artists, it is hard to avoid the spiritual whereabouts, but Lin Feng is more brave and has endless energy.

"Tutor, how long will the test last?" Jing youyou asked curiously.

"Fast is three days, slow is more than ten days." Lin Lengmo replied without hesitation.

"How much time can Lin Feng finish at this speed?" Li Hao asked with a bright eye.

Lin Lengmo and Lin Yumo looked at each other. Lin Yumo moved his beautiful eyes and nodded slightly. "Keep this speed and you can complete the test in about 11 hours." the voice fell, and Lin Lengmo\'s face changed.

"Can\'t that break the record?" Wu Yong said in surprise.

"Yes, if you succeed, you can really break the record here." Lin Yumo sighed slightly and couldn\'t believe it until now.

"The apprentice\'s\' intermediate fire control space \', the record of one hand control test is 259255 seconds, which is equivalent to 36 hours and 55 seconds more." Lin Lengmo said.

One hand control?

Everyone was stunned and looked at Lin Feng.

Lin Feng is controlled by both hands without any sense of disobedience.

"Yes, Lin Feng will break the record of one hand control with the results of two hand control test." Lin Lengmo blinked.

It was the first time she had seen Lin Feng as a qualified tool refiner in the apprenticeship workshop for so long.

Far beyond all the cutting-edge of the Lin family\'s generation, including Lin Yumo.

Unique weapon refiner talent!

"What is the total record of the Lin family\'s\' intermediate fire control space \'with both hands?" Jing youyou said strangely.

"This can\'t be broken." Lin Lengmo said faintly, "the current highest record is\' 216005 \'seconds, 30 hours and 5 seconds, which was created by master Lin Yan 100 years ago. At this speed, Lin Feng will complete the test in about 35 hours, but..."

After a pause, Lin Lengmo shook his head and said, "the more later it is, the more difficult it is to insist. Let alone break the record, it is good that Lin Feng can insist on completing it."

The crowd nodded.

Indeed, people are tired.

Not to mention such a dedicated test.

They might not be able to hold on for an hour.

But he is Lin Feng.

In the intermediate fire control space, Lin Feng has no distractions.

Lin Feng\'s mind is much stronger than that of ordinary martial artists because of his long experience and training. Opening the Yang life chart, Lin Feng has also made obvious progress in the adaptation and proficiency of the Phoenix constellation. It can be said that it is rapidly improving every day.

Practice is far better than practice!

Because of practice, even if how to concentrate, it may be only 50%.

But now the test practice, at least more than 80%, or even 10% of the play!

With more than 70 days of continuous practice and two days and two nights of concentrated practice at the moment, Lin Feng is as pure as fire. In my mind, it seems that a phoenix is flying, and the sharp howling is printed in my mind. The fire of rebirth is burning with a very familiar feeling.

For a moment, it was like a clear stream echoing in my mind and the peace of my heart.

I felt as if I had entered a land of flames.

The huge Phoenix is full of extreme pressure!

"Zheng! ~" my mind was shocked.

An amazing flame was burning in front of us.

It was the fire of rebirth, one of the ultimate flames around the Phoenix\'s body.

Kind and familiar, like a part of the body.

The induction is extremely intense.

Count time——

WOW! The illusion disappeared.

"Is this?!" Lin Feng was surprised.

The first main star "special system" is shining, and its light is even brighter.

In an instant, the light of the other six main stars was completely covered up, and the rich and bright color was filled with glittering and translucent luster. It felt that blood was thicker than water.

Never had a feeling!

"This feeling..." Lin Feng felt all this in surprise.

The rebirth fire in the hand seems to be perfectly combined with the power of constellations, regardless of each other. It is a similar feeling, a combination of life and soul, and a spontaneous integration of the body. Every cell, every skin, seems to be integrated with the fire of rebirth.

"It\'s the Tao."

"The \'Tao\' of the constellation."

"The fire of rebirth, the real transformation."

At this moment, Lin Feng was completely enlightened.

All the questions are clear and bright in front of us.

Consciousness entered the main star of the "special system" for the first time, where there was the largest star, shining like the sun, completely covering up all other small stars. As if, it is the sky, it is everything, this is absolutely

The largest and strongest single star.

Special department: Rebirth fire!

"No wonder my special astrology is so special."

"It was the existence of the fire of rebirth."

"But I ignore that the fire of rebirth is actually a kind of star technology. In fact, it also has its\' Tao \'."

Lin Feng thought in his heart and shook his head.

I haven\'t noticed it all the time.

"The brightness of the special series is far better than that of the other six series."

"The \'star repair\' of the other six main stars is double. If it is only double, it can\'t be so big."

"I\'m afraid the star cultivation of the main star of the special system has reached the fourth weight."

Lin Feng thought in his heart, but he was more shocked.

This is the star cultivation of a single "special system master star", in other words, the star power value of the "special system Star Technology" you understand——

Reach \'10 o\'clock\'!

That\'s the top level. The star power value of a heavy star skill in legend!


"Because of fate, unexpected harvest." Lin Feng\'s mouth rose.

"Sure enough, I have a difficult relationship with the refining tool. If it wasn\'t for the refining tool, how could I understand the rebirth fire that really combines the power of the constellation."

Lin Feng felt satisfied.

I understand that it is the \'Tao\' of the top-level Star Technology!

"Thank you, Yumo." Lin Feng thanked him in his heart.

Without her careful teaching, how could I make such a breakthrough.

At present, not only the refining technology will be further transformed, but also the strength will be improved by leaps and bounds!

Today\'s rebirth fire control is not what it used to be!

"Slow down." Lin Lengmo sighed.

"Really slow down." Lin Yumo\'s beautiful eyes flickered. Somehow, he couldn\'t bear it.

I hope Lin Feng will continue to speed up and improve his performance.

It\'s like personal pain.

As the crowd watched, Lin Feng\'s refining speed dropped by half.

Lin Feng, imitating Buddha\'s power is not caught, not only the speed slows down, but also the reaction slows down a lot. All the people were worried, but they were afraid that he would make mistakes and waste these two days and nights of testing in vain. In the end, they fell short of success.

"Hold on!" Wu Yong clenched his fist.

"It seems that he is about to fail." Liu Yi frowned.

"It\'s beyond one\'s ability. Many people don\'t dare to try like this." Jia Xiang sneered, but he gloated and wished Lin Feng would fail.

"How can you talk?" Jing youyou stares at the apricot eyebrow and scolds, "a man is muttering behind his back. Do you want to have a face? If you have the ability, you can try it?" with a fierce force, Jing youyou scolds Jia Xiang, which immediately makes everyone around look at him, and Jia Xiang blushes.

"Well said!" Li Hao raised his thumb, "even if Lin Feng failed..."

"Fail you, shut your crow\'s mouth, mouse!" Jing youyou seemed to be angry and shouted.

"Er..." Li Hao twitched his cheeks and smiled bitterly.

But the flattery came to the tail of the horse. The aunt can\'t be provoked now.

Lin Yumo looked at Jing youyou and looked at Lin Feng. He felt inexplicably touched and unspeakable in his heart. Shaking his head, Lin Yumo immediately moved his eyes back to the "intermediate fire control space", but he was also a little worried about Lin Feng.

If it really falls short, it would be a pity.

But in an instant——

a sudden change in the situation!

(third shift ~ ~)